

在 toothache產品中有92篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅關心羚 獸醫師,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #東京奧運 #奧地利馬術選手 #馬牙痛_為馬退賽 RESPECT! 這就是Partner會為對方做的事! 🏇馬克斯陶依爾說:「對我來說,我的馬的健康高於一切,退賽雖然非常痛苦,但最重要的是馬的健康。」 臺灣報導 https://tw.appledaily.com/sports/20210725...

 同時也有15部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅translation,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#'88年にRENOが開発、日本テレネットが創立5周年記念作品で発売したRPG作品であり、テレネット初の3DRPGでもある。 まだ市場は8Bit全盛だったが敢えて16ビット機のみで開発された。 通常時は3D画面で、遠景にキャラが見えるようなデザインで、戦闘に入ると2D見下ろし型に切り替わりタクティカ...

toothache 在 Msia travel blogger/influencer Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-03 16:02:40

In this pandemic/endemic season, Pinkk Ionic Silver is my trusted bodyguard, and first aid go to... I use it for sanitising, drinking, gargling etc.....

toothache 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-17 03:58:56

【戴口罩度日】口罩下依起棚牙等2秒就可以聞到有無口臭 ⭐長期戴口罩懶得喝水 ⭐口乾令口臭問題更嚴重 #星期四食材 瞬間消除口臭妙法 桂花 vs 薄荷 vs 檸檬泡水喝 疫症的出現,令我們長期戴着口罩過日子。炎夏出汗悶熱難熬,如講話後聞到口臭味更難受!造成口臭的原因眾多,可能是口腔清潔不當、牙周病...

  • toothache 在 關心羚 獸醫師 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-25 17:58:52
    有 1,587 人按讚






    After x-rays revealed the infection, Max-Theuer Junior told Dressage News: “The well-being of my horse is always above everything else for me.


  • toothache 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-22 17:47:17
    有 87 人按讚



    桂花 vs 薄荷 vs 檸檬泡水喝

    桂花 ── 性溫,有安心寧神、暖胃止痛的功效。

    薄荷 ── 性涼,有疏散風熱及透疹的作用,能紓緩風熱感冒而起的頭痛目赤、喉嚨不適、口瘡、熱咳黃痰、牙痛等症狀,對於風疹及消化不良也有紓緩作用,亦可令口氣清新。惟注意陰虛體質人士不宜多服。

    檸檬 ── 性溫,能開胃消滯、生津止渴、消暑、安胎。能紓緩炎夏的無胃口、消化不良、潤膚及改善色斑等美顏功效。

    ✔️CheckCheckCin 美茶推介:玻璃肚


    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Effective ways to get rid of bad breath
    Osmanthus vs mint vs lemon juice

    We are now used to wearing masks due to the pandemic, but it can be unbearable during summer when we can smell our own bad breath when we speak!

    Many factors cause bad breath. Among them are poor oral hygiene and periodontal diseases. Not drinking enough water can lead to a decrease in salivation, hence, causing the mouth to become dry. Constipation and dampness accumulation in the intestines and stomach are also the main causes of bad breath.

    To get rid of bad breath, we should get to the root of the problem. We can consume an appropriate amount of drinks that are made from mint, osmanthus, and lemon to keep our breath fresh. Avoid adding sugar to these drinks! These drinks can get rid of the bad odor in the mouth especially after having a heavy meal like hotpot and barbecue.

    Sweet osmanthus - warm in nature. Calms the mind, warms the stomach to relieve pain.

    Mint - cool in nature, and can dispel wind-heat, alleviate flu-related headaches, swollen and sore throat, mouth ulcers, hot cough with yellow phlegm, and toothache. Mint can also relieve pain caused by rubella infection and indigestion, as well as freshen one’s breath. Nonetheless, individuals with yin deficiency should not consume mint excessively.

    Lemon - warm in nature and can stimulate appetite and relieve stagnancy, promote fluid production and quench thirst, clear summer heat, and stabilize pregnancy. It alleviates summer heat related symptoms such as lack of appetite and indigestion, and it can also moisten skin and improve discoloration on skin.

    ✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Sensitive stomach
    Ingredients: jasmine, sweet osmanthus, Chinese yam, fried hyacinth bean
    Effects: Soothes the liver and strengthens the spleen. Relieves stress-induced stomach gurgling, abdominal bloating, loose stool.

    Welcome to order through our website:

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我狀態OK

  • toothache 在 摳媽與摳比 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-20 14:25:51
    有 36 人按讚



    Open your mouth 張開嘴巴👄
    There are gums and teeth.牙齦與牙齒
    How many times do you brush your teeth?
    Twice a day 至少一天要兩次!

    📚共讀繪本不怕牙醫 「玩角色扮演」
    Kmom: I have a toothache.
    My tooth is hurt.(牙齒痛)
    I have a cavity!!(我蛀牙了)

    If you have a cavity, the dentist will drill your tooth and fill it.

    ✔️打開華碩文化繪本 共讀《不怕牙醫牙醫不怕》
    ✔️活動Our activity準備材料


    🔺開團時間 07/19~07/25 週日23:59
    🛒 https://meim.ai/96ee14

  • toothache 在 translation Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-22 16:15:01


    BGMは夢幻戦士ヴァリス(88/'86年)や、デジタル・デビル物語 女神転生(88/'87年)などの小川氏と、エメラルドドラゴン(88/'89年)や、魔界戦記ディスガイアシリーズ等の佐藤氏による共同作曲。


    manufacturer: 1988.12.10 nihon telenet / RENO
    Computer: PC-9801 series
    Hardware: YM2203
    Composer: Shinobu ogawa,Tenpei Sato
    00:00 01.MUS07 : 黒い予感
    00:31 02.MUS08 : マリオネットの笑い
    03:25 03.MUS00 : FOREST (森)
    07:12 04.MUS13 : 満たされた想い (エルフの集落)
    08:15 05.MUS04 : 重農主義 (廃墟)
    09:45 06.MUS14 : Spire (戦闘)
    11:31 07.MUS05 : 巴里の日本人 (城/砦)
    13:34 08.MUS06 : 神殿 (神殿/塔)
    18:37 09.MUS10 : Starless (ビジュアル)
    20:27 10.MUS09 : Toothache (邪神登場ビジュアル)
    21:47 11.MUS03 : BUBBLES (洞窟)
    23:19 12.MUS02 : Street performer(町)
    25:54 13.MUS01 : BLOOD & FLAME (山脈)
    29:50 14.MUS12 : Refuse (ゲームオーバー)
    30:06 15.MUS11 : Last Odyssey (エンディング)
    33:24 16.MUS15 :

  • toothache 在 MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-06-05 20:05:32

    This is a recipe for Tori Zosui (chicken rice porridge), which can be made using only a rice cooker, by simply cutting the ingredients, adding them, and switching on. And there are only two seasonings. It's a simple recipe that makes a very tasty chicken rice porridge. The chicken comes out so tender that you can cut it with a spoon.My daughter is wearing braces, so this is a great meal for when she has a toothache. It can also be frozen and stored.
    *Recipe* (for 3 servings)
    1.1 chicken thigh (300g), cut into bite-sized pieces.
    2.Finely chop 1 clove of garlic, 1 clove of ginger, and 1/3 of a white onion (about 30g).
    3.Put 1 cup (150g) of washed rice into the inner pot of a rice cooker.
    4.Add 1 tablespoon sake and 3 and 1/3 tablespoons white dashi (Japanese soup stock).
    5.Add (1) and (2).
    6.Add water up to the level of 1 cup porridge.
    7.Crack in 3 eggs.
    8.Place the inner pot in the rice cooker and turn on the rice cooker. Now all you have to do is wait.
    9.Done. Sprinkle with green onions, if you like. It's good.


    1.とりもも肉 1枚(300g)を一口大に切る。
    2.ニンニク 1かけ、生姜 1かけ、白ネギ 1/3本(30g程度)はみじん切りにする。
    3.炊飯器の内釜に洗米したお米 1合(150g)を入れる。
    4.酒 大さじ 1、白だし 大さじ 3と1/3を入れる。
    7.卵 3個を割り入れる。

    #炊飯器レシピ #生卵 #生米 #生鶏 #調味料 #porridge #recipe #ricecooker

  • toothache 在 Sherry Go Sharing Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-01-30 16:20:37

    Wow.. He been complaining of toothache. Monday went to see dentist but just painkillers given. He cannot bear the pain anymore. 2nd day to dentist removed the tooth which is bottom gum next to wisdom teeth.

    This cost Rm120. If removing the #wisdomteeth RM850