

在 perseverance產品中有1110篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅創業圓夢 Start-up Hub,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #週一正能量 「時機、堅持與十幾年的努力,最終會讓你看起來像是一夕成功。」-Twitter共同創辦人 比茲·史東 Timing, perseverance, and ten years of trying will eventually make you look like an overnigh...

 同時也有63部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過206的網紅Isabelle Kwan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Welcome back guys! It's about sharing my little dancing journey w y'all. I used to think that I wouldn't make it to dancing, glad that I didn't give...

  • perseverance 在 創業圓夢 Start-up Hub Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-27 07:30:52
    有 10 人按讚

    「時機、堅持與十幾年的努力,最終會讓你看起來像是一夕成功。」-Twitter共同創辦人 比茲·史東
    Timing, perseverance, and ten years of trying will eventually make you look like an overnight success.-Biz Stone

  • perseverance 在 A Happy Mum Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-27 03:18:04
    有 74 人按讚

    "While the exams are important and they are a major milestone, please remember that whatever grades you receive, they do not define your life, your character or you as a person in the slightest. You are worth so much more than the piece of certificate you are going to take home and I hope you know that. Values such as honesty, kindness, independence, creativity, reliability and perseverance are the things that I see in you but will not be written on the paper, which is why I need to tell you so that you will know how amazing you are. You are an incredible gift that we treasure so deeply and you've lit up our world since you came into it."

    Here's sharing heartfelt letter I wrote to my firstborn who will be taking her PSLE exams in three days' time. You've got this, dear Angel!

  • perseverance 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-21 09:00:12
    有 9,599 人按讚

    🙏🏻💪🏻🤝今天是921大地震22 週年,我們持續為在這場令人悲痛的事件中所喪生的2,415 位罹難者哀悼。同時,我們也欽佩台灣人民展現無比的韌性和堅毅,一步一步從震災中復原。台灣持續努力發展應對各種緊急情況的能力,並已成為印太地區備災的領導者,台灣也樂於與國際社會分享其專業知識。美國很自豪能與台灣合作,協助國際夥伴應對全球挑戰。

    🙏🏻💪🏻🤝Today, on the 22nd anniversary of the 9/21 earthquake, we continue to mourn the 2,415 lives lost in this devastating incident. We admire the perseverance and resilience of the people in Taiwan to recover from one of the its deadliest earthquakes. Taiwan has worked hard to develop its ability to respond to various kinds of emergencies and has become a leader of disaster preparedness in the region, sharing its expertise with the international community. The United States is proud to partner with Taiwan to help tackle global challenges.

  • perseverance 在 Isabelle Kwan Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-05-29 21:00:07

    Welcome back guys! It's about sharing my little dancing journey w y'all.

    I used to think that I wouldn't make it to dancing, glad that I didn't give up and this day just came true with faith & perseverance. Hope you guys never stop trying & doing what you love, too!

    Once again thank you for the support :)
    Click here to subscribe to my channel! https://www.youtube.com/c/IsabelleKwan

  • perseverance 在 The Official Chris Leong Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-05-26 13:03:29

    The Charity Treatment in a Buddhist Temple highlight video.

    Helping people is not about colour, race or religion. Is about our sincerity. Although we're facing many obstacles when we tour around the world to spread this art and helping needy people but through perseverance and great help from noble friends, we went through all the obstacles. So we strongly believe in the principle of "Cause & Effect". Nothing can stop us from doing charity & bring this art to help more & more people around the world.

    This is the first time World Tour Tit Tar (Chris Leong Method Tit Tar) team doing charity in a buddhist temple and we really enjoyed it very much.

    Amithaba to Buddhist follower. May Buddha bless you all with good health???

    #charity #wttt #CLM #chrisleongmethod #causeandeffect #pakartulang #MCL #chrisleong #masterchris #bonesetting #bonealignment #bonespecialist #masterchrisleong #bonesetting #tittar #tabibtulang #clm #clmethod #sunwaydamasara #midvalley #drchris #datochris #跌打 #chris #datoserichris #setiaalam #sripetaling #bone #tulang #leong #梁潤江 #ampang #clmjakarta

  • perseverance 在 電扶梯走左邊 Jacky Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-04-12 12:39:12

    從美國辭掉apple工程師的Ian和精算師的Eric,成為YouTuber TheDoDoMen 的過程
    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDoDoMen
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/thedodomen

    - 為什麼面對夢想只能裹足不前,評估狀況、想好計劃、下定決心 | Stop planning your dream, Just do it
    - 把每一天當成最後一天來活,那要做什麼才有意義 | Live everyday like your last
    - 危機就是轉機!雖然因為covid-19不能環遊世界,但轉職做 YouTuber又何嘗不是挑戰 | Crisis is opportunity
    - 機會是留給準備好的人!因為舊金山封城而拍的影片開始被看到 | is it Luck or perserverance?

    我們每集都會辦抽書活動,記得 follow 我們 🤩
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/leftsideescalator.jacky/
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/LeftSideEscalator.Jacky/


    (00:01:12) Jacky與Eric、Ian的相識過程 | How we met
    (00:03:24) 神回覆的三個字形容自己 | 3 words to describe each other
    (00:07:53) 小時候到美國的文化衝擊 | Cultural shock moving to the US
    (00:11:50) 回台灣的逆向文化衝突居然是等垃圾車 | Reverse culture shock moving back to Taiwan
    (00:14:58) 融合台灣和美國的文化 | Fusion of Taiwanese and American culture
    (00:16:11) 亞洲家長的過度關心 | Asian parenting
    (00:17:40) 兩邊的文化對人生有什麼影響 | Impact of being bi-cultural & bi-lingual
    (00:21:03) 脫離舒適圈:自信和獨立思考 | Leaving comfort zone, confidence and independent thinking
    (00:23:11) 成績不代表一切的證明 | Grades aren't everything
    (00:25:58) 自信的無形蝴蝶效應 | The butterfly ball effect on building confidence
    (00:27:13) 大學申請實習對課業影響 | Internships in college impact on their lives
    (00:30:27) 大學除了課業以外 最大的收穫 | Biggest takeaways from school other than academics
    (00:32:03) Eric 和 Ian的相識過程 | How Eric & Ian met
    (00:32:50) 聊聊apple工程師和精算師的工作 | Jobs as Apple Engineer and Actuary science
    (0037:03) 什麼時候埋下辭職的種子 | When the idea of quitting
    (00:38:07) Ian首次公開的人生大事 | Ian's exclusive story
    (00:41:30) 以下暴雷「靈魂急轉彎」請注意 | "Soul" the movie / spoiler alert
    (00:42:27) 為什麼會想開Youtube頻道 | Why start YouTube channel?
    (00:43:25) 剛開始拍Youtube的時候最難的是 | Hardest thing about starting a channel
    (00:45:16) 會不會不適應成為Influencer要公開私生活?| Private life
    (00:47:34) 還不成名的時候怎麼堅持 | Perseverance before fame
    (00:48:38) 舊金山封城是轉折點 | Lockdown turnaround
    (00:51:25) 數據放一邊 先做自己想做的 | Data aside, do what you want
    (00:52:36) 犧牲很大 但觀看很少的影片 | Huge sacrifice, low reward videos
    (00:53:30) 回覆酸民留言來了 | Here's to you haters
    (00:56:23) YouTuber最容易被誤會的事 | Biggest misconception from being YouTubers
    (00:57:10) 只有先準備好 才有爆紅的機會 | Luck is for those who are prepared
    (00:59:45) 一開始有設立停損嗎 | Limit stop?
    (01:00:49) YouTuber Role Model
    (01:01:33) 影片想傳遞的核心價值 | Core value from videos
    (1:02:24) 兩個人意見不同的時候 | When disagreement happens
    (1:05:34) 成為YouTuber最大的成長 | Biggest learning from becoming YouTubers
    (1:06:55) YouTuber的時間管理 | Time management as YouTubers
    (1:09:29) 創造和技術類工作的差異 | Difference between a content creator and technical career

