

在 subsequent產品中有330篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,093的網紅貓的成長美股異想世界,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🌻 Labor shortage的問題最近常出現在新聞裡, 而labor cost也讓企業頭疼. 前幾天Morgan Stanley有出一篇報告, 主要是說Amazon(AMZN)因為人力支出, 獲利會受壓, 短期內股價可能因此會一直盤整下去: 物流人力成本沉重!大摩砍亞馬遜目標價 https:/...

 同時也有60部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過244萬的網紅メンタリスト DaiGo,也在其Youtube影片中提到,▶︎Dラボ無料体験で見れます 逆境力の高い人の10の特徴〜人生の障害を乗り越える最強の力の身につけ方 https://daigovideolab.jp/play/1550455685?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=official...

subsequent 在 A PASSIONATE FOODIE Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-26 12:27:47

Masterminded by @kenloon, @magicsquare.sg in 2018 was a radical venture. The year-long hothouse for the three young chefs he had chosen, proved a brea...

subsequent 在 D ?? Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-03 18:36:40

It's Mr. Satoshi birthday. He is founder of Pokémon. ( @pokemon @pokemon_jpn ) I've been playing Pokemon since I was 5 years old. Thank you for the be...

  • subsequent 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-30 07:33:29
    有 54 人按讚

    Labor shortage的問題最近常出現在新聞裡, 而labor cost也讓企業頭疼. 前幾天Morgan Stanley有出一篇報告, 主要是說Amazon(AMZN)因為人力支出, 獲利會受壓, 短期內股價可能因此會一直盤整下去:


    而剛好前兩天的新聞有提到, 透過電商購物的消費者增加, 而其實電商會比傳統的零售業, 需要更多的人力在物流中心, 來做商品的包裝, 運送等:

    "Demand for distribution workers has skyrocketed as more consumers shop online, in part because picking, packing and shipping e-commerce orders is more labor-intensive than traditional warehouse operations that distribute wholesale goods or replenish store inventory."

    Source: https://www.wsj.com/articles/logistics-operators-raise-pay-enlist-robots-to-meet-holiday-demand-11632657600


    🌻如何逢低買進(buy the dip)?
    每個人buy the dip的方法不同. 這邊簡單說一下我要buy the dip的話, 會注意哪些事情.
    1. 個股所在的類股的表現
    2. 均線
    3. 大盤
    4. 財報發表了沒
    5. 股價還有沒有上行的空間(估值高低的問題)

    🌻有趣的美股小知識: Why You Should Pay Attention to the Way Management Talks

    Nomura(野村)的策略家發現, 當CEO在電話會議中, 用簡單易懂的方式來說明公司業務的話, 公司的股價會比使用複雜語言的CEO的公司股價還高.

    Mezrich found that simple really does matter. Using the Gunning Fog index, he ranked companies in the Russell 1000 into tenths, based on their earnings conference calls. Over the past three years, the companies with the simplest language have returned 19.2% annualized, beating the equal-weighted Russell 1000’s 15.7%. Those with the most complex language returned just 13.4%. The complex language portfolio was also more volatile than the simple language portfolio.

    “Since senior management delivers an earnings call, simple language may produce more confidence among investors in management’s ability to deliver on their vision,” Mezrich explains. “Hence, simpler language earnings calls can lead to subsequent stock outperformance.”


    Picture: 小鎮的秋景. 圖片來源: Facebook. 攝影者不明.

  • subsequent 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-11 09:30:34
    有 3,380 人按讚

    20 years ago today, the horrific terror attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York City changed the world forever.

    The danger to us was nearer than we imagined. We discovered among us a terrorist group that was planning similar attacks on multiple targets here. Fortunately ISD acted in time to prevent this, and subsequent attacks.

    The greater threat for multi-racial and multi-religious Singapore was not physical, but whether this would damage our social cohesion. We drew on the trust built up over many years among our different communities and with the Government. Working together, we overcame powerful forces unleashed by the extremist attacks that could have pulled us apart.

    The fight against terrorism is far from over. Digital media has allowed extremist ideologies to spread and poison minds. At the same time, our racial harmony is still work in progress. On the 20th anniversary of 9/11, let us resolve to fortify ourselves so that should we ever face another such test one day, we will come through again, stronger, as one united people.

    You can read my full commentary (in four languages) here:
    English: go.gov.sg/20th-anniversary-9-11
    Malay: go.gov.sg/20th-anniversary-9-11-ml
    Chinese: go.gov.sg/20th-anniversary-9-11-cl
    Tamil: go.gov.sg/20th-anniversary-9-11-tl

    – LHL

  • subsequent 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-23 18:25:01
    有 2,127 人按讚

    【布林肯推文支持台灣與立陶宛拓展關係 】


    最近 #美國 國務卿布林肯推文表示與 #立陶宛 外長藍柏吉斯通話,表示堅定支持 #立陶宛 與 #台灣 拓展關係,而美國國務院更以 #ironclad 形容,在中國的脅迫之下,美國支持立陶宛如鋼鐵般堅定!

    如同外交部吳部長在推文表示, #美國與理念相近國家的支持更堅定了我們對抗威權主義的決心,面對威權脅迫台灣不會退縮,未來也會持續與理念相近愛好自由的民主國家相互合作!


    MOFA is grateful to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken for his conversation with Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis in which he expressed #US support for #Lithuania in its regional challenges and for the country’s decision to expand ties with #Taiwan and the subsequent press release in which US solidarity for the Lithuania was described as “ironclad.” This demonstrates the United States' leadership in defending democracy. As Minister Joseph Wu tweeted, "Your backing toughens our resolve to fight off authoritarianism."


  • subsequent 在 メンタリスト DaiGo Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-07-18 12:50:57


    レジリエンス:人生の危機を乗り越えるための科学と10の処方箋 を Amazon でチェック! https://amzn.to/35z6lun

    メンタリストDaiGoのオーディオブックはこちら→https://amzn.to/2UBuD1j ※Audible無料体験

    Daniel J. Dickson,Brett Laursen,Olivia Valdes and Håkan Stattin(2019).Derisive Parenting Fosters Dysregulated Anger in Adolescent Children and Subsequent Difficulties with Peers.


  • subsequent 在 Dainghia25 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-25 21:00:01

    Handcannon PZ All Stat Upgrades Max Lvl vs All Bosses Resident Evil 8 Village

    The Handcannon PZ is available in the extra content shop for 60,000 challenge points after completing the game on Hardcore difficulty or higher. Once unlocked, it will be available for purchase from The Duke in any current or subsequent playthrough.

    While lacking the range of the F2 Rifle (the only other weapon that uses sniper rounds) the Handcannon PZ deals over twice the rifle's damage. Despite its in-game description, it is weaker than other magnums in terms of damage. However, this is offset by its use of sniper ammunition which is much more plentiful than magnum rounds. The Handcannon PZ does not have any attachments.

    ▶ SUBSCRIBE MY CHANNEL : https://goo.gl/VPOrGK
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    ▶ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/dainghia25

  • subsequent 在 Dainghia25 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-05-25 19:00:29

    Handcannon PZ All Stat Upgrades and How Many Lei Cost Full Infomation Resident Evil 8 Village

    The Handcannon PZ is available in the extra content shop for 60,000 challenge points after completing the game on Hardcore difficulty or higher. Once unlocked, it will be available for purchase from The Duke in any current or subsequent playthrough.

    While lacking the range of the F2 Rifle (the only other weapon that uses sniper rounds) the Handcannon PZ deals over twice the rifle's damage. Despite its in-game description, it is weaker than other magnums in terms of damage. However, this is offset by its use of sniper ammunition which is much more plentiful than magnum rounds. The Handcannon PZ does not have any attachments.

    Upgrade Chart
    Lvl Power Rate of Fire Reload Speed Ammo Capacity
    1 1400 1.6 2.8 5
    2 1600 (68000 Lei) 1.5 (25000 Lei) 2.6 (28000 Lei) N/A
    3 1900 (81000 Lei) 1.4 (34000 Lei) 2.4 (37000 Lei) N/A
    4 2300 (94000 Lei) 1.3 (48000 Lei) 2.2 (51000 Lei) N/A
    5 2700 (115000 Lei) 1.1 (62000 Lei) 2 (65000 Lei) N/A
    6 3200 (140000 Lei) 0.9 (77000 Lei) 1.8 (80000 Lei) N/A

    ▶ SUBSCRIBE MY CHANNEL : https://goo.gl/VPOrGK
    ▶ Fanpage Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/dainghia25gaming
    ▶ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/dainghia25

