Saya ingat sekali, saat itu sedang musim panas di Beijing. Tengah hari menunjukkan 42-43 derajat celcius. Matahari tenggelam jam 9 malam dan terbi...
Saya ingat sekali, saat itu sedang musim panas di Beijing. Tengah hari menunjukkan 42-43 derajat celcius. Matahari tenggelam jam 9 malam dan terbit pukul 3 pagi.
"Baru saja tidur, sudah terang lagi", keluh saya yang terbiasa hidup dengan bersandar pada ritme matahari terbit dan tenggelam, ciri khas anak kampung.
L, teman yang telah menjadi warga Tiongkok, membawa saya menelusuri jalanan yang sangat populer di kalangan foodies: Wangfujing Street.
Tidak sulit menemukannya, kami cukup jalan kaki dari stasiun Wangfujing, menyusuri Beijing yang identik dengan jalanan-jalanan lebar.
Apa yang begitu spesial dari Wangfujing Street?
Yap. Kuliner Ekstrem-nya.
Saya ingin sekali membandingkan Wangfujing dengan Pasar Beriman Tomohon. Bercerita tentang kawok (tikus hutan), paniki (kelelawar), rintek wuuk (anjing) hingga rica (cabai) khas Sulawesi Utara. Sayangnya, saya belum pernah ke sana.
Sebelum ke Beijing, pengalaman kuliner telah membawa saya menelusuri pasar-pasar di Saigon, Phnom Penh, Siem Riep, dan Bangkok.
Tapi Beijing berbeda, warganya paling berkompromi terhadap makanan "aneh".
Di sepanjang Wangfujing, Anda dengan mudah menemukan kalajengking, kaki seribu, ulat, kepompong, laba-laba, kecoak, kumbang, gurita, bintang laut, dan ular.
Semua hewan ditusuk dengan bambu seperti sate dan dijual dengan harga 8-25 yuan.
Mereka tidak menggunakan banyak bumbu. Terlihat saat saya memesan sate gurita, mereka membakarnya hanya dalam hitungan detik tanpa taburan apapun. "Fresh sih, tapi alot", keluh saya yang disambut derai tawa teman-teman.
Anda ga doyan semua makanan ekstrem tersebut? Tenang saja. Wangfujing juga menyediakan makanan halal. Bahkan Tok Bok Ki (Kue Beras) khas Korea pun banyak dijual di sepanjang jalan, dengan porsi besar!
Yang paling spesial dan Anda harus coba adalah Tanghulu, manisan buah khas Cina yang ditusuk seperti sate tapi dalam ukuran besar dan di-"awetkan" dengan lumuran gula.
Jalan terus sampai Anda menemukan pedagang cinderamata. Dijamin, ingin bolak balik makan. 😹😹
tomohon 在 圖藍奔小姐 Facebook 的最讚貼文
我必須先警告大家這是一個深度 (可怕) 的影片。應該更勝厲陰房3(The Conjuring 系列)。
這次在美娜多-北蘇拉威西 (Manado, North Sulawesi), 除了潛滿,陸遊也不能錯過。
一路由北向南,從Highland - 飛翔的耶穌俯瞰雕像(可發裸 IG: vivreliz)、Minahasa 傳統市場、及Tomohon Town 又稱花的城市,意指全印尼最會種花的城鎮,『Hot Fuzz』 電影橋段不經意閃過!更在傾盆大雨中完成了 Mountain Mahawu的上下、在Pulutan 吃了豐盛(淡水魚)的午餐、在七彩湖 (Lake Linow)看了鳥,喝了咖啡、還參觀了傳統的印尼版IKEA木製組合屋,可拆裝搬來搬去,不止一層,四十坪有,開放直接購買。
介紹完大致行程,可怕的終於來了 — 傳統的Minahasa 市場,充滿了各式異國風情的肉品。我懷著一種『不能只有我看到』的震撼,分享給大家。市場裡面除了一般常見肉品外,多了蟒蛇、蝙蝠、老鼠、很多不知名物種、及我們一般最愛的狗狗。
因為照個花花綠綠的蔬菜藍,我落後隊伍(常見),算是半跑步趕上大家,狼嗆失速直接撞進這個畫面。 當下本能性往回跑,再往前速奔,腦子裡不斷重複畫面,幹我是看了什麼啊!市場內的超展開桌上,四處可見已處理好準備販售的屍塊,以含腳的範圍作分切,大剁四-五塊。喘了幾口氣,冷靜的歸隊,冷靜地問同團的美國友人,那是我想的那個嗎?再問了當地的導潛,你吃這個嗎?現在回想,我真的無法洋裝冷靜的看待這整個驚嚇過程。吞了口水(免得我吐出來)硬是記錄了一小段(好險陽光很大,視窗很小),歐咪陀彿。
大部分人應該知道,我最愛的小胖,近期剛往生。今天回到家終於看到骨灰,雖看不到原來的他,也算是有個依藉。看著一袋粉,突然想到了這『狗燒刷』當下的衝擊。生命怎麼會有這麼大的差別?行為文化,精神文化、生活方式、環境,開發速度,超越五燈獎了啊。住在台灣,周邊許多負面話題總是圍繞著中國,也許,試著放眼世界,表面放大的進步,比比皆是 ; 而你也沒有別人說的那麼好。
It’s a culture- super- shock.
A film clip about a dog in hand of a butcher in Minahasa traditional market.
Exotic meat market. That’s literally what the tour intro mentioned.
How tremendous difference that is as our way of living, and the way of treating lives.
Recently I’m in grief of my dog loss. As the matter of fact I’m writing this down is because by feeling my dog’s cremated ash today reminding me of this picture with a split of blood ink traveled in an arc trail that sucked into the asphalt road. Sun shined incredibly hard that day.
Comparing to all other countries you might ever think of does the same, we ourselves are definitely not as good as we are told. You probably might feel good about yourself and all that. But you are not.
When it comes to life, there might be wide range of perspectives. Magnifying morally the good side of it doesn’t mean your presence representing a good influence, probably only in the greater good that is.
You know what, dogs here are killed, chopped and considered as feeding meat served for 500,000 people.
It’s neither good or bad. It’s their way of living, and I happened to bump into it. Here I absorbed and shared. Maybe you will have different perspective, and that’s good.
#也是無所謂 #minahasa #market
tomohon 在 Richie Kul Facebook 的精選貼文
Activism works. Here's another wonderful example of animal lovers coming together to spotlight injustice and effect meaningful change. Together, Change For Animals Foundation and their partners are working towards making a Dog Meat Free Indonesia a reality and shuttering death factories like those in North Sulawesi. Let's bolster their efforts by signing and sharing the petition and helping fund the lifesaving work they do. Together we can make our collective voices heard!
Ricky Gervais Peter Egan Kristin Bauer Meagan Duhamel & Eric Radford Vegan News Net LIVEKINDLY Tan Derrick Evanna Lynch
This weekend, Change For Animals Foundation was in Tomohon (North Sulawesi) with our partner groups of the Dog Meat Free Indonesia Coalition and Animal Friends Manado to meet with government representatives of the City of Tomohon – home to the notorious “Extreme Market” – to discuss the need for urgent action to be taken to end the slaughter of tens of thousands of dogs and cats each week.
Find out more here: www.dogmeatfreeindonesia.org/issues/extreme-markets
We secured commitment from the City that they would take action to end the brutal trades and requested our support to facilitate this change.
Now is not the time to be complacent!
Whilst we welcome the City’s commitment and discussed our grave concerns for animal welfare and public health and safety, we will continue to work hard to make sure words result in strong actions.
So please continue to support us and please continue to take action for Indonesia’s dogs and cats!
• Please sign and share the petition – www.dogmeatfreeindonesia.org/take-action/take-action
• To find out more and to make a donation towards our activities in Indonesia to end the dog meat trade, please visit: www.changeforanimals.org/dog-meat-free-indonesia-appeal
Thank you ~