#1Poleaxe - Wikipedia
The poleaxe (also pollaxe, pole-axe, pole axe, poleax, polax) is a European polearm that was widely used by medieval infantry.
7 天前 — poleaxe 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯 ... Blake was poleaxed by a missile thrown from the crowd. 布萊克被人群中投擲過來的東西打昏在地。
#3Poleaxe - Official Path of Exile Wiki
Poleaxe Two Handed Axe Physical Damage: 29-43. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00% Attacks per Second: 1.30. Weapon Range: 13Requires Level 18, 44 Str, 25 Dex.
#4The Medieval Poleaxe -- myArmoury.com
"Poleaxe" is the medieval name used by the English for the long-handled footman's warhammer, regardless of whether it actually had an axe head or not.
#5Poleaxe definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Poleaxe definition: a former naval weapon with an axe blade on one side of the handle and a spike on the... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and ...
#6Poleaxe vs Halberd - the Definitive Guide - Awesome Axes
A poleaxe is, in its most basic form, a long-handled weapon with an axe or hammer head mounted on its end. They appeared as a counter to the plate armor of ...
#7Poleaxe Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
Poleaxe definition, variant of poleax. See more.
#8Poleax Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
variants: or poleaxe. poleaxed; poleaxing; poleaxes. Definition of poleax (Entry 2 of 2). transitive verb. : to attack, strike, or fell with or as if with a ...
#1015th Century Medieval Forged Iron Poleaxe - Amazon.com
This replica medieval poleaxe features an open-bladed construction, meaning that the center of the axe is cut out. This reduces the weight, just as a fuller ...
#11Poleaxe #2, Polymer Trainer - Purpleheart Armoury
Poleaxe designed for competition fighting and training. Firm thermoset polymer makes it a strong and stiff product, but still light enough to control the ...
#12Poleaxe - The Free Dictionary
Noun, 1. poleaxe - an ax used to slaughter cattle; has a hammer opposite the blade. poleax · ax, axe - an edge tool with a heavy bladed head mounted across a ...
#13Burgundian Poleaxe - Arms & Armor
Based on Original: Circa 1450 French, Wallace Collection, London (A925) • Overall length: ~70 inches • Blade length: 6.6 inches • Top spike: 8.75 inches ...
#14poleaxe - Wiktionary
NounEdit · An ax having both a blade and a hammer face; used to slaughter cattle. · (historical) A long-handled battle axe, being a combination of ax, hammer and ...
#15Pole Axe - Kult of Athena
The Pole Axe was a very versatile weapon, not only could it be wielded as a two handed axe, but the sharp point doubled as a short spear, and the back spike ...
#16Poleaxe - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com
poleaxe Add to list Share. Definitions of poleaxe. noun. an ax used to slaughter cattle; has a hammer opposite the blade. synonyms: poleax. see moresee less.
#17poleaxe verb - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage ...
poleaxe somebody to hit somebody very hard so that they fall down and cannot stand up again. Questions about grammar and vocabulary? · [usually passive] ...
#18Pole Axe | Medieval Weapons - Museum Replicas
MuseumReplicas.com carries historically accurate Medieval & Renaissance weapons and armor, such as this Pole Axe.
#19Poleaxe - Bill - Halberd - Black Armoury
Poleaxe MK1 - Synthetic - ARCEM. Made from hard rubber, ideal for safe training and sparring. €72.00. View product.
#20Poleaxe Stock Photos and Images - Alamy
Find the perfect poleaxe stock photo. ... 3D digital render of a medieval pole axe isolated on white background - Stock Image ...
#21Poleaxe - Philadelphia Museum of Art
Poleaxe. c. 1470-1480. Artist/maker unknown, Western European. Gallery 347, Arms and Armor, third floor (Kretzschmar von Kienbusch Galleries) ...
#22How would you fight a poleaxe user while using a longsword?
Poleaxes hit like trucks. Because of the second factor, I wouldn't try to fence against a poleaxe at the long sword (i.e., with both hands ...
#23poleaxe - Translation into French - examples English
Translations in context of "poleaxe" in English-French from Reverso Context: Father Pascal must be beating them off with a poleaxe.
#24作者Poleaxe 的總覽(PTT發文,留言,暱稱) - PTT網頁版
作者Poleaxe 的總覽(PTT發文,留言,暱稱). 發文數量: 229. 收到的『推』: 1480 (61.7%). 收到的『→』: 863 (36.0%). 收到的『噓』: 56 (2.3%). 留言數量: 11886.
#25Rubber Poleaxe with curved blade - Faits d'Armes
"Rubber Poleaxe head with a curved blade. Perfect for studying the polearms fight techniques with light gear. Both shape and overall dimensions are based on ...
#26Poleaxe Weapon - Medieval Chronicles
A Poleaxe, also known as pollaxe, is a European battle-axe that was widely used during the medieval period. It is known by several names such as poleaxe, ...
#27巨戰斧 - 流亡編年史
Reference, Community Wiki. DropLevel, 18. BaseType, Poleaxe. BaseType, 巨戰斧. Class, 雙手斧. Flags, CanHaveInfluence, CanBeCorrupted, CanBeSuperCorrupted, ...
#28Weapon Class Guide: Poleaxe - Conqueror's Blade
As hinted at in the name, a Poleaxe is essentially a battleaxe strapped to a robust stick. While a heavier weapon than the Glaive and thus ...
#29Poleaxe - Irongate Armory
With a long history of use, the pole axe was very popular in the lists, with the winner being decided by the number of blows fairly struck.
#30Poleaxe® Sheep Drench - The Hunter River Company
Poleaxe ® Sheep Drench ... Oral anthelmintic for the control of organophosphate susceptible strains of mature and immature gastrointestinal roundworms in sheep and ...
#31Poleaxe | PoE Wiki
Poleaxe Two Handed Axe Physical Damage: 29-43. Critical Strike Chance: 5.00% Attacks per Second: 1.30. Weapon Range: 13Requires Level 18, ...
#32poleaxe - Englisch-Deutsch Übersetzung | PONS
Übersetzung Englisch-Deutsch für poleaxe im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion.
#33poleaxe - Urban Dictionary
poleaxe. This is the state you end up in after downing fifteen pints and a couple of whiskey chasers. Thanks to the definition above I am never drinking ...
#34Venetian Poleaxe with Hammer - Battle-Merchant
Venetian Poleaxe with Hammer This is a reconstruction of a Venetian battle axe from ca. 1530 AD. Pole axes were widely popular amoung foot soldiers ...
#35Best 3 Definitions of Poleaxe - YourDictionary
What does poleaxe mean? An ax having both a blade and a hammer face; used to slaughter cattle. (noun)
#36DVD - German Medieval Martial Arts: The Poleaxe - Freelance ...
The medieval knight was a well-trained fighting man, expert in the use of many weapons. One of his premiere weapons was the poleaxe, which combined aspects ...
#37Elementium Poleaxe - Item - World of Warcraft - Wowhead
This blue polearm has an item level of 37. It is crafted. In the Polearms category. Added in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. Always up to date.
#38Ponderous, Cruel and Mortal: A Review of Medieval Poleaxe ...
Ponderous, Cruel and Mortal: A Review of Medieval Poleaxe Technique from Surviving Treatises of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries.
#39POLEAXE | Meaning & Definition for UK English | Lexico.com
UK English definition of POLEAXE along with additional meanings, example sentences, and ways to say.
#40Knightly Poleaxe - Damselfly Forge
This poleaxe was an in depth exploration into the forging processes of the 1500s. The pole arm was hand forged from 7 separate wrought iron components, ...
#41poleaxe在线翻译- 英语_读音_用法_例句 - 海词词典
poleaxe 的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:. 英英释义. Noun: an ax used to slaughter cattle; has a hammer opposite the blade.
#42poleaxe - Translation in LEO's English ⇔ German Dictionary
Learn the translation for 'poleaxe' in LEO's English ⇔ German dictionary. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses ✓ links to audio ...
#43Pollarms - Spear & Poleaxe (lanze e azza) - AEMMA
The pollaxe is a type of European polearm which was widely used by medieval infantry. Also known by the names poll-axe, pole axe, polax, or Hache (French ...
#44Poleaxes | BuhurtTech
The mighty axe of the nobles, the poleaxe was born in late medieval times when armor makers had developed the skill to forge plate armor with incredible ...
#4515th century pole axe - CelticWebMerchant.com
This pole axe is a replica of several originals that were used during the era of the War of the Roses. The pole axe was the perfect weapon for breaking ...
#46Berdiche, long poleaxe | Outfit4Events
A berdiche (alternatively bardiche, long poleaxe), is a type of polearm known in medieval and renaissance Europe, especially in Eastern Europe and Russia ...
#47Amor of Armour — What is a Poleaxe ? - Tumblr
What is a Poleaxe ? Poleaxes, also known in French as great arming axes, were a man-sized late evolution of fighting axes that appeared in ...
#48Poleaxe | Diablo 2 Wiki | Stats, Modifiers & Bonuses
Poleaxe. Normal Polearm. Poleaxe. Base Stats. 18 - 39 Two Hand Damage Minimum Strength: 62. Durability: 65. Sockets: 5. Modifiers.
#49Poleaxe Games #EmpireofEmber ⚔️ (@PoleaxeG) / Twitter
Poleaxe Games #EmpireofEmber ⚔️. @PoleaxeG. Explore a fantasy world, venture into procedural dungeons with steel and magic & lead your troops in ...
#50Axe heads :: Pollaxe (poleaxe) - Weapons - Medieval Fight Club
This pollaxe is one massive weapon, with an axe on one side and a hammer (or poll) on the other. As this is clearly a war pollaxe it also has a long top ...
#51Fiore de'i Liberi/Poleaxe - Wiktenauer
And just as the student of the First Remedy Master of the sword in armor does, so I can do with a step and a thrust with my poleaxe.
#52late medieval Poleaxe 14th-16th century, 124,99 € - Vehi ...
Poleaxes like these are wide spread and good documented during the late medieval era 14th-16th century It is similar to a halberd but instead of.
#53poleaxe - Pinterest
Dec 2, 2015 - Explore Mike Harcerz's board "poleaxe" on Pinterest. See more ideas about medieval, medieval weapons, arms and armour.
#54Poleaxe - Wikiwand
The poleaxe is a European polearm that was widely used by medieval infantry.
#55Poleaxe | The Art Institute of Chicago
Poleaxe ; Title. Poleaxe ; Origin. Switzerland ; Date. 1500 ; Medium. Steel, brass, and wood (oak) ; Dimensions. L. 177.8 cm (70 in.) Blade with socket L. 21.9 cm (8 ...
#56Poleaxe SE - Skyrim Special Edition - Nexus Mods
Poleaxe By Billyro. Description A new poleaxe, based on the halberd from By The Sword, Inc. This weapon can be crafted at a forge.
#57poleaxe (axes (weapons: edged)); poleaxe sheath - Horniman ...
poleaxe (axes (weapons: edged)); poleaxe sheath ... Wooden poleaxe with sheath. Use. fighting.
#58poleax, poleaxe 中文 - 綫上翻譯
poleax, poleaxe中文:n. 戰斧;殺家畜用的屠斧…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋poleax, poleaxe的中文翻譯,poleax, poleaxe的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#59Conqueror's Blade - Weapon Class Guide: Poleaxe - Steam
When it does strike home, the Poleaxe can be devastating. However, thanks to a combination of heavy armour and a set of skills that harass and ...
#60poleaxe - Meaning in Hindi - पोलैक्स मतलब हिंदी में - Shabdkosh
poleaxe - Meaning in Hindi, what is the meaning of poleaxe in Hindi dictionary, pronunciation, synonyms, usage examples and definitions of poleaxe in Hindi ...
#61Pollaxe | French, Burgundy | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
The poleaxe was the western European equivalent of the halberd and was similarly designed for hacking and stabbing and for piercing armor plates.
#62Not sure if the Poleaxe is the weapon... - Conqueror's Blade
Not sure if the Poleaxe is the weapon for you? Check out Jona the Orange's review of the heavy hitting weapon! youtube.com/watch?v=2GrBgRfxeUA.
#63Poleaxe® Sheep Drench - Pastoral Ag
Poleaxe ® Sheep Drench ... Oral anthelmintic for the control of organophosphate susceptible strains of mature and immature gastrointestinal roundworms in sheep and ...
#64Poleaxe | Etsy
Check out our poleaxe selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our costume weapons shops.
#65Poleaxe Trainer - Historica Clothiers
Poleaxe Trainer (square faced); Period: 14th – 15th c. Source: Inspired by original pieces, this is the type of weapon that may have been used according to ...
Poleaxe is an experienced ads-development agency. We offer our intelligence, technology, partner support, simplicity, and believe our client's projects ...
#67Poleaxe - LordsAndLadies.org
Poleaxe - This weapon consisted of a broad, short axe blade mounted on a wooden shaft, or pole, which was between 4 and 5 feet long ...
#68Is poleaxe viable? : r/ConquerorsBlade - Reddit
I recently started with the poleaxe. I get stomped a lot by almost every weapon. Is it viable against any other weapon or do I just suck? What other…
#69Poleaxe - JustGiving
Let them know by sponsoring this spectacular pole axe from 1470 in their name. This is likely to have been used in battle by a knight or soldier, the axe blades ...
#70Pole Axe | RareNoiseRecords
Pole Axe · CD (4 Panel Digipack + SD Download) · VINYL (12″ Double, Heavyweight, Gatefold + SD Download) · COMBO (VINYL + CD + SD Download + HD Download) · SD ...
#71Poleaxe 3D models - Sketchfab
Poleaxe 3D models ready to view, buy, and download for free.
#72Gothic Armaments and King Hamlet's Poleaxe - jstor
King Hamlet's Poleaxe. DAVID HALEY. Hor. Such was the very armor he had on,. When he the ambitious Norway combated,. So frowned he once, when in an angry ...
#73Poleaxe - Arms Armor - Arms Armor
Poleaxe. (the second half of the 15th century). CatNo: HA004. wood colored by natural dye, conservated by the mixture of natural waxes. Weight: 2690g.
#74Items - Poleaxes - A Free Classic PVP Online MMO and ...
Name Weapon; Skill Level Str Price Max; Atk Min; Atk Dex Dura Iron Poleaxe 0 15 28 550 60 15 3 15/15 Iron Poleaxe 0 15 28 550 62 15 4 15/15 Iron Poleaxe 0 15 28 550 63 16 4 15/15
#75Definitions of poleaxe - OneLook Dictionary Search
We found 20 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word poleaxe: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where ...
#76Another word for POLEAXE > Synonyms & Antonyms
Similar words for Poleaxe. Definition: noun. an ax used to slaughter cattle; has a hammer opposite the blade.
#77pole-axe; war-hammer | British Museum
Pole-axe; steel; engraved with arms of Commonwealth on quillon-block; cross-guard and hook; four-pronged hammer-head on one side and beak on other; spiked top; ...
#78Poleax vs Poleaxe - What's the difference? | WikiDiff
As nouns the difference between poleax and poleaxe. is that poleax is while poleaxe is an ax having both a blade and a hammer face; used to slaughter cattle ...
#79iO Pole-Axe | Independents Own
Oral anthelmintic for the control of organophosphate susceptible strains of mature and immature gastrointestinal roundworms in sheep and lambs.
#80POLEAXE - Translation in Czech - bab.la
Translation for 'poleaxe' in the free English-Czech dictionary and many other Czech translations.
#81Poleaxe icon white-插圖素材[33389818] - PIXTA圖庫
Poleaxe icon white[33389818],此圖庫插圖素材具有向量,向量圖,藍色的關鍵詞。此插圖素材是Ylivdesign / (No.288850)的作品。您可以購買圖像大小從影像尺寸從S至XL, ...
#82Halberd vs. Poleaxe - What's the difference?
Poleaxe noun. An ax having both a blade and a hammer face; used to slaughter cattle. Halberdnoun. An ancient long-handled weapon, ...
#83Buhurt poleaxe with shaft - Medieval Extreme
Buhurt poleaxe with shaft - is a great way to share some buhurt love with all your opponents in mass battles. Free shipping worldwide.
#84poleaxe แปลว่าอะไร ดูความหมาย ตัวอย่างประโยค หมายความว่า ...
Result from Foreign Dictionaries (3 entries found). From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]: Poleax \Pole"ax`\, Poleaxe ...
#85iO Pole-Axe Sheep Drench 10 Litre - The Farmers Mailbox
POLE-AXE™ contains naphthalophos, a member of the organophosphorus family of chemicals. It is effective against organophosphate susceptible strains of ...
#86The Poleaxe (Azza) | Chicago Swordplay Guild
The poleaxe (or pollaxe) was one of the principle “knightly” weapons of the 14 th – 16 th century, and is related to the “common” halberd.
#87Buy Medieval Pole Axe from our UK Shop
The Pole Axe was a very versatile weapon, not only could it be wielded as a two handed axe, but the sharp point doubled as a short spear, and the back spike ...
#88What does poleaxe mean? - Definitions.net
poleax, poleaxenoun. an ax used to slaughter cattle; has a hammer opposite the blade. poleax, poleaxeverb. a battle ax used in the Middle Ages; ...
#89Poleaxe | Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki - GamePress
Weapon, SP, Rng. Mt. PoleaxeEffective against cavalry foes. 200, 1, 10. Inheritable Restrictions? Axe Only. Inheritable by Axe users only. Units with Skill.
#90Definition and synonyms of poleaxe in the English dictionary
«Poleaxe» The pollaxe is a type of European polearm which was widely used by medieval infantry. It is also known by the names poleaxe, pole-axe, ...
#91Conjugation of poleaxe - WordReference.com
poleaxe · Indicative · Perfect tenses · Continuous (progressive) and emphatic tenses · Compound continuous (progressive) tenses · Conditional · Imperative ...
#92Prince Darkon's Poleaxe - AQW Wiki
The poleaxe has been left to collect dust in King Drago's possession after its owner's passing. Now with Drago gone, the weapon is yours.
#93Poleaxe Vector Images (over 1,200) - VectorStock
The best selection of Royalty Free Poleaxe Vector Art, Graphics and Stock Illustrations. Download 1200+ Royalty Free Poleaxe Vector Images.
#94Poleaxe T-Shirts | Redbubble
Shop high-quality unique Poleaxe T-Shirts designed and sold by independent artists. Available in a range of colours and styles for men, women, and everyone.
#95Photos, videos, logos, illustrations and branding on Behance
ranseur. weapon. gryphon. shield. knight. Axe and Poleaxe 3D Low Poly Models. Save. Axe and Poleaxe 3D Low Poly Models · Game Art 2D & 3D. 8 37. Poleaxe Elf.
#96An Essay on the Cattle Murrain and Poleaxe Murder, or ...
#97Pole Axe | Windlass Steelcrafts
We ran across this pole axe in a private collection and immediately decided we needed to replicate it. With a long history of use, the pole axe was very ...
poleaxe 在 希克CK Youtube 的最佳貼文
#傳說對決 #AWC
更新中獎名單:余睿榮、Poleaxe Wang、林懋廷,請中獎者私訊希克IG領獎