雖然這篇Socionics LIE鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Socionics LIE這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章
[爆卦]Socionics LIE是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包
#1Socionics Types: LIE-ENTj
LIEs generally are highly pragmatic, assiduous, and proactive individuals. They often feel uncomfortable and restless if they are not able to pursue their own ...
#2LIE - Logical Intuitive Energiser - "The Entrepreneur" - World ...
LIEs are primarily concerned with getting things to work and will focus on the results of their efforts rather than consistency to principles.
#3LIE (ENTj) Socionics Type Description by Stratiyevskaya
The LIE prefers to promise a little less, but then to do a little more. He thinks of the future outcomes and evaluates his actions from the ...
#4[Socionics] LIE (ENTj-Te Ni) Portrait - 知乎专栏
LIE 男性很少会保持身板挺直。他们因为步伐太快经常会从你身旁闪过而不打招呼,可能你只来得及看到他们细长的鼻子和突出的耳朵.
#518 Most Common Weaknesses of LIE Socionics Type - Part 1
In this video I got over the following weaknesses I think LIE personality types have!-Always speaking in common sense-Too serious -Doesn't ...
#6Socionics ENTj (LIE) pictures; Filatova's photographs - Pinterest
11-aug-2018 - Socionics ENTj (LIE) pictures; Filatova's photographs I look alot like one of these faces too!
#7Logical Intuitive Extratim - Wikisocion
(Redirected from LIE) ... Type abbreviations: LIE, ENTj, PT ... Wikisocion LIE composite · Socionics Type Profiles by T. Prokofieva and M.
#8LIE MBTI Stereotype - Personality Database™️ 2022
Why is LIE typed ENTJ 3w4? Click to read 130 discussions on LIE's MBTI, Enneagram, and other personality types in Socionics (Theories).
#9Socionics Description: The Best ENTJ Guide Ever Written
2010年1月30日 — LIEs usually must exercise self-discipline to avoid this kind of misunderstandings. ... LIEs have the view that aspects are of less importance ...
#10LIE - Socionics type - Sedecology
password? Socionics theory. Logical intuitive extrovert (LIE). Calculator · Wikisocion page (has descriptions). Other names: ENTj, ...
#11How similar is ENTJ in MBTI to LIE (ENTj) in Socionics? - Reddit
2017年2月11日 — The functions are the same, though I don't like reading the type descriptions from socionics(they portray EII-INFj-INFP as some sort of ...
#12Russian national character. Socionic interpretation - IEEE Xplore
From the viewpoint of socionics - in the basis of mentality lie mental functions which build a specific system $sociotype. The authors interpret Russian social/ ...
#13Personality type Entrepreneur (ENTJ, Jack London, LIE)
Personality type Entrepreneur (ENTJ, Jack London, LIE) - problems, tips, recommendations of socionics. Your strong point is your entrepreneurial spirit in ...
#14Socionics - Wikipedia
Socionics, in psychology and sociology, is a pseudoscientific theory of information ... are necessarily retarded to auxiliary functions that lie in the middle.
#15LIE (Logical Intuitive Extravert) – Socionics Type Sticker
Buy "LIE (Logical Intuitive Extravert) – Socionics Type" by Lily Yuan as a Sticker.
#16The Entrepreneur (ENTJ + LIE) - Type•volution
Extroverted Intuition (Ne). Correlations: ENTJ (MBTI), LIE (Socionics). Subtypes. There are 3 specific subtype variations of the Entrepreneur.
#17LIE men | School of Associative Socionics
Tolstoy, Michael Portillo, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Dolph Lundgren, Thomas Gullestad, Michael Legge, Nathan Quinn O'Rawe, Jon Sopel, ...
#18Socionics aspects of the human factor in aviation - Revista ...
system of socionics is in several respects similar to the MBTI; ... LIE, and LSE socionics types make the best pilots were obtained by.
#19About: Lie (disambiguation) - DBpedia
About: Lie (disambiguation) ... dbr:Lie_group · dbr:Liechtenstein · dbr:Socionics · dbr:Sophus_Lie · dbr:Lie_derivative · dbr:Law_of_total_expectation ...
#20Socionics: Scalability of Complex Social Systems - 博客來
內容簡介. 1 Thisbookis an outcomeof the SocionicsResearch Framework. Therootsof Socionics lie in the 1980s when computer scientists in search of new methods ...
#21LIE D, Socionics Subtypes - Personified | Personality Index ...
Learn more about LIE D's complete personality in Socionics Subtypes, Personified. Personality Index (PDX) is a consensus-driven platform based on analytical ...
#22ESI - LIE Socionics Duality Group MBTI ISFP & ENTJ
Are you a socionics LIE or ESI? Come on in! There's no real method to this group. Just be your self and post whatever the heck you want. News articles,...
#23Socionics - the16types.info - ENTj description by Filatova
LIE – one of the most dynamic psycho-types, he is very active, possesses fast reactions and takes the initiative. He capably calculates his ...
#24The table of intertype relationships - Socionics
Clear; the table ILE; IL SEI; SE ESE; ES LII; LI EIE; ET LSI; LF SLE; FL IEI; TE SEE; FR ILI... ILE (IL) I D A M r‑ S‑ bu mi Se Ex SEI (SE) D I M A S‑ r‑ mi bu Ex Se ESE (ES) A M I D ki sd r+ S+ Qi Cg
#25LIE: pragmatism + time The optimist prodigy Bill gates Isaac ...
LIE : pragmatism + time. The optimist prodigy. Bill gates. Isaac Newton John Kennedy Catherine the great. George Orwell Voltaire. Robin Hood. Tony Stark.
#26Socionics: Scalability of Complex Social Systems - Google ...
1 Thisbookis an outcomeof the SocionicsResearch Framework. Therootsof Socionics lie in the 1980s when computer scientists in search of new methods and ...
#27M O R I A R T Y — dual relations in socionics: ESI (ISFJ) & LIE...
dual relations in socionics: ESI (ISFJ) & LIE (ENTJ) “ Duality is the intertype relation between the two socionic types that fit each other ...
#28LIE (ENTj) Subtypes Intuitive Subtype LIE-Ni - The Socionics ...
LIE (ENTj) Subtypes Intuitive Subtype LIE-Ni Appearance The intuitive subtype is affable, kind and pleasant in dialogue.
#29Socionics Combined Set Flashcards | Quizlet
Terms in this set (224). EIE. Image: EIE. EII. Image: EII. ESE. Image: ESE. ESI. Image: ESI. IEE. Image: IEE. IEI. Image: IEI. ILE. Image: ILE.
#30LIE ~ MBTI, Enneagram, and Socionics Personality Type
public function votes. (19/10/06 02:21) fg: ENTP. (19/08/09 14:19) Phantom: ENTP. (21/06/22 14:10) Tman: ENTP. (19/02/23 06:53) Teru Mikami: ENTP.
#31robespierreintj: LIE (ENTj) Subtypes Logical... - Random ...
robespierreintj: “ LIE (ENTj) Subtypes Logical Subtype LIE-Te Appearance The ... Source: http://www.sociotype.com/socionics/types/LIE-ENTj/subtypes/#sthash.
#33Leave Your Comment - Socionics
I don't think they see lying as anything more than a tool to be used, and don't consider morals or feelings when doing it. ISFP/ISFJ/ISTJ/ISTP: These types don' ...
#34Socionics Types
Types are the main entity of Socionics - they are built on the combinations of the Aspects and Functions. There are 16 types in Socionics altogether. α. ILE.
#35is it normal to have a different MBTI/ socionic type? | Page 6
Yes. INTJ = LIE. I have seen now. So INTJ confirmed. :D.
#36Socionics | The ENTJ-ISFJ (LIE-ESI) Duality effect | Page 2
Posts about Socionics written by dualization. ... The LIE's business qualities are manifested in evaluating the objective possibilities, ...
#37The Five Differences Between Socionics and Myers-Briggs
If I'm completely honest, this entire article has been a lie. Almost. The use of “functions” in socionics is completely off.
#38Socionics: Scalability of Complex Social Systems (Lecture ...
Therootsof Socionics lie in the 1980s when computer scientists in search of new methods and techniques of distributed and coordinated problem-solving ?rst ...
Known for: First introducing Socionics to an ... SOCIONICS ONLINE. Dr. Peter Bartl - LIE / ENTj ... Known for: Setting up the World Socionics Society.
#40Part 3 – Inter-Type Relations and the Quadras - World ...
This refers to the pattern of functional interaction between two socionic types, that is to say the ... Dual relationship between an ILE and an SEI.
Socionic services of Centre of Socionics in education, socionics, psychology, sociology, pedagogics, politics, management, health, organization of rest, ...
#42Raising Free Humans — Visual Typing - ENTJ- ENTj - LIE
As is the one above them. See more posts like this on Tumblr. #socionics #mbti #visual Typing #entj ...
#43TeNi - LIE Enterpriser - ₪₪₪ Socionics Study Blogspot ₪₪₪
LIE is persistent and capable of great endurance. LIE orients quickly in composite situations, can get to essence of problems. He communicates ...
#44Socionics & Aušra Augustinavičiūtė - Cognitive Typology
One such example being the youtuber Jack Oliver Aaron, a high-Te user who types as ILE ("NeTi"). We have had many high Te users come to CT from ...
#45Socionics — Saoirse Ronan - ENTP / ILE
Socionics — Saoirse Ronan - ENTP / ILE. 1.5M ratings ... lifethrucrystallizedeyes: “Where the perceiving functions lie in time.
#46Typing is hard — Amazing Duality Art
MBTI and Socionics are not the same system, so whatever you type as in MBTI has ... (pic too tiny, can't see), fifth ESI, ILI, LIE and SEE, ...
#47ソシオニクス 連想モデル LIE(ENTj) - エニアグラム
関連深い色彩・音楽. LIEが属する自我タイプに関連が深い色彩は、赤色とオレンジ色だとされる。自我タイプの好む音楽の特徴はこちらの記事「連想 ...
#48ESFJ and INTP Socionics Duality relationship, a match made ...
Most of the compatibility charts circulating on the Internet have been discussed by Facebook Group and analyzed in detail, and it is judged ...
#49Socionics: Scalability of Complex Social Systems
... for communication processes at run-time mark their boundaries and are thus not part of it (e.g., misunderstandings and lies, if they become obvious).
#50infp male reddit. INFP types are "Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling ...
Talents lie in helping people clarify issues, values, and identity. ... Those who follow Socionics or MBTI more stringently might disagree.
#51Your Social World Explained - 第 3 頁 - Google 圖書結果
I believe however that with recent advances in cognitive research and neuroscience there lies a great opportunity to test the predictions made by Socionics.
#52infp male reddit. The INFP personality possesses unique ...
... MBTI® Types, Enneagram, Instinctual Variant, Tritype, Socionics, ... Talents lie in helping people clarify issues, values, and identity.
#53It is a very good stone for astral travel, manifestation, scrying ...
The Backpod: Lie back and treat yourself. ... MBTI® Types, Enneagram, Instinctual Variant, Tritype, Socionics, Big Five Personality Traits (SLOAN), ...
#54Socionics Types: ILI-INTp. But they could be considered evil ...
Truth, no matter if it's coated with sugar, it's gonna hurt no matter what, but I still prefer cold hard truth over lies. Note: You probably might or might ...
#55istj in bed. They're the type who will stick by your side through ...
Little Brother: *Lies on bed* *Feels something hard in bed* “Wot? ... Edit: there's this thing in Socionics called romance styles.Professor Somer created a ...
#56Socionics lie. - Xkx
Socionics ' theory of intertype relations is based on the interaction of these functions between types. The basic structure of socionics was established in the s ...
#5718 Most Common Weaknesses of LIE Socionics Type - Part 1 - KZburn
18 Most Common Weaknesses of LIE Socionics Type - Part 1. How They Made Little Simba Look So Lifelike in 'The Lion King'.
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