[爆卦]Relinquish synonym是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Relinquish synonym鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Relinquish synonym這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 relinquish產品中有32篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7,991的網紅孫怡琳,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 跟著怡琳看世界31 New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo will resign 紐約州長古莫將辭職 relinquish 放棄 impeachment 彈劾 legislature 立法機構 scrutiny 仔細審查 allegation 指控 acknowledge 承認 ...

 同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過63萬的網紅Hana's Lexis,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hello các bạn! Hôm nay, các bạn hãy cùng mình học từ vựng tiếng anh khó thông qua thông tin về việc chính phủ Mỹ tuyên bố những người đã chích vắc xin...

  • relinquish 在 孫怡琳 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-13 16:34:29
    有 1,073 人按讚


    New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo will resign

    relinquish 放棄
    impeachment 彈劾
    legislature 立法機構
    scrutiny 仔細審查
    allegation 指控
    acknowledge 承認

    New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Tuesday that he will resign, relinquishing under extraordinary pressure his decade-long grip on power and heading off a potential impeachment by New York's Democratic-led legislature a week after the release of a report by the state attorney general that found he had sexually harassed 11 women.

    The announcement capped a remarkable fall for the governor, who was lauded for his handling of the Covid-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020 only to see his administration swallowed up in scandal -- over his alleged sexual misbehavior, the underreporting of nursing home deaths related to the coronavirus and his potential abuse of public resources as he wrote a book last year about the pandemic in New York.

    As his handling of the pandemic came under increasing scrutiny, including through an ongoing federal inquiry, a series of reports about his personal behavior left him politically stricken. Even now, as he prepares to leave office, Cuomo could potentially face criminal charges related to the allegations against him.

    Cuomo has denied all of the allegations, saying he never touched anyone inappropriately, but acknowledged that some of his behavior made others uncomfortable.


  • relinquish 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-02 08:45:28
    有 256 人按讚

    Don’t Forfeit your Harvest

    “The farmer sows the word. The ones by the road are the ones where the word is sown; and when they have heard, immediately Satan comes, and takes away the word which has been sown in them. These in the same way are those who are sown on the rocky places, who, when they have heard the word, immediately receive it with joy. They have no root in themselves, but are short-lived. When oppression or persecution arises because of the word, immediately they stumble. Others are those who are sown among the thorns. These are those who have heard the word, and the cares of this age, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. Those which were sown on the good ground are those who hear the word, and accept it, and bear fruit, some thirty times, some sixty times, and some one hundred times.”” (Mark‬ ‭4:14-20‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    No matter what tactics the enemy uses, his goal is the same: to prevent God’s word from producing a good harvest in your life.

    When he snatches it away quickly, it could be as simple as when you are not paying attention during a sermon because of using your smartphone to scroll through social media. As a result, you did not even hear most of what the preacher was saying.

    If that does not work, Satan can choose the forceful method or the soft method. He either comes like a roaring lion or a fowler.

    The lion method would be to intimidate you into giving up on God’s promises. For example, you might have started trusting God for a breakthrough in your finances, but the enemy deliberately sends many unforeseen bills your way. Appliances at home start breaking down, and freak injuries or illnesses happen, leading to expensive medical bills. These are some ways Satan roars so that you lose trust in God for provision.

    On the other hand, the fowler method would be to set traps to lure you into worldly things. He wants you obsessed and distracted with the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. This way, you will lose focus on God’s word and the seed that stops being watered in your heart will not produce a harvest.

    For example, he may get you obsessed with politics, entertainment, earning money, lewdness, so that your mind is never on God’s word. If you keep leaving a plant unattended and in dry weather, it will wither away.

    Only Christians who patiently persevere through all these dirty tactics of the enemy will experience a good harvest from having faith in God’s word.

    Obviously the enemy knows the power of God’s word and that is why he tries his best to stop you from having faith in it.

    The devil knows that once God’s word produces harvests in your life, he will have to relinquish any hold he had in that area. Try as he might, he is defenseless against God’s power.

    Hearing God’s word, believing it, and speaking it over yourself may seem like such over-preached truths, but that is because God’s way for us is just that simple. Jesus completed all the hard work at the cross, and now we get to restfully reap the benefits of what He did for us.

    It is easy to say, “I know this already,” but the question is: are you really doing it consistently? Ask yourself this and if this message stirs up your faith to get back on the right track of voraciously hearing and hearing God’s word, then its purpose is done!

    My eBook bundle, “Understand the Four Gospels Through the Lens of Grace”, is packed with revelations from the four gospels and also the Book of Acts. Difficult passages are explained in a clear and easy-to-understand way. You can finally know the meanings of Jesus’ parables, miracles, words, and deeds. I’ve received great reviews from readers, saying how much they enjoyed the eBooks. Get it here: https://bit.ly/understandeveryparable

  • relinquish 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-26 15:00:18
    有 778 人按讚

    【國立臺灣大學109學年度畢業典禮 致詞代表 心理學系林世峰】
    Student Address, National Taiwan University Commencement 2021
    Shih-Feng Lin from the Department of Psychology





    我回想起大三的一晚,我陪高三的學弟妹們為大考奮戰,原本想說幫忙解題而已,但最後他們卻對我說 :「學長,我讀書感覺好空、好累、好悶……」、「學長,我學這些到底為了什麼……」






    President Kuan, distinguished guests, professors, parents, graduates, and friends on the screen, Hi! I am the valedictorian on behalf of graduates. I am Lin, Shih-Feng from the Department of Psychology.

    The past transient four years brought me lasting remembrance. We made friends with classmates at Orientation Camp, searched for geese at Drunken Moon Lake, watched languid birds, Malayan Night Heron, on Zhoushan Road, biked to Wenzhou Street like a hipster and took a bite at the Lane 118. Although I dream that serene days live on, Covid-19 pandemic and the tragic loss of young lives suddenly happened. Hence, we have become the most puzzled and unique graduating class of 2021.

    The events on campus were abruptly suspended. Online courses were augmented. The graduation prom and the feast at Palm Boulevard were cancelled. Even the onsite graduation ceremony and the banquet for thanking professors have become impossible but eternal regrets. One of my friends was forced to relinquish the opportunity to exchange abroad. And I could not fulfill my internship program of which I dream in Finland. Facing the disruption of planning and uncertainty as normalcy, we meet myriad challenges.

    One day, I read a sentence written by James Carse in a second-hand bookstore on Wenzhou Street. To my astonishment, the philosopher categorizes human activities as two kinds of games. He said that "a finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play.” All of a sudden, I realized that my struggling study arises from the trap of finite game. The limited learning like a sprint aims to prove superiority as means that we spare no effort to renew resume and acquire labels.

    Reflecting back on one evening in my junior year, I accompanied third graders of high school who strived to prepare university entrance exam. I thought I could help answer their questions but eventually they said to me that “I felt aimless, exhausted, and suffocated…"“What is the purpose for learning indeed…?”

    Right. Studying for exams and labels without inquiring into meaning and value could ensnare us within emptiness, exhaustion and pains. Therefore, I found NTU Avizure Education Club in partnership with peers from more than 20 departments. Students from over five universities including those from Hong Kong and Canada enter the community and guide middle and high schoolers to explore the meaning of learning and the value of self through application of what we have learned, leading to promising careers in the future.

    While viewing the past and thinking of Finland, wasn’t it the ideal that I wish to accomplish after return to make learning more meaningful? The pandemic is an invisible stern teacher who teaches us to cherish each other in times of turmoil, to pursue dreams step by step in homeland, and to discover again. Learning is infinite grand journey embodied in a purpose, improving oneself to benefit others, exploring unknown, and creating value.

    With joint endeavors of faculty and students, National Taiwan University today draws more attention to counseling resources. The Device of Epidemic Prevention No. 1, Azalea Festival online, and the University of Future project allow us as the most puzzled class to transform into the most unique and perseverant class with self-awareness. We firmly believe that anything that brings to the life gives meaning. Regardless of gradation and end of class, members of NTU would continue to consider and learn as well as proceed to accomplish in the infinite game of life. And the resonance of ringing the Full Bell in our mind never ceases.

    I would like to extend my gratitude to professors, fellow classmates, family, friends, parents and grandparents in my path. Thank National Taiwan University for urging us to change. I expect each student and myself to transcend ourselves and to be compassionate toward others as active learners during trying times. We together create stories of common good and embrace the spirit to contribute to the universe. I am Lin, Shih-Feng. We are brave upon graduation. Thank you all.


    #臺灣大學 #畢業典禮 #NTUCommencement2021 #學生致詞代表 #臺大心理學系 #林世峰

  • relinquish 在 Hana's Lexis Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-20 13:00:16

    Hello các bạn! Hôm nay, các bạn hãy cùng mình học từ vựng tiếng anh khó thông qua thông tin về việc chính phủ Mỹ tuyên bố những người đã chích vắc xin đầy đủ sẽ không phải đeo khẩu trang khi đi ra ngoài nhé!

    Xem lời thoại dưới đây để học từ vựng tiếng Anh khó của ngày hôm nay nha.

    Gần đây thì có một thông tin gây được rất nhiều sự quan tâm của dư luận đó là việc vào ngày 13 tháng 5, Trung tâm Kiểm soát Dịch bệnh Hoa Kỳ đã tuyên bố rằng tất cả những người đã được chích đủ liều vắc xin sẽ không cần phải đeo khẩu trang khi đi ra đường. Điều này được cho là nhằm tạo ra **incentive** (động lực) thúc đẩy người dân đi chích vắc xin nhiều hơn. Tuy nhiên, thì quy định mới cũng đi kèm với **caveat** (điều cần lưu ý). Đó là người dân vẫn phải đeo khẩu trang khi đi vào bệnh viện, hay di chuyển trong các phương tiện công cộng. Các chuyên gia cũng cảnh báo rằng những người có hệ miễn dịch yếu cần cân nhắc thật kĩ trước khi **relinquish** (từ bỏ) thói quen đeo khẩu trang.
    Cần lưu ý rằng đây là quyết định của chính phủ, và không liên quan đến **decree** (đạo luật) của từng bang. **In deference to** (nhằm tôn trọng) chính quyền của từng bang, Tổng thống Biden vẫn cảnh báo rằng công dân phải **abide by** (tuân thủ) luật lệ riêng của từng bang. Tức là nếu chính quyền của bang vẫn bắt người dân đeo khẩu trang ra đường, thì người dân sống tại bang đó vẫn phải đeo khẩu trang.
    Phải nói thêm là quyết định này của chính quyền Tổng thống Biden đã đặt ra rất nhiều dấu hỏi. Hiện nay, thì theo tờ New York Times, chỉ có 36% người dân Mỹ đã chích đủ liều vắc xin. Rất khó để nhận biết trong số những người không đeo khẩu trang thì ai đã thật sự trải qua quá trình **inoculation** (sự tiêm chủng), và ai chưa chích. Những người đã chích vắc xin sẽ được nhận 1 tờ giấy chứng nhận. Tuy nhiên, thì hiện nay trên mạng đã xuất hiện rất nhiều nơi bắt đầu **forge** (làm giả) giấy chứng nhận này. Có nhiều ý kiến đề xuất chính phủ nên bắt đầu tạo ra những hộ chiếu vắc xin. Tuy nhiên thì đề xuất này đã bị **derailed** (chặn lại) bởi sự **backlash** (sự phản đối quyết liệt) tới từ phe Cộng Hòa do lo ngại về vấn đề quyền riêng tư.

    0:00 - Intro
    0:51 - Mỹ cho phép người dân bỏ khẩu trang khi đi ra ngoài
    3:12 - Khuyến mãi SUMMERWITHHANA
    3:58 - Tổng kết 10 từ vựng

    Click vào link tham gia Nuii Gang để nhận các đặc quyền sau! https://www.youtube.com/c/HanasLexis/join

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    5. Hiện tên bạn cảm ơn trong end credits ở cuối video

    Q: Hana là ai làm gì ở đâu?
    A: Hana hiện làm software engineer / lập trình viên ở Mỹ, là cựu chuyên Anh trường Phổ Thông Năng Khiếu, từng đạt 9.0 IELTS General, từng có quá khứ "huy hoàng" bỏ học, sống vô gia cư, làm chui, v.v không mấy lỗi lạc, bắt đầu làm Youtube từ 3/2019 sau khi chán ngán nghe chia sẻ tiếng Anh nhạt nhẽo, khô khan, không thực tế trên mạng.

    Q: Hana's Lexis có nghĩa là gì?
    A: Hana's Lexis có thể hiểu là vốn từ vựng của Hana, dùng từ chuyên ngành "lexis" nhằm hướng tới phân khúc người học tiếng Anh ở trình độ khá, đang phấn đấu lên giỏi. Cần lưu ý dấu 's sở hữu cách, vì đây không phải tên riêng.

    Q: Kênh Hana's Lexis làm về nội dung gì?
    A: Chia sẻ tiếng Anh xịn, chất, chuẩn, ví dụ như về sắc thái từ vựng, độ tự nhiên trong cách dùng ngôn ngữ, cách phát âm chuẩn Mỹ, những điều mà trường lớp không hoặc ít dạy. Một vài format / hình thức video Hana tự sáng tạo ra cho người xem thấy tiếng Anh thú vị hơn gồm Dịch Ngựa, Truyện Chêm, IELTS Khẩu Nghiệp, v.v. Ai bắt chước là lêu lêu copycat nhe.

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  • relinquish 在 JJ Lin林俊傑 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-11-08 18:30:02

    JJ 林俊傑《倖存者 • 如你》雙EP
    ? https://jjlin.lnk.to/JJDrifterLikeYouDO

    This MV brings me through a psychedelic journey of self-realization
    Where I tear down my walls and strip myself bare in discovery of who I really am

    Traversing the depths of consciousness
    I’m gripped by inexplicability

    As I examine the blurred lines of dream VS reality, alternating different universes, what versions of me await?

    While I Can, I hold tight to what I love
    While I Can, I relinquish all I have to the universe

    Shredding away my ego, burdens and excess baggage, I come to nought
    Yet, no longer enslaved, I am reborn.

    透過 MV 進入 JJ 的潛意識旅程,

    #JJXIV #JJWhileICan

    ■ 更多林俊傑相關資訊:
    林俊傑官方 Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/JJLin
    林俊傑官方 Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/jjlin
    JFJ Productions官方Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/jforj
    JFJ Productions 官方 Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/jfj_production
    JFJ Productions新浪微博:https://www.weibo.com/jfjproductions
    華納音樂官方 Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/WarnerMusicTaiwan
    華納音樂官方 Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/warnermusictw/

  • relinquish 在 JJ Lin林俊傑 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-10-30 20:03:55

    [Click CC for English / Chinese subtitles]

    JJ 林俊傑《倖存者 • 如你》雙EP
    ? https://jjlin.lnk.to/JJDrifterLikeYouDO

    As I traverse this Wonderland
    I wonder what the other side beholds?
    Am I awake in my sleep
    Or asleep in my consciousness?

    If I’m gonna lose everything when I wake
    I’d rather stay asleep and hold you while I can
    And lock this moment in our tight embrace

    Everything turned to nought when I awakened
    Yet, this void catalysed a reset
    As I slowly got buried in the quicksand
    My expiration and regeneration had happened in parallel realms


    假如 睜開眼就將失去
    也要在所能之際 緊閉著眼 緊抱你 緊抱住這一刻擁有

    這一刻 睜開眼 宛如煙消雲散
    但歸零的同時 又出發了
    當流沙不斷飛逝 都將注入另一部分的自己
    逐漸消逝的同時 正在啟動重生的能量

    《While I Can》在【倖存者.如你】專輯中,是一座任意橋樑。
    【倖存者 Drifter】EP中,完全體現出 JJ林俊傑 耕耘累積了17年的能量。然而,透過《While I Can》踏出華語音樂市場,以《Wonderland》的編曲為基底,延續音樂色調,但跨越多年來的舒適圈,與美國當地製作團隊合作,並填上浪漫但淒美的英文歌詞,打造成一首全新的歌。

    《Wonderland》之於《While I Can》,就像雙EP的JJ一樣
    JJ林俊傑 又將如何

    This MV brings me through a psychedelic journey of self-realization
    Where I tear down my walls and strip myself bare in discovery of who I really am

    Traversing the depths of consciousness
    I’m gripped by inexplicability

    As I examine the blurred lines of dream VS reality, alternating different universes, what versions of me await?

    While I Can, I hold tight to what I love
    While I Can, I relinquish all I have to the universe

    Shredding away my ego, burdens and excess baggage, I come to nought
    Yet, no longer enslaved, I am reborn.

    透過 MV 進入 JJ 的潛意識旅程,

    #JJXIV #JJWhileICan

    Lyrics詞|Josh Cumbee / 林俊傑 JJ Lin / Fernando Garibay
    Composer曲|Josh Cumbee / 林俊傑 JJ Lin / Fernando Garibay / Ramiro Padilla / Daniel Padilla
    Producer 製作人|Fernando Garibay / Ramiro Padilla / Daniel Padilla
    Vocal Production配唱製作|Fernando Garibay / Ramiro Padilla / Danny Padilla
    Music Arrangement & Keyboards編曲 & 鍵盤|Fernando Garibay / Ramiro Padilla / Danny Padilla / JJ 林俊傑 & The Swaggernautz
    Instrument樂器|Fernando Garibay / Ramiro Padilla / Danny Padilla / 黃冠龍 ALEX.D
    Recording Studios錄音室|The Garibay Center
    Recording Engineers錄音師|Fernando Garibay / Ramiro Padilla / Danny Padilla
    Mixing Studio混音室|mixHaus Studios (Los Angeles)
    Mixing Engineer混音師|Richard Furch
    Assistant Mixing Engineer混音助理 |Domenic Tenaglia
    Mastering Producer後期母帶處理製作人|JJ 林俊傑
    Mastering Studio後期母帶處理錄音室| STERLING SOUND MASTERING , NY
    Mastering Engineer後期母帶處理錄音師|Chris Gehringer

    Production Company製作公司|LUCKYSPARKS
    Director導演|陳亨利 Henry Chen
    Co-Director共同導演|紀培慧 Teresa Daley
    Assistant Director副導|張省云 Sibyl Chang Shing Yu
    Executive Producer監製|高郁傑 Otis Kao
    Production Manager製片經理|黃盈慈 Kiki Huang
    Producer製片|Olan Huang
    Line Producer執行製片|郭立賢
    Location Manager場地經理|黃筱晴
    Production Assistant製片助理|蔡旻樺 Min Hua Tsai
    Production Assistant場務|任信成
    Director of Photography攝影指導|潘星佑 Hsin You Pan
    Movi Operator Movi技師|洪建凱 / 張育甄
    攝影大助First Assistant Camera|王士偉 Sway Wanze
    Gaffer燈光師|謝松銘 Sung-Ming Hsieh
    Best Boy Electric燈光大助|陳晉緯
    Electrician 燈光助理|王建銘 / 馬翊展 / 蘇志豪
    Art Director 美術指導|Mingko Wang
    Set Decorator 執行美術|黃少築 / 陳韻如
    Art PA美術場務|阿英
    Stylist for JJ Lin 林俊傑造型|韓忠偉 Justin Han
    Styling Assistant for JJ Lin 林俊傑造型助理|俞舒泰 Tiger Yu
    Makeup Artist for JJ Lin 林俊傑化妝|高秀雯 Jasmine Kao @prettycool_makeup
    Hair Stylist for JJ Lin 林俊傑髮型|胡智豪 Peter Wu @peter_wu_coloriste_
    Costume Designer劇組造型師|羅宛怡 Lo Wanyi
    Wardrobe Assistant劇組造型執行|黃憶柔 Huang Yi Rou
    Hair & Makeup劇組妝髮師|曹崇英 Nikki Tsao / 顏琳軒 Linlin Yen
    Casting Director演員管理|李嘉峰
    Stills Photographer劇照師|李欣哲 Hsin Che Lee
    Behind The Scenes花絮側拍師|沐旅影像製作工作室mulustudio(動態)/陳小烈LieChen(平面)
    Camera Equipment 攝影器材|阿榮影業股份有限公司
    Lighting Equipment燈光器材|阿榮影業股份有限公司
    Post Production後期團隊|Finger & Toe
    Post Production Producer後期製片|吳珮瑜 Sunny Wu
    Post Producer Assistant後期製片助理|王芃勻 Daiso Wang
    Editor剪接師|陳亨利 Henry Chen
    Colorist調光師|馮鈞稜 Justin Feng / 良奇 (@TimeLine Studio 時間軸)
    VFX Supervisor特效總監|林貫洋 Guan Lin
    VFX Artist特效師|林貫洋 Guan Lin
    Compositing合成|炎殺頑特效 DarkFlame Studio
    Roto Artist|吳齊農
    Storyboard Artist腳本師|孫靜誼 Joy Sun (@JoySunArt)
    Production Support 製作協力|JFJ PRODUCTIONS Corp. Ltd.
    Artiste Management 藝人經紀|徐佩雲 Yvonne See
    Artiste Management Executive 執行經紀|韋佩佩 Wee Peipei、孫凡崴 Gaspard Sun、李文元 Yuan Lee、陳明君 Kirsten Chen
    Artiste Assistant 藝人助理|彭靖深 JS Pang
    Digital Marketing 數位行銷|游巧媃 CJ Yu、張皓婷 Carol Chang

    Published by 發行|華納國際音樂股份有限公司 Warner Music Taiwan Ltd.
    Publisher & Executive Director出品人及監製|周純如 Ruby Chou
    Chief Content Director 首席內容及創意總監|梁兆林 Terry Leung
    Product Planning Executive 產品企劃專員 |陳昭岑 Verna Chen
    Assistant Director of Marketing Promotion 行銷副總監|張雅婷 Georgina Chang
    Manager of Marketing Promotion 行銷經理|卓郁函 Yuhan Cho
    Supervisor of Marketing Promotion  行銷主任|劉慧君  Jean Liu
    Executive of Marketing Promotion  行銷專員|余岱凌  Dolly Yu
    Digital Media Executive  社群媒體行銷專員|張又琳 Catherine Chang
    Account Servicing Manager  數位客戶服務經理|曾柏翔 Austin Tseng

