

在 snigger產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過14萬的網紅Daphne Iking,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, When I go for my doctor appointments, my husband wants to sit next to me and not "a chair slot away". (He's very .... belangkas. No guesses why #4 cam...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過267萬的網紅阿滴英文,也在其Youtube影片中提到,人生好難~讓滴妹&超直白一起逗得你哈哈大笑順邊教你這些英文字的笑法是什麼! 想參加「殺手保鑣」特映會雙人套票抽獎活動,就快去我們的粉絲專頁分享貼文+留言 http://facebook.com/rayduenglish *我們會於8/12(六) 在粉絲專頁公布 #5位幸運得主哦!* 殺手保鑣8/...

  • snigger 在 Daphne Iking Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-06-07 08:34:14
    有 200 人按讚

    When I go for my doctor appointments, my husband wants to sit next to me and not "a chair slot away". (He's very .... belangkas. No guesses why #4 came as a surprise).

    I tell him just to follow the rules, but what he says makes sense - we sleep on the same bed, why must I sit so far from you in the hospital?

    Then I read Zan's article.



  • snigger 在 Fiqrie Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-10-18 19:30:08
    有 14 人按讚


    For me it was a nice stylish pair of shoes 👟 .

    Growing up in Subang Jaya where my schoolmates were a bunch of rich kids...I sometimes felt shy on special school days where we were allowed to dress freely.

    These kids came in the latest branded shoes and clothes.
    And I came in my mediocre attire.

    I remember it well, it was the year of recession back in 1998.
    My family wasn’t in a good place financially.
    We had to sell our house and moved into a rented one.
    My mama had to walk 5km to the nearest clinic and worked as a nurse to help my father make ends meet.

    I worked right after my PMR exam was over at a nearby supermarket - arranging groceries, lifting heavy boxes, to help the family and for some extra pocket money.
    It was actually during these years my face had an allergy reaction from all the dusts - that caused my acne & scar issues...which I battled for a very long time.

    But there was the matter of shoes.

    Mine was pretty old.
    But I kept it clean.
    I didn’t want to waste my parents money, it was better off used to pay my tuition fees. I wasn’t good in mathematics...I needed to put in extra effort (where I scored straight 8A’s in the end Alhamdulillah).

    So you can see how grateful I am now when huge shoe brands worldwide now work with me endlessly.
    Paying me to wear and promote their shoes. It seems like a dream sometimes.

    My collection has reached up to 65 pairs, between RM600 and my most expensive here at RM4k...all thanks to @valiram from @giuseppezanotti.

    I actually told one of the bosses yesterday during the @stevemaddenmalaysia event - “At such price it just seems fit to either don these to the Oscars OR my wedding...can’t simply wear anyhow”.

    The boss laughed and said kindly “As long as you do wear. You’re very welcome”.

    Yes...it might be weird to some. The arrogant ones might snigger reading this.
    But you can see now...how even shoes can make me feel humbled 🍃.

    #thetaleofshoes #alwaysstudyhard #loveyourparents #nothingcomeseasy


    Valiram Giuseppe Zanotti

  • snigger 在 Meiyan颜薇恩 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-10-05 22:24:39
    有 64 人按讚

    Sushi mentai is opening snigger branch! Congratulations

