[爆卦]Reinforced concrete是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Reinforced concrete鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Reinforced concrete這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 reinforced產品中有145篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過46萬的網紅Eunice 簡優優,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 下雨天房子開始漏水發霉掉漆? 有這瓶衣麗亮白防水耐火壁癌噴, 輕鬆把壁癌趕走!壁癌噴有百合白/透明兩色可選擇哦! 家裡潮濕已有壁癌的人,可選百合白,輕鬆遮蓋壁癌、縫隙、發霉、掉漆。 而家裡還沒有壁癌的人,可選透明色,防水防潮,能減少壁癌發生機率! 📌新一代奈米滲透技術,地表最強噴霧,壁癌牆面整修的...

 同時也有39部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅Daphne Iking,也在其Youtube影片中提到,I share my story about mental illness with Dr Farihah of HDOK , Sandakan. I think first of all, I would like to clarify what STIGMA and DISCRIMINATIO...

reinforced 在 Eunice 簡優優 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-24 08:01:56

下雨天房子開始漏水發霉掉漆? 有這瓶衣麗亮白防水耐火壁癌噴, 輕鬆把壁癌趕走!壁癌噴有百合白/透明兩色可選擇哦! 家裡潮濕已有壁癌的人,可選百合白,輕鬆遮蓋壁癌、縫隙、發霉、掉漆。 而家裡還沒有壁癌的人,可選透明色,防水防潮,能減少壁癌發生機率! 📌新一代奈米滲透技術,地表最強噴霧,壁癌牆面整修的...

reinforced 在 ???? ?. | ????????????? Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-10 17:37:24

【𝑪𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒆𝒕 𝑹𝒆𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒔】 Central Market was constructed by reinforced concrete for columns and beams with simple and flexible layout that fit for the...

  • reinforced 在 Eunice 簡優優 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-23 19:18:05
    有 86 人按讚


    📌Fiber Reinforced Plastics(FRP)特殊配方,可快速滲入縫隙,密封隔絕空氣和水分瞬間填補覆蓋孔隙,使用簡單迅速方便不沾手!
    📌 壁癌修復、防滲漏水、牆壁、磁磚、天花板、浴室廁所、水管接縫、窗框、門框、馬桶、浴缸...等都適用。


    #壁癌 #壁癌防水 #衣麗亮白 #壁癌噴 #壁癌噴霧 #掉漆 #發霉 #防水 #耐火
    #防水耐火 #防水耐火壁癌噴 #修復 #強效

  • reinforced 在 媽媽監督核電廠聯盟 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-09 14:34:15
    有 22 人按讚

    避免除役後堆出百萬噸離岸風電廢棄物,西門子歌美颯推世界首個可回收再利用風機葉片!(09/08/2021 TechNews科技新報)

    (作者 Daisy Chuang)風機大廠西門子歌美颯(Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy)7 月宣布環保目標,矢言在 2030 年 100% 回收風機葉片,2040 年更實現 100% 風機回收,實現循環經濟,而現在西門子歌美颯捎來喜訊,他們已經研發出可回收的風機葉片了。

    現在的風機不容易回收嗎?風機內有 8 千多個零件,壽終正寢後將會拆解並運送至指定的地點回收處理,只是風機葉片由難回收的複合材料所製成,尤其是玻璃纖維增強型複材(Glass-reinforced polymer composites,GRP),在成本與便利性考量下,其實大多焚化或直接掩埋處理。

    因此未來隨著離岸風電全球裝置量愈來愈高,若沒找到妥善回收再利用辦法,帶來龐大的環境負擔同時,風機商的壓力將愈來愈大──畢竟一點也不環保。先前蘇格蘭斯特拉斯克萊德大學更預測,2030 年每年廢棄葉片可能會到 40 萬噸,2050 年增加到 200 萬噸。

    根據西門子歌美颯說法,這是世界上第一個可回收的商用離岸風機葉片。新葉片長約 81 公尺,採用全新樹脂,退役後的葉片也可以回到產業鏈。葉片中的樹脂能與其他材料模組分離,與傳統風機葉片回收技術相比,過程也能較為「溫和」,可以維持材料的特性,分離後才料仍可再回到製程中。

    目前西門子歌美颯已獲得到三家公司的訂單,RWE、EDF Renewables 和 WPD 都表示將在未來的離岸風電風廠使用這種葉片,西門子歌美颯發言人表示,未來也會在案場訂單中提供新的葉片選項。其中 RWE 將在德國 Kaskasi 離岸風場率先安裝新葉片,預計將於 2022 年安裝。

    近年來許多能源公司投入風機葉片回收研究,6 月時離岸風電大廠沃旭能源(Orsted)已提出 3R 願景,表示一旦旗下風場的風機退役,將重複使用(reuse)、回收(recycle)、再生(recover)所有的風機葉片,認為自己有責任尋找葉片回收方案。

    隨後 GE 再生能源和全球最大的水泥製造商法基霍爾希姆也簽署 MOU,攜手尋找風力發電的「循環經濟解決方案」。

    今年 4 月時,學界與工業界也發起「DecomBlades」計畫,包括沃旭能源、LM Wind Power(GE 再生能源旗下)、維斯塔斯、西門子歌美颯、FLSmidth、MAKEEN Power、HJ Hansen Recycling、丹麥能源集群(ECD)、南丹麥大學(SDU)和丹麥技術大學(DTU),將一同為風機葉片回收找出解方與打造價值鏈。

    2020 年 12 月 GE 再生能源與環境解決方案服務業者威立雅北美公司(Veolia North America,VNA)簽署長期協議,回收美國陸上風機的葉片。丹麥風機巨擘維斯塔斯(Vestas)也在 2020 年 1 月宣布,目標在 2040 年研發出零廢棄物(zero-waste)風機,希望未來的風機壽命告終後,葉片還可以回收再利用。

    Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy launches recyclable turbine blade

    Wind turbine giant Siemens Gamesa claims world-first in blade recycling


  • reinforced 在 Dr. Kayla Teh Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-10 19:01:55
    有 131 人按讚

    Fiber-reinforced Bridge…do you know what that is?🤔

    When you lost a tooth or teeth, you have a few options to replace it: denture, bridge, implant, braces or more.

    She first came in with loose denture replacing her two front teeth. Denture is a good replacement option for missing teeth but with time, it tend to become loosen due to bone resorption (“bone thinning”). Loose denture can be troublesome as it falls out easily (no one wants their teeth falling out during a presentation!😱) and food often get stuck underneath it.

    If you ask me, implant is the best option to replace this patient’s missing teeth. However, implants (and not forgetting bone graft) placement can be costly and she is not financially ready for it. Having the option for a new denture or a fiber-reinforced bridge, she decided to choose the latter whilst preparing for her implant budget.

    The challenge in this case is the total buildup of the tooth with composite, estimating it’s size/shape/shade and not forgetting occlusion. This is a non-prep case as the patient is biting rather incisally on the anteriors while having good posterior occlusion(thus made her a good candidate for this long span FRB case).

    Most of it has to be done chair-side, thus a lot of clinical time has been spent. Note that the 11,21 are shortened as well although I would LOVE to give her a perfect smile arch, due to concerns of her anterior guidance.

    Patient was super happy she has semi-permanent teeth inside her mouth and don’t have to worry about her denture falling out anymore. (We both still look forward to the day implants can be placed tho!🙈)

    Case selection is important in FRB treatment. It is not for patients who want an easy way out, but for patients who clearly understand ALL the pros and cons of their treatment options and are willing to accept the worst-case scenario.

    Okay that’s all, I know I talk a lot but I just wanted to share some of the stuff I’ve learned through this case. 😆 Have a great day y’all!

  • reinforced 在 Daphne Iking Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-18 15:59:44

    I share my story about mental illness with Dr Farihah of HDOK , Sandakan.

    I think first of all, I would like to clarify what STIGMA and DISCRIMINATION means because sometimes the two are confused with each other.

    STIGMA - someone sees you in a negative way because of your mental illness
    DISCRIMINATION - someone treats you in a negative way because of your mental illness

    So STIGMA happens when a person defines someone by their illness rather than WHO they are as an individual. For example, they might be labelled “psychotic” rather than “a person experiencing psychosis”.

    Second is to understand what is a mental illness

    There are many different conditions that are recognised as mental illnesses. The more common types are:

    Anxiety disorders
    Mood disorders (eg Bipolar)
    Psychotic disorders - hallucinations, delusions , schizophrenia
    Eating disorders - Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge eating
    Impulse Control & Addiction disorders (kleptomaniac, pyromania, compulsive gambling)
    Personality disorders

    Seven Things You Can Do to Reduce Stigma

    * Know the facts. Educate yourself about mental illness including substance use disorders.
    * Be aware of your attitudes and behaviour. Examine your own judgmental thinking, reinforced by upbringing and society.
    * Choose your words carefully. The way we speak can affect the attitudes of others.
    * Educate others. Pass on facts and positive attitudes; challenge myths and stereotypes.
    * Focus on the positive. Mental illness, including addictions, are only part of anyone's larger picture.
    * Support people. Treat everyone with dignity and respect; offer support and encouragement.
    * Include everyone. It's against the law to deny jobs or services to anyone with these health issues.

  • reinforced 在 白同學DIY教室 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-02-18 02:25:17

    第一次組裝角鋼置物架【Assemble the angle steel shelf】白同學角鋼DIY
    DIY角鋼強化橫桿安裝【Angle steel reinforced crossbar installation】白同學角鋼DIY

  • reinforced 在 白同學DIY教室 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-02-18 00:30:01

    第一次組裝角鋼置物架【Assemble the angle steel shelf】白同學角鋼DIY
    角鋼置物架水平調整【Shelf level adjustment】白同學角鋼DIY

