[爆卦]Shallow piano chords是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Shallow piano chords鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Shallow piano chords這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 shallow產品中有1575篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 與🇩🇰哥本哈根實驗電子音樂廠牌 posh isolation 主理製作人Vanity Productions 合作一首Ambient 數位單曲"Whirlpool" 可以在Spotify, Bandcamp 等等上收聽。 寫了一首中文詩詞與我的歌唱: 是深, 是淺 — Deep, shallo...

 同時也有531部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過60萬的網紅Tasty Japan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,そのままでもおいしい焼き芋に、チーズをのせたグラタンとアイスをトッピングしたスイーツにアレンジしました! 焼き芋とチーズは意外に相性がよく、塩気が焼き芋の甘味を引き立て、アイスは温かい焼き芋にほどよく溶け込んで間違いないおいしさに・・・♡ とっても美味しいので、ぜひ作ってみてくださいね♪ 焼き芋ア...

shallow 在 The Meatmen Cooking Channel Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-10-03 07:14:53

If you love the spicy chicken at KFC, you MUST try this recipe of Sambal Popcorn Chicken. Think of the best sambal nasi goreng you've had but instead ...

shallow 在 The Meatmen Cooking Channel Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-10-03 07:14:53

If you love the spicy chicken at KFC, you MUST try this recipe of Sambal Popcorn Chicken. Think of the best sambal nasi goreng you've had but instead ...

  • shallow 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-25 17:00:02
    有 43 人按讚

    與🇩🇰哥本哈根實驗電子音樂廠牌 posh isolation 主理製作人Vanity Productions 合作一首Ambient 數位單曲"Whirlpool" 可以在Spotify, Bandcamp 等等上收聽。


    是深, 是淺 — Deep, shallow
    我會化為那道漩渦 — I become a whirlpool

    是高 是低 — High, low
    我會化為那座峽谷 — I am a deep gorge

    讓時間 — Let time

    融化你的記憶 — Melt your memories

    讓宇宙的混沌 — Let chaos of cosmos

    讓末日消融的身軀 — Melt your body in apocalypse

    而宇宙的最後 — The end of universe

    則是無限的慈悲 — Is boundless kindness

    融化你的記憶 — Melting your memories


    ft. Meuko Meuko & Yunus Rosenzweig


    Whirlpool is a new sonic tale of love and loss by Vanity Productions. This time Christian Stadsgaard strikes with a special collaboration with Meuko Meuko and Yunus Rozenzweig blending music and poetry. A fragile feeling grows like a seed into a whirlpool of emotions that elevates you and fuses separate worlds into a body full of beauty and quiet contemplation. Until the dream abruptly ends with the whisper of outlandish winds.

    Posh Isolation 263

  • shallow 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-21 21:15:09
    有 352 人按讚




  • shallow 在 Ductienlucas - Trường dạy học nhiếp ảnh HCM Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-15 13:57:25
    有 4 人按讚

    Video quay từ iPhone 13 với chế độ Cinematic mới!

    Trong đoạn clip, chế độ Cinematic mới trên iPhone 13 cho phép làm mờ background khi focus vào người diễn viên. Khi diễn viên này quay mặt nhìn vào hậu cảnh, iPhone 13 tự động làm mờ diễn viên và làm nét hậu cảnh. Và khi diễn viên quay mặt lại, hậu cảnh lại được làm mờ và tự động bắt nét mặt của diễn viên đó. Quan trọng là tất cả các phần chuyển nét đó đều được iPhone làm Tự Động! Insane!!

    Chất lượng video rất ok - một phần nhờ vào lighting đỉnh cao và edit kỹ lưỡng, nhưng cũng không thể phủ nhận chất lượng của camera từ iPhone 13 👌

  • shallow 在 Tasty Japan Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-26 10:00:04




    焼き芋 1本(300g程度)
    バター 10g
    ミックスナッツ 10g
    ピザ用チーズ 40g
    塩 少々
    パセリ 少々
    はちみつ 適量
    1. 焼き芋の両側を1cm程度残して包丁で横一本の切り込みを入れる。

    2. バターを半分に切ったら焼き芋の溝に入れて、ナッツ、塩を加えたらチーズをのせ、パセリをまぶす。

    3. オーブントースターで10分程度(表面に焼き色がつくまで)加熱する。皿にのせてはちみつをかけたら、完成!


    焼き芋 1本(300g程度)
    バニラアイス 100g
    アーモンドスライス 大さじ1
    チョコスプレー 小さじ1
    1. 焼き芋の両側を1cm程度残して包丁で横一本の切り込みを入れる。

    2. 大きめのスプーンでアイスをすくいながら、焼き芋のみぞに挟む。

    3. 皿に乗せてチョコスプレーとアーモンドスライスを全体に散らしたら、完成!


    2 Recipes to Elevate Your Regular Baked Sweet Potatoes

    ◆Baked Sweet Potatoes au Gratin with Honey Nuts
    Servings: 1 baked sweet potato

    1 baked sweet potato (abt 300g)
    10g butter
    10g mixed nuts
    40g shredded cheese
    Some parsley
    Some honey

    1. Make a shallow cut horizontally on the potato. Leave 1cm for both sides.

    2. Cut the butter into halves and place them in the potato. Put mixed nuts and salt. Place shredded cheese on top. Sprinkle with some parsley.

    3. Bake for 10 minute in the toaster oven (until golden). Transfer to a plate. Add some honey on top.

    4. Enjoy!

    ◆Baked Sweet Potatoes with Vanilla Ice Cream
    Servings: 1 baked sweet potato

    1 baked sweet potato (abt 300g)
    100g vanilla ice cream
    1 teaspoon chocolate sprinkles
    1 tablespoon almond slices

    1. Make a shallow cut horizontally on the potato. Leave 1cm for both sides.

    2. Place vanilla ice cream in the potato cut.

    3. Place the potato on a plate. Add some chocolate sprinkles and almond slices on top.

    4. Enjoy!



    Licensed via Audio Network

  • shallow 在 Tasty Japan Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-18 10:00:01


    15cm 1台分

    ぶどう 1房(種なしピオーネや巨峰など)
    Aアガー 15g
    Aグラニュー糖 大さじ2
    透明のジュース 500ml(おすすめはヨーグリーナなど)

    1. ぶどうは房から取って水で洗い、包丁で十字に切れ目を入れ沸騰した湯に20秒程くぐらせ、冷水にとってザルに上げ皮をむく。むいた皮はお茶パックに入れる。

    2. Aをボウルに入れ泡立て器でよく混ぜ合わせておく。

    3. ジュースと1のお茶パックに入れたぶどうの皮を鍋に入れ沸騰させ、ぶどうの色素を煮出したらお茶パックは取り出す。(色素が出るように絞る)

    4. 沸騰したら中火にし、泡立て器で混ぜながら2を振り入れてしっかり溶けるまで2分ほど混ぜる。

    5. 火からおろしたら型に流し入れて底に氷を当て、粗熱が取れてトロみがついたら1のぶどうを入れ、冷蔵庫で冷やし固める。

    6. ナイフや竹串などで側面をぐるりと一周してはがし、空気を入れて型から抜く。


    Grape Jelly Colored with Natural Ingredients
    Servings: 1 mold (15cm)

    1 bunch of seedless grapes
    15g agar
    2 tablespoons granulated sugar
    500ml juice (no color)

    1. Rinse grapes with water. Using a knife, cut a shallow X in the bottom of each grape. Put grapes in the boiled water for 20 seconds. Transfer to the cold water in a bowl. Drain and peel grapes. Keep grape skins in a tea strainer.

    2. Mix agar and granulated sugar well in a bowl.

    3. Boil juice and the tea strainer with grape skins (1) in a pot. Remove the strainer when the juice is colored.

    4. Turn down the heat to medium. Add (2) into the pot and stir well for 2 minutes.

    5. Remove the pot from the heat. Pour into a mold. Place ice on the bottom of the mold to cool. When cooled, place grapes (1). Refrigerate until set.

    6. Run a knife around the inside edge, remove the jelly from the mold.

    7. Enjoy!



    Licensed via Audio Network

  • shallow 在 瞎槓 Shotgun Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-04 23:08:21

    🥇 本集特別來賓:
    方博 from @淺堤 Shallow Levée / 少年白 Grey Youth
    奕碩 from @百合花liliumtaiwan
    子維 from 毀容姐妹會 / Everfor

    🔔 訂閱『瞎槓』Youtube頻道→ http://bit.ly/2PMUJfX

    ✸ Instagram:http://bit.ly/2wnrN7r
    ✸ Facebook:http://bit.ly/3akD6Mi
    ✸ 合作洽談:shotgunlivehouse@gmail.com

    📌 瞎槓熱門影片:

    ✰ 玖壹壹成軍血淚史,從臺中地下饒舌歌手成為Local嘻哈天團!
    ✰ 鮮蝦挺起來!feat. 台灣通勤第一品牌、反正我很閒
    ✰ 加LINE叫過去!性愛世大運!Asiaboy 禁藥王 & Lizi 栗子獨家專訪
    ✰ 反正我們都很閒,那就秋out一下~ Feat. 反正我很閒
    ✰ 大麻、前妻、基督教、謝和弦親自跟你說明白!
    ✰ 老王樂隊全員到齊,團員爆料批鬥大會開始!
    ✰ 大港開唱 & 覺醒音樂祭倒閉真相!feat. 張賽 & 小黃老師

    📌 瞎槓全集:

    ✰ 來賓棚內訪談|瞎槓 LIVE HOUSE
    ✰ 外景特派員|瞎槓 TRIP:
    ✰ 獨立音樂每週情報|瞎槓NEWS:


