#1Snowclone - Wikipedia
A snowclone is a cliché and phrasal template that can be used and recognized in multiple variants. The term was coined as a neologism in 2004, derived from ...
#2Snowclone | Know Your Meme
Snowclones are a type of phrasal templates in which certain words may be replaced with another to produce new variations with altered meanings, ...
#3snowclone - Dictionary.com
A snowclone is a customizable formulaic phrase that consists of a framework that can be adapted for different situations by changing some of the words.
#4Snowclone - Urban Dictionary
A snowclone is a contemporary and highly-adaptable phrase or word susceptible to a heavy-degree of banality (similar to that of a cliché) because of it's ...
#5The rise of COVID 'snowclones' – the mother of all linguistic ...
A snowclone is a phrasal template with adaptable slots. It can be constantly replicated (or cloned) by switching some of the words that form ...
#6Snowclone definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Snowclone definition: a verbal formula that is adapted for reuse by changing only a few words so that the... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and ...
#7snowclone - Wiktionary
Blend of snow cone + clone, after the popular idea that the Inuit have a large number of words for different types of snow; coined by Glen Whitman in response ...
#8Friends don't let friends use snowclones (like this one) - NPR ...
A snowclone is a fill-in-the-blank template based on a familiar, often elderly phrase, such as “To X or not to X” or “This is your brain on ...
#9Snowclone Is The New Cliché - IEEE Spectrum
A good example is I, for one, welcome our new X overlords . This snowclone is most often used ironically to indicate that one really isn't all ...
#10SNOWCLONE (noun) definition and synonyms - Macmillan ...
Definition of SNOWCLONE (noun): a phrase with words that can be freely replaced.
#11Examples of Snowclone | Ifioque.com
Snowclone is a clichéOpens in new window and phrasal templateOpens in new window mainly defined as “a multi-use, customizable, instantly recognizable, ...
#12What does snowclone mean? - Definitions.net
A snowclone is a neologism for a type of cliché and phrasal template originally defined as "a multi-use, customizable, instantly recognizable, time-worn, ...
#13The word: Snowclone | New Scientist
Who, for instance, knows the origin of the snowclone “X is my middle name.”? When Saddam Hussein claimed the first Gulf war would be “the mother ...
#14在"英语"词典里snowclone}的意思 - Educalingo
单词SNOWCLONE的词源. From snow in reference to the common formula 'If the Inuit have N words for snow, then surely X have Y words for Z' + clone.
#15snowclone noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and ...
Definition of snowclone noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and ...
#16Snowclone - The Free Dictionary
Define snowclone. snowclone synonyms, snowclone pronunciation, snowclone translation, English dictionary definition of snowclone. n.
#17May I Compare Thee to a Snowclone? - GOOD
The word snowclone has its origin in the formula, "If Eskimos have N words ... A snowclone can be a secret handshake of sorts: take the many variations of ...
#18snowclone中文 - 查查綫上辭典
snowclone 中文:[網絡] 雪克隆;大家一起來雪克隆…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋snowclone的中文翻譯,snowclone的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#19About: Snowclone - DBpedia
A snowclone is a cliché and phrasal template that can be used and recognized in multiple variants. The term was coined as a neologism in 2004, derived from ...
#20The Snowclones Database | Snowclones are the new eggcorns.
Since the phrasing is not particularly idiomatic, it arguably did not become a snowclone until the “Go to” variation became well-known. All the ...
#21snowclone synonyms with definition | Macmillan Thesaurus
Related terms for 'snowclone': adage, aphorism, axiom, battle cry, binomial, catchphrase, cheer, citation, cite, cliché, dictum, figure of speech.
#22Snowclone Meaning | Best 1 Definitions of ... - YourDictionary
What does snowclone mean? A phrase or sentence made by substituting one or more words in a cliché, existing set phrase, or well-known sentence. (n...
#23Snowclone - Google Arts & Culture
A snowclone is a cliché and phrasal template that can be used and recognized in multiple variants.
#24Snowclones: lexicographical dating to the second - Language ...
... 10/19/2005 (myl) -- some other Language Log posts on Snowclones, added for those who find this via the Wikipedia entry for "snowclone":.
#26What is a Snowclone? - Wise Geek
Michael Pollick. A snowclone is a literary device that involves transforming cliches, axioms and pop culture catchphrases into modern analogies.
#27snowclone - definition and meaning - Wordnik
snowclone : A phrase or sentence made by substituting one or more words in a cliché, existing set phrase, or well-known sentence.
#28Administrivia / Everything's Worse with Snowclones - TV Tropes
A "Snowclone" is a form of trope title that relies on imitating an older title's form with only a small modification. Usually this modification amounts to ...
#29Pulsar on Twitter: "BTW: this meme is known as a snowclone ...
BTW: this meme is known as a snowclone: “A cliché and phrasal template that can be used and recognized in multiple variants.” Snowclone on.
#30Making science public is a snowclone - University of ...
Snowclones. A snowclone is a phrasal template that has slots which can be creatively filled. It's not yet widely discussed in linguistics, but ...
#31The X of Y | The Economist
I had one of those moments recently when I learned the word "snowclone". It is a phenomenon so pervasive and mundane that it never occurs to ...
#32Snowclone Is The New Cliche [technically speaking]
Download Citation | Snowclone Is The New Cliche [technically speaking] | Discusses cliches in mainstream culture. | Find, read and cite all the research you ...
#33snowclone - 用法_例句_英语短语 - 沪江网校
snowclone. 名词雪克隆 雪克隆指的是把一些陈词滥调、公理、流行文化名言改编成现代版本的行为。通过替换原文的几个关键词就可以旧瓶装新酒。例如,“生,还是死,这 ...
#34Snowclone on Apple Music
Listen to music by Snowclone on Apple Music. Find top songs and albums by Snowclone including Red Light Stop Sign, I Want You (Out of My Life) and more.
#35Oh, the Places You'll Snowclone | Built In Austin
Snowclones have a particularly loose definition within the zeitgeist, but they're described by Snowclones.org as having a few ground rules, ...
#36Snowclone | Know your meme, Memes, One does not simply
Apr 20, 2018 - Snowclones are a type of phrasal templates in which certain words may be replaced with another to produce new variations with altered ...
#37Phrasal Patterns 2: Electric Boogaloo | OUPblog
Sometimes, as with the “Electric Boogaloo” example, it's easy to spot the original phrase that gave rise to a snowclone even if the new ...
#38#snowclone on Tumblr
"The Queen of Hearts became evil because a Victorian immigrant killed her parents". "Captain Hook became evil because Peter Pan killed hi-" wait, that's ...
#39Snowclone 老梗句型 - 松鼠博士的魔法眼鏡
Snowclone 老梗句型. 兩個月前,突然想找找看在slashdot 看到很多次的"I, For One, Welcome Our Newest XXX Overlord" 句型典故出自何處,查了一下, ...
#40Snowclone - Home | Facebook
http://www.snowclone.eu/. Local Business. Internet can be a great tool for your business, no matter the size of your company. That means you need a good ...
#41Snowclone - Snapdeal
Buy Snowclone online at best price in India on Snapdeal. Read Snowclone reviews & author details. Get Free shipping & CoD options across India.
#42SNOWCLONE - Lyrics, Playlists & Videos | Shazam
Find the song lyrics for Snowclone - Top Tracks. Discover top playlists and videos from your favorite artists on Shazam!
#43Sosyal Medyadan Hareketle Türkçede Formülsel Kalıp İfadeler
2004 yılında bir gazetecilik terimi olarak isimlendirilmiş “snowclone”lar hakkında ... Bununla birlikte, “snowclone”larla diğer formülsel kalıp ifadeleri ...
#44名句改编“雪克隆” Snowclone - 英语点津
... 我却用它寻找加班时间”,也有人说:“轻轻的我放完了线,正如大坝轻轻的发了电。”这些让人忍俊不禁的名言改编就叫做Snowclone(雪克隆)。
#45雪複製,新的陳詞濫調- 紐約時報中文網
對這一主題的研究似乎是半嚴肅式的:有一篇文章的標題是「Snowclone Is the New Cliché」(雪複製是新的陳詞濫調)。 翻譯:安妮 ...
#46Snowclone | Spotify
Listen to Snowclone on Spotify. Artist · 8 monthly listeners. ... Featuring Snowclone. Snowclone Radio. Fans also like. Taina Kokkonen. Saana ...
#47Definitions of snowclone - OneLook Dictionary Search
We found 4 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word snowclone: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where ...
#48The durability of the perpetual peace weapons snowclone
I call this meme the perpetual peace weapons snowclone. Snowclones are formulaic communication patterns that enable users to swap out words, ...
Snowclone This is the begin of a serial work about the subversion of mass media cliché and patterns. Each image is generated by a custom software innervated ...
#50SNOWCLONE on Behance
snowclonegallery.comSnowclones is the new new. It is ever changing and always evolving. Snowclone is a visual display of new trends in ...
#51Favorite new word (this week): snowclone, a - Kottke.org
Favorite new word (this week): snowclone, a description of “a type of formula-based cliche which uses an old idiom in a new context”.
#52Buy Snowclone by unknown at Low Price in India | Flipkart.com
Snowclone by unknown from Flipkart.com. Only Genuine Products. 30 Day Replacement Guarantee. Free Shipping. Cash On Delivery!
#53Snowclone postings | Arnold Zwicky's Blog
Snowclone postings (on Language Log and AZBlog) snowclonelet composites (aka snowclonelets) have their own Page, ...
#54Snowclone by Robert Coates - Bluethumb
Buy art online at Bluethumb. FREE Shipping & FREE Returns | $360 | Reproduction Print | Nature Animal | 60cm (W) x 73cm (H) x 1cm (D), 1 kg.
#56#snowclone hashtag on Instagram • Photos and Videos
365 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from 'snowclone' hashtag.
#57Catchphrase: Automatic Detection of Cultural References - arXiv
A snowclone is a customizable phrasal template that can be realized in multiple, instantly recognized variants. For example, ``* is the new *" ( ...
#58snowclone 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释snowclone这个英文词呢? snowclone这个英文词,中文意思如下:A type of cliché which uses an old idiom formulaically in a new context.
#59Oh, the Places You'll Snowclone - Masonry
I promise, this isn't a history lesson, nor is it a grammar lesson; this is a love letter to the snowclone, that persistent earworm that as ...
#60Snowclone - Radical Simplified Yellow | Play on Anghami
Play and download Radical Simplified Yellow album by Snowclone - including the songs "Working Title", "I Want You (Out of My Life)", "Breaking Space".
#61“Snowclone-a-Minute (@snowcloneminute)” by Bradley ...
“Snowclone-a-Minute (@snowcloneminute)” by Bradley Momberger and “Pizza Clones (@pizzaclones)” by Allison Parrish. May 21, 2018 June 17, 2014 by Leonardo ...
#62snowclone Definition in the dictionary English
Learn the definition of 'snowclone'. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. Browse the use examples 'snowclone' in the great English corpus.
#63Meme vs Snowclone - What's the difference? | WikiDiff
As nouns the difference between meme and snowclone is that meme is any unit of cultural information, such as a practice or idea, that is transmitted ...
#64Snowclone Gifts & Merchandise | Redbubble
High quality Snowclone-inspired gifts and merchandise. T-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more, designed and sold by independent artists around ...
#65Snowclone | WordReference Forums
How do you say snowclone in Spanish? Snowclone: it is a type of cliché ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowclone Thank you so much.
#66Stream Song 10: Look Out! - Snowclone by HOME'21
Stream Song 10: Look Out! - Snowclone by HOME'21 on desktop and mobile. Play over 265 million tracks for free on SoundCloud.
#67Snowclone - TheKolWiki
The Hobopolis spells are affected by +Generic Spell Damage, but not +Elemental Spell Damage. Snowclone. Type: Combat Spell MP Cost: 120.
#68snowclone: meaning, origin, translation - WordSense Dictionary
snowclone (English). Origin & history. Blend of snow cone and clone, after the popular idea that the Inuit have a large number of words for different types ...
#69什麼是名句改編"雪克隆"Snowclone - 三毛英語季
什麼是名句改編"雪克隆"Snowclone分析:有人說:黑夜給了我一雙黑色的眼睛,我卻用它尋找加班時間,也有人說:輕輕的我放完了線,正如大壩輕輕的發了 ...
#70關於Snowclone的英語精選 - 英語點津幫
Snowclone 文章包括Snowclone的英語精選、關於Snowclone的英語精選、描寫Snowclone的英語精選、寫Snowclone的英語精選、有關Snowclone的英語精選、讚美Snowclone的英語 ...
#71Snowclones are the (not so) new cliches - Glossophilia
A snowclone, according to the person who first identified and named it, is “a type of cliché or formulaic expression (such as 'Much ado ...
#72Snowclone | The Oikofuge
Snowclone : “A multi-use, customizable, instantly recognizable, time-worn, quoted or misquoted phrase or sentence that can be used in an ...
#73wong2/SnowClone: clone of google's "let it snow - GitHub
clone of google's "let it snow. Contribute to wong2/SnowClone development by creating an account on GitHub.
#74Petrarch Sonnets 97 - 116' by Peter Hughes (24 pages)
'Snowclone Detritus: Petrarch Sonnets 97 - 116' by Peter Hughes (24 pages). £5.00Price. Quantity. Add to Cart. From 1st July 2021, European Union VAT rules ...
#75Snowclone Synonyms & Antonyms
Find all the synonyms and alternative words for snowclone at Synonyms.com, the largest free online thesaurus, antonyms, definitions and translations ...
#76snowclone - Wordorigins.org
Linguist Geoffrey Pullum defines a snowclone as “multi-use, customizable, instantly recognizable, time-worn, quoted or misquoted phrase or ...
#77snowcloneの意味・使い方・読み方 | Weblio英和辞書
snowclone の意味や使い方 WOTD – 27 December 2007語源Blend of snow cone + clone, after the popular idea that the Inui... - 約1175万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。
#78文化酷词:雪克隆Snowclone - 沪江英语
The term "snowclone" describes the practice of transforming cliches, axioms and pop culture catchphrases into modern analogies.
#79Marmite Linguistics - Edible Geography
A snowclone, according to linguistics professor Geoffrey Pullum, is “a multi-use, customisable, instantly recognisable, time-worn, ...
#80Catchphrase: Automatic Detection of Cultural References
A snowclone is a customizable phrasal template that can be realized in multiple, instantly recognized variants. For example, “* is the new *" (Orange is the ...
#81Snowclone - The Art and Popular Culture Encyclopedia
A snowclone is a type of cliché and phrasal template. An example of a snowclone is "grey is the new black", a version of the template "X is ...
#82snowclone - Słownik angielsko-polski - eTutor
Powszechnie rozpoznawana fraza, w którą można wstawić w określone miejsca dowolne słowa. snowclone rzeczownik. Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w ...
#83snowclone — с английского на русский - Словари и ...
snowclone — UK [ˈsnəʊˌkləʊn] / US [ˈsnoʊˌkloʊn] noun [countable] Word forms snowclone : singular snowclone plural snowclones linguistics a type of phrase that ...
#84什么是克隆雪人(Snowclone)? - IIIFF互动问答平台
什么是克隆雪人(Snowclone)? "雪人克隆"是一种文学手法,它将陈词滥调、公理和流行文化流行语转化为现代的类比,作家可以把一个旧概念换成一个新的语 ...
#85The Snowclone (Otago) - Geocaching
The term snowclone was coined in 2004 in response to English professor Geoffrey Pullum's observation on the Language Log blog that lazy ...
#86Snowclone - AoV Solo (M&M3e) - Xion Studios - DriveThruRPG
Snowclone - AoV Solo (M&M3e) - Introducing the "Brand X" imprint of Xion Studios! Under Brand X, we will publish third-party authors & cr.
#87snowclone - Summoner Stats - League of Legends - OP.GG
snowclone. Ranked Solo. Bronze 4. 14 LP. 34W 52L, 40%. Flex 5:5 Rank. Silver 4. 0 LP. 4W 14L, 22%. Update; Live Game. Summary · Champions · Matches.
#88Snowclone meaning in Estonian - DictZone
snowclone meaning in Estonian » DictZone English-Estonian dictionary.
#89Snowclone Sandwich | The Life of Words
"Shit sandwich" strikes me as a good snowclone template: there must lots of situations we would like to describe as an X sandwich, ...
#90Snowclone music, videos, stats, and photos | Last.fm
Snowclone is a Finnish duo that produces pop music with a strong Nordic flavor. The band was founded in 2007. It consists of Anna Sipilä, a vocalist with a ...
#91漫谈Snowclone_核桃Terri - 新浪博客
从字面来看,snowclone通常被直译为“雪克隆”,不过这不是一个生物学术语,而是传播学或者语言学词汇,指的是一种特殊的“陈词滥调”句式,为“注意力经济” ...
#92Snowclones | Mental Floss
A common example of a snowclone is "X is the new Y", a generic form of the original expression "pink is the new black".
#93snowclone - Sesli Sözlük
Etimoloji. () Blend of snow cone and clone; coined by Glen Whitman in response to Geoffrey Pullum on the blog Language Log ...
#94snowclone - Little Fire Metal
snowclone. Gallery 2.jpg. snowclone. 85.00. oil pastel on paper. 8” x 11.75”. 2016. original. Purchase. Share. Back to Top. Contact: [email protected].
#95To snowclone or not to snowclone - TechnoLlama
A snowclone, according to Wikipedia, “is a neologism used to describe a type of formula-based cliché which uses an old idiom in a new ...
#96什么是名句改编"雪克隆"Snowclone_他她话题 - 可可英语
... 我却用它寻找加班时间,也有人说:轻轻的我放完了线,正如大坝轻轻的发了电。这些让人忍俊不禁的名言改编就叫做Snowclone(雪克隆)。The term.
#97Snowclone | ReverbNation
Snowclone. Pop / Dance / Electronic Helsinki, FI FI ... more. Become a Fan Remove Fan. Snowclone. Overview; Music; Videos; Events. Save Remove from Library.
#98ROFLcat sez meta-snowclone? | So, this is my curious attempt…
ROFLcat sez meta-snowclone? So, this is my curious attempt at meta-metahumor. To fully appreciate (or deride) it you'll need to be familiar with:.
#99Constructionalization and Constructional Changes
The term 'snowclone' was suggested by Glen Whitman in response to discussion on Language Log, in which Geoffrey Pullum asked for a label for a type of ...
#100Нова розмовна лексика і фразеологія: Англо-український ...
snowclone, n вираз, який можна видозмінювати в нових контекстах You've seen claims about the number of words for snow found in Eskimo languages.
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