

在 phlebotomy產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅Dr. Hsuan 若玄’s work-blog,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 早上在醫院遇到院長,老師用恭喜的表情笑笑的問:「是不是要畢業了?」 實習這一年過得很快,突然要停止運轉還真有些不習慣。 開始能體會當兵的人為什麼總是時不時說起當年的往事,雖然勞累卑微又廉價(講得好像很可憐🤣),這段時光確實充滿回憶。 從今天開始,台灣再也沒有實習醫生了。 鼻胃管再見,導尿管再見,...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3,620的網紅葛昌惠,也在其Youtube影片中提到,----------------------------------------------- 台灣當代一年展 入選參展 2016/9/10~16 花博爭艷館 --------- 計畫主持人:曹存慧 Theresa Tsun-Hui Tsao、葛昌惠 Chang Huei Ge 參與藝術家:Su ...

phlebotomy 在 若玄?Dr. Hsuan Wu, MD Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-09 06:39:03

早上在醫院遇到院長,老師用恭喜的表情笑笑的問:「是不是要畢業了?」 - 實習這一年過得很快,突然要停止運轉還真有些不習慣。 開始能體會當兵的人為什麼總是時不時說起當年的往事,雖然勞累卑微又廉價(講得好像很可憐🤣),這段時光確實充滿回憶。 - 從今天開始,台灣再也沒有實習醫生了。 鼻胃管再見,導尿管再...

phlebotomy 在 若玄?Dr. Hsuan Wu, MD Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-09 06:39:03

「有最壞的打算,做最好的準備。」 . 最近被各種老師用關愛的眼光看待,說我們是寶貴的最後一年度最後一批七年制的實習醫生⋯⋯ 一個月只要一萬五,包雜事包值班包照顧病人,這麼好用的勞工大家當然捨不得啊!!🤣🤣🤣 ㄧ個月薪水約等於八小時家教的廉價勞工日子就要結束了,終於不用面對每個月只要一號過了就開始吃土...

  • phlebotomy 在 Dr. Hsuan 若玄’s work-blog Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-05-27 15:28:22
    有 755 人按讚





    Passing by the superintendent of the hospital today, who congratulated me on the coming graduation.

    The year of internship went by so fast that makes you feel restless when you no longer have to hustle.
    And yeah, now I understand why people always talk about their military days, the year was definitely tired but full of memories.

    From today, there will be no more intern doctor in Taiwan.
    Goodbye NG, goodbye foley, goodbye morning phlebotomy and wet dressing...
    The last interns logged out, yet their journeys go on.

  • phlebotomy 在 Dr. Hsuan 若玄’s work-blog Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-05-02 15:34:59
    有 615 人按讚




    “Hope for the best, and prepare for the worst.”

    As the last group of interns in Taiwan, we are often joked by the attending physicians as the “last piece of treasure”, especially during this last month of our rotation.
    Try think of a super cheap but professionally trained employee who can help care patients, do all the NG/foley/phlebotomy, write notes, share duty shifts...
    Obviously, they have every reason to miss us after we’re gone!
    Still, I couldn’t be happier to be reminded that my low-paid labored year’s gonna end in less than a month 😝

  • phlebotomy 在 Zin photography /魔幻人像攝影/ Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2016-09-09 21:53:36
    有 14 人按讚

    / 血電廠 Blood Power Station /
    2016 台灣當代一年展

    計畫主持人:曹存慧 Theresa Tsun-Hui Tsao、 葛昌惠 Chang Huei Ge
    參與藝術家: SU Misu、董籬、陳呈毓 Chen Chen Yu、蘇紳源 Semi Su、吳牧青


    Regardless of the well-known danger of nuclear energy, the world is still using nuclear energy as an energy source. The other methods for generating electricity are not as dangerous, however, still more-or-less stress the global environment.
    Similar to electricity, blood is essential to our lives. The open wounds and the blood from phlebotomy have the potential to cause infections and to transfer diseases. We collected blood from human and placed copper and zinc plates into the blood. The chemical reactions among the ions in the blood and the metal plates produced electricity that was sufficient to light up a few diode bulbs. This project is to emphasize how much we rely on electricity, and what we have been and are willing to risk for the generation of electricity.
    台灣當代一年展 入選參展
    2016/9/10~16 @花博爭艷館

  • phlebotomy 在 葛昌惠 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2016-09-08 23:50:27

    台灣當代一年展 入選參展
    計畫主持人:曹存慧 Theresa Tsun-Hui Tsao、葛昌惠 Chang Huei Ge
    參與藝術家:Su Misu、董籬、陳呈毓 Chen Chen Yu、蘇紳源、吳牧青


    Regardless of the well-known danger of nuclear energy, the world is still using nuclear energy as an energy source. The other methods for generating electricity are not as dangerous, however, still more-or-less stress the global environment. Similar to electricity, blood is essential to our lives. The open wounds and the blood from phlebotomy have the potential to cause infections and to transfer diseases. We collected blood from human and placed copper and zinc plates into the blood. The chemical reactions among the ions in the blood and the metal plates produced electricity that was sufficient to light up a few diode bulbs. This project is to emphasize how much we rely on electricity, and what we have been and are willing to risk for the generation of electricity.


  • phlebotomy 在 葛昌惠 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2016-07-01 23:29:56

    台灣當代一年展 入選參展


    Regardless of the well-known danger of nuclear energy, the world is still using nuclear energy as an energy source. The other methods for generating electricity are not as dangerous, however, still more-or-less stress the global environment. Similar to electricity, blood is essential to our lives. The open wounds and the blood from phlebotomy have the potential to cause infections and to transfer diseases. We collected blood from human and placed copper and zinc plates into the blood. The chemical reactions among the ions in the blood and the metal plates produced electricity that was sufficient to light up a few diode bulbs. This project is to emphasize how much we rely on electricity, and what we have been and are willing to risk for the generation of electricity.


