[爆卦]Result in Ving是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇Result in Ving鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在Result in Ving這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者GeraldLiu (wolver)看板Eng-Class標題Re: [文法] as a res...

※ 引述《auxmathew (我要時間溜直排輪啦~!!!)》之銘言:

: : 經過「鬼媽 on the go」的解說員Liz的說明,as a result of 的用法在我的理解裡
: : 變成好像是一種倒裝句的感覺,不過我這裡的「倒裝句」和一般英語教學裡提到的倒
: : 裝句應該不是相同的東西。
: As a result of 的用法 就跟 because of 一樣
: she was late as a result of the snow = she was late because of the rain

: if i were you => were I you. 最常見的倒裝句 省略 if , were 前置
: : 言歸正傳,舉例來說:she marryed when met her Mr. Right three years later.
: was married /she\
: : 這個句子若改成as a result of 的「倒裝」用法,就會變成:
: : As a result of met her Mr. Right for three years, they marryed.
: meeting were married
: : 再舉一個:Tom talked with a western beauty on the street because he speaks
: : English well.
: : 的 as a result of 倒裝用法,可以變成:
: : As a result of speak English well, Tom get a chance talking with a western
: /ing\ got
: : beauty on the street.

: : As a result of learn the usage of "as a result of", Gerald notices that he
: /ing\
: : know nothing about hyperbaton or anastrophe.
: /s\
: 簡單來說 你的 as a result of + 名詞 or V ing
: 放在句子前半 or 後半部 都不算是到裝句 .... 只是修飾放前面or後面而已
: 動詞/主詞位子改變才算到裝句
: 還有 結婚那個句子造得怪怪的.....

對了,昨天Liz也有提到because 和after,就是用有because 和after的句子來改成
as a result of 的句子。

As a result of misunderstanding the usage to a phrase and making a joke, Gerald
learn something from his mistake.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
priv:這也不是什麼很特別的東西,of後面當然接的是名詞啊 08/26 15:03
A1pha:...the usage of a phrase.... ...learned something.... 08/26 15:26
A1pha:to 只是一指向性的東西..to+動詞 可以翻做「去做」 08/26 15:28
A1pha:to+名詞 可以翻做「"對"某某如何如何」 08/26 15:29
A1pha:一個phrase的usage是屬於phrase的屬性(可以用)之一 08/26 15:31
A1pha:所以用of....(我這樣解釋是沒有文法根據的...是語感..囧) 08/26 15:32
A1pha:這個phrase"的"用法 這邊的OF是"的"的意思 屬於phrase的用法 08/26 15:34
priv:的確用of比較正常 08/26 15:34
priv:還有一件事,As a result of後面不一定要接Ving吧 08/26 15:35
priv:有時候用單純的名詞,句字更簡潔 08/26 15:35

