[爆卦]Provoking meaning是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Provoking meaning鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Provoking meaning這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 provoking產品中有235篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過338的網紅Sharmaine Kwan - Artist,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Thank you Harbour Times for the feature! Read the full article here: https://harbourtimes.substack.com/p/-lotw-chill-and-cyberpunk-neon-art --------...

 同時也有27部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過86萬的網紅Joseph Prince,也在其Youtube影片中提到,GIVE ME THIS MOUNTAIN is a book—no—a guide to faith. Real, raw, and authentic faith. Not the kind of polished, feel-good faith that’s only good on ...

provoking 在 Jamie醫學日記|讀書×學習×生活 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-16 09:41:45

. 【2021閱讀計畫24/50】 #AdventuresInHumanBeing by Gavin Francis English below (not a direct translation) . 如果要以一句話來總結這本書,我想它應該可以說是一本「人體旅遊文學」。 作者是一名蘇格蘭的家庭醫師...

  • provoking 在 Sharmaine Kwan - Artist Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-16 22:37:33
    有 7 人按讚

    Thank you Harbour Times for the feature! Read the full article here:


    Introducing our Leader of the Week: Sharmaine Kwan - Artist, a Contemporary Artist from Hong Kong.

    Sharmaine's most recent artistic collaboration with Hanson Robotics and Computer Science Professor Johan F. Hoorn seeks to explore the complex relationship between robotics and art. 'The Sparkle: Not Alive Yet Bright' is an exhibition that features AI generated art installments, including a self-portrait by Sophia the Robot.

    Read more on Harbour Times about how Sharmaine crafted the thought-provoking exhibition with Hong Kong flair: https://harbourtimes.com/2021/08/09/the-sparkle-not-alive-yet-bright-macabre-god-like-robots-and-a-poetic-glimpse-into-hong-kongs-past-and-future/

  • provoking 在 黃心健 Hsin-Chien Huang Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-13 21:30:13
    有 79 人按讚

    #失身記在墨爾本國際電影節 🤩

    Bodyless, award-winning VR work by renowned Taiwanese director Hsin-Chien Huang, is now ready to be experienced at Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF)!

    In Bodyless, the audience experiences an ultra surreal journey through the eyes of a political prisoner, who became a ghost after his death in prison. Trying to find his way home, he travels through a spectacular and fantastical underworld interwoven with nature. Will he find his way home and finally be free? Or digital domination has replaced political oppression in the past, only to disembody him again from his humanity and reduce it into digits and commodities? His search for home - can it be a powerful metaphor of the search for lost humanity in our digital age? Bodyless delivers a thought-provoking “ghost story” of the most unusual kind. Visually stunning, emotionally intense and spiritually haunting… absolutely not to be missed!

    From August 5th to 22ed, 2021, films featured in MIFF, 2021 can be viewed at various venues in the city of Melbourne or online! Paid online-viewing is available through the official MIFF Play service.

    This Year, MIFF XR Category is also available online for the fist time, to anyone with VR equipment and computers at home. So viewers can enjoy their selected MIFF XR works in the comfort of their own home!

    ℹ️For more information, see the official MIFF website:

    台灣導演黃心健 的得獎VR作品《失身記》即將在第69屆墨爾本國際電影節 (Melbourne International Film Festival, MIFF) 開放體驗!

    《失身記》帶領觀眾進入超現實虛擬實境體驗,化身鬼魂,飄盪在臺灣戒嚴的暗黑歷史與數位控制的想像世界。 一名於政府祕密實驗中的政治犯在獄中孤獨地死去,老人死後成為孤魂野鬼,墮入冥界之中。根據台灣民俗信仰,農曆鬼月地獄之門大開,鬼魂試著找尋回家的路。透過老人的眼睛,文化與自然交織成豐富的精神世界。然而,一股機械力量開始腐化精神世界。。。身心都飽受迫害的老人,是否終究能回家?他的靈魂能否得到救贖?在《失身記》中,過往的戒嚴統治及現代的數位科技合而為一,形成對人們生活與信仰對立的深沉壓迫,將真實而複雜的人性變成了虛擬的電腦像素與謀利的商業工具。或許老人的旅程也是每一個人的旅程,我們都在尋找靈魂的家、真正的自由。《失身記》是個讓人深刻省思的“鬼故事”,生動的 VR 感官體驗將帶領您進入一個充滿了人性與靈性、深具文化色彩與豐富美感的奇幻旅程。

    今年邁入第69屆的MIFF於8月5日至22日盛大舉行。觀眾可以選擇前往墨爾本各地的劇院及戲院欣賞電影節影片,或者透過MIFF Play的官方服務,採用線上觀賞的方式付費體驗,暢覽今年度的精彩影片。

    而本次MIFF XR項目也首度開放給具有VR設備與電腦的觀眾在線上觀賞,讓觀眾在家就可以觀賞這次MIFF XR項目的作品。

    ✏️詳細資訊請至MIFF官方網站ℹ️ https://miff.com.au

    #miff Melbourne International Film Festival

  • provoking 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-12 10:49:00
    有 31 人按讚

    Out July 22 with Quercus Books

    Written by the incredibly talented author Eli Lee

    Book cover designed and illustrated by our darling daughter Sing Yun Lee

    天才横溢的女作家 Eli Lee 寫作的這本書 STRANGE AND BRILLIANT LIGHT.

    我女兒設計和繪畫的封面及插圖,在本年 7 月 22 日出版了。在各大書局有售。

    And it’s now available from your local bookshop! 📖

    “ A Compelling, Provocative & Prescient Work of Speculative Fiction.”

    “An intelligent and thought provoking work of literary science fiction”

    “A Strange and Brilliant Light is an utterly fascinating debut novel by Eli Lee. It’s a bold piece of speculative fiction that explores the potential impacts of an AI revolution on humanity on numerous levels but primarily on that of corporate economics and the financial survival of the common people.

    The story follows three distinctly different female characters through whom we see the unfolding realities of AI overtaking everyday humanity.”

    “ … the cover design of a bird perched on the robotic hand was very evocative.”

    “ … it's a gorgeous cover with artwork that i could – and will – stare at for decades and never tire of.”

    “Took this rather astonishing cover (and book!) for a date at the park ✨🌳 Exploring the effects of artificial intelligence on the future of work and our sense of purpose, A Strange and Brilliant Light is @eli_lee_writes thought-provoking speculative literary debut that follows three young women on the threshold of a completely new kind of world.”

  • provoking 在 Joseph Prince Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-10-26 20:00:12

    GIVE ME THIS MOUNTAIN is a book—no—a guide to faith.

    Real, raw, and authentic faith.

    Not the kind of polished, feel-good faith that’s only good on the good days and vanishes the moment life turns up the heat.

    We’re talking about faith for when and where it really matters— in the face of adversity, disappointment, anxiety about the future, and the seemingly impossible odds we’re up against that the world and our culture remind us of 24/7. Faith that doesn’t sidestep the issues, but with chutzpah, grit, and a lot of grace, confronts and takes on every mountain—whatever it might be.

    Above all, this book is about faith in a good God and His ability to hold on to us even when our faith fails.

    Over 4 weeks, this young adults resource will help you:
    • Lean in to the life of Caleb and other inspiring men and women in the Bible.
    • Discover powerful truths about God’s ways of faith that will cause you to take ground in life and start thriving.
    • Engage with thought-provoking reflection prompts, questions, and compelling activities that will help you own and apply these keys in your own life and begin to go from barely surviving to actually thriving!

    Visit https://josephprince.com/mountain to read the first 2 days of Give Me This Mountain. Get your copy today!

    Find us at:

    #josephprince #givemethismountain #gmtm28

  • provoking 在 Joseph Prince Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-10-20 20:00:12

    GIVE ME THIS MOUNTAIN is a book—no—a guide to faith.

    Real, raw, and authentic faith.

    Not the kind of polished, feel-good faith that’s only good on the good days and vanishes the moment life turns up the heat.

    We’re talking about faith for when and where it really matters—in the face of adversity, disappointment, anxiety about the future, and the seemingly impossible odds we’re up against that the world and our culture remind us of 24/7. Faith that doesn’t sidestep the issues, but with chutzpah, grit, and a lot of grace, confronts and takes on every mountain—whatever it might be.

    Above all, this book is about faith in a good God and His ability to hold on to us even when our faith fails.

    Over 4 weeks, this young adults resource will help you:
    • Lean in to the life of Caleb and other inspiring men and women in the Bible.
    • Discover powerful truths about God’s ways of faith that will cause you to take ground in life and start thriving.
    • Engage with thought-provoking reflection prompts, questions, and compelling activities that will help you own and apply these keys in your own life and begin to go from barely surviving to actually thriving!

    Visit https://josephprince.com/mountain to read the first 2 days of Give Me This Mountain. Get your copy today!

    Find us at:

    #josephprince #givemethismountain #gmtm28

  • provoking 在 Sunset Rollercoaster落日飛車 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-09-26 20:05:07

    【 輕舟已過萬重山 】落日飛車「出差」巡迴紀錄片


    第三集 check out (簽退)

    Roll, Roll, Roll Your Boat
    Sunset Rollercoaster ‘Business Trip’ Tour Documentary

    The true stories behind almost a hundred gigs of Sunset Rollercoaster’s 2019 World Tour.
    Buckle up and enjoy this seemingly endless business trip on loop-the-loops.

    ep.3 ‘Check Out’
    Sunset Rollercoaster had since been nicknamed a ‘Pregnanting Rock’ group, spreading the vibe of love and romance. Their provoking music and performance are built upon the technique-oriented mindset that put together multiple layers of creamy earworms. The ‘business trip’ has made the group stronger than ever, while the audience met and the friends made along the way kept the journey fun and exciting, as their music is.


    Sunset Rollercoaster “2019 Business Trip” Tour

    主唱/吉他 Vocal / Guitar :曾國宏 Kuo
    貝斯 Bass:陳弘禮 Hung Li
    鍵盤 Keyboard:王少軒 Gump
    爵士鼓 Drums:羅尊龍 ZL
    電子鼓/節奏樂器 Drum pads / Percussion:黃士瑋 Birdman
    薩克斯風 Saxophone:黃浩庭 Haoting
    客座鍵盤 Keyboard:顏世傑 JB
    客座薩克斯風 Saxophone:謝明諺 Minyan Hsieh
    演出製作 Production:夕陽音樂產業有限公司 Sunset Music Production Co.,Ltd
    藝人/巡迴經紀 Artist Management:應佳霖 Mary Ying
    歐美巡迴經紀Tour Management :嚴敏 Mia Min Yan
    視覺統籌 Visual Coordination:張芳瑜 Joy Chang


    出品 Present
    夕陽音樂產業有限公司 & 吉术斋
    Sunset Music Productions Co.,Ltd & Geek Shoot Jack

    監製 Executive Producer
    應佳霖 Mary Ying
    徐遠卓 Yuanzhuo Xu
    張芳瑜 Joy Chang

    導演 Director
    郭松雲 Songyun Guo

    攝影 Cameraman
    王宇浩 Yuhao Wang, 周世偉 Shiwei Zhou, 尚登 Deng Shang, 賈思揚 Siyang Jia, 郭松雲 Songyun Guo, 黃士瑋 Birdman, Jay Cheng, Victoria Chen, 蘇柏瑋 Subway, 黃浩庭 Haoting, Siva Wasanruk, Bancha Sawangkasirl, Slwat Picksrl, Suradate Wongam, 詹曜維 Sam Chan

    音響工程師F.O.H Mixing / Monitor Engineer:鄭凱元 Kai
    舞監 Stage Manager:聞理 Fred
    音響工程師 Monitor Engineer:蔡易達 Tsai,Yi-ta

    燈光設計 Lighting Designer:鐘禮學 Chung, Li-hsueh
    技師 Technician:江韋樺 Chiang, Wei-hua
    視訊設計 Visual Design:張芳瑜 Joy Chang

    剪輯 Editor
    白勇剛 Yonggang Bai

    調色 Colorist
    王宇浩 Yuhao Wang
    盧希 Xi Lu

    包裝設計 Graphic Designer
    大蒜糖 Garlicsugar Kung

    蔣孜遠 Ziyuan Jiang

    孫浩澤 Haoze Sun 張世恆 Shining Zhang

    字幕 Subtitles
    尹麗媛 Liyuan Yin

    宣傳 Promotion
    蔣賀家 Hejia Jiang

    特別感謝 Special thanks to
    曉峰音樂公社 Xiaofeng Music

