琴日同vocabno founder去左迪士尼!! 咁今日就嚟介紹下白雪公主嗰七隻小矮人啦![#EnglishEverywhere🌋 ] [#每日生字🌋 ]
- The Seven Dwarfs -
Doc 🧐 is the leader of the seven dwarfs (小矮人). H...
琴日同vocabno founder去左迪士尼!! 咁今日就嚟介紹下白雪公主嗰七隻小矮人啦![#EnglishEverywhere🌋 ] [#每日生字🌋 ]
- The Seven Dwarfs -
Doc 🧐 is the leader of the seven dwarfs (小矮人). He wears glasses and often mixes up his words. Though he may seem befuddled (糊塗的) due to his dithering (慌亂猶豫的) speech pattern, Doc is an intelligent and reliable headman (首領) to whom the other dwarfs look for guidance.
Grumpy 😡 has the biggest nose of the dwarfs, and is frequently seen with one eye shut. True to his name, Grumpy is grouchy (愛抱怨的), overbearing (傲慢的), and short-fused (易怒的). Often portrayed (描繪成) with a scowl (皺眉) and crossed arms, he is frequently annoyed by the other dwarfs.
Happy 🤩 gets his name from his jovial (愉快的) and optimistic (樂觀的) demeanour (舉止). Most often seen with a cheery smile, he is partial to parties, food, and dancing—all of which he is eager to share with the other dwarfs.
Sleepy 😴 gets his name from his perpetual (長期的) drowsiness (睡意). He is typically less concerned about what's going on around him, and and appears lethargic (愛睡的) in most situations.
Bashful 😳 is very shy and kind-hearted (善良的). He also has a rosy blushing (臉紅的) face and a small shy smile. The romantic (愛幻想的人) of the group, Bashful is coy (靦腆的) and self-conscious. He is prone to blushing and hiding behind his beard when feeling embarrassed.
Sneezy's 🤧 name is earned by his extraordinarily (異常地) powerful sneezes, which are seen blowing even the heaviest of objects across a room. He also speaks as if constantly suffering a stuffy (阻塞的) nose.
Dopey (遲鈍的) 😵💫 is the youngest of the seven dwarfs and the only dwarf who does not have a beard. He is accident-prone (容易出意外的) and mute (啞的), with Happy explaining that he has simply "never tried" to speak. He communicates through pantomime (啞劇的手勢).
短短幾個介紹小矮人既段落就學到咁多用嚟形容人既vocab🤩 You must be DOPEY if you don’t save this post!
prone呢個字係解「容易xxx的」,常見既用法就係 “prone to xxx”,就好似上面形容 Bashful 既 “He is prone to blushing” 咁。
但其實仲有另一個用法㗎,就係 “xxx-prone“ 啦。當我地話 Dopey is “accident-prone”,咁呢個term就變左做形容詞啦!
🌋 𝐯𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐛𝐧𝐨 🌋
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