

在 rationalization產品中有20篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4,814的網紅飛鳥涼不涼的遊戲營運觀察小站,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【聊聊認知偏誤cognitive biases在遊戲中的使用情境】 在Medium上的UX Collective常有許多與產品設計有關的文章,本文從幾種認知偏誤cognitive biases效應,探討如何增加用戶的付費轉換率,其中有些技巧也常應用在遊戲行業中。 ●錨定效用(Anchoring ...

 同時也有12部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過12萬的網紅一二三渡辺,也在其Youtube影片中提到,What is GT-R? GT-R is a vehicle developed with a main objective of use by the circuit the skyline that continues from the C10 Hacosca type (Macartu...

rationalization 在 奶奶心理學 ‖ Psychology Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-05-28 02:04:18

疫情會這樣都是他們害的! - 新冠肺炎觸發的五個心理防衛機制 ▶︎ 新聞傳遞的是必要的資訊,還是恐慌的源頭? 無論是「人與人的連結」,又或是「阿公店出事了」,有趣背後的源頭,似乎都牽扯著盤根錯節的意識衝突。 覺得好笑,好像就代表著自己就是「那樣」的人,不覺得好笑,又有一派人覺得根本是在故弄清高。...

rationalization 在 ?賭Sir|數學考試專家 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-04-30 16:06:03

答案都未係最精簡,緊係俾人扣分啦!🌝⁣ ⁣ 數學人有潔癖,畀盡你過程中點寫都得,但最終答案一定要搞到最簡單‼️⁣ ⁣ 以呢一個情況為例,你衰在分母仲有 #開方根 嘅嘢🤨,所以你要 #Rationalize(有理化)咗佢先。⁣ ⁣ -----------⁣ 講到 Rationalization,以呢...

rationalization 在 香港人的冥想減壓服務 | App | 企業培訓 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-01 06:20:02

朋友A上個月又失戀了,作為一個心理系畢業生,我跟她說:「沒事的,你很快會好起來⋯⋯」​ ​ 這在心理學上可是有根據的。​ ​ 情感預測(Affective Forecasting)指我們對於將來某時點情緒狀態的預測。朋友A上個月失戀了,哭著打電話給我:「為甚麼他不愛我了?」我沒回答她,只問:「我們下...

  • rationalization 在 飛鳥涼不涼的遊戲營運觀察小站 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-22 11:59:00
    有 112 人按讚

    【聊聊認知偏誤cognitive biases在遊戲中的使用情境】

    在Medium上的UX Collective常有許多與產品設計有關的文章,本文從幾種認知偏誤cognitive biases效應,探討如何增加用戶的付費轉換率,其中有些技巧也常應用在遊戲行業中。

    ●錨定效用(Anchoring Effect)



    ●從眾效應(Bandwagon effect)




    ●IKEA Effect 親手做的東西更好

    比起相同但已經組裝完成好的商品,消費者願意為自己創造的商品支付更高的價錢。譬如遊戲初期的捏臉系統,或是給玩家多個選項設計客製化的角色的出生、能力特質等,都可以形成IKEA Effect,讓玩家產生認同感,更容易沉浸在遊戲裡面。


    ●巴南效應 Barnum Effect



    ●購買合理化與購買懊悔 Post-Purchase Rationalization & Buyer’s Remorse


    之前在Club House研討會中,大課長們就曾明確提到,他們不怕花錢,但怕的是花錢不夠爽。花錢這件事情能否拿到相對應的價值,影響玩家是否能順利將購買合理化。




  • rationalization 在 賭Sir(杜氏數學) Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-16 21:30:35
    有 6 人按讚



    以呢一個情況為例,你衰在分母仲有 #開方根 嘅嘢🤨,所以你要 #Rationalize(有理化)咗佢先。⁣

    講到 Rationalization,以呢題為例,一般人都係上下乘開方根2,然後搞一輪,咁嘅話就會花咗好多不必要嘅時間🧐。⁣

    所以我有另一個睇法:就係反而將分子嘅「2」視之為 #兩個「開方根2」相乘 ,咁你就可以馬上拎其中一個嚟抵銷分母嗰個,易啲啊!🙃⁣

    #M2技巧王 幫你避開考評陷阱,教你搶分技巧;M2 輕鬆攞 Lv 5+ 喇🌟⁣

    🎓21 項數學公開試.以一 Take 過考取完美戰績⁣

    CE & AL:Math+A.Math+Pure+Applied【A】⁣
    IGCSE:Mathematics+Further Pure Mathematics 【9】⁣


    頻道 #杜氏數學 2016 年創辦,訂閱 65,000+,多條教學影片點擊 100,000+;2018 年獲出版社邀請,撰寫暢銷書《5**數學男人嫁得過》推廣「聰明應試」理念,並鼓勵年青人堅守自信。⁣





    #數學 #DSE #dser #math #maths #afterschool #dsemath #examskills #mathtutor #followme #2021DSE #2022DSE #2023DSE #tutor #mathtutor #DSEfighter #tutotial

  • rationalization 在 洪仲清臨床心理師 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-06-01 07:15:00
    有 1,433 人按讚


    你所抱持的信念:「我做不到這個!我永遠沒辦法這樣做!」通常會是種自我應驗預言(self─fulfilling prophecy),促使你過早放棄,來「證明」你做不到。











    【文/ Albert Ellis】


    一、 如前所述,讓自己明白,你很容易就會自然而然從「我很難得到我想要的東西,我已經這樣試過,又失敗過好幾次了」跳到「我再也得不到我想要的東西了」。這裡的結論並不符合你一開始的觀察。「困難」,頂多是表示這件事很難達成,很少是代表「不可能」。

    二、 讓自己明白,你所抱持的信念:「我做不到這個!我永遠沒辦法這樣做!」通常會是種自我應驗預言(self─fulfilling prophecy),促使你過早放棄,來「證明」你做不到。別跟多數人一樣,因為「成功」預測自己的失敗,而得到惡劣的滿足感!

    三、 要明白,許多目標的成功機率很低,例如讓你的第一部小說馬上被大出版社接受。但是,你的機會也幾乎永遠不會降到零。對,有些事你真的做不到,例如達到完美。但是你可以改變你的想法、你的感受,和你的行為。只要你認為你可以改變就行!

    四、 向自己證明,你以前也曾經完成困難和「不可能」的事,許多人也一樣。要了解,所有的事物早晚都會改變,連高山也不例外。你在過去已經做到了一些傑出的轉變。如果有人鄭重其事地說出「我改變不了」,這種人通常真的改變不了。很多人都有過一百八十度成功轉變的經驗。例如說商業人士成為神父或修女;神父和修女轉而從商。所以說,顯著的轉變是有可能的!

    五、 改變需要大量的思考和努力。你花了大量精力努力去改造自己的時候,就很有機會成功。不能保證會,但是大有機會!

    六、 如果你說「我會改變」,只是為了讓自己避開「實際做出改變」的艱辛行動,那你就要注意了。意志力,包括改變自己的意志力,其中好幾個重點,如同我在第五章中提到的:你要改變的決定、依據這個決定行動的決心、獲取如何改變的知識,還有穩定依據這項知識去行動。你對自己跟別人說:「我會改變」,可能只是表達了意願,但沒有支持這項行動的力量。這也可能是逃避改變的合理化行為(rationalization)。如果你沒有在「我會改變」這句話背後加上努力,那麼,這只是個空洞的承諾而已。

    七、 回到改變自己的兩個主要層次:



    如果你想讓自己更不容易受情緒困擾,最後這個說法就很重要。不管你讓自己擺脫多少次的困擾,你都有可能、有時也真的會,又退步到自我毀滅性的思考、感受,和行為。這種狀況發生的時候,就要了解:你以前曾靠著使用 REBT,努力幫自己擺脫困擾,所以,你有很大的可能再成功一次。不僅如此,在人生未來的日子裡,你都可以一直這樣做。你可能會退步很多,但是改變自己的能力不會消失。你以前確實進步過,這件事就是很棒的證據,證明你可以再做一次。你以前成功改變過自己;這就證明了,你本來就能自我改變!









    11/7 三重免費公益講座_樂讀親子共學系列講座_以善意應對青少年情緒人際問題


  • rationalization 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-12-16 12:22:27

    What is GT-R?

    GT-R is a vehicle developed with a main objective of use by the circuit the skyline that continues from the C10 Hacosca type (Macartun). It is a car like the assumption of the win in the race though it is a passenger car base, a mission installing equipment and an engine different from other grades of the skyline, and the influences on other domestic production sports cars, etc.Therefore, there are a lot of madly devoted fans, and the engineer also has a special sticking to. The name of GT-R for that is assumed, and there is a model not permitted either, and it assumes the existence of GT-R to be the one of more special crown. 「There are three famous alphabets worldwide. It is G, T, and R. I will promise here. GT-R revives without fail. 」Carlos Ghosn COO (at that time) made remarks on "GT-R concept" ahead by opening about presentation at the press conference on the Tokyo Motor Show in 2001. I can ask this car for the posture of Nissan that offers it because it entrusted such a content to Gorn where only a thorough rationalization strategy is often taken up. This promise is sold, and the mass production type is announced by the 40th Tokyo Motor Show on October 24, 2007 and Carlos Ghosn will be sold accomplishment Nissan and GT-R on December 6, 2007. Especially, it is known, and not only the country but also the world is 13 in the reputation of R from active distinguished services very much in an overseas race that has infiltrated by calling Godzilla (Godzilla) as for the name though it is from R32 type. Therefore, GT-R of R32, R33, and R34 is introduced to foreign countries though the skyline is almost a car only for the domestic sale by exporter's hand. As for the reputation, R33GT-R was sold to the model end very high as regular export in Britain though 100 V-spec was a limitation to R34GT-R similarly in addition by 100 limitation.

    This is to receive the thing that eminence in Europe goes up by participating as "NISMO GT-R LM" to demand of saying to Nissan Motor Co., "It wants you to sell it also in foreign countries" strong, and 24 hour in Le Mans endurance race. There is a user who says that there are value (scarcity) more than Ferrari and status, too and the satisfaction rating to a practical side is very high though only the high income group was able to buy 10.8 million yen when converting it into Japanese yen in Britain because of the tariff by the thing that does (The price of a new car of V-specII of a domestic specification is 5 million 748 thousand yen) , saying that "The family is taken though it is efficient as the sports running can be done". Britain..car..performance..technology..high..externals..Tokyo..taxi..criticize..this..writing..Britain..joke..rather..face..usual..passenger car..contents..sports car..concept..fresh..assuming that..accept..thing..turn inside out..expression.It was received with good feeling in "Cargai (car favor)" actually. Both of these 200 total are sold all on several days.

    Additionally, the individual was exported to Germany, France, Switzerland, the United States, Hong Kong, and UAE, etc. (To our regret, putting the car that had not suited the standard in the United States according to state might become the violation of the law, and there was a case where the trader was restrained to the police authority, and had been imprisoned, too). Moreover, Michael Clm active with SUPER GT also buys two R34GT-R in Japan, and it transports it to Monaco.

    A British specification : with a domestic specification though is especially the enormous discrepancy. Type..locale..regulations..according to..correspondence..security..strengthen..headlight..halogen..valve..make..security..standard..suit..change..speed limiter..Europe..self-imposed restraint..value..improve..scale..speed..meter..adoption..country..specification..spec..adopt..genuine leather..seat..equip..Britain..specification..this..skin..hand..work..put..one..Japan..lineup..provide..red..epidermal..selection..tentatively..Japan..limitation..put on the market.

    The name of GT-R still was not revealed at this point, and the flow of GT-A and GT-B that had been put up was drawn to a hot model of the second generation skyline, and there was a rumor of becoming GT-C, too, when marketing it founder GT-R in the Hacosca age was though the reference was exhibited to the prototype of the type in the previous year's 1968 Tokyo Motor Show put on the market immediately before marketing.

    There are already a lot of owners of GT-R who dislike excessively putting the hand from the perfection as the tuning car high while stocked. Moreover, because the emblem of GT-R is applied to a standard model and a lot of tunings shown like GT-R are done by transplanting the bumper, it is possible to visit the popularity of the style of GT-R. To catch it ..engine power to keep.. firmly, great Modefai is often added to the exterior an of course favorite ..core.. tuning.

  • rationalization 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2017-11-08 21:49:47

    What is GT-R?

    GT-R is a vehicle developed with a main objective of use by the circuit the skyline that continues from the C10 Hacosca type (Macartun). It is a car like the assumption of the win in the race though it is a passenger car base, a mission installing equipment and an engine different from other grades of the skyline, and the influences on other domestic production sports cars, etc.Therefore, there are a lot of madly devoted fans, and the engineer also has a special sticking to. The name of GT-R for that is assumed, and there is a model not permitted either, and it assumes the existence of GT-R to be the one of more special crown. 「There are three famous alphabets worldwide. It is G, T, and R. I will promise here. GT-R revives without fail. 」Carlos Ghosn COO (at that time) made remarks on "GT-R concept" ahead by opening about presentation at the press conference on the Tokyo Motor Show in 2001. I can ask this car for the posture of Nissan that offers it because it entrusted such a content to Gorn where only a thorough rationalization strategy is often taken up. This promise is sold, and the mass production type is announced by the 40th Tokyo Motor Show on October 24, 2007 and Carlos Ghosn will be sold accomplishment Nissan and GT-R on December 6, 2007. Especially, it is known, and not only the country but also the world is 13 in the reputation of R from active distinguished services very much in an overseas race that has infiltrated by calling Godzilla (Godzilla) as for the name though it is from R32 type. Therefore, GT-R of R32, R33, and R34 is introduced to foreign countries though the skyline is almost a car only for the domestic sale by exporter's hand. As for the reputation, R33GT-R was sold to the model end very high as regular export in Britain though 100 V-spec was a limitation to R34GT-R similarly in addition by 100 limitation.

    This is to receive the thing that eminence in Europe goes up by participating as "NISMO GT-R LM" to demand of saying to Nissan Motor Co., "It wants you to sell it also in foreign countries" strong, and 24 hour in Le Mans endurance race. There is a user who says that there are value (scarcity) more than Ferrari and status, too and the satisfaction rating to a practical side is very high though only the high income group was able to buy 10.8 million yen when converting it into Japanese yen in Britain because of the tariff by the thing that does (The price of a new car of V-specII of a domestic specification is 5 million 748 thousand yen) , saying that "The family is taken though it is efficient as the sports running can be done". Britain..car..performance..technology..high..externals..Tokyo..taxi..criticize..this..writing..Britain..joke..rather..face..usual..passenger car..contents..sports car..concept..fresh..assuming that..accept..thing..turn inside out..expression.It was received with good feeling in "Cargai (car favor)" actually. Both of these 200 total are sold all on several days.

    Additionally, the individual was exported to Germany, France, Switzerland, the United States, Hong Kong, and UAE, etc. (To our regret, putting the car that had not suited the standard in the United States according to state might become the violation of the law, and there was a case where the trader was restrained to the police authority, and had been imprisoned, too). Moreover, Michael Clm active with SUPER GT also buys two R34GT-R in Japan, and it transports it to Monaco.

    A British specification : with a domestic specification though is especially the enormous discrepancy. Type..locale..regulations..according to..correspondence..security..strengthen..headlight..halogen..valve..make..security..standard..suit..change..speed limiter..Europe..self-imposed restraint..value..improve..scale..speed..meter..adoption..country..specification..spec..adopt..genuine leather..seat..equip..Britain..specification..this..skin..hand..work..put..one..Japan..lineup..provide..red..epidermal..selection..tentatively..Japan..limitation..put on the market.

    The name of GT-R still was not revealed at this point, and the flow of GT-A and GT-B that had been put up was drawn to a hot model of the second generation skyline, and there was a rumor of becoming GT-C, too, when marketing it founder GT-R in the Hacosca age was though the reference was exhibited to the prototype of the type in the previous year's 1968 Tokyo Motor Show put on the market immediately before marketing.

    There are already a lot of owners of GT-R who dislike excessively putting the hand from the perfection as the tuning car high while stocked. Moreover, because the emblem of GT-R is applied to a standard model and a lot of tunings shown like GT-R are done by transplanting the bumper, it is possible to visit the popularity of the style of GT-R. To catch it ..engine power to keep.. firmly, great Modefai is often added to the exterior an of course favorite ..core.. tuning.

  • rationalization 在 Herman Yeung Youtube 的最佳解答

    2016-03-20 01:43:49

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