

在 self-identity產品中有37篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8萬的網紅蕪菁雜誌,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 莊智淵惜敗。 ​ 但,從莊智淵身上,還有從台灣人身上,我們看到了一些令人感動的元素。除了獨狼老將自始至終燃燒不屈的鬥志以外,更重要的,是莊惜敗以後,台灣人表現出的、衷心的不捨、尊敬與打氣。 ​ 這是一個 #真實的共同體 的表現。 ​ 很多台灣人,總是會羨慕「體育大國」中國,在國際賽事上得牌像吃飯喝水...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過76萬的網紅memehongkong,也在其Youtube影片中提到,184 佛教的緣起觀—幻滅中的香港? 我不是佛教徒,但我覺得佛教的世界觀很奇特。佛教不從上帝創世說宇宙的存在,它從無明說。無明所成,因緣生起,所以結果統統是虛妄。緣起觀表示一切現象是如幻如化。緣起的另一面就是「空」。「空」表示一切物根本無自性的,任何東西沒有自性,沒有它自己。「空」是什麼東西呢?空...

self-identity 在 PC Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-05-30 05:37:00

1 người, trong đời, rốt cuộc phải đi tìm và gặp khủng hoảng về self-identity bao nhiêu lần ha. Với mình, tới giờ thì là, lúc cỡ 13, 14 tuổi, lúc t...

  • self-identity 在 蕪菁雜誌 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-28 00:13:11
    有 3,787 人按讚



    這是一個 #真實的共同體 的表現。




    「…他們要求的是一個面子,就是說中或最贏:『我絕對不能承認我是失敗者,如果我是失敗者,所有人都會拋棄我。』這就是 #缺少真實共同體 的表現。 」

    「真實共同體是什麼? 就是那些在你失敗的時候會圍攏過來援救你的人。如果你很有把握地說『在我失敗的時候,現在我身邊的人全都會跑開』的話,那你就得承認你其實是沒有什麼真實的共同體的。」


    而共同體最重要的「自我認同(self identity)」和「敵我意識」,台灣現在還處在剛從黨國轉型出來的,不死不活的「中陰身」狀態當中。官方語言受到國際情勢的限制,這我們可以理解。但只要「中華隊」、「中華台北」還普遍存在於普羅大眾的日常語言當中,這個轉型的漫漫長路就還有得走。



  • self-identity 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-15 23:00:21
    有 405 人按讚




  • self-identity 在 鄭衍峰 Leonard Cheng Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-14 13:11:48
    有 21 人按讚

    Imperfection is epitome of self identity.
    Be original.
    Be you.

    Photo credit @lawjoey

  • self-identity 在 memehongkong Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-08-19 13:00:00

    184 佛教的緣起觀—幻滅中的香港?

    「實體」(Substance) 在希臘人來說,相當於變化中不變的定常者。用邏輯語言說,就是肯定自身同一性,這個就是自性。自身同一(self identity),有了自身同一性,我們始可講每一個人有一個統一的人格,是獨一無二的個體,在變化的過程中有一個同一性在貫徹,所以不管怎麼變,孔子還是孔子,孟子始終是孟子。同時,宗教家亦可以講靈魂不滅,我的身體可以變、可以腐朽,但我的靈魂始終存在,所以不朽的靈魂可以超越死亡的虛無。
    西方哲學是為實有而奮鬥(struggle for Being),佛教是為去掉實有而奮鬥(struggle for non-Being),甚至佛教認為宇宙沒所謂造物主的;但無我、無造物主的世界觀怎樣說得通呢?這點特別吸引我。


    謎米香港: www.memehk.com

  • self-identity 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的最佳解答

    2018-04-13 16:18:43



    Also watch:

    秋葉原行街,吹水講下日本召妓收費 和酒吧種類Akihabara and tell you charges for prostitution in Japan


    Souce from Wikipedia:
    Prostitution in Thailand has been common in modern Thailand and its predecessor states for centuries. During the Ayutthaya Kingdom (1351–1767), prostitution was legal and taxed,[1]:2 and the state ran brothels.[2] Since 1960, prostitution in Thailand has been de jure illegal. Nevertheless, it was estimated to be worth US$6.4 billion a year in revenue (2015), accounting for a significant portion of the national GDP.[3]

    Sex worker perspectives
    Were it not for financial pressures, there is evidence that most sex workers would not choose the work. In Sweden and the Netherlands, where prostitution is "...legal, protected, lucrative and safe,..." it is not a popular profession. Greece provides a recent example of the correlation between prostitution and economic destitution: researchers there estimate that the number of people selling sexual services in Greece has soared by 150 percent since the Greek market collapse in 2008.[81] Many sex workers in those countries are imported from south and Southeast Asia. One Thai university student doing sex work to support herself lamented to an interviewer that "my life doesn't give me choices".[82] The president of Thailand's Foundation for Women notes that, "These women may well have the capacity to separate their sex work from their self-identity." In the words of one of the sex workers she interviewed, "Once I met my customer on a street, he tried to approach me. But I ignored him. What right does he have? Outside a brothel, I am a normal woman."[82]

    Some "sex workers" claim that actual sex is a minor part of their occupation. An independent sex worker in Chiang Mai says, "...most of her job is having drinks with customers, only involving sex two or three times a month. Akin to a 'professional girlfriend', ...sex workers provide...company to middle class or foreign men. In return, clients will buy her clothing, take her to watch movies...."[82]

    Reasons for the prevalence and toleration of prostitution
    Social views
    Thai society has its own unique set of often contradictory sexual mores. Visiting a prostitute or a paid mistress is not an uncommon, though not necessarily acceptable, behaviour for men. Many Thai women, for example, believe the existence of prostitution actively reduces the incidence of rape.[14] Among many Thai people, there is a general attitude that prostitution has always been, and will always be, a part of the social fabric of Thailand.[14]

    According to a 1996 study, the sexual urge of men is perceived by both Thai men and women as being very much stronger than the sexual urge of women. Where women are thought to be able to exercise control over their desires, the sexual urge of men is seen to be "a basic physiological need or instinct". It is also thought by both Thai men and women that men need "an occasional variation in partners". As female infidelity is strongly frowned upon in Thai society, and, according to a 1993 survey, sexual relationships for single women also meets disapproval by a majority of the Thai population, premarital sex, casual sex and extramarital sex with prostitutes is accepted, expected and sometimes even encouraged for Thai men, the latter being perceived as less threatening to a marriage over lasting relationships with a so-called "minor wife".[57]

    Another reason contributing to this issue is that ordinary Thais deem themselves tolerant of other people, especially those whom they perceive as downtrodden. This acceptance has allowed prostitution to flourish without much of the extreme social stigma found in other countries. According to a 1996 study, people in Thailand generally disapprove of prostitution, but the stigma for prostitutes is not lasting or severe, especially since many prostitutes support their parents through their work. Some men do not mind marrying former prostitutes.[58] A 2009 study of subjective well-being of prostitutes found that among the sex workers surveyed, sex work had become normalized.[59].....



