

在 retrench產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅Ainie Haziqah,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 'Getting to speak to female in the household especially when they are affected by all this whole idea of how the pandemic is working, a lot of them ar...


retrench 在 Christy Ng 伍美眉 ?? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-07-02 19:31:01

Taking a moment to reflect on my journey since March 18. Almost everyday, I’m reading new news of companies which I admire wind up / retrench their em...

retrench 在 Izzati Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-10 16:34:40

Gambar ni di ambil masa first day kerja 13 May 2019. Punya lah excited kan. Nak kerja. Nak build career. Nak dapat gaji (paling penting). Nak buat an...

  • retrench 在 Ainie Haziqah Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-22 10:00:12
    有 37 人按讚

    'Getting to speak to female in the household especially when they are affected by all this whole idea of how the pandemic is working, a lot of them are not just affected retrench or salary got cut most importantly how sometimes female in the household got domestic abuse'

    You can watch my full interview with Melisa and Sharad from ASTRO Awani on Consider This: Urban Poor - Is Getting Through here:


  • retrench 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-18 18:32:09
    有 1,738 人按讚

    Many events for 2021 already canceled.
    The winds of change are going to be with us for a long time, but it is not all bad.
    Retrench, re-budget, rethink, re-plan ,reschedule ...

    We must learn to improvise ,
    overcome and adapt to the new world.



    朋友们,Stay Safe !

    #ascissportstylemy @ Stay Home - Stay Safe

  • retrench 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-09-20 21:13:52
    有 127 人按讚

    [時事英文] 蘭德智庫 (RAND): 美國的未來之戰


    需要最新的時事英文講義 (L10 The Future of the USA) 請按個讚和留言「Send me more breaking news, please!」。


    🇺🇸 Let’s start with the big picture. Who are the main U.S. adversaries in 2030?
    None of our main competitors—Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and terrorist groups—are going away, and some of them will probably strengthen. China will become a more formidable threat as its economic and military influence increases. We're not going to have the same freedom of movement that we have with China now.
    1. a more formidable threat 更為難纏的威脅
    2. freedom of movement 行動自由

    🇺🇸 How do you see the global economic picture changing?
    The United States and its allies are going to lose some of their share of global economic output. China is growing, and growing at the expense of our allies, particularly the Europeans. If you think about economics as the underlying bedrock that allows you to produce military capabilities, that trend is the opposite of what you want to see.
    3. global economic output 全球經濟產出
    4. at the expense of 以……為代價
    5. the underlying bedrock 潛在的基石
    6. military capabilities 軍事能力
    🇺🇸 How will environmental change play into this?
    First, it will have an effect on where we can base. Some of our installations around the world are in places that will be threatened by climate change—they're in low-lying areas or flood plains, for example. But second, it also will have a destabilizing effect. Some of the places that will be hardest hit by droughts or rising sea levels tend to have weaker governments. That could increase domestic instability, and more domestic instability can lead to terrorism and civil war, the kind of sub-state conflict that we've been dealing with for the last decade or so.
    7. base (v.) 以某處作為主要地點;將某地設為總部
    8. installation (尤指用於軍事目的的)設施
    9. low-lying areas 低窪地區
    10. flood plains 洪泛平原;泛濫平原;澇原
    11. a destabilizing effect 一個不穩定的因素
    12. be hard hit by… 受到……的重創
    13. increase domestic instability 增加國內動盪
    14. lead to 導致
    15. sub-state conflict 次國家衝突
    🇺🇸 What role will domestic politics in the United States play?
    We've seen a steady trend over the last several decades toward increasing polarization among the U.S. electorate. That creates some significant constraints. Just to get the defense bill passed requires a bipartisan consensus, and that will face increasing pressure in the years to come. We're also seeing a second major trend, which is a growing push to retrench, to pull the U.S. back from a global posture.
    16. a steady trend 一個穩定的趨勢
    17. increasing polarization 日益加劇的兩極化
    18. the U.S. electorate 美國選民
    19. a bipartisan consensus 兩黨的共識
    20. retrenchment strategy 緊縮策略
    🇺🇸 What should the United States be doing to prepare for 2030?
    We probably need more longer-range platforms, for example, but there's really no silver bullet. The bigger finding is that the United States is going to increasingly face a grand-strategic choice. It can double down on its role for the last three decades as the world's leading superpower, in which case it needs to spend more on defense and defense capabilities than it has.
    21. longer-range platforms 更長程載臺
    22. face a grand-strategic choice 面對巨大的戰略選擇
    23. double down on sth 加倍努力;決心完成
    24. the world's leading superpower 世界領先的超級大國
    25. defense capabilities 防衛能力


    L1-9 時事英文講義:https://bit.ly/2XmRYXc


    🌎 對新聞英文和批判性思考有興趣的同學也可以參考我的課程:

  • retrench 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

  • retrench 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • retrench 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-10-01 13:09:56

