

在 synthesizing產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過28萬的網紅美國在台協會 AIT,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 選念生物統計碩士,你也可以改變世界! 台灣國衛院院長梁賡義近來跟媒體談到台灣合成新冠肺炎疫苗的進展,他表示疫情之後,未來台灣生醫的研究發展前途非常樂觀。梁院長是世界知名的生物統計學者,華盛頓大學的公衛博士,且剛被華大公衛學院選為世界50位「引領改變」的校友之一。梁院長目前也擔任台灣中央流行疫情指揮...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過29萬的網紅ASMR Cham,也在其Youtube影片中提到,This ASMR video includes haircut, shampoo, scalp Massage, personal attention, hair brushing, washing, foam sounds, scissors sounds. For the first tim...

synthesizing 在 اءليسا شوكري Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-03 08:45:26

My next favourite addition to my skincare routine 🐙 (honestly!) Introducing @hellojunghana ‘s new Marine Therapy Spot Clear Vital Essence 💕 by @alway...

synthesizing 在 ??? ??? | ??????? ??????? Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-02-02 19:56:51

【𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰】 Waking up with a healthy and moisturizing skin is now achieved. All thanks to my newly added skincare product from @hellojunghana they have ...

  • synthesizing 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-01-17 11:00:00
    有 2,281 人按讚




    #Speechpathology #EducationUSA #eduacationusa #biostatisics #graudatestudy #留學美國 #生物統計 #美國研究所

    You can change the world with a graduate degree in biostatistics!

    Recently the President of the National Health Research Institutes, Dr. Kung-Yee Liang, met with the press to discuss Taiwan’s progress related to synthesizing a COVID-19 vaccine. He remains very optimistic about the future of biomedical research in Taiwan following COVID-19. Dr. Liang, a world-famous biostatics professional and a University of Washington grad, was recently selected by UW’s School of Public Health as one of 50 “changemakers.” Dr. Liang also leads the research team at Taiwan’s Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC).

    Graduate students in biostatistics learn ways to develop statistical methodology and theory for scientific research within health-related fields. Students can earn either a Master of Science in Public Health (MS) or a Master’s in Public Health (MPH). The typical master’s level program takes between two and three years. Most biostatisticians work in the biotech industry, for pharmaceutical companies, in research organizations, in managed care companies, or as teachers in schools of public health, medicine, math, or statistics departments. Are you ready to come and study biostatistics in the United States!

    More info on Dr. Liang’s achievements and his interview:

  • synthesizing 在 SJE 。 閱讀紀錄 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-12-29 00:08:07
    有 47 人按讚

    #LitPro - 《Skills test》: 89% score
    ◆ Student Report Card
    ◆ Test: L3 LitPro Reading Comprehension
    今天請Eugene來測LitPro更新後有的《Skills test》,來體驗看看能否發現新大陸🤣
    L3共51題答錯6題,Skills Involved測驗方向為:
    ◆ Identifying Sequence of Events
    ◆ Drawing Conclusions
    ◆ Literary Devices
    ◆ Predicting
    ◆ Inferring
    ◆ Author's Craft
    ◆ Identifying Viewpoints or Arguments
    ◆ Summarizing and Synthesizing
    ◆ Identifying Main Ideas and Details
    ◆ Understanding Text Structures and Organizational Patterns
    #迪士尼美語延伸學習(Eugene's DWE)

  • synthesizing 在 台灣國際醫療暨健康照護展 Medical Taiwan Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-08-20 09:16:20
    有 8 人按讚

    ▍台灣希施生物科技股份有限公司CS Bio Taiwan Co., Ltd


    CS Bio Taiwan Co., Ltd provides high-quality peptides, cGMP peptides, and automated peptide synthesizers , which are marketed globally to places including research facilities in universities, or national-level research laboratories, as well as GMP medicine manufacturers.

    The firm is featuring its peptide synthesizer and Oligo(DNA) synthesizer software and hardware equipment technologies. CS Bio has integrated flexibility into the design of their synthesizing formula, allowing them to quickly offer diverse formulas.

    ▍#台灣國際醫療展 MEDICAL TAIWAN
    Oct. 15-17, 2020 @ TaiNEX 2

    【Visitor Registration】https://reurl.cc/Oq7z5g
    【Booth Application】https://reurl.cc/6lV9j5

  • synthesizing 在 ASMR Cham Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-05-30 21:00:14

    This ASMR video includes haircut, shampoo, scalp Massage, personal attention, hair brushing, washing, foam sounds, scissors sounds.
    For the first time, I filmed with chroma key composition! It's soo fun ~ 😆
    I was playing by synthesizing various images with editing lol

    Actually, I bought a green back a long time ago, but I didn't try because I thought it would be difficult. But I thought I'd finally try this time, and when I tested the Chromakey synthesis, I was surprised at how easy it was!
    I learned the importance of taking on challenges without fear😌

    Thank you for your support🌸 https://www.patreon.com/ASMRCham
    (Special Videos per a month♡)

    00:00 intro
    01:47 towel & hair cutting cape
    03:04 water spray
    04:16 hair brushing
    07:40 haircut
    14:37 shampoo
    24:29 shower
    33:13 blow dryer
    35:06 hair brushing

  • synthesizing 在 暗網仔 2.0 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-12-10 13:33:03

    現在有一個聖誕Promo: 只要按Description ‘Deepwebkid’ 的link NordVPN申請有兩折優惠! 入會3年更送多你四個月的plan和一個價值$195美元的密碼儲存機.
    請使用以下連結: https://nordvpn.com/deepwebkid
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    Jeff電單車VLOG: https://www.youtube.com/c/otobaiheathk?fbclid=IwAR0nXGa7C9MjRhJx2TskwgTjQjrQlYh5GY_khrSC0ilMvwU5WPfIunsVImI

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dw_kid12/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deepwebkid/?modal=admin_todo_tourSubscribe:


    Deepfake換臉程式的黑暗秘密: 人類未來的危機

    大家有沒有覺得這段Obama的演講有種很奇怪的感覺啊? 其實該片段是一年前導演Jordan Peele用一個名Deepfake的恐怖AI科技Key了美國總統的樣子上去的. Deepfake是能把任何人的樣子放在任何身體上. 用這種科技出ham片!楊幂中國deepfake事件! 甚至未來政治危機! 之後一一會講.

    在危機處處的網絡世界我是用NordVPN保護自己的. 如果你們不想黑客入侵,個人資料被盜用NordVPN一向也是我上暗網的保護罩. 上去食人族暗網’wun食’? NordVPN! 到北韓網站看. NordVPN! Nordvpn無論Android iphone也可以用, 在機場, coffee shop, 甚至到中國大陸也行, 讓我本身住加拿大這個事實不容易被發現.
    現在有一個聖誕Promo: 只要gum Description ‘Deepwebkid’ 的link NordVPN申請有兩折優惠! 入會3年更送多你四個月的plan和一個價值$195美元的密碼儲存機.
    This is coming from my heart. Especially those with internet businesses like myself, this service not only secured our online identity but also our livelihood and safety. And this plan works in 6 simaltanoeus locations, meaning you and your family can all be protected from the dangers of the deep web.

    Deepfake源自於一個名Interval Research corporation的網路科技研究中心. 1997年研究出Video rewrite program, 初步能夠將影片?面口型的畫面配合上後期加上的對白. 在Hollywood電影後製變成很重要的科技. 但要到20年之後Deepfake才得到主流關注. 2017年我們看到的 ‘Synthesizing Obama’ 網上流傳. 2017年尾這種科技才由授權人士掉到一般人的手中. 例如這個名 ‘fakeapp’ 的應用程式. 結果問題就開始了.


    2017年尾名 ‘deepfakes’ 的一位reddit討論區用戶上載了第一個自製Deepfake. 之後luk jook有各個女明星的deepfake出現. 女星的樣子放在A片女星的身體上. 高fung時一天數千條這些影片放上討論區.
    但如果你只是普通的女生, 一醒來發現無數張有你樣子的色情照片和影片, 你又如何接受呢?

    法律學生Noelle martins 17歲的時候發現網上有大量photoshop她的樣子的色情照片. 之後的5年, Noelle與各大的色情網站進行一個gim gooy的戰爭. 除即發現她身邊的朋友甚至自己的妹妹也成為這些Deepfake網站的受害者.
    這個熱潮導致兩極分化. 道德上該事件一定是重大問題. 但另一邊學者認為色情行業一向都是推動新科枝的重要元素.

    這其實sip及西方社會一個敏感的A片類型: 復仇色情片. 簡單講, 復仇色情片是一些ja男與女友分手後把她的裸照或親密片放給大家看的色情片內容.

    Deepfake卻令到沒有拍過任何東西的女生也可能成為 ‘復仇’ 目標. Noelle martins就是一個越反抗越成為目標的例子.

    國內好多科技上的潮流也是來自外國. Deepfake也不列外. 這張照片曾在國內引發很大的關注. 大家覺得有問題嗎?
    這張内地女演員楊冪的造型照來自於TVB 1994年射雕英雄傳 ‘黃蓉’ 的角色. 但1994年的楊冪只有8歲, 其實這是一個deepfake, 原本的造型是朱茵. 但真實程度讓影片出現在 ‘B站’ Bilibili後, 這種 ‘合成技術’ 在國內全面禁止.

    Political event
    外國明星樣子被deepfake惡搞卻常常發生. 演員Nicolas cage的樣子出現最多. Wonder Woman Gal Gadot的事件最為人熟悉.但看看這個片段(show hilary Clinton Saturday night live deepfake)

    而這是美國總統Donald Trump. 被一名演員在模仿.

    這科技成為政治工具一向是公眾最大yuw leuy. Shane Dawson的 ‘conspiracy theories with Shane Dawson’ 對deepfake也將這當作最大恐懼.

    -2020 election
    但將近2020年美國election, 一些不懂政治的人好可能會因爲看到領導者假的片段導致大gook有所改變. 正式加強一場名 ‘Cyberwar’ 的東西. Hacking, computer virus有危險性之外, 用media一些假的慨念到大眾的思想?面. 又名 ‘likewar’
    ...即是騙 ‘like’ 吧!

    What’s being done to stop it
    兩個月前Google發送了幾千條Deepfake影片給researchers. 幫助建立AI能查出那一些影片有deepfake成份. 美國有兩個州份Virginia和Texas已經法例禁止deepfake成人電影的發行. 同時雖然Deepfake本身在整個美國不是犯法, 用一條假的影片有意做詐騙行為是犯法的.
    同月facebook創辦人mark zuckerberg國會大樓?面答應會嚴格監督Facebook feed 上面的新聞.

  • synthesizing 在 kormaruR Youtube 的精選貼文

    2013-01-07 21:57:51

    ワンピース ロマンスドーン 冒険の夜明け プレイ

    Killing these random boss appearance will net you certain material for synthesizing. It's not a one time only thing, so they will always occur later even if you missed them before.

    Skipping the manga style cutscenes, as they are not voiced and long (ie. boring). I doubt anyone who knows One Piece haven't saw the anime yet for the story.
    H264 Video Codec @ 1280x720p 30FPS 8mb bitrate
    AAC 44.1KHz 96,000bps Audio Bitrate
    MP4 Container

