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在 recede產品中有17篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Ken's Portable Classroom,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🙏祭天求雨🌧之際,沒想到蹦出一則趣聞😆~ 📰 iPhone missing for 1 year found after Taiwan's Sun Moon Lake recedes 🀄 台灣日月潭退潮後發現失踪1年的iPhone TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwan...


  • recede 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-04-08 21:00:55
    有 292 人按讚


    📰 iPhone missing for 1 year found after Taiwan's Sun Moon Lake recedes

    🀄 台灣日月潭退潮後發現失踪1年的iPhone

    TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwan's worst drought in over 50 years has been a boon for one lucky tourist who was able to recover a fully functional iPhone that he accidentally dropped into Sun Moon Lake almost exactly one year ago.

    📌 台北(台灣新聞)—台灣50年來最嚴重的乾旱,為一位幸運的遊客帶來了福音,他能夠找回他一年前掉進日月潭裡的iPhone,沒想到功能依然正常。

    As Taiwan endures its worst drought in 56 years, Sun Moon Lake is seeing a drastic drop in water levels, with some areas completely bone dry. Over the weekend, a member of the Facebook group Bao Fei 1 Commune (爆廢公社) surnamed Chen (陳) announced his iPhone had been found after the area of the lake he dropped it in receded.

    📌 台灣經歷了56年來最嚴重的乾旱,日月潭的水位急劇下降,有些地區甚至完全枯竭。上週末,爆廢公社的陳姓成員貼文說,在湖水退潮後,他找到了他去年丟失的iPhone。

    Chen wrote that he had been wearing the phone around his neck while paddle boarding on the lake on March 15 of last year but frequently lost his balance and would flop into the water. He stated that on one of the occasions when he fell off the board, the phone disappeared.

    📌 陳寫道,去年3月15日在湖上划槳時,他一直戴著手機,但頻頻失去平衡,而掉入水中。他說,當他掉到水裡,電話也不見了!

    In anticipation of such spills, he placed the smartphone in a plastic waterproof phone pouch before setting out on the paddleboard. When he lost the phone, a friend optimistically told him, "Rest assured, you'll see your iPhone 11 pro max 512G again in a year."

    📌 預料會被水濺到,他將手機放在防水塑料手機袋中,然後才踏上槳板。當他丟掉手機時,一個朋友樂觀地告訴他:“放心,您將在一年後再次看到 iPhone 11 pro max 512G。”

    He also wondered aloud to his wife if the phone would be found by a passerby "floating on the lake." Over a year later in early April, as the drought had baked away much of the water from the area he had visited, he received notice that his phone had been found lying on the dry lakebed.

    📌 他還跟他的妻子說,是否會被一個“漂浮在湖上”的路人找到電話。一年多以後的4月初,由於乾旱將他所造訪的區域都吸光水了,他卻接到通知說,他的電話被發現在乾燥的湖床上。

    On April 2, Chen returned to Sun Moon Lake to find out what state his phone was in. Locals told him the location where his phone was found had not seen the water fully recede in 50 to 60 years.

    📌 4月2日,陳回到日月潭,了解手機的狀態。當地人告訴他,手機被發現的位置,在50至60年內,水在這裡沒有完全退潮過。

    They added that not long after they picked up his phone, the water started to rise again. Chen said he was so excited by the miraculous find that he suffered insomnia for a few days.

    📌 他們又說,拿起他的電話不久後,水位又開始上升。陳說,他對這奇蹟般的發現,感到非常興奮,以至於他連續好幾天都失眠。

    資料來源: https://reurl.cc/4ynL8D

  • recede 在 Professor Chef Zam Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-01-09 17:43:51
    有 65 人按讚

    Friends n families, we would be grateful if you want to donate money to the yayasan to help the flood victims in Terengganu. Any amount given is much appreciated ❤️ We will be buying food and supplies for the flood victims. Many families have been moved into schools and centres where they stay in a tent waiting for the water to recede. Some may not have a home to go to after 💔 Everyday numbers of flood victims are increasing 😢
    ** Salam my dearest brothers & sisters, this is a personal message from YAM Tengku Puteri Utama, Terengganu. She has asked me to post to as many friends possible. Tq so much.🙏🙏🇲🇾💝💝
    @naddymizan @tnzm_7 @cimbmalaysia

  • recede 在 Elvin Ng Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-07-28 17:30:50
    有 412 人按讚

    Brushing hard is not the best way to clean my teeth. It could hurt my gums and even cause them to recede. So, I always appreciate soft and slim super-tapered bristles which reach deeper and do the job for you with effective plaque removal and minimal effort, while protecting your gums.

    It’s nice when you have a toothbrush that is soothing, gentle and calms you down at the start of day and before you go to bed, while going about its job quietly and diligently. With the new Systema Shikkari Dual toothbrush which is recommended by the Japan Dental Association and helps remove 81% of plaque, I smile healthier and happier with you for sure! 😄✨✨ #healthysmiles #healthygums #japansno1 #lionsg @systemalion

  • recede 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

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  • recede 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文

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