[爆卦]Sociable meaning是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Sociable meaning鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Sociable meaning這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 sociable產品中有97篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,123的網紅懶系英國生活日誌,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🇬🇧#英國工作篇 在英國工作,是否人工高、福利好❓❓ 想分享這個Topic很久,到底在英國工作,真的人工高、福利好嗎?以我在英國生活了兩年的感受,簡單來說,一定是優點多過缺點,不要說我賣花讚花香,的確是有原因的,先由福利開始講起! 1. 每年28天年假Annual Leave📆 英國法定年假有...

 同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅Monkey Zozo,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Baby monkey ape is hugged by mother on super cute hammock This is the video describe the daily life of a monkey APE. APE lives and operates like p...

sociable 在 WUWOW 趣味英文┃走到哪學到哪 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-18 22:02:50

#職場英文wu就棒 #跟wow編一起學英文 👉 你知道該如何定位自己嗎? 上週我們學到了5種不同人格的身分 但要讓團隊更強大的話 就必須要認識今天的4種身分‼️ 大家一起透過特質互補、腦力激盪 反而更有效率完成任務呢💯 🔎 更多人格特質的單字小知識 🔅communicative (adj.)...

  • sociable 在 懶系英國生活日誌 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-27 18:32:23
    有 65 人按讚



    1. 每年28天年假Annual Leave📆
    英國法定年假有20天,再加8天公眾假期Bank Holiday,每個英國打工仔一年便享有28天有薪年假,以我所知,有一些公司還會增設額外的年假福利給員工,例如是生日假等。而到下年,2022年是英女皇伊莉莎伯二世登基70周年紀念👑,6月份全英國會增加一天Bank Holiday,讓市民享有一連4日的公眾假期👏,一起慶祝英女皇的大日子!自從疫情開始,很多人也沒有辦法出國旅行,我今年的年假也一直未用過,於是很豪邁地8月底請了5日大假,加上星期六日和Bank Holiday,請5日放10日,是真的很爽!😃

    2. 一日病假不用醫生紙❌👨‍⚕️
    在英國如果有什麼頭暈身體不適,想請一日半日在家休息,大部分公司只需通知上司就可以了,不需要到診所拿醫生紙的,因為大家都知道,一般輕症如傷風、感冒、喉嚨痛、咳,在英國根本不會即日看到醫生的,大多數人只會在家食藥💊和自行休息,所以只要簡單通知上司請一天Sick Leave就可以了,而且過去一年多,大多數Office都習慣了Working from home的模式,在家中工作已是家常便飯!

    3. 公司保險多福利💼
    英國大部份公司都會幫員工購買醫療保險🏩,一般保障包括洗牙、NHS公立醫院的急症、住院、物理治療、GP門診的Prescription藥費、新生嬰兒的津貼費等等,根據公司幫你買的保險level限額就可以claim錢。而初入公司最讓我suprise的是,竟然連去做Eye test和配眼鏡都有福利🤓,每年有£200可以買眼鏡,我就喜歡去大型的連鎖眼鏡店買,例如Boots或Specsavers,對我這些長期帶眼鏡和con的人來說,真是最好的福利啊!

    4. 英國退休金Workplace Pension💰自願性供款
    英國的退休金計劃類似香港的強積金,雇主每個月會把你人工某個 %的金額存入你的Pension戶口內💰,不同的是,香港的強積金是強制性讓僱員和僱主都必須供僱員收入的5%,但在英國,則分為國民退休金State Pension和私人退休金Private Pension,Workplace Pension是屬於後者,可自願性選擇供或不供,根據每間公司的供款計劃而定,有些僱主可供5%,僱員只供3%,聽說有些公司甚至供到8%,所以越早開始供,退休金就儲得越多!📈

    5. 員工懷孕福利更高🤰
    在英國全職的員工如果懷孕了,享有的福利就更多了,一共有39星期有薪產假,首6星期可獲人工的90%,之後33星期可獲最高每星期£151.97或平均每周人工的90%,同時享有20天年假,而法定產假的上限為52星期,即是最盡可以放足一整年產假,專心在家湊BB👶!而孕婦由懷孕開始到生產後的一年,在英國拿NHS的處方藥和看牙醫都是全免費的,由產檢直至生產當然是不用錢的,生完之後,英國政府還有為每個小孩提供牛奶金Child Benefit🍼,每星期以人頭計算(如多於一個小孩),3歲開始,政府更會補貼每個小孩15小時的免費Child Care,父母兩個去上班,可以送小朋友去nursery,總括而言,在英國生BB真是福利不錯!

    6. 人性化的工作模式💕
    以前在香港公司上班時,很多同事和上司或HR的關係都不見得很好,就是因為大家都困在一個死板而制式的公司內工作,遲到早退沒情講,resign了繼續受壓榨,大家上班都木口木面的💀!但在英國的Office中,會感受英國人真的比較sociable和talkative,健談又帶點風趣,做事laid back一點,但不代表他們做事不認真,有什麼家中急事要遲到早退,同事都會體諒,更不用說每逢星期四五的下午就等於Happy hour🍻,阿哥阿姐帶領大家放底手上工作去酒吧吹水,疫情期間都要來個Zoom的Friday gathering,真是讓我眼前一亮!😃


  • sociable 在 猴子的動漫部屋 Monkey's Comics Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-02 21:04:55
    有 30 人按讚

    #unstableMonday 你今天一早醒來,感覺人生很美好,鳥兒為你的梳洗時光伴奏,今天一定可以準時上班,同事會歡迎你,然後TVA敲門叫了一句——歡樂麥麥送!
    You feel sociable enough to go to work today, but then TVA show up.

    #Loki #miss_minutes #TVA #Loki_marvel #MCU #煩燥星期一
    #Hannibal #WillGraham #HughDancy

  • sociable 在 IELTS Nguyễn Huyền Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-15 21:30:51
    有 1,896 人按讚

    TỪ VỰNG MIÊU TẢ NGƯỜI TRONG IELTS SPEAKING (Kèm ví dụ chi tiết + hình vở học cho riêng phần này)
    - a round face >< a pointed face: mặt tròn >< mặt nhọn
    - short/long/shouder-length/fair hair: tóc ngắn/dài/ngang vai/vàng hoe
    - tall/ short/ medium height: cao/ thấp/ có chiều cao trung bình
    - to look young for your age = to look younger than you are: nhìn trẻ hơn tuổi thật
    - to look your age = to seem as old as you really are and not younger or older: nhìn đúng với tuổi thật
    - to be getting on a bit = to be getting old: đang già đi
    - middle-aged (adj) = approximately between 45 and 65: trung niên
    - lean = thin and healthy: cơ thể săn chắc
    - slender = thin in an attractive way: thon thả, mảnh mai
    - well-built = muscular: lực lưỡng, cường tráng
    - double chin = fat around the chin: 2 cằm (có nọng/ bọng mỡ ở cằm)
    - never a hair out of place: always well-dressed, neat and smart looking: gọn gàng, chỉn chu

    - introverted >< extroverted = inward looking and quite >< outward looking and sociable: hướng nội >< hướng ngoại
    - outgoing (adj) = energetic and friendly/ find it easy to be with others: dễ hòa đồng
    - paintfully shy = extremely shy: rất nhút nhát
    - reserved (adj): shy, not immediately sociable: kín đáo, dè dặt
    - to be the life and soul of the party = a fun person, someone who is in the centre of activity: người là trung tâm/linh hồn của buổi tiệc
    - bubbly (adj): always cheerful, friendly and enthusiastic: vui vẻ, sôi nổi
    - to lost one's temper: to suddenly become angry/ to fail to control your anger: mất bình tĩnh, nổi nóng
    - easy going (adj): relaxed and happy to accept things without worrying or getting angry: vô tư, ung dung
    - good sense of humour: the ability to understand what is funny: có khiếu hài hước
    - patient (adj): able to wait for a long time or accept annoying behaviour or difficulties without becoming angry: kiên nhẫn
    - respectful (adj) = treating so well and politely, often with admiration: thể hiện sự tôn trọng

    - Character = a combination of qualities that make someone different from other people. ⇒ Bản chất, phẩm chất bên trong, qua một thời gian tiếp xúc tìm hiểu mới thấy được.

    Ví dụ: honest (thật thà), kind (tử tế), ... ⇒ Cái này phải mất thời gian (đôi khi rất dài) mới biết được.

    - Personality = the way you behave, feel and think, especially socially. ⇒ Tính cách, bề ngoài, dễ nhìn thấy được, dễ đoán được khi tiếp xúc một người

    Ví dụ: bubbly (sôi nổi), extroverted (hướng ngoại), ... ⇒ Cái này tiếp xúc vài lần mình có thể nhận thấy được.

    Page mình xem tại đây nhé:

    Chúc page mình học tốt <3
    #ieltsnguyenhuyen #ieltsspeaking

  • sociable 在 Monkey Zozo Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-06-26 19:00:07

    Baby monkey ape is hugged by mother on super cute hammock

    This is the video describe the daily life of a monkey APE. APE lives and operates like people and we always love, care for and protect it.
    Everyone please subscribe and share for APE Family channel . Thanks you!
    Like, Share & Subscribe my channel,please!

  • sociable 在 Monkey Zozo Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-06-26 03:00:08

    Baby monkey ape sells fruit to help the shop owner

    This is the video describe the daily life of a monkey APE. APE lives and operates like people and we always love, care for and protect it.
    Everyone please subscribe and share for APE Family channel . Thanks you!
    Like, Share & Subscribe my channel,please!

  • sociable 在 Mai Ngoc Makeup Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-01-20 13:00:01

    Hi các bạn,
    Ở video lần này, hãy cùng Ngọc SWATCH & REVIEW dòng son BBIA LAST LIPSTICK VER.4 & thực hiện một make up look cực kì đơn giản phù hợp với cả 5 màu son nào ~
    ♡ Các sản phẩm cho make up look :
    . Benefit Cosmetic - The POREfessional Face Primer
    . L'oreal True Match Foundation G2
    . The Saem Concealer 1.5 + 1
    . NYX Micro Brow Pencil
    . NYX Highlight & Contour Palette
    . Too Faced Mascara - Better Than Sex
    . Barry M - Fall In Love Eyeshadow Palette
    . I heart Revolution Peach and Glow
    . Bbia Last Lipstick Version 4:
    16 - Sentimental
    17 - Sociable
    18 - Antique
    19 - Romantic
    20 - Instintive

    ♡ Nếu các bạn thích video này thì hãy bấm LIKE và SUBSCRIBE channel của Ngọc nha ♡
    ✧ Facebook : https://facebook.com/maingoc2911
    ✧ Instagram: https://instagram.com/maingoc29
    ✧ E-mail: maingocvn2911@gmail.com

    #bbialastliptickver4 #maingoc #maingocmakeup #maingocreview #bbialastlipstick #softorangemakeup

