

在 sharpened產品中有33篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過168萬的網紅Lee Hsien Loong,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, COVID-19 has sharpened fault lines in our society, and made some difficult issues more urgent. I will talk about three of them: 1. Supporting lower-w...

 同時也有20部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6萬的網紅桜餅かんた,也在其Youtube影片中提到,🌸 ARK生物図鑑 🍡 ARK内に登場する生物の特性や特徴、性能といったものからARK外での情報なんかも取り入れた総合生物図鑑を目指したい!コメントも見てね! 🔻------ 以下詳細 ------🔻 0:00 ステゴの豆知識、雑談 9:30 ARKのステゴの話 12:30 ステゴやサドルや各種バフ...

sharpened 在 SAM CHAN 陳宇琛 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-03 15:53:14

Here I go again😅 上個post未講到,離開TVB之後,as a backup plan,我喺中大修讀Sustainable & Environmental Design建築碩士學位,同時間亦喺一間建築公司實習。重返校園內心都有掙扎,因為主修建築嘅人都知道呢一科係好金,but you ...

  • sharpened 在 Lee Hsien Loong Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-29 20:14:01
    有 1,794 人按讚

    COVID-19 has sharpened fault lines in our society, and made some difficult issues more urgent. I will talk about three of them:

    1. Supporting lower-wage workers.
    2. Addressing anxieties over foreign work pass holders
    3. Managing race and religion.


  • sharpened 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-25 21:10:21
    有 227 人按讚

    Here I go again😅
    上個post未講到,離開TVB之後,as a backup plan,我喺中大收讀Sustainable & Environmental Design建築碩士學位,同時間亦喺一間建築公司實習。重返校園內心都有掙扎,因為主修建築嘅人都知道呢一科係好金,but you gotta do what you need to do。我讀得都算幾好成績,但係事隔10 年要重新pick up絕對有困難。

    我喺HKTV嘅的經歷係好滿足,係我演藝生涯中,第一次真正得到作為artist需要嘅照顧。見返好多TVB 台前幕後並肩作戰嘅舊同事,亦被安排做男一,一套劇接一套,而第一套劇嘅對手係影帝影后。過到新環境,有監製話喺舊公司好想同我合作,都覺得我可造性高。台前幕後都有好多溝通,個感覺係大家都有一團火,想創新同製作高質素嘅節目俾大家睇。因為咁我嘅演技有機會突破, it sharpened my skills, and definitely reignited my passion. 不過開心嘅時間過得好快,眨下眼就兩年,跟住大家都知道發生乜嘢事啦。 坦白講,呢次嘅感覺係由更高嘅位一腳𨅝咗落嚟,不過係我自己嘅選擇,因為加入HKTV時都知道會有呢個可能性,所以繼續向前行,無諗過返轉頭。

    我決定要靠自己向外發展,向幕後製作埋手,因為呢一個係我鍾意做戲之外,入行嘅初心。起初係圈內朋友介紹由低做起,慢慢身邊有好多伯樂睇到我嘅潛質,鼓勵我開自己公司 - 製作廣告,event,電影。一開公司就已經接到幾個國際性嘅大型廣告同events,但壓力好大,因為我真係零back up。幾經辛苦終於搵到自己嘅世界,生存嘅空間。

    試過接到國際品牌幾百萬嘅event 喺海外舉行,單人去開會。原先係同另一間香港製作公司一齊合作,心態係希望謙虛迎接新嘅挑戰,但第一次見面已經感覺好有敵意,因為對方可能覺得我搶生意。開完會諗住會有緊密合作,所以同對方進一步傾計了解, 但對方無緣無故話自己本來做電影行業但無做係因為「你老豆喺呢行」。估唔到離開香港,喺唔同範疇工作,都可以聽到呢種咁ridiculous嘅說話。係咪大家都以為我無咗老豆唔得?為咗big picture,唔希望又再次因為人士複雜而影響我團隊嘅努力,所以我同客戶提出獨自製作呢個event。

    Business trip完成後,我同Camille同團隊分享都覺得好愕然,講都冇人信。當時只係女朋友嘅Camille知道當時我好需要人手,就辭職加入公司,付出所有做好呢個project,嗰次贏盡口碑。之後同我地合作過嘅每一位客戶,至今仍然係好朋友。我地嘅motto係將心比己,關係用錢都買唔到,it’s not always about the money。亦學識一定要放下身段,要生存就要豁出去。


    近呢兩年,有機會參與多咗幕前嘅工作,拍「男排女將」係HKTV拍「四年B班」嘅舊同事推薦我飾演黃金sir呢個角色。我亦好認真去做足功課,感恩大家對黃金sir嘅愛護。開頭有啲緊張,因為好耐無拍劇,希望自己可以發揮得好,希望可以為團隊同拍檔add value。因為呢幾年幕後嘅工作,自然反應係要照顧大家,所以同台前幕後嘅團隊,尤其係一班年輕人都傾得好投契。

    Life is a marathon, I’m still giving my all to my career and this industry. 感謝大家對我嘅付出,感恩入行18年真心對待我嘅人。曾經傷害過我,當面多次say no 嘅人,我都要多謝佢地,因為我學識自愛、自強。呢一行嘅路真係非常之難,無論你來自任何嘅背景,成功唔係必然,都要付出好大嘅努力同堅持。
    You must maintain a very balanced mental state and stay sane. I truly appreciate all the ups and downs in my life. I will keep striving. And may God continue to be my guidance, allowing me to persevere and protect the people I love with His love ❤️

  • sharpened 在 Lee Hsien Loong Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-08 18:54:59
    有 22,661 人按讚

    I recorded this year’s National Day Message at the Botanic Gardens. This was where my parents brought me to watch the first Aneka Ragam Rakyat, or People’s Variety Concert, on 2 August 1959. These were a series of free, open-air concerts with a multicultural theme. They were organised by the newly elected PAP government, to start us on our journey of becoming one people, one nation.

    We have come a long way since then. However, the pandemic has strained fault lines in our society, and sharpened difficult issues that we need to deal with. I spoke about three: lower wage workers, foreign work pass holders, and race and religion. While not new issues, we must address them and not let them cause divisions among us.

    On COVID-19, more than two thirds of residents are now fully vaccinated, putting us in a more resilient position. We can look forward to a careful re-opening of our economy, and moving into the new normal. So long as we stay united, and keep on building a more harmonious society, Singapore will continue to prosper for generations to come.

    I wish all Singaporeans a very happy National Day! 🇸🇬

    You can watch the Messages in other languages here:

    Malay (delivered by Masagos Zulkifli) -
    Chinese (delivered by Heng Swee Keat) -
    Tamil (delivered by S Iswaran) -
    – LHL

  • sharpened 在 桜餅かんた Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-05 17:00:06

    🌸 ARK生物図鑑 🍡
    🔻------ 以下詳細 ------🔻
    0:00 ステゴの豆知識、雑談
    9:30 ARKのステゴの話
    12:30 ステゴやサドルや各種バフの話
    21:25 ステゴの攻撃も強い話

    #ARK生物図鑑 #ドードー

    🎵 使用BGM 🎵

  • sharpened 在 TianChad 田七摄影 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-02 20:00:17

    Latest camera software and hardware upgrade on Galaxy S21 Ultra allow easy macro and close-up photography. There are two ways of macro photography using it, WHICH DO YOU PREFER? I prefer use the Ultra-wide camera as macro camera as it give true resolutions and wider view;

    If you use the 'Focus Enhancer' mode, the image resolution size is maintained at 3000x400 using some kind of 'AI Super Resolution' technique, which I find it looks good but sometimes the image looks over sharpened. That's why I prefer to use the native Ultra Wide Camera, get closer to my subject and shoot it right away. (that's what I show in this quick tutorial)

    Any further photography test that you would like me to try? Let me know as I would love to try! More brainstorming is better than one. Thanks for watching!

    If you've liked this video, remember to Like and Share it around! It helps a lot! =D

    【???? + ????? + ???????? ?? ????????】

    Got My Awesome Musics from #Epidemic Sound 【Free 30 days】

    【GEAR I USE】
    Nikon Z7, Z50 with 14-24mm, 24-70mm, 35mm
    Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra
    Joby Gorillapod 5K Kit
    Moment Lens for Mobile Phone


    Website: www.TianChad.com
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tianchad
    Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/tianchad
    Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tianchad

    Get Moment Lenses - https://bit.ly/MomentLensTC

    PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/tianchad

  • sharpened 在 Fernández FF Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-11-20 17:36:58

    Enjoy it :) !

    eFootball PES 2021 ⚽ Mobile Android Gameplay / Matchday
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    ■ Featuring Europe's Finest
    Play with a veritable smorgasbord of officially licensed clubs from the upper echelons of European soccer; including FC Barcelona, Manchester United, Juventus, FC Bayern München, as well as new exclusive partner, AS Roma!

    ■ New Iconic Moment Series Players
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    ■ Live Among Legends
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    ■ Rare Featured Players
    Players who performed well during weekend matches will appear in the game as Featured Players. These special versions have increased ratings, unique card designs, and in some instances, additional skills.

    ■ Weekly Live Updates
    Data from real matches being played around the world is collated on a weekly basis and implemented in-game through the Live Update feature to create a more authentic experience. These updates affect various aspects of the game, including player Condition Ratings and team rosters.