

在 salespersons產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【咽喉不適】常用聲人士要好好保護喉嚨 ⭐平日多喝利咽滋潤飲品 ⭐不要等到失聲才求救 #星期四食材 青欖胖大海利咽孖寶 喉嚨痛是容易被人忽視的小症狀,總覺得多喝點水就能解決,但如果長期咽喉不適其實也很困擾,造成喉嚨痛的成因有很多,撇除感冒,陰虛燥熱是常見原因,經常用聲人士例如歌手、老師、銷售員等,...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅Bangkok69,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Pratunam NEON Night Market is located in Pratunam. It is a 5-minute walk from Pratunam Market area , 15 minutes from CentralWorld. In the market there...

salespersons 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-12-03 16:13:13

【咽喉不適】常用聲人士要好好保護喉嚨 ⭐平日多喝利咽滋潤飲品 ⭐不要等到失聲才求救 #星期四食材 青欖胖大海利咽孖寶 喉嚨痛是容易被人忽視的小症狀,總覺得多喝點水就能解決,但如果長期咽喉不適其實也很困擾,造成喉嚨痛的成因有很多,撇除感冒,陰虛燥熱是常見原因,經常用聲人士例如歌手、老師、銷售員等,...

  • salespersons 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-11-26 19:04:57
    有 80 人按讚





    青欖 — 性平,有開胃生津、化痰利咽、解酒的作用,適合咽喉疼痛、煩熱口渴、肺熱咳嗽、飲酒過多人士食用。

    胖大海 — 性寒,有清肺化痰、利咽開音、潤腸通便的功效,適用於肺熱聲啞、咽喉疼痛、肺熱咳嗽、燥熱便秘等症狀。由於性寒,脾胃虛弱人士不宜服用。

    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Chinese white olive and malva nut – sore throat relievers
    People often overlook sore throats, thinking they can solve the problem by drinking water, but sore throat can cause a long-term discomfort if left unattended. There are many contributing factors as well. Besides flu, yin deficiency and dryness are the common causes.

    Individuals who constantly use their voice such as singers, teachers and salespersons would experience dryness in the throat, if they do not maintain its moisture level. This might even cause voices to turn hoarse or even lead to voice loss.

    When encountering such situation, try using Chinese white olive and malva nut to relieve the throat. Chinese white olive is mild in nature, can stimulate appetite, induce saliva production, clear phlegm and relieve sore throat. Malva nut on the other hand is cold in nature, suitable to relieve dryness. It is especially beneficial for those who suffer from sore throat or voice loss after having barbecued food.

    Chinese white olive - mild in nature; can stimulate appetite, induce saliva production, clear phlegm, relieve sore throat, and relieve hangovers; suitable to relieve sore throat, clear body heat and quench one’s thirst, and is suitable for individuals who indulge in alcohol beverages and those who cough constantly and with heat in lungs.

    Malva nut – cold in nature, can clear the lungs and phlegm; good for the throat and intestines, as well as passing motion; is helpful to eliminate the heat in the lungs and relieve cough, hoarse voice, sore throat, dryness as well as constipation. Since it is cold in nature, individuals with asthenic spleen and stomach should not consume.

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我枯燥 #陰虛 #喉嚨痛

  • salespersons 在 Sasqia Dahuri Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-10-22 09:59:57
    有 231 人按讚

    Congrats sayang! Forever proud of you!!
    Posted @withrepost • @khan6ki Thank you @propnexsingapore! Received this in the mail today! Glad to be in PropNex’s top 10% out of 8400 salespersons! Now it’s all about the last lap! Let’s continue value adding to our beloved clients! Thank you clients for putting your trust in me with all your property needs!


  • salespersons 在 Sasqia Dahuri Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-10-21 08:00:00
    有 231 人按讚

    Congrats sayang! Forever proud of you!!
    Posted @withrepost • @khan6ki Thank you @propnexsingapore! Received this in the mail today! Glad to be in PropNex’s top 10% out of 8400 salespersons! Now it’s all about the last lap! Let’s continue value adding to our beloved clients! Thank you clients for putting your trust in me with all your property needs!

    See More

  • salespersons 在 Bangkok69 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-07-05 13:00:02

    Pratunam NEON Night Market is located in Pratunam.
    It is a 5-minute walk from Pratunam Market area , 15 minutes from CentralWorld.
    In the market there are restaurants that can drink beer while dining casual clothes such as Thai cuisine, T-shirts and jeans.
    As a market in the center of Bangkok, many Thai youth and families gather.
    Many foreign tourists visit too.
    Many salespersons are very friendly. Even if a foreigner who can not speak Thai can go alone, it will not be a problem.

