[爆卦]Swirling meaning是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Swirling meaning鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Swirling meaning這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 swirling產品中有125篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 《塵》with english translation 🗿🧝‍♀️ 曲詞:Hey Rachel 編監:hirsk / Hey Rachel 塵埃 散落固地 Are we all drifters 無心 貼身 似真 早想退避 Wondering where we'd call home 隨年月過 ...

 同時也有68部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過15萬的網紅韋禮安 WeiBird,也在其Youtube影片中提到,當鈴鼓聲響起時 是該跟著靈感先生走的時候了… 在音樂路上 進行一場不設限的實驗與冒險 韋禮安WeiBird 全新演繹經典英文單曲《Mr. Tambourine Man》 你準備好一起出發了嗎? 🎧 《Mr. Tambourine Man》數位平台:https://Weibird.lnk.to...

swirling 在 H E N R Y • C H O N G ™️ Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-03 15:37:49

🪐 奔赴星空系列 🪐 ❗限量发售|Nebula creative 系列 这个中秋佳节,星云系列,品味星辰之旅,感受远方的宇宙奇观。 宇宙的奥秘在我们天堂般的银河月饼中等待着你-通过想象和体验性,在每一口月饼品尝中传递宇宙的奥秘给你。 传统的中秋节想法主要围绕着月亮。借助星云系列,我们邀请你思考层...

  • swirling 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-29 18:46:12
    有 23 人按讚

    《塵》with english translation 🗿🧝‍♀️

    曲詞:Hey Rachel
    編監:hirsk / Hey Rachel

    塵埃 散落固地
    Are we all drifters
    無心 貼身 似真 早想退避
    Wondering where we'd call home
    隨年月過 應該枯葉遠飛
    From yellow to brittle time has brought us here
    柳蔭下 竟找到你
    Is this serendipity under a willow tree

    *餘溫 終於釋放
    With your heat against my skin
    旋律 今再安哥
    As we moan again in tune
    如果 真的等我
    Slowly and steadily
    漩渦 漩渦 一起跌墮
    Swirling down with me

    繁星 仍鋪天蓋地
    A sky full of stars we marvel
    除非 已經 閉起 眼睛跟心扉
    In the mind's eye nothing goes muffled
    唯獨是你 只管攀越千里
    It’s you fighting an uphill battle
    也要摘 最閃的給我
    Growing into the brightest sparkle

    REPEAT *

    緣起 築建運河
    Till our slit shifts and ripples
    蕪荒 轉眼解鎖
    Turning this land of weathered and stifled
    玄機 不需識破
    If the world is but a story of mystery
    無聲 無息 輕舟靠岸
    May we unfold it earnestly and tenderly

    塵埃 飄返故地
    Are we all drifters
    無心 貼身 似真 怎可退避
    Wondering when we'll come home
    隨年月過 櫻花秋葉紛飛
    From gloom to bloom time has brought us here
    柳蔭下 竟可到尾
    This is eternity under the willow tree


    🎬 Official MV - https://youtu.be/k_JDVDazzTs
    🎧 Music Platforms - https://linktr.ee/heyrachelmusic

  • swirling 在 Becca en el mundo //我的斜槓人生// Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-11 21:00:35
    有 25 人按讚


    Day 1:
    今天要跟大家介紹的是“牧羊少年奇幻之旅”,英文版是"The Alchemist"!




    “The Alchemist”這本書夠輕,長度我覺得也剛剛好,所以是我以前旅行常常會選的書,再來作者說故事的功力一流,因為他的文筆,我已經收藏了超過10本他的書!每每閱讀的時候,真的就好像掉入書中的旅程,跟著角色一起旅行體會人生🗺️


    "We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share."



    #跟著貝卡去旅行 #跟著回憶去旅行 #跟著書本去旅行 #旅遊日記 #旅行教會我的事 #行萬里路也讀萬卷書 #閱讀 #travelwithbook #reads #booklover #thealchemist #alltimeclassic #travelandlearn #traveldiaries

  • swirling 在 Cheekiemonkies Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-04-13 08:32:10
    有 453 人按讚


    Bukit Batok Neighbourhood Park has a 3-storey climbing tower with a tall swirling slide, toddler play zone, elevated boardwalk and summit platform with scenic views.

    Still want more? The park is stunning at night too, thanks to the lighted boardwalk!

  • swirling 在 韋禮安 WeiBird Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-14 00:00:05


    全新演繹經典英文單曲《Mr. Tambourine Man》

    🎧 《Mr. Tambourine Man》數位平台:https://Weibird.lnk.to/MTM
    🔔 訂閱韋禮安官方頻道 : https://pse.is/WeiBird_Sub

    韋禮安全新演繹英文單曲《Mr. Tambourine Man》致敬民歌搖滾教父 Bob Dylan,這首歌是 Bob Dylan 被改編最多次的經典作品之一,《Mr. Tambourine Man》是一首關於「靈感」的歌曲,韋禮安化身為「鈴鼓手先生」,以輕鬆率性的唱腔和編曲重新詮釋,帶著隨性反叛的冒險精神,透過旋律不疾不徐地恣意地暢想和夢想。

    《Mr. Tambourine Man》在單曲封面和 MV 設計中特別以六〇年代的復古配色為視覺基調,歌曲旋律從簡單到豐富的層層變化,象徵靈感從點線面的迸發,視覺上更用幾何色塊來呈現樂器的律動。就像《Mr. Tambourine Man》歌曲中一再重複的「I’ll come followin’ you」,對韋禮安來說,沒有靈感時最簡單的解方不是原地等待,而是出發尋找,藉由音樂、電影、書籍,甚至只是烹飪⋯⋯等等生活裡與音樂毫無相關的事情輸入新的刺激,讓身體和腦袋動一動,自然而然就能產生新的創作能量。現在就打開耳朵,準備好一起出發!


    ♩ 歌詞 Lyrics

    Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
    I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to
    Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
    In the jingle jangle morning I'll come following you

    Though I know that evening's empire has returned into sand
    Vanished from my hand
    Left me blindly here to stand, but still not sleeping
    My weariness amazes me, I'm branded on my feet
    I have no one to meet
    And the ancient empty street's too dead for dreaming

    Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
    I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to
    Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
    In the jingle jangle morning I'll come following you

    Take me on a trip upon your magic swirling ship
    My senses have been stripped
    My hands can't feel to grip
    My toes too numb to step
    Wait only for my boot heels to be wandering

    I'm ready to go anywhere, I'm ready for to fade
    Into my own parade
    Cast your dancing spell my way, I promise to go under it

    Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
    I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to
    Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
    In the jingle jangle morning I'll come following you

    Though you might hear laughing, spinning, swinging madly across the sun
    It's not aimed at anyone
    It's just escaping on the run
    And but for the sky there are no fences facing

    And if you hear vague traces of skipping reels of rhyme
    To your tambourine in time
    It's just a ragged clown behind
    I wouldn't pay it any mind
    It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing

    Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
    I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to
    Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
    In the jingle jangle morning I'll come following you

    And take me disappearing through the smoke rings of my mind
    Down the foggy ruins of time
    Far past the frozen leaves
    The haunted frightened trees
    Out to the windy beach
    Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow

    Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky
    With one hand waving free
    Silhouetted by the sea
    Circled by the circus sands
    With all memory and fate
    Driven deep beneath the waves
    Let me forget about today until tomorrow

    Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
    I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to
    Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
    In the jingle jangle morning I'll come following you


    ♩ 音樂製作 Song Credit

    作詞|Bob Dylan
    作曲|Bob Dylan
    製作人 Producer|韋禮安 WeiBird、蔡尚文 Aven Tsai
    編曲 Arrangement|保卜.巴督路 Baobu Badulu
    吉他 Guitars|保卜.巴督路 Baobu Badulu
    和聲編寫 Chorus Arrangement|韋禮安 WeiBird
    和聲 Chorus|韋禮安 WeiBird
    口琴 Harmonica|藤井俊充 Toshi Fujii
    製作行政 Production Administrator|廖婧紋 Melrose Liao
    錄音工程師 Recording Engineers|蔡尚文 Aven Tsai (Vocal、Chorus、Harmonica)、單為明 Link Shan (Guitars)
    錄音室 Recording Studios|Awesome Music Studio (Vocal、Chorus、Harmonica)、Lights Up Studio (Guitars)
    混音工程師 Mixing Engineer|宋星凱 Sean M. Sinclair
    混音錄音室 Mixing Studio|ff studio


    ♩ MV製作 Music Video Credit

    美術設計 Art Design | 蘇柔方 JouFang Su
    動態設計 Motion Design|朱詠任 Tino Chu

    ──♫─ 更多韋禮安 ─────────────────────────

    韋禮安 WeiBird FB|https://www.facebook.com/Weibird.official
    韋禮安 WeiBird IG |https://www.instagram.com/weibirdmusic/
    韋禮安 WeiBird WeiBo 微博|https://www.weibo.com/weibird

  • swirling 在 Oh我的雙牛寶貝兒/Yvonne Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-06-28 21:55:16

    Welcome to this channel, My name is Yvonne. I'm a soap maker in Taiwan, if you like my videos, pls. subscribe and click the bell for notification.

    If you are new to soap making, pls. make sure you read the SDS of sodium hydroxide carefully and put on your gloves, mask and google to protect yourself before starting.

    Few years ago, this swirl technique was very popular in Taiwan. Most swirling courses would take it as the entry class for soaping newbie. I haven't made it for a long time because there are so many new methods to try.

    米糠油 Ricebran Oil: 250g
    甜杏仁油 Sweet Almond Oil: 300g
    椰子油 Coconut Oil: 200g
    棕櫚油 RSPO - Palm Oil: 200g
    可可脂 Cocoa Butter: 100g
    99%氫氧化鈉 Sodium Hydroxide: 151g
    母乳冰 Frozen milk: 250g
    純水冰 Frozen Distilled Water: 100g
    超脂橄欖油 Superfat Olive Oil: 30ml
    茶樹精油 Tea Tree Essential Oil: 10ml
    尤加利精油 Eucalyptus Essential Oil: 10ml
    檸檬草精油 Lemongrass Essential Oil: 10ml
    二氧化鈦 Titanium Dioxide: 適量/moderate
    乳香粉 Frankincense Powder: 適量/moderate
    備長碳粉 Charcoal Powder: 適量/moderate

    Bili Bili👉https://pse.is/SNTVB
    ​E-mail👉[email protected]

  • swirling 在 周國賢 /endy chow jaugwokyin Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-05-30 19:30:14

    "VINCENT - starry, starry night"
    Songwriters: Don Mclean

    Starry, starry night
    Paint your palette blue and gray
    Look out on a summer's day
    With eyes that know the darkness in my soul
    Shadows on the hills
    Sketch the trees and the daffodils
    Catch the breeze and the winter chills
    In colors on the snowy, linen land
    Now, I understand what you tried to say to me
    And how you suffered for your sanity
    And how you tried to set them free
    They would not listen, they did not know how
    Perhaps they'll listen now
    Starry, starry night
    Flaming flowers that brightly blaze
    Swirling clouds in violet haze
    Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue
    Colors changing hue
    Morning fields of amber grain
    Weathered faces lined in pain
    Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand
    Now, I understand, what you tried to say to me
    How you suffered for your sanity
    How you tried to set them free
    They would not listen, they did not know how
    Perhaps they'll listen now
    For they could not love you
    But still your love was true
    And when no hope was left inside
    On that starry, starry night
    You took your life as lovers often do
    But I could have told you, Vincent
    This world was never meant for one
    As beautiful as you
    Starry, starry night
    Portraits hung in empty halls
    Frameless heads on nameless walls
    With eyes that watch the world and can't forget
    Like the strangers that you've met
    The ragged men in ragged clothes
    The silver thorn of bloody rose
    Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow
    Now, I think I know what you tried to say to me
    How you suffered for your sanity
    How you tried to set them free
    They would not listen, they're not listening still
    Perhaps they never will

    Source: Musixmatch
    Vincent lyrics © Songs Of Universal Inc., Benny Bird Co. Inc.

