

在 slovenly產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅水晶的英文課 Crystalmimi Teaches English,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 歲月靜好,現世安穩。🌺 May we enjoy a peaceful and steady life. - Sorry for slightly slovenly appearance 🐻‍❄️ - 工作必須帶來成就而非消磨自己 努力,進步,改變 - 曾經活在谷底的突破更無懈可擊...

 同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅ゆめみん日和,也在其Youtube影片中提到,みなさんこんにちは、ゆめみんです♪ 今日は、旦那がディズニーが公開してるレシピで おいしいチュロスを作ってくれました! 手軽にできるみたいなので、みなさんもぜひおうちでやってみてね! ▼参考にしたレシピはこちら Churro Tots From Disney Parks | Walt Disne...

slovenly 在 預訂一番賞 盲盒 扭蛋 figure Japan Toys Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-07-09 17:27:03

#rementslovenlyroom #slovenlyroom #宅女部屋 #宅女生活 #宅女日常 #宅女人生 #宅女的日常 #部屋事情 #干物妹 #干物女 #干物妹小埋 #干物屋 #好宅 #宅女 #一個人 #毒女 #毒男 #煲劇 #香港玩具ig #香港玩具 #香港玩具店 #rement代購 #...

  • slovenly 在 水晶的英文課 Crystalmimi Teaches English Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-01-12 16:44:12
    有 530 人按讚

    May we enjoy a peaceful and steady life.
    Sorry for slightly slovenly appearance 🐻‍❄️

  • slovenly 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-02-07 20:00:19
    有 12 人按讚

    #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事
    🇺🇸 Idioms 美國生活用語:牛Cows

    1⃣ cow (n.)/(v.)
    2⃣ until (till) the cows come home
    3⃣ have a cow
    4⃣ cash cow

    After talking about rats last time, it’s time for an animal that everybody likes—cows! Whether providing us with milk or meat, cows are an important part of our lives, so of course there are lots of cow-related expressions.

    First, the word cow itself, which can be used to describe a fat, slovenly woman. Ex: That cow is always getting in my way! And as a verb, cow can mean to intimidate or frighten. Ex: I refuse to be cowed by that bully.
    首先,1⃣ cow這個字本身可以用來形容不修邊幅、肥胖的女性。如:That cow is always getting in my way!(那個胖女人老是檔我的路!)cow也可以當做動詞,指恐嚇對方,如:I refuse to be cowed by that bully.(我拒絕屈服在那惡霸的惡勢力之下。)

    Cows spend their days grazing in the pasture, and they eat a lot of grass, so they don’t go home till late in the evening. For this reason, 2⃣ “until (till) the cows come home” means “for a very long time, indefinitely.” Ex: They could argue till the cows come home and still not reach an agreement.
    牛花大把時間在牧場上吃草,牠們真的吃很多草,不吃到傍晚是不會回家的。因為這樣,所以片語until (till) the cows come home可延伸指「無止盡地,長時間地」,如:They could argue till the cows come home and still not reach an agreement.(他們可以無止盡爭論下去,依然不會有共識。)

    What would your reaction be if you gave birth to a cow? You’d probably be pretty upset and shocked. 3⃣That’s what “have a cow” means. This expression has been around since the 1950s, but has become much more popular in recent years because it’s one of Bart Simpson’s favorite expressions in The Simpsons. Ex: Don’t have a cow, man—I’ll buy you another carton of milk.
    如果你發現自己生了頭牛會怎樣?你應該會非常緊張而且嚇壞了吧。這就是片語have a cow的意思。這個片語在50年代左右出現,不過在最近幾年才夯起來,因為這是《辛普森家庭》的霸子最常講的口頭禪。Don’t have a cow, man—I’ll buy you another carton of milk.(不要嚇到了喔——我會買給你一大桶牛奶。)

    Because a cow is a useful animal that produces a lot of milk, 4⃣ a “cash cow” is a business or investment that produces a good, consistent profit. Ex: The rental property that Paul bought is a real cash cow.
    因為牛是很有用的動物,可以產出非常多的牛奶,所以cash cow用在生意或投資上,就是指獲利頗豐的「搖錢樹」。The rental property that Paul bought is a real cash cow.(保羅買的那個租賃物件是搖錢樹。)

    🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選

  • slovenly 在 Michelle Phan Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2015-01-11 02:25:22
    有 14,673 人按讚

    Beauty is everywhere. Spread the Love gorgeous ♥ ∞

    Dear Ones -

    Can we talk about something?

    For the last few months, I've been growing uneasy about a phenomenon I've seen playing out in the media over women's bodies and women's appearance.

    And no, this is not about the USUAL thing that makes me uneasy in the media (the exploitation and hyper-sexualization of women's bodies, etc. etc...) That hasn't changed, and I'm not tackling that today.

    This is about something new.

    This is about prominent women publicly criticizing other prominent women about body image questions, and about each other's private beauty decisions.

    I don't want to see this anymore.

    The history of women's bodies and women's beauty is a battlefield of epic (and sometimes violent) proportions. The last thing any of us need to be doing is judging each other and turning on each other.

    What really frustrates me is the patronizing tone that is sometimes adopted, when a woman who has made a certain set of decisions about her own face and her own body criticizes another woman who has made an entirely different set of decisions about HER own face and HER own body.

    You know the tone. It goes like this: "I just think it's so sad that she felt she needed to do that..."

    This is a tone of voice that fills me with ire, because: REALLY? Does it make you feel "sad"? Are sure you're using the word "sad" correctly? Does your neighbor's boob job really make you feel "sad"? Does that movie star's plastic surgery genuinely make you feel "sad"? Are you honestly crying into your pillow at night about somebody's Brazilian butt lift — the way you would cry about a death in the family? Honestly?

    Or are you just judging a sister, and hiding your judgment behind a screen of moral appropriation?

    Check yourself.

    No decision that any of us make about our appearance makes us morally better or morally worse than any other woman.

    The scale of beauty in our world is vast and complicated and often politically, socially, and culturally confounding. At one extreme, you have the "all-natural" obsessives, who judge anybody who artificially alters her appearance in any manner whatsoever as vain and shallow. At the other of the scale are the extreme beauty junkies, who will do anything for an enhanced sense of beauty, and who judge everyone else as slovenly and drab.

    We all have to figure out where we land on that scale. Lipstick, but no hair dye? Legs shaved, but not arms? Hair processing, but no Brazilian wax? Short skirts but no bikini tops? Two-inch heels, but not five-inch heels?

    It all sends a message, and it all comes with complications. None of it is easy to figure out. And this is not even taking into account larger questions about religion, history, and cultural ethics. What looks like modesty on a woman in Rio de Janeiro looks like flagrancy in Salt Lake City. What looks like modesty in Salt Lake City is flagrancy in Cairo. What looks like modesty in Cairo is flagrancy in Riyadh. What looks like flagrancy to your grandmother looks like frumpiness to your teenager. What looks beautiful to me might look grotesque or even offensive to you.


    My experience is this: once we have decided where we land on that scale of beauty, we tend to judge all the other women who have made different decisions in either direction around us: This woman is too vain; that one is too plain...it never ends.

    It also bothers me that women who define themselves as liberal, left-wing feminists (like myself) will stand on a picket line to defend the right of another woman to do whatever she wants with her reproductive system — but then attack that woman for what she decided to do to her face.

    Let me break it down for you: It's none of your business.

    Every single molecule of woman's body belongs to HER.

    Yes, even her lips.

    Yes, even her butt.

    To judge a fellow woman for her choices about her own appearance is not only cruel, it also speaks to a fundamental insecurity that says, "I am so uncomfortable with myself that I have now become deeply uncomfortable with YOU, lady — and I don't even know you."

    So have some compassion for the fact that it is difficult for any woman to figure out where to place herself on that vast and emotionally-loaded scale of female aesthetic. And check your own vanity before you criticize someone else's vanity. (And do not kid yourself that you are not vain because you do not partake in certain beauty rituals that other women partake in — because you are also making decisions about your body, your face, and your clothing every single day. With every one of those decisions you are also telegraphing to the world your own politics, your own opinions, your own needs and fears, and yes, often your own arrogance.)

    No matter what you're wearing, you are dressing up, too.

    As the great drag queen RuPaul has said: "We are all born naked. Everything else is just drag."

    So be sympathetic. Everyone is facing her own battlefield in her own manner. And the only way you can express empathy about another woman's vanity IS TO BE HONEST ABOUT YOUR OWN.

    Once you have reached that place of authentic honesty about your own struggle, you will only ever show kindness toward your sisters.

    So here's what I do.

    When I see a woman who has lost weight, I say, "You look terrific."

    When I see a woman who has quit dieting and embraced her curves, I say, "You look terrific."

    When I see a woman who has obviously just had plastic surgery, I say, "You look terrific."

    When I see a woman who has let her hair go grey and is hanging out at grocery store in her husband's sweatpants, I say, "You look terrific."

    Because you know what? If you are woman and you managed to get up today and go outside, then you look terrific.

    If you are still here, then you look terrific.

    If you are able to go face down a world that has been arguing about your body and your face for centuries, then you look terrific.

    If you have figured out what you need to wear, or do, or not do, in order to feel safe in your own skin, then you look terrific.

    If you are standing on your own two feet and the stress of being a woman hasn't killed you yet, then YOU LOOK TERRIFIC.

    To say anything less than that to (or about) your fellow woman is to add ammunition to a war that is bad enough already.

    So back off, everyone. Be kind.

    You're all stunning.


  • slovenly 在 ゆめみん日和 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-04-17 15:00:11



    Churro Tots From Disney Parks | Walt Disney World

    【誕生日】双子赤ちゃんと行くディズニーランドの旅!【1歳0ヶ月】 Disneyland trip with twin babies!

    【ホワイトデー】ズボラ旦那が作るスウィートなお菓子【息抜き】Sweet white day sweets made by slovenly husband.






    ミッドタウン・タワー 28階
    UUUM株式会社 ゆめみん日和  宛


    ♡ 関連動画 ♡ おすすめ動画 ♡こっちも見てね♪


    【密着】双子赤ちゃんの1日♡〜双子育児のリアルな24時間!〜生後9ヶ月編【育児日記】One day for mixed twin babies ~ Real life 24 hours

    【密着】双子赤ちゃんの1日♪〜双子育児のリアルな24時間!〜生後6ヶ月編【育児日記】One day for mixed twin babies ~ Real life 24 hours


    【女性が歌う】パプリカ-米津玄師バージョン/ Kenshi Yonezu - Paprika covered by ゆめみん【歌ってみた】

    【アナ雪2】Into the Unknown (From """"Frozen 2"""" covered by ゆめみん)【歌ってみた】松たか子 / Idina Menzel English ver.

    【修羅場】子育て中にママとパパが高熱で倒れたら…【胃腸炎】If mom and dad get gastroenteritis while raising children ...

    【男女双子】ハイハイレースやってみた!家族みんなで全力バトル!【1歳0ヶ月】Tried crawling race with mixed twins babies

    【一升餅】1才だけの一生に一度のお誕生日祝いに密着したよ♪【男女双子】We celebrated Twins Babies Birthday once in a lifetime.

    #双子パパ #StayHome #チュロス

  • slovenly 在 ゆめみん日和 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-03-14 15:00:18










    ミッドタウン・タワー 28階
    UUUM株式会社 ゆめみん日和  宛


    ♡ 関連動画 ♡ おすすめ動画 ♡こっちも見てね♪


    【誕生日】双子赤ちゃんと行くディズニーランドの旅!【1歳0ヶ月】 Disneyland trip with twin babies!

    【密着】双子赤ちゃんの1日♡〜双子育児のリアルな24時間!〜生後9ヶ月編【育児日記】One day for mixed twin babies ~ Real life 24 hours

    【密着】双子赤ちゃんの1日♪〜双子育児のリアルな24時間!〜生後6ヶ月編【育児日記】One day for mixed twin babies ~ Real life 24 hours


    【女性が歌う】パプリカ-米津玄師バージョン/ Kenshi Yonezu - Paprika covered by ゆめみん【歌ってみた】

    【アナ雪2】Into the Unknown (From """"Frozen 2"""" covered by ゆめみん)【歌ってみた】松たか子 / Idina Menzel English ver.

    【修羅場】子育て中にママとパパが高熱で倒れたら…【胃腸炎】If mom and dad get gastroenteritis while raising children ...

    【男女双子】ハイハイレースやってみた!家族みんなで全力バトル!【1歳0ヶ月】Tried crawling race with mixed twins babies

    【一升餅】1才だけの一生に一度のお誕生日祝いに密着したよ♪【男女双子】We celebrated Twins Babies Birthday once in a lifetime.

    #双子ママ #双子 #ホワイトデー

  • slovenly 在 艾薩克Isaac Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-06-08 21:00:00

    延續第一集「#男裝搭配架構」, 今天介紹「正式休閒比重」的「休閒」,讓艾薩克Isaac 用穿衣四原則&兩大訣竅帶你穿出 #帥休閒!

    訂閱頻道 ▶ https://pse.is/isaacslifestyle

    How to dress casually? How to look great, rather than untidy and messy?

    Following our first video: The Menswear Framework, today we'd share with you " Casual " of "Proportions of Formal to Casual". Today you will learn how to dress casual wear and look nice!

    Subscribe me ▶ https://pse.is/isaacslifestyle


    本集重點Points of the Video:
    00:27 休閒 Casual
    01:33 健身 Weight Training
    01:55 髮型 Hairstyles
    02:19 休閒 vs 邋遢 Casual vs Slovenly

    推薦連結Related Videos:
    【男生穿搭#1】男裝搭配架構:「場合」決定「正式休閒」,再以「四原則」輕鬆搞定穿搭!【Men's Fashion #1】The Menswear Framework (https://youtu.be/A_qdg8JreLA)
    【男生穿搭#2】二大配色原則,穿搭好簡單!|【Men's Fashion #1】2 Easy Color Matching Rules(https://youtu.be/E4o-7wuPvdg)
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