[爆卦]Submerge synonym是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Submerge synonym鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Submerge synonym這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 submerge產品中有55篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Dek Thai Klai Baan เด็กไทยไกลบ้าน,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Context is EVERYTHING! . That's why you need to listen and read a lot to improve your language skills. It's essentially a process that pushes you to s...

 同時也有21部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過60萬的網紅Tasty Japan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,みんな大好きなラザニアを、キャベツで丁寧に包みました。 まるでケーキのような見た目は、おもてなしにもピッタリ♫ あっと驚くサプライズに、ぜひ作ってみてくださいね! キャベツで包むラザニアドーム 8人分 材料: オリーブオイル 大さじ3 人参 1カップ (110g) (細切り) 玉ねぎ 中1個 ...

  • submerge 在 Dek Thai Klai Baan เด็กไทยไกลบ้าน Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-30 11:06:08
    有 1 人按讚

    Context is EVERYTHING!
    That's why you need to listen and read a lot to improve your language skills. It's essentially a process that pushes you to submerge yourself in CONTEXT!

  • submerge 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-25 18:52:09
    有 43 人按讚

    Definitely a big checkbox to check off! So grateful and super excited to display my work at @affordableartfairhk! Thanks for having me! And thank you @hanaart_sogetsu!

    Alex’s music, art, and imagination draw inspiration from a wide spectrum of other arts such as literature, music and film. Heavily influenced by “Magical Realism” Alex often paints from a world where reality and fiction are intertwined and the forces that are often invisible are very influential. Take for example the poem “Village by the Sea” which sets the enviornment of “Girl’s Bedroom”. You will notice the almost ancient feel of the world but the highly animated connection to nature.

    Alex is an enthusiastic learner and does not believe anyone should limit themselves to any one vocation. He himself is a yoga teacher, singer/songwriter, actor, and artist. He believes crossing over is incredibly beneficial to the creative process so this exhibition he has found his studio roommate, HANA ART STUDIO to assist him in decorating his walls. A good story should be immersive and Alex hopes this collaboration will help submerge the viewer deeper into the dimension of Alex’s art.

  • submerge 在 Deeecupps V Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-19 18:45:39
    有 0 人按讚

    Today for the first in a very long time, I posted an unedited picture of myself. I didn’t beautify my face, elongated my neck, put on fake post edit falsies, for the first in a very long time, I’m finally okay with this.

    I honestly didn’t know how insecure of myself with my body until I look into my camera rolls- my hand is always in front of my belly and my thighs are always hidden. Stretch marks, cellulite, you name them, I got them.

    Also today, I’ve decided to allow myself be sad and submerge in negativity. Don’t be ashamed to admit that you have a shitty day and that you’re not strong enough to pick yourself up today, that’s perfectly OK. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with this.

    Allow yourself to do this so you can be stronger tomorrow. Be vulnerable with yourself is a type of self love too. She needs just as much love as you generously gave to the others.


  • submerge 在 Tasty Japan Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-25 16:00:12



    オリーブオイル 大さじ3
    人参 1カップ (110g) (細切り)
    玉ねぎ 中1個 (角切り)
    牛ひき肉 910g
    乾燥オレガノ 小さじ1 ½
    赤唐辛子フレーク 小さじ½
    黒コショウ 少々 (味付け用)
    にんにく 4片 (みじん切り)
    辛口赤ワイン ½カップ (120ml)
    トマト缶 1個 (795g)
    フレッシュバジル ½カップ (20g) (みじん切り)
    塩 少々 (味付け用)
    ちりめんキャベツ 大1個
    溶き卵 1個
    全乳リコッタチーズ 2カップ (500g)

    Keto-Friendly Lasagne Dome
    Servings: 8-10

    3 tablespoons olive oil
    1 cup grated carrot
    1 medium yellow onion, diced
    2 pounds ground beef
    1½ teaspoons dried oregano
    ½ teaspoon red pepper flakes
    Black pepper, to taste
    4 cloves garlic, minced
    ½ cup dry red wine
    1 28-ounce can of crushed tomatoes
    ½ cup chopped fresh basil
    Salt, to taste
    1 large head of Savoy cabbage, leaves separated and stems trimmed
    1 egg, beaten
    2 cups whole milk ricotta cheese

    Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C).
    Heat the olive oil in a large pan over medium heat. Add the carrot and onion, and cook until the vegetables have softened slightly, 8-10 minutes.
    Add the beef and season with the oregano, red pepper flakes, and pepper. Use a wooden spoon to break the beef into smaller pieces, and cook until browned, about 10 minutes.
    Add the garlic and cook until fragrant, 2-3 minutes.
    Deglaze the pan with red wine, scraping up any browned bits from the bottom of pan.
    Once the wine has reduced by half, stir in the crushed tomatoes. Cook until sauce has thickened, stirring frequently, about 10 minutes.
    Stir in the basil, then remove the sauce from the heat and let cool.
    Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Working in batches, add the cabbage leaves, using tongs to submerge them in the water. Cook until the leaves have softened and are flexible, 1-2 minutes. Drain well and pat dry with a paper towels.
    Stir the egg into the cooled meat sauce.
    Place the largest cabbage leaf on the bottom of a 9-inch round baking dish. Line the exposed sides and bottom of the pan with more cabbage leaves.
    Spoon in ¼ of the meat sauce, spreading evenly. Dollop ¼ of the ricotta on top of the sauce. Cover with cabbage leaves. Repeat with the remaining sauce, ricotta, and cabbage to make 3 more layers.
    Fold any overhanging cabbage leaves toward the center of the pan.
    Bake on the middle rack of the oven for 1 hour, until lightly browned on top. Let cool for 20 minutes.
    To serve, place a serving plate over the baking dish and invert the chou farci onto the plate. Remove the pan, then slice into wedges and serve.

    Inspired by: http://mimithorisson.com/2014/10/31/reflections-on-a-cookbook/

    #TastyJapan #レシピ

    Licensed via Audio Network

  • submerge 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-02-12 00:33:20

    《Penny Rain》
    April Showers / 靜待五月時節的四月雨
    English Translation: lyricaljourneys


    Copyright Info:
    Be aware this channel is for promotion purpose only without any illegal profit. All music's ownership belongs to the original creators.
    Please support the original creator.


    If you like my videos, please click like and subscribe! Thx :)


    Check my Facebook page for more information!

    背景 / Background - 雨上がり - 爽々 :

    中文翻譯 / Chinese Translation :

    英文翻譯 / English Translation :

    日文歌詞 / Japanese Lyrics :
    長い雨に遠ざかる声 足を止めて町を眺める
    煙る空がどこか奇麗で 懐かしい場所に変わって
    いつも傍にいてくれたよね 俄雨に立ち尽くす日も
    ふいに浮かぶ過ぎた景色と 木陰の下 雨宿り

    小さくて幼い それはまるで

    四月の雨 濡れた羽
    雲雀はまだ 飛べずにいる
    浅い春の冷たさに身をすぼめて 時を待ち続ける

    日差しの種 淡い夢
    羽ばたくまで 唄を添えて
    遠い空の切れ間へと 五月の花の名を 今は知らずに

    長い影と呼びかける声 時を止めて星を見た夜
    眠る前に交わした言葉 失くしたくないものばかり

    小さくて幼い それはいつも
    泣いていた 傍にいたくて

    通り雨の冷たさに身をすぼめて 歩き出せずにいる

    ゆずれないもの ひとつだけ
    鞄の中 仕舞い込んで
    今でもまだ覚えてる右手のぬくもりと 唄を頼りに

    遠く響く雷鳴には 春の嵐の手招きの音
    いつか ここで 同じ景色を見てた

    四月の雨 風に揺れ
    雲雀は今 空を見上げ
    浅い春の冷たさに身をゆだねて 羽を広げてゆく

    ゆずれないもの ひとつだけ
    鞄の中 仕舞い込んで
    遠い空の切れ間へと 花咲く五月へと

    中文歌詞 / Chinese Lyrics :











    英文歌詞 / English Lyrics :
    Upon hearing the fading voice in the middle of the rain
    I stopped walking to gaze upon the city
    The hazy sky is turning into
    somewhere beautiful and nostalgic

    You have always stayed by my side, you even
    stood still on days when the rain pours unceasingly
    even as scenery floated past unexpectedly
    under the shelter of the trees

    The small and young something is just like
    someone who cries easily

    The lark is still unable to fly
    as its wings were drenched by the April Showers
    In the cold of early spring
    it furls its body, awaiting the passing of time

    Just as this dream with subdued colours
    is adorned by seeds of sunlight,
    I will adorn the lark with poems until its wings could flap again
    and it can fly to the distant skies
    without knowing the name of the flower in May

    A long shadow and a voice calling out to me,
    the night I stopped time and saw the stars,
    words exchanged before going to sleep,
    these are all the things I do not want to lose

    The small and young something
    is always crying, wanting to stay by my side

    When the things you can’t afford to lose ever increases
    submerge everything in warmth
    In the coldness of the passing rain
    it furls its body, and stayed still

    The one thing I can’t afford to lose
    is buried inside my bag
    Even now, as I depend on a song
    I can still remember the warmth of your right hand

    The distant echo of booming thunder
    is the sound of the beckoning spring storm
    I will see the same scenery here someday

    The April Shower is swayed by the wind
    The lark is now looking at the sky
    In the cold of early spring
    It spreads its wings in abandon

    The one thing I can’t afford to lose
    is buried inside my bag
    I head on to the distant skies and
    I head on into the month of May, where flowers bloom
    without opening my umbrella

  • submerge 在 Della & Joey 過生活 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-10-25 23:20:44

    Follow my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dulahoop12/

    #可樂滷肉 Coke-Braised Pork Belly

    豬梅花(或五花) pork collar butt (or pork belly) 400g
    可樂 Coke 330ml
    醬油 Soy sauce 100ml
    胡蘿蔔 Carrot 一根
    蒜頭 Garlic 3瓣
    薑片 Sliced ginger 約3-4片
    雞蛋 Egg 4顆
    青蔥 1把
    五香粉 five-spices powder
    白胡椒 white pepper
    黑胡椒 black pepper
    豆干 一盒

    1. 常溫蛋放入鍋中滾煮。
    Boil the eggs.
    2. 胡蘿蔔去皮,切成滾刀狀,蒜頭稍微壓扁去皮,切幾片薑片。
    Peel and roll cut the carrots. Peel the garlic. Slice the ginger.
    3. 青蔥打結固定。
    Tie a knot to the green onions.
    4. 梅花肉切大塊(用豬五花也可以)。
    Cut the pork collar butt (or pork belly) into chunks.
    5. 雞蛋撈出,泡一下冷水再剝。
    submerge the eggs in icy water after boiling them.
    6. 肉塊放進鍋中煎至四面金黃。
    Saute the meat until it turns golden brown.
    7. 放入薑片、蒜頭稍作拌炒。
    Saute the garlic and ginger for a while.
    8. 放入胡蘿塊拌炒。
    Add in carrots.
    9. 放回剛剛煎好的肉塊。
    Add in the pan fried meat.
    10. 加入一罐可樂(約330ml), 100ml醬油
    Add in a can of coke, soy sauce, white pepper, black pepper, and five-spices powder.
    11. 放入剛剛的青蔥及其他想滷的食材。
    Add in green onion and anything you want.
    12. 煮滾後轉小火燉煮一小時。
    Simmered under low heat for an hour.
    13. 中途加入雞蛋,繼續燉煮三十分鐘。
    Add in hard-boiled eggs, and cook for further 30 minutes.
    14. 一小時到了,可以關火悶30分鐘,再開火15分鐘。
    Turn off the stove and set aside for 30min. Reheat it.


    Music - Jeick Walker - Arms of Heaven
    Decvice - iPhone 8+

