在 scuttled產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過166萬的網紅Engadget,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, You'll have to go elsewhere for your 'Tiger King' fix....
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過75萬的網紅志祺七七 X 圖文不符,也在其Youtube影片中提到,全新的線上課程《志祺的架構性思考:從資訊整理到觀點表達》募資中! 👉 課程募資連結: http://bit.ly/buy77class 我們最近跟「圖文不符上課囉」的夥伴們,一起製作了一門全新的線上課程,在裡面會將團隊的核心思考技術「架構性思考」,製成一門共 150 分鐘以上的完整課程! ...
scuttled 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的精選貼文
2021-01-09 19:00:09全新的線上課程《志祺的架構性思考:從資訊整理到觀點表達》募資中!
👉 課程募資連結: http://bit.ly/buy77class
我們最近跟「圖文不符上課囉」的夥伴們,一起製作了一門全新的線上課程,在裡面會將團隊的核心思考技術「架構性思考」,製成一門共 150 分鐘以上的完整課程!
內容包含了 3 大篇章,10 個單元,並且搭配大家熟悉的時事議題實際練習!讓大家一起學會架構性思考,並且放大應用到生活的各個面向!
👉 即日起,到 1 月 14 日之前買課的話,都可以享有 1,480 元、也就是原價 75 折的早鳥優惠;3 人同行,1 個人甚至只要 1,333 元就好。
🤔 那麼,誰適合這堂課呢?
💼 需要經常溝通,進行團隊工作的上班族
🏫 想精進邏輯與表達技巧,應用在學校和家庭的學生
👬 對社會有使命感、想為重大議題聲援的所有人
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#馬雲 #螞蟻集團 #阿里巴巴
00:00 前導
01:07 線上課程「志祺的架構性思考」廣告段落
02:41 馬雲惹怒中國高層?
03:57 史上最大的螞蟻
05:03 被約談喊停的螞蟻上市案
06:07 中國官方擔心的是?
08:26 除了風險以外的其他原因?
10:43 我們的觀點
12:38 提問
13:06 結尾
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→Ant Founder Jack Ma Faces Backlash From Regulators:https://on.wsj.com/3q5RNdU
→China’s President Xi Jinping Personally Scuttled Jack Ma’s Ant IPO:https://on.wsj.com/39csMqM
→Is Jack Ma missing? The rumors alone represent a chilling new message from Beijing:https://bit.ly/3nqBPth
→Chinese Regulators Summon Ant Leaders Ahead of Gigantic IPO:https://on.wsj.com/2Ly5S50
→Jack Ma Makes Ant Offer to Placate Chinese Regulators:https://on.wsj.com/3q0AATb
→Ant’s Record IPO Suspended in Shanghai and Hong Kong Stock Exchanges:https://on.wsj.com/35luQLY
→馬雲外灘金融演講全文:「管」的能力很強 「監」的能力明顯不足:https://bit.ly/3nttipB
→馬雲外灘金融峰會演講全文:中國金融業還是青少年:https://bit.ly/2LDg5xi→王岐山:中国金融不能走投机赌博的歪路 不能走庞氏骗局邪路:https://bit.ly/39cZoAS
→螞蟻風暴後/中國金融問題讓螞蟻壯大 與監管磨合正開始:https://bit.ly/2L6W5TT
→兩個月無音訊 歐美媒體齊關注「馬雲去哪兒了?」:https://bit.ly/3bnAG3w
→馬雲近況:英國媒體發問 「馬雲哪兒去了?」:https://bbc.in/2ME4EFS
→真的出事了?馬雲下落不明 逾2個月未公開露面:https://bit.ly/39dWDiG
→螞蟻上市交易前夕 中國4機關宣佈「監管約談」馬雲等3名高層:https://bit.ly/2XnFPjH
→馬雲帝國陷監管危機 阿里巴巴遭中國反壟斷調查:https://bit.ly/3otMncy
→馬雲的直言不諱 讓「螞蟻」上了熱鍋:https://bit.ly/35oUK1n
→螞蟻上市:定價出爐或成史上最大IPO 中美交惡凸顯中企出海風險:https://bbc.in/3nrYbdZ
【 延伸閱讀 】
→拆解螞蟻千億ABS: 「出表」利器如何被壓至4倍「槓桿」:https://bit.ly/2K0xW0A
🔴如果影片內容有誤,歡迎來信勘誤:hey77@simpleinfo.cc -
scuttled 在 Corinne Vigniel Youtube 的最佳貼文
2018-09-13 14:46:36Can insects sense an incoming storm and flee to safety?
Hundreds of ants scuttled across a mountain trail, moving precious larvae and eggs to higher ground.
Hong Kong is bracing for super Typhoon Mangkhut, due to hit on Sunday (September 16, 2018) -- while the US is bracing for Hurricane Florence.
Were the ant moving because their colony had suffered after heavy rain, or can they sense changes in pressure and organise an evacuation ahead of a massive storm?
Siu Ma Shan, Hong Kong
September 13, 2018
Camera: Corinne Vigniel
iPhone 6+
Music: Morning Mandolin, Chris Haugen, from YouTube Creator Studio
scuttled 在 Matt's 電玩之夜 Game Night Youtube 的最佳貼文
2018-02-12 17:00:01Mattㄟ粉絲專頁 ►
PS4ID: MattHuang850813 (如果我在線上可以直接加進來,時間沒有固定)
Mattㄟ實況 《戰地風雲1》你不能不知的歷史故事!►
1. BATTLEFIELD 1 Turning Tides North Sea Trailer (2018) PS4_Xbox One_PC
2. Sunken WWI German Battleship Raised_ SMS Hindenburg (1924) _ British Pathé
3. The Scuttled German Fleet At Scapa Flow Aka Seuttlos Fleet (1919)
4. U-Boat footage WW1 in Color
scuttled 在 Engadget Facebook 的最佳解答
You'll have to go elsewhere for your 'Tiger King' fix.
scuttled 在 法學博士石人仁 Facebook 的最佳解答
Bismarck was the first full-size battleship built for Germany after World War I. Designed using tried-and-true methods, the Bismarck class were the largest European battleships during their service.
Bismarck featured eight 15-inch guns in four turrets with a heavy secondary gun armament—an echo from the World War I era battleships. Despite heavy turtleback armor, tremendous steam turbines propelled Bismarck over 30 knots!
In May 1941, she sunk HMS Hood and damaged HMS Prince of Wales, then was crippled by a Swordfish Torpedo bomber that jammed her rudder. The crippled Bismarck was intercepted by another powerful Royal Navy squadron where she stood up to a hailstorm of fire in her final battle. Theories on how the Bismarck sunk vary, some claim she was scuttled by her crew, others that torpedoes from HMS Dorsetshire dealt the final blow. Bismarck went toe-to-toe with the Royal Navy’s best, put up a good fight, and became a true naval legend.
The Bismarck is now in World of Warships: Legends as the Tier VII German Battleship! How do you plan to setup this brawler?
scuttled 在 Foodie Facebook 的最佳貼文
We scuttled all over #HongKong to get our finger on the puluse of the #softserve trend that is sweeping the nation. Here are SIX OF THE BEST!