

在 restlessness產品中有39篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過168萬的網紅Lee Hsien Loong,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, The economic uncertainty caused by COVID-19 has intensified pressure on middle income Singaporeans. This can be seen in the growing restlessness over ...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過22萬的網紅Zermatt Neo,也在其Youtube影片中提到,In this video, I went over to Shin Minori at Katong Square to DESTROY their buffet. Shin Minori is a Japanese buffet that offers over 160 items on the...

restlessness 在 林郁晉 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-10 22:33:50

《 #籠罩下的巨大哀愁 》 正式開展啦 歡迎各位到台北當代藝術館 詳細資訊|https://reurl.cc/bXy09v ________________________________________________ by Yu-Jun LIN A place where millions...

  • restlessness 在 Lee Hsien Loong Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-29 20:31:24
    有 2,849 人按讚

    The economic uncertainty caused by COVID-19 has intensified pressure on middle income Singaporeans. This can be seen in the growing restlessness over foreigners, particularly work pass holders.

    Singaporean workers have valid questions about work pass holders which must be addressed.

    First, Singaporeans must be assured that Employment Pass and S Pass holders are of the right standard. Criteria for EP & S-Passes will continue to be tightened over time, gradually and progressively.

    Second, all employees must be assured of fair treatment at the workplace. Of course, not every company plays ball. A few have not been fair employers, hiring from their own countries rather than on merit. Government agencies deal with these transgressions firmly.


    (Photo: The Straits Times © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Permission required for reproduction)

  • restlessness 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-25 11:59:53
    有 55 人按讚

    【著名法國哲學家Jean-Luc Nancy逝世】

    當代歐洲最著名的哲學家之一、法國思想家讓-呂克‧南希(Jean-Luc Nancy),日前在法國史特拉斯堡逝世,享年81歲。

    生於法國波爾多的南希,畢業於巴黎索邦大學哲學系,1988年開始擔任斯特拉斯堡大學哲學系教授,直至2002年退休,期間也曾任法國國際哲學學院課程總監。師從著名哲學家Paul Ricoeur的南希,思想也深受解構主義大師Jacques Derrida的影響,並在對方逝世後,延續其解構思想,擴展這方面的領域。


    生平著作甚豐的他,撰寫過的題材相當廣泛,其中包括文學、政治、哲學史、宗教等,歷年來著作亦曾被翻譯成多國語言。在《Hegel: The Restlessness Of The Negative》裡,南希曾經提到,「這個世界需要的是真相,而非安慰」,也成為南希最常被引用的金句之一,全句英文節錄如下:

    "What this world needs is truth, not consolation. It must find itself in its ordeal and by way of its restlessness, not in the solace of edifying discourses that do nothing but pile on more testimony to its misery."

    對於肆虐至今的肺炎疫情,南希也有深入觀察,去年更曾以疫症為題,發表長達一百頁的著作《Un trop humain virus》,探討肺炎對西方政治與財產分配等影響,雖然人類需要各自隔離,但病毒卻「共有化」彼此,是真正可讓人類感受共同體的時刻。

  • restlessness 在 鴻狄 Ipun Kanasaw Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-13 17:56:44
    有 53 人按讚

    Ray of Light - Verity C.
    侑彤 Verity CROS MUSIC 闊思音樂

    Every star that glows has a macro nuclear reactor at the centre,
    yet the external light pollution will interfere with the operation.
    Worship, Experiment, Restlessness...
    Trying to find out the way of self-operating in the light damage thread from the outside world, and strive to achieve “the courage to be in the dark”.
    “Only by self-luminous can the darkness be eradicated.”

    Art Direction & Production / Foggy Incense
    Director & Script / Gill Lin
    Assit. Director / 林耕舞
    Producer / 李佳樺
    Cast / Ipun Kanasaw
    D.O.P / Lupori Gianpaolo
    1st Camera Assist. / CHOU YI
    Camera Assist. / Liu Guang Yen / Han Chiu Xic / Sun Sheng Kai
    Camera Equipment / 阿榮影業 Arrow Cam
    Gaffer / Gary Huang
    Best Boy / Zhang Zhe Cheng
    Best Boy / Lin Yan Jun / Sun Da Jun / Wang Hao Quan
    Director / Psychobaby Gill Lin
    Art Depart. Coordinator / lgthree
    Art Depart. Assist. / Darren Lin
    Styling / M Shiuan Wang
    Hair Aritst / Pure Zhang
    Makeup Aritst / Yun Li Shih
    Editor / Leo Liu
    Colorist / CY Chiu
    VFX / Frankie Li
    Sound Design / Howie Yu
    Still Photography / Yun Lu
    Graphic Design / Randi Tsai
    Special Thanks / Lin Kuo Sheng / ArrowCam / Tiger / Joan /

    #FoggyIncense #Foggy_Visual #ArtDirector #ArtDirection #verity #侑彤 #RayOfLight #光害 #crosmusic #闊思音樂 #selfluminous #Foggy_MV #musicvideo #Foggy_Art #ArtFilm #seqence

  • restlessness 在 Zermatt Neo Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-02-21 22:59:12

    In this video, I went over to Shin Minori at Katong Square to DESTROY their buffet. Shin Minori is a Japanese buffet that offers over 160 items on their buffet menu, ranging from fresh sashimi (thinly sliced raw meat/fish) to crispy agemono (deep-fried dishes). Do check out their website listed below for their full range of dishes.

    However, things did not turn out according to plan as service was unexpectedly slow. The average wait time between orders was easily 30 minutes and a significant number of orders were forgotten, never to arrive. I aimed to demolish 200 pieces of sushi for you guys, but after a laboured 2.5-hour affair, I was defeated only by time and restlessness with a modest 90 pieces of sushi eaten. It was hard to say if it was the robot server Loco who was the culprit, or just a simple manpower issue. They even sent a slice of birthday cake with the candle unlit!

    The silver-lining was that the food was genuinely good and well-presented. Not a single dish was unwelcomed in my mouth, while there were a few standouts like the various avocado makis and the bean curd skin sushi. If the food had arrived regularly while maintaining this quality, it would have been a fantastic Japanese buffet experience.

    Do head down to Shin Minori (preferably their UE outlet) to satisfy your Japanese cravings!

    Additionally, I will be defending my title this weekend at Eatbox (Downtown East) on the 23rd February 2020. The eating contest will start at 5pm so please do come down to watch. I would love to meet you guys!

    Visit Shin Minori at:

    UE Square
    81 Clemenceau Avenue
    #03-15/16 UE Square Singapore 239917

    Katong Square
    88 East Coast Road #02 – 08
    Katong Square Singapore 423371

    Website: http://shinminori.com.sg/

    Connect with me!
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/zermattneofls
    Instagram - http://instagram.com/zermattneo
    Tee Shirts - https://www.bonfire.com/eating-things/

  • restlessness 在 Sara Shang Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2017-03-06 16:50:21

    ★Sara Shang★ MV Dance Cover 2017.02月成果

    • MUSIC / CLC(씨엘씨) - 도깨비(Hobgoblin)
    • PHOTOGRAPHER / Wind Chuang
    • EDIT / Sara Shang
    • @TAIWAN

    안 넘어오고는 못 배길 일곱 ‘도깨비’ CLC만의 카리스마

    파격적인 변신이 돋보이는 다섯 번째 미니앨범 [CRYSTYLE]

    2017년 1월, CLC가 변신과 함께 새로운 도약을 준비한다. 이번 미니 5집 [CRYSTYLE]은 ‘CLC 만의 스타일’이라는 의미로 미니 4집 [NU.CLEAR]의 ‘아니야’로 이미 검증 받은 CLC만의 예쁘고 엉뚱한 매력이 극대화 됨과 동시에 성숙해지고 카리스마가 강해진 모습을 확인할 수 있다. 큐브 소속 선배인 현아의 타이틀 곡 ‘도깨비‘ 작사에 참여하며 CLC의 파격적인 스타일과 음악적 변신을 응원했다. 또한, 그 동안 CLC의 전곡 랩메이킹에 참여하며 실력을 쌓아온 멤버 예은이 본격적으로 ‘Mistake’와 ‘미유미유(Meow Meow)’, ‘말이야’까지 수록된 세 곡의 작사에 참여하며 이번 앨범에 대한 기대감을 높였다.

    타이틀 곡 ‘도깨비’는 기존의 귀엽고 깜찍한 CLC에서 한껏 파워풀하고 유니크한 매력으로 대중들에게 확실한 인상을 남기겠다는 포부가 담긴 EDM TRAP(트랩) 장르의 곡으로, 국내 최고 걸크러시 솔로 여가수이자, 큐브 선배인 현아가 CLC멤버들을 위해 직접 작사에 참여하며 화제를 불러일으켰다. 좋아하는 상대에게 적극적으로 어필하며 마음을 홀리는 여자 도깨비라는, 전에 없던 캐릭터의 이야기가 담긴 재미있고 참신한 가사가 눈길을 끈다.

    첫 번째 트랙 ‘Liar’는 감각적인 바운스가 돋보이는 Future Bass Ratchet Pop(퓨처 베이스 래칫 팝) 스타일의 곡으로, 거짓말투성이 연인에 대한 감정을 CLC 멤버 7명 각각의 매력으로 풀어낸 감각적인 곡이다. 작/편곡에 참여한 Devine Channel(디바인 채널)은 EXO, 방탄소년단, 트와이스 등 다수의 아티스트들의 히트곡을 발표한 작곡가 크루로, CLC의 개성 있는 이미지를 극대화 시켜 국내뿐 아니라 새로운 해외 팬들의 만족도도 충족시켜줄 수 있는 작품을 완성했다. 세 번째 트랙 ‘Mistake’는 편한 친구와 어느 날 분위기에 취해 실수로 키스한 후의 후회와 설렘 등 복잡한 감정을 위트 있게 풀어나가는 내용의 곡이다. 90년대 스타일의 힙합 비트에 어쿠스틱 베이스와 기타, 신시사이저 사운드가 절묘하게 조화를 이루어 이 곡의 매력을 더해준다. 고양이의 도도하고 시크한 성격을 가사의 모티브로 이용하여 만들어진 ‘미유미유(Meow Meow)’는 고양이 마크를 상징처럼 사용하는 CLC스러운 곡이다. 마치 고양이의 울음소리를 표현한 중독성 있는 가사가 귀를 사로잡는다. 다섯 번째 트랙 ‘말이야’는 좋아하는 이성의 애매모호한 태도에 대한 답답함을 표현한 곡이다. 기다리기 힘든 애타는 마음을 ‘말이야’라는 반복되는 가사를 통해 위트 있게 풀어내어 전국의 많은 썸남 썸녀들이 공감할 만한 곡이다. 마지막 트랙 ‘눈물병’은 사랑하는 남자와의 이별로 인해 마음 속에 병이 들고, 그로 인해 흘리는 눈물은 또 다시 가슴 속에 맺혀 그리움으로 변해가는 악순환을 반복하며 갈팡질팡하는 여자의 심경을 담은 곡이다. 화려한 스트링 세션과 코러스, 애절한 CLC 멤버들의 목소리로 탄생한 마이너 풍의 발라드 곡이다.

    미니 5집 [CRYSTYLE]은 변신을 두려워하지 않는 당찬 일곱 소녀들만의 스타일이 고스란히 담겨있는 유니크한 곡들로 가득 찬 앨범이다. 보여줄게 아직 너무나도 많은 CLC의 매력 포텐이 ‘뚝딱’ 터지길 기대한다.

    Can't help falling in love with the charisma of CLC, the seven ‘hobgoblins’
    A dramatic change stands out in their 5th mini album [CRYSTYLE]

    In January, 2017, CLC is on the verge of a new leap forward with their changes. This 5th mini album [CRYSTYLE] means ‘Own style of CLC’, and you will be able to check out that their beauty and quirky charms have maximized, and become more matured and filled with charisma since their 4th mini album [NU.CLEAR]. HyunA, senior artist of Cube, participated in writing lyrics of the title song "Hobgoblin" and cheered for the drastic style and musical transformation of CLC. Moreover, Ye-eun, the member of CLC who had been making the rap lines of whole CLC’s songs, has formally participated in the lyrics of three songs, ‘Mistake’, ‘Meow Meow’ and ‘I mean that’, raising expectations for their new album.

    The title song ‘Hobgoblin’ is an EDM Trap music which shows a strong desire to impress the public with a powerful and unique charm, differ from cute and pretty CLC what they used to be, and Hyuna, a senior artist of Cube and at the same time renown as a best girl crush solo female artist, involving in writing lyrics for CLC members become a hot issue. It tells about a story of a female hobgoblin actively appeals to her favorable partner which has been never dealt with in lyrics before. The first track ‘Liar’, is a Future Bass Ratchet Pop style song with a sensuous bounces, and interprets the feelings of a lover full of lies in CLC members’ respective styles. The Devine Channel, a writer’s crew who worked with many K-pop artists such as EXO, BTS and Twice, also took part in composition and arrangement of this album and not only maximized unique image of CLC but also satisfies overseas fans. ‘Mistake’ is the third track which talks about complex feelings such as regret and fluttering after kissed with a casual guy friend by mistake when they felt a little high. The acoustic bass and guitar and the synthesizer sound over the 90s hiphop style beat well matches together and adds charm of this song. ‘Meow Meow’ illustrates cat’s chic personality as a motif of lyrics and since CLC’s symbol is a cat character it is very CLC-like song. The addictive lyrics express the cries of cats and catch the ears of the listeners. The fifth track, ‘I mean that’ demonstrates a feeling of restlessness because of the ambiguous attitude of a man. The song "I mean that" is a catchy song using witty lyrics which someone who is flirting with others might feel the same way. The last song ‘Depression’ contains the story of a woman who is confused and sick of a break up with beloved man and her dropped tears still lingers in mind becoming a strong longing for him repeatedly. This song is a minor ballad song recorded with full harmonized string session and backup singers, and CLC’s mournful voices.

    5th mini album [CRYSTYLE] is full with unique tracks which convey their own style of seven girls who don’t feel any fear of their drastic changes. CLC has too many things to show you, so please look forward to this album which will be a great opportunity for them to prove their amazing potential!

  • restlessness 在 Joseph Prince Youtube 的最佳解答

    2011-05-30 17:05:07

    Your human body was designed to operate out of rest, not stress! In this 2-DVD album, you'll learn the significance of biblical rest, and discover how you can rest in Christ despite your negative circumstances. Find out how God has gone before you and is working behind the scenes for your good even when nothing seems to be happening. As you get a fresh revelation of how God's abundant grace causes you to surmount every difficulty, you'll arise with renewed strength and a new attitude of thanksgiving and victory. Put an end to worry, fears and restlessness dominating your life today!

    Find us at:

    Purchase the 2-DVD album at http://bit.ly/1r0oC60

