

在 recite產品中有240篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅謙預 Qianyu.sg,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 報父母恩咒Q&A 2 :在關公前面可以持佛咒嗎? Mantra to Repay Parents' Kindness Q&A Ep. 2 1) 00:34 如果算錯,唸不準49遍可以嗎? If I miscounted and my recitations are not 49 times, is...

 同時也有15部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6萬的網紅網上學習平台Beginneros,也在其Youtube影片中提到,一套好的筆記,可以幫你在重溫資料時事半功倍。不知道怎樣做才好?有沒有聽過康奈爾筆記法? 康奈爾筆記法 Cornell Notes System,又名5R筆記法 (Record, Reduce, Recite, Reflect, Review),是由美國紐約康奈爾大學的沃爾特.波克博士在著作 《如何...

recite 在 ???????? ????? Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-24 11:57:46

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Allah said, ‘I have prepared for My righteous slaves that which no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and has never crossed the m...

  • recite 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-06 04:12:54
    有 2,857 人按讚

    報父母恩咒Q&A 2 :在關公前面可以持佛咒嗎?
    Mantra to Repay Parents' Kindness Q&A Ep. 2

    1) 00:34 如果算錯,唸不準49遍可以嗎?
    If I miscounted and my recitations are not 49 times, is it ok?

    2) 03:31 唸咒唸到起雞皮疙瘩!是已故父母回來了嗎?!
    I recited the mantra till I got the goosebumps!Did my deceased parents return home?!

    3) 06:02 可以一邊聽報父母恩咒的歌,一邊唱著來唸嗎?
    Can I sing along with the mantra song to recite it?

    4) 08:16 唸了報父母恩咒,租出了三間空屋!
    After I recite the mantra, I rented out 3 empty apartments!

    5) 08:57 佛珠要開光嗎?
    Do the mala beads require consecration?

    6) 09:14 我用108粒的數珠,算出49粒才開始唸。
    I use my 108-bead mala and separate out 49 beads before I start chanting

    7) 09:20 可以一邊開車,一邊唸報父母恩咒嗎?
    Can I drive and recite the Mantra to Repay Parents' Kindness, at the same time?

    😎 09:35 我習慣唸準提咒,可以嗎?
    I'm used to reciting Cundi Mantra. Is that okay?

    9) 09:58 過了農曆七月還可以唸嗎?
    Can I still recite the mantra after 7th Lunar Month?

    10) 10:09 坐在關公前持咒,可以嗎?
    Is it okay if I recite the mantra in front of Guan Gong?

    11) 11:01 是不是只唸到農曆七月十五,還是整個七月都要唸?
    Can I recite till the 15th day of 7th Lunar month, or must I recite it for the whole 7th Lunar month?

    12) 11:13 可以拿計算機來算嗎?
    Can I count my recitations with a calculator?

    13) 11:30 晚上十點可以唸嗎?
    Can I recite at 10pm at night?

    14) 12:01 用哪種數珠的材質比較好?
    Which mala bead material is better?

    15) 12:20 我只是想偷懶,不想唸整個七月。
    I just want to slack and not chant for the whole 7th Lunar month

  • recite 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-12 05:32:40
    有 2,918 人按讚

    13 Questions on Mantra to Repay Parents' Kindness: Can the mantra work if my Mum is a Christian?

    1) 00:39
    What should I say before reciting the mantra?

    2) 01:27
    Do I need to recite a merit dedication verse?

    3) 02:52
    Is there a Buddha's name I must recite before chanting the mantra?

    4) 03:09
    Is there a time frame for mantra recitation? Can I recite it at night?

    5) 03:44
    Can this mantra help my grandparents?

    6) 04:19
    My mother is a devoted Christian. What should I do to succeed?

    7) 06:02
    Do I need to do prostration before mantra recitation?

    😎 06:17
    Can I recite this for my mother-in-law?

    9) 07:21
    Should I stand in front of my house Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva, during my mantra recitation?

    10) 08:08
    I rent a room. Where should I recite?

    11) 08:46
    If I recite this mantra in front of my altar, do I need to light joss sticks and inform Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva that I am going to recite this mantra?

    12) 10:11
    Can I recite this mantra if I have not taken refuge?

    13) 10:19
    I suffered from domestic violence as a child. Now that my parents are old, they are still mired in greed, hatred and ignorance. How should I be filial to them?

  • recite 在 Sharmaine Kwan - Artist Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-08 22:45:28
    有 6 人按讚

    Alice R50 testing in progress~ 🔊 Come visit and feed her words! As an interactive installation she will generate and recite original poems from your input~

    'Poems from the eternal hoop'
    In her heydays, Alice R50 eased people’s loneliness. Today, she is stripped down to a court jester’s head, saying poems from user input as if they were religious chants. She does so by means of The Hoop Sayer, an algorithm written by Johan F. Hoorn and implemented in Ruby by Giovanni Lion.

    The generative loop that creates ‘variations on a theme’ is like a banquet of liberal arts in which poets work together on a solitary sequence. The rule of poetry the algorithm uses is the rhetorical and writing technique of Anadiplosis, repeating the last word of the preceding line. In Chinese, this stylistic device is known as 頂真 (dingzhen). As an algorithm that dynamically interacts with the visitors, the robot and the people work together to create never-before-heard verses, which then form new and original poems within the constraints of the designed rules. The process itself is a beautiful open and collaborative art in itself.

  • recite 在 網上學習平台Beginneros Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-17 10:14:03


    康奈爾筆記法 Cornell Notes System,又名5R筆記法 (Record, Reduce, Recite, Reflect, Review),是由美國紐約康奈爾大學的沃爾特.波克博士在著作 《如何在大學學習》中提出。這套筆記法至今已經超過80年歷史,特別適用於需要聽講的課程,更有研究認為這種筆記在幫助學生整合知識時可以帶來額外的好處。

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  • recite 在 Janet Lee Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-09-26 20:15:38

    An original composition by Tay Cher Siang, based on the poem by Li Bai 李白 - 長相思 (Chang Xiang Si) Longing. Performed by Janet Lee & WVC Jazz on September 20, 2020; at Music of Words @ Jazz On The Jetty, Penang.

    Vocal: Janet Lee
    Keyboard: Tay Cher Siang
    Bass: AJ Popshuvit
    Drums: Adriel Wong

    Poet: Li Bai 李白
    Poem: Longing - 長相思



    How I long for you, yet in Changan you reside.
    By the ornate railings of the well, cicadas their autumn song recite,
    Lightly frosted and miserable is the weather, bamboo mats are getting as cold as ice.
    A shady solitary lamp shades my yearning that only intensifies,
    I roll up the screen, as I gaze at the moon I could only let out very vain sighs.
    A beauty as beautiful as flowers is as far away from me as clouds at their great height,
    High above is the blue and lofty sky,
    Underneath a clear pond undulating with ripples lies.
    The road is long, the sky sublime, such is the distance troubling our pining souls,
    Even in dreams our kindred spirits are unable to the dividing range surmount and reunite.
    How I long for you, how longing tortures this heart of mine.


  • recite 在 謙預 QianyuSG Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-08-31 22:44:59

    YOUTUBE LIVE Q&A Mantra to Repay Debt of Gratitude to Parents 回覆觀眾留言:

    1) 00:42 - 如果唸超過49遍的報父母恩咒,可以嗎?比如算錯了,唸了54或112遍可以嗎?
    Is it okay to recite the Mantra to Repay Debt of Gratitude to Parents more than 49 times? If I count wrongly, is ok to recite e.g. 54 times or 112 times?

    2) 3:15 - 持咒前的心態準備
    Your mindset preparation before mantra recitation.

    3) 3:54 - 你在隨便持咒嗎?
    Are you reciting mantra recklessly?

    4) 4:48 - 請問一下我在神明廳唸父母經,是晚上唸的,怎會唸到起雞皮疙瘩呢?現在是農曆7月,是父母回來了嗎?聲明一下,我父母都離開人世了!
    I recited the sutra in front of my altar at night. Why do I get goosebumps? It's 7th Lunar Month now. My parents have passed on. Have they came back?

    5) 7:57 - 可不可以一邊聽報父母恩咒的佛曲,一邊唸報父母恩咒?
    Can I listen to the Buddhist song of the mantra and recite at the same time?

    6) 10:24 - 如何達到圓滿的持咒?
    How to achieve perfection in mantra recitation?

    7) 11:07 - 觀眾唸了報父母恩咒,三間空屋終於租出去!
    After reciting the mantra, one viewer finally rented out his 3 empty houses!

    直播聊天室 Live Chat Q&A:

    8) 12:03 - 佛珠要開光嗎?
    Does the chanting beads require consecration?

    9) 12:30 - 一邊開車,一邊唸報父母恩咒,可以嗎?
    Can I recite the Mantra to Repay Debt of Gratitude to Parents while driving at the same time?

    10) 12:46 - 我習慣唸準提咒可以嗎?
    I am used to reciting the Cundi mantra. Is it okay?

    11) 13:14 - 請問過了七月還可以唸嗎?
    Can I recite the mantra after 7th Lunar Month?

    12) 13:45 - 我在關公前唸這咒,可以嗎?
    I'm reciting the mantra in front of Guan Gong, is it fine?

    13) 14:11 - 請問每天唸六字大明咒108遍,對嗎?
    Is it correct to recite the Six Syllable Mantra 108 times?

    14) 14:20 - 報父母恩咒是不是只唸到初十五,還是整個七月都要唸?
    Can I recite the Mantra to Repay Debt of Gratitude to Parents till the 15th day of 7th Lunar Month, or must I do it for the whole month?

    15) 14:35 - 請問拿計算機來唸可以嗎?
    May I ask if I can use the calculator to recite the mantra?

    16) 15:06 - 晚上十點可以唸嗎?
    Can I recite after 10pm?
    (?請看 Please watch: https://youtu.be/iqpAZcJCQRg)

    17) 15:46 - 請問數珠的材質要用什麼比較好?
    What material should I buy for my chanting beads?

    18) 15:54 - 阿彌陀佛的佛號和六字大明咒的功效一樣嗎?
    Do reciting the holy name of Amitabha Buddha and the Six Syllable Mantra have the same merits?

    19) 16:33 - 獻水果有何禁忌嗎?
    Are there any taboo in offering fruits?

    20) 17:06 - 剛閱讀完當下集,還有什麼書籍推薦嗎?
    I have finished reading the Moments of Illumination series. Do you have any book recommendation?

    21) 17:48 - 老師我有看你影片,我只是想偷懶,唸到初十五,不要唸滿整個七月。
    Teacher I did watch your video. I only wanted to goof off and recite till the 15th day instead of the whole 7th Lunar month.





    ??‍? 服務諮詢 :


    Hi, I am Lee Ji Qian, a Chinese Metaphysics practitioner from Singapore. This journey in propagating Buddhism and Chinese Metaphysics has been full of hard knocks and exciting discoveries.

    Through my videos and online writing, I hope to share my journey with you. So that you too can break free from the limits of your destiny and truly live a life you can call fulfilling. My destiny is in my own hands, not Heaven. So is yours.

    It does not matter whether we can live a long or short life.
    What matters most is living a life of value and contribution.




