

在 repeated產品中有634篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 報告一下, 經過幾次補貨, 可可寫真書套裝已經全部寄出了!! 想不到大家的反應這麼熱烈, 真是十分感激! _< After repeated restocking, I can finally tell u that all the Coco Photobook orders are finall...

 同時也有206部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,— 陪賓狗錄 podcast — 歡迎來訂閱我的節目《聽新聞學英文》 https://open.firstory.me/user/bingobilingual/platforms 想跟賓狗一起不死背、「玩單字」嗎? 歡迎加入臉書私密社團: https://www.facebook.com/grou...

repeated 在 ᴍɪᴋᴏ ᴄʜᴇɴɢ Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-24 16:16:25

#mikomodeling 收假日,靈魂也稍微收回來了一些。 最近狀態極度不穩定至我自己也難以掌握,很抱歉最近常常訊息慢回或是取消一些聚會和拍攝。 保持在好的狀態很重要卻也很難,對一切都很敏感,讓我的症狀常因為各種原因反覆發作。 再次向大家道歉。但在狀態允許的情況下,我保證每一個工作我都是用盡全力的...

  • repeated 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-28 17:20:59
    有 198 人按讚

    報告一下, 經過幾次補貨, 可可寫真書套裝已經全部寄出了!!
    想不到大家的反應這麼熱烈, 真是十分感激! <3
    要大家久等真的抱歉! 希望他們能盡快安全地抵逹大家的手中吧 >_<

    After repeated restocking, I can finally tell u that all the Coco Photobook orders are finally dispatched!!
    Thank u so much for your patience, I am really sorry to keep some of you waiting...
    I didn't expect to receive so many orders! Really really grateful <3
    Hope the packages will reach u safely soon >W<

    Video by Chung Ho Luk

  • repeated 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-25 20:10:47
    有 3,830 人按讚

    Topic: Struggling with Stress Eating

    This was me 7 days ago
I resisted eating like a mad dog for 5 days after my recent F Up, but sadly I just repeated another stress eating, finished devouring so much fast food all under 5-10 min

    I shot this pic to remind myself that I fk up again…

    Normally my instinct is to Go to the Gym & Lift

    But this time I didn’t do that, instead I just ate like a mad man again who looked like he hasn’t eaten for 45 days

    And I’ve faced this episode - many many times

    This was one of those things I know that if I kept doing, it’s just gonna end up really bad for myself

    And the truth is, I wasn’t willing to deal with the stress at the time and kept holding on to it, ending in another terrible binge eat that made me felt depressed & pissed off about myself

    It was a downward spiral as I started to depend on Food more than ever - Not for energy & health purpose but more towards mental temporary relief

    And I had enough

    Enough of the BS I tell myself - that it’s okay to just eat and enjoy the moment

    Enough of Stress Eating - it’s time to earn back self control & discipline

    It starts now

    I’m sharing this, not to gain pity, but because I know how fkn hard stress eating messes up my body and I didn’t know whom to talk to - because normally it’s people who reached out to me!

    I felt ashamed as I tell people to show up and keep the fire burning, but my own fire is being put off by myself

    Whatever my personal reasons are - it is not an excuse to keep fking up, and that’s why I’m sharing this publicly to hold myself accountable to all of you, and to commit to a Plan

    I don’t believe in perfection - but I believe in owning up to my shit & to take full control to transform into the Beast I know I am Capable of being

    I hope this simple sharing can give some of you who struggle with the same problem - some courage & energy to change something for the better

    I know it’s tough af, but you’re not alone and that you can be in control, as long as you’re willing to put in the effort 🔥

    We are in this together - Let’s do this 💯


  • repeated 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-21 04:20:44
    有 22 人按讚

    i repeated the golden poop experiment except rerolled with a dice shard. chaotic results. maybe the game makers will be pleased to know how well their game is made. those items keep pushing Isaac out of the room (the binding of isaac rebirth) #thebindingofisaac

  • repeated 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-15 16:00:13

    — 陪賓狗錄 podcast —


    1【be committed to 致力於】- 動詞片語
    G7 leaders are committed to ensuring the devastation caused by a pandemic like Covid-19 is never repeated.

    2【relief 鬆一口氣】- 名詞
    The cancellation came as a huge relief to many.

    3【quest 探尋】- 名詞(比較文言一點)
    A white rhino has travelled from Taiwan to Japan, all as part of a quest to find love.

    台灣, 日本, 白犀牛, 印度, 考生, 入學考試, G7, 七大工業國, 疫情



    賓狗的 IG @bingobilingual_bb

    賓狗的 FB

    陪賓狗錄 podcast:

    你想要高品質中英對照新聞嗎?訂閱《風傳媒》,就能隨意暢讀華爾街日報的新聞,中英對照喔!原價一年一萬四,立刻降到三千九,趕快透過賓狗的專屬連結訂閱吧: https://events.storm.mg/member/BGWSJ/

    跟賓狗 Line 聊天:

    在 KKBOX 收聽賓狗:

  • repeated 在 translation Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-03 16:00:12



    Manufacturer: 1993 seibu kaihatsu / Seibu Kaihatsu (EJK)
    system: raiden II
    Hardware: Z80,YM2151, OKI6295(x2)
    composer: Gou Satoh
    00:00 01.Coin (クレジット)
    00:02 02.Repeated Tragedy (ステージ 1/田園地帯)
    04:15 03.Tragedy Flame (ステージ 2&8/街)
    07:01 04.Burnt Field (ステージ 3/海洋)
    09:43 05.All or Nothing (ステージ 4/遺跡)
    12:52 06.Depression (ステージ 5/敵地上中継基地)
    15:50 07.Decisive Battle (ステージ 6/クリスタル浮遊大陸)
    18:29 08.Flap Toward the Hope (ステージ 7/敵巨大戦艦)
    20:50 09.Metal Storm (ボス/最終攻撃目標:ガルブ・ガディーム)
    22:43 10.Mission Accomplishment (ステージクリア)
    22:54 11.All Clear (オールクリア)
    23:47 12.Name Entry (ネームエントリー)
    25:02 13.Unused Track (未使用)

  • repeated 在 張偉軒小提琴 woodyviolin Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-31 16:07:35

    這是張偉軒小提琴老師為學生所錄製的 小步舞曲G大調 貝多芬 ~ Minuet in G - Beethoven (ベートーヴェン/34 メヌエット ト長調。 篠崎 バイオリン教本 4/5冊) 小提琴演奏示範拉奏 Violin performing

    整個樂曲可以分成三部份:ModeratoTrioModerato1.Moderato: 由兩個 8 小節的樂段組成,總共 16 小節。曲調的特點是重複但優雅的八分音符和十六分音符連奏模式。
    2.Trio: 特點是流暢、不間斷的八分音符。

    Ludwig van Beethoven's Minuet in G major,  No. 2 is a composition originally written for orchestra, but was lost and only an arrangement for piano could be found. It has become very popular.The minuet is in incipient ternary form, A-A-B-A
    the three parts are:
    The Moderato section features a melody, marked legato (to play in a smooth, even style without noticeable breaks between the notes). 

    The trio section features non-stop eighth notes . It starts with an eight-measure modulating passage repeated once and moves on to another eight-measure passage that ends in the tonic, and is also repeated once. 

    The last section, which is Moderato also, is a repeat of the first section, but without the repeat. It is that which makes the piece an incipient ternary song form: A-A-B-A.

    元々は管弦楽曲として1795年に作曲され、1796年にウィーンで出版された。しかし現存するのはピアノ編曲版のみである。これは《ピアノのための6つのメヌエット 第2部》というタイトルで出版されたが、「第2部」と書かれているのは同年に作曲された《2つのヴァイオリンとバスのためのメヌエット》WoO9(但しベートーヴェンの真作かどうかは確証されていない)を意識してのことではないかとされている。

    ➡️ If you like my video, please support me by making a donation. I really appreciate your generous support!

    ➡️Paypal: https://paypal.me/ViolinChang



    楊欣展 台中 鋼琴老師/鋼琴伴奏老師

    #篠崎#小提琴演奏 #小提琴示範 #小提琴教學

