[爆卦]PEERS課程 2022是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇PEERS課程 2022鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在PEERS課程 2022這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 peers課程產品中有23篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9萬的網紅國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【國立臺灣大學109學年度畢業典禮 致詞代表 心理學系林世峰】 Student Address, National Taiwan University Commencement 2021 Shih-Feng Lin from the Department of Psychology . 校...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅李根興 Edwin商舖創業及投資分享,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《我在哈佛學的領袖技能》工作坊 : Invitation - 2020年2月8日或15日 (星期六)《Leadership Workshop》9am to 1pm 我曾經在哈佛讀過三年(2012/13/14)教授 Robert Steven Kaplan 的領袖課程。Changed my lif...

peers課程 在 ?Holly?K☄ Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-04-19 05:12:09

在這個與國際社會接軌的年代,寶貝若能脫口而出一口流利英語,想必對許多寶爸寶媽來說是相當大的安慰;那就與Holly一起來探秘 “Hero’s English” 英雄英文吧! 自寶貝們踏入教室的那一刻起,擁有超過15年教齡的加拿大籍Jason主任就會以友善且親切的方式引導孩子們利用英語來進行對話及溝通。...

peers課程 在 DSE 7科5** | IELTS 9分 | 線上補習 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-01-12 08:40:32

#Melody生詞教室 Vocab: Slavishly 意思:盲目 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 例句:Adolescents tend to follow the trend slavishly as they would like to gain recognition from peers. 句子翻...

peers課程 在 LiangZiQi梁子淇??台灣重訓武打女演員 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-09-21 06:05:20

#文末抽獎送軟木按摩大小球組合 一見鍾情的 @matataiwan 軟木瑜珈墊 &放鬆筋膜的小伙伴們~材質很輕,帶上山也很ok👌🏽用軟木球放鬆爬山緊繃的肌肉、躺在軟木瑜珈墊上拉筋,融入大自然的味道真的好舒服😌 🌳軟木的天性就是除臭防黴,而且流汗時更止滑,軟木樹皮是環境友善材質。而且是台灣的好品牌...

  • peers課程 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-26 15:00:18
    有 778 人按讚

    【國立臺灣大學109學年度畢業典禮 致詞代表 心理學系林世峰】
    Student Address, National Taiwan University Commencement 2021
    Shih-Feng Lin from the Department of Psychology





    我回想起大三的一晚,我陪高三的學弟妹們為大考奮戰,原本想說幫忙解題而已,但最後他們卻對我說 :「學長,我讀書感覺好空、好累、好悶……」、「學長,我學這些到底為了什麼……」






    President Kuan, distinguished guests, professors, parents, graduates, and friends on the screen, Hi! I am the valedictorian on behalf of graduates. I am Lin, Shih-Feng from the Department of Psychology.

    The past transient four years brought me lasting remembrance. We made friends with classmates at Orientation Camp, searched for geese at Drunken Moon Lake, watched languid birds, Malayan Night Heron, on Zhoushan Road, biked to Wenzhou Street like a hipster and took a bite at the Lane 118. Although I dream that serene days live on, Covid-19 pandemic and the tragic loss of young lives suddenly happened. Hence, we have become the most puzzled and unique graduating class of 2021.

    The events on campus were abruptly suspended. Online courses were augmented. The graduation prom and the feast at Palm Boulevard were cancelled. Even the onsite graduation ceremony and the banquet for thanking professors have become impossible but eternal regrets. One of my friends was forced to relinquish the opportunity to exchange abroad. And I could not fulfill my internship program of which I dream in Finland. Facing the disruption of planning and uncertainty as normalcy, we meet myriad challenges.

    One day, I read a sentence written by James Carse in a second-hand bookstore on Wenzhou Street. To my astonishment, the philosopher categorizes human activities as two kinds of games. He said that "a finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play.” All of a sudden, I realized that my struggling study arises from the trap of finite game. The limited learning like a sprint aims to prove superiority as means that we spare no effort to renew resume and acquire labels.

    Reflecting back on one evening in my junior year, I accompanied third graders of high school who strived to prepare university entrance exam. I thought I could help answer their questions but eventually they said to me that “I felt aimless, exhausted, and suffocated…"“What is the purpose for learning indeed…?”

    Right. Studying for exams and labels without inquiring into meaning and value could ensnare us within emptiness, exhaustion and pains. Therefore, I found NTU Avizure Education Club in partnership with peers from more than 20 departments. Students from over five universities including those from Hong Kong and Canada enter the community and guide middle and high schoolers to explore the meaning of learning and the value of self through application of what we have learned, leading to promising careers in the future.

    While viewing the past and thinking of Finland, wasn’t it the ideal that I wish to accomplish after return to make learning more meaningful? The pandemic is an invisible stern teacher who teaches us to cherish each other in times of turmoil, to pursue dreams step by step in homeland, and to discover again. Learning is infinite grand journey embodied in a purpose, improving oneself to benefit others, exploring unknown, and creating value.

    With joint endeavors of faculty and students, National Taiwan University today draws more attention to counseling resources. The Device of Epidemic Prevention No. 1, Azalea Festival online, and the University of Future project allow us as the most puzzled class to transform into the most unique and perseverant class with self-awareness. We firmly believe that anything that brings to the life gives meaning. Regardless of gradation and end of class, members of NTU would continue to consider and learn as well as proceed to accomplish in the infinite game of life. And the resonance of ringing the Full Bell in our mind never ceases.

    I would like to extend my gratitude to professors, fellow classmates, family, friends, parents and grandparents in my path. Thank National Taiwan University for urging us to change. I expect each student and myself to transcend ourselves and to be compassionate toward others as active learners during trying times. We together create stories of common good and embrace the spirit to contribute to the universe. I am Lin, Shih-Feng. We are brave upon graduation. Thank you all.


    #臺灣大學 #畢業典禮 #NTUCommencement2021 #學生致詞代表 #臺大心理學系 #林世峰

  • peers課程 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-17 23:10:21
    有 285 人按讚


    It's difficult to focus on anything during this outbreak. Many of us feel lost, angry, or hopeless. Will our families be safe? What will happen to us? Will Taiwan be ok?



    The desperate search for answers is a natural way to seek out stability and control. However, in the face of the global pandemic, there is just so much out of our control, and seeking to find these impossible solutions often leaves us feeling helpless.



    A way out of such helplessness is figuring out what you CANNOT and CAN control. When you are upset about things you have no control over, take a few deep breaths, and be mindful of what's stressing you out.

    Then, focus on things WITHIN YOUR CONTROL and work to solve these problems. This will provide you with a sense of agency and reinvigorate you to tackle the next problem. Do not try to solve all your problems at once. Sort them out and break them down. Conquer them one at a time with the smallest task first.



    The pandemic is not a blessing in disguise. It is a global catastrophe, plain and simple. But that does not mean we have to feel helpless all day. We can all fight back in our own ways. For all of us, it's taking preventive measures, but we can also work on self-improvement.



    Below is a list of free online courses that can help you continue to learn. Do you want to practice your English conversation skills? Learn how to code? Or take organic chemistry (no one really wants to take org chem)? Take these classes with your friends and classmates. Learn together and achieve your goals step by step with your peers!

    以下是一份免費線上課程連結的清單,它能幫助你繼續學習。想要練習會話技巧?想學寫程式? 或想上有機化學課(沒人會真的想上有機化學)?與朋友、同學們一起上課,一起學習並按步就班實現你的目標!


    It's ok to feel helpless at times, but know that you can gradually take charge. Time to study and make a change.



    📖 耶魯「快樂學」線上課程

    📖 全球名校免費線上課程 (MOOCs)

    📖 免費英文課程

    📖 TESOL課程

    📖 英文學習資源大全

    📖 學習的動力

    📖 學習如何學習


    圖片出處: https://nyti.ms/3w0oaOa

  • peers課程 在 Starman 資本攻略 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-12-23 12:25:15
    有 559 人按讚

    聰明 vs 天才



    課程中段發覺,他們學習慢是因為會想不同的東西,中段時他們的學習進度開始加快,往往能舉一反三。考試時,考題竟都是短短的open questions,才知道自己只是技術形,技術以外的東西沒有太多內容可以作答。相反,鬼佬們都滔滔不絕,能輕易將理論應用,甚至創出新的理論。



    - - -

    聰明(Bright)vs. 有天分(Gifted)特徵列表:

    1. 知道答案 (Knows the answers) vs. 提出問題 (Asks the questions)

    2. 完成任務 (Completes the assignments) vs. 發起項目 (Initiates projects)

    3. 精確地複製 (Copies accurately) vs. 自創新設計 (Creates new designs)

    4. 記憶力好 (Good memorizer) vs. 推理力強 (Good guesser)

    5. 喜歡與同齡人相處 (Enjoys peers) vs. 偏愛與成年人交流 (Prefers adults)

    6. 有合理的好主意 (Has good ideas) vs. 有瘋狂愚蠢的想法 (Has wild, silly ideas)

    7. 理解含義 (Grasps the meaning) vs. 舉一反三 (Draws inferences)

    8. 吸收信息 (Absorbs information) vs. 駕馭信息 (Manipulates information)

    9. 感興趣地聆聽 (Listens with interest) vs. 展現強烈的感受和觀點 (Shows strong feelings and opinions)

    10. 直接答題 (Answers the questions) vs. 深入探討及闡述觀點 (Discussed in detail; elaborates)

    11. 勤力溫書 (Works hard) vs. 爛玩,打天才波(Plays around, yet tests well)

    12. 有興趣 (Is interested) vs. 非常好奇 (Is highly curious)

    13. 享受直接及有序的陳述 (Enjoys straightforward, sequential presentation) vs. 沉醉於錯綜複雜 (Thrives on complexity)

    14. 技術員 (Technician) vs. 發明家 (Inventor)

    15. 理解想法 (Understands ideas) vs. 構造抽象概念(Constructs abstractions)

    16. 享受學校 (Enjoys school) vs. 享受學習 (Enjoys learning)

    17. 警覺 (Is alert) vs. 觀察敏銳 (Is keenly observant)

    18. 對學習滿意 (Is pleased with learning) vs. 高度自我批判 (Is highly self-critical)

    19. 名列前茅 (Top group) vs. 出類拔萃 (Beyond the group)

    20. 6-8次重覆以掌握新知識 (6-8 repetitions for mastery) vs. 1-2次重覆就可以掌握新知識 (1-2 repetitions for mastery)


  • peers課程 在 李根興 Edwin商舖創業及投資分享 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-01-18 12:26:52

    《我在哈佛學的領袖技能》工作坊 : Invitation - 2020年2月8日或15日 (星期六)《Leadership Workshop》9am to 1pm

    我曾經在哈佛讀過三年(2012/13/14)教授 Robert Steven Kaplan 的領袖課程。Changed my life!

    農曆新年後,連我自己18年創業經驗,我希望和你分享我在哈佛學到及應用了什麼 (幸運地,我公司過去幾年的同事們 turnover 都是近0),可能令你的領袖能力亦有所啟發。

    題目: 六步提升你的領袖能力 (6 Steps to Become A Better Leader) based on Harvard Professor Robert Steven Kaplan's teaching and his 3 books.
    日期: 2020年2月8日或15日 (星期六)
    時間: 9am to 1pm
    地點: Classified Cafe and My Office at New World Tower, 16 Queens Road Central, HK.
    人數: 每場限20位,
    對象: 免費,但只適合工作經驗5至10年以上的管理人士參與。
    教材: 講廣東話,內容是英文
    (1) Speed dating, self intro and expectations.
    (2) Split into teams of 2 or 3 people.
    (3) Go thru the leadership framework by Prof. Robert Steven Kaplan (現任美國達拉斯 Dallas 聯邦儲備銀行行長卡普蘭)
    (4) Ask those questions and answer in teams.
    (5) 回答你任何對做生意的問題,takeaway value and let's all be friends.

    報名方法: 請WhatsApp你的卡片給Suki/Monica +852 9218 5223

    我之前關於 Prof. Robert Steven Kaplan 的領袖影片:




    Note: 如果之後你覺得此 workshop 有用,希望你可以考慮捐款 support 我 brother-in-law (Derrick Pang) 創立的 Lifewire.hk 慈善組織,幫助患有罕見疾病的兒童。




    Leadership Framework (by Harvard Prof. Robert Steven Kaplan)


    (1) Ownership Mindset (Leadership is not about position, is mindset)
    (2) What Do You Believe In?
    (3) Have You Acted On It?
    (4) Add Value To Others
    (5) Vision (Where? Why? Distinctive?)
    (6) Priorities (3 or 4)
    (7) Alignment
    - People
    - Task
    - Organization
    - You

    With active communication of vision and priorites everyday.



    Understanding yourself:
    A. Assess your own strengths and weaknesses
    - Write down your own
    - Find others write on yours too
    B. Finding your passion
    C. Value, ethics, morals
    D. What is your story? Be authentic

    Why leaders fail?
    A. Open to learn?
    B. Ask questions?
    C. Do you listen?
    D. Fight through isolation
    E. Ok feeling vulnerable

    The leader as role model
    A. Do you act as role model?
    B. What are the two to three key messages you want to send to people?
    C. Do your behaviors match your words
    D. How do you plan to improve on your weaknesses, and build on your strengths?

    Tools to become better leader:
    A. Support group
    B. Keep a journal (to do, ideas, knowledge, etc)
    C. Face to face communication
    D. Interview people (how u do it?)
    E. Think one level up.


    (1) Build Relationship
    . Mutual Understanding
    . Mutual Trust
    . Mutual Respect
    (2) Self disclosure
    (3) Inquiry
    (4) Advice seeking

    Build Relationship Exercise:
    A. Write down something about yourself that the other person probably doesn't know. Have the other person do the same.
    B. Write down a question you like to ask the other person that would help you understand him or her better. The other person do the same. Ask them.
    C. Write down an area of deep self doubt. Disclose to other person and ask for advise.



    Giving and getting feedback
    A. Seek feedback and seek coaching .
    B. Actively coach others. Coach up and coach down. Are your advice specific, timely, actionable?
    - Coaching is watching vs mentoring is telling.
    C. Not year end review alone. It will be a verdict. Review frequently.

    Communication with peers:
    A. Ask why do you work here? What's great?
    B. What do you hate about here?
    C. Can you suggest what action to improve above?



    Managing time
    A. Do you know how you spend your time?
    B. Does it match the key priorities?
    C. 1, 2, 3.
    (1) One is related to priorities and must be done by you
    (2) Two is related to priorities but can be done by someone else (at least partly)
    (3) Three is not related to priorities



    A. Design of company still align with vision and priorities?
    B. Blank sheet of paper exercise, what should you / we do? If so, what's stopping you?


  • peers課程 在 影響力 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-04-23 20:00:03




    + 看更多聽花媽說說話:http://seepower.tv/author/guest_05/

    在養育孩子的過程中,卓惠珠受到親人、ASD家長和特教老師,以及各方專業人員的協助,所以決定盡自己所能,回饋ASD族群。不僅出版四本自閉症相關書籍、辦理上千場輕度自閉相關課程,每年更受到各級學校邀約演講150場以上。為「幫助高功能自閉與亞斯伯格」FB & Blog版主。

    + 影響力官網:http://seepower.tv
    + 影響力臉書粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/seepower.tv/
    + 加入影響力Line@:https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40cph9985f
    + 影響力愛奇藝站:http://tw.iqiyi.com/u/1269595541


  • peers課程 在 easonsiu Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2014-11-16 17:40:07

    btw 哩首歌好正,因為真係會用曬成套鼓同鑔去打,需要唔少腰力lol

    如果想搵常規課程都可以瀏覽 drumsonlyhk.com 或致電 23253528 查詢:)

    My Chemical Romance - Welcome To The Black Parade
    When I was a young boy,
    My father took me into the city,
    To see a marching band,
    He said, "Son, when you grow up,
    Would you be the savior of the broken,
    The beaten and the damned,"

    He said, "Will you defeat them,
    Your demons and all the non-believers,
    The plans that they have made,
    Because one day, I'll leave you,
    A phantom to lead you in the summer,
    To join the Black Parade,"

    When I was a young boy,
    My father took me into the city,
    To see a marching band,
    He said, Son, when you grow up,
    Would you be the savior of the broken,
    The beaten and the damned,

    Sometimes I get the feeling,
    She's watching over me,
    And other times I feel like I should go,
    And through it all, the rise and fall,
    The bodies in the streets,
    And when you're gone we want you all to know,

    We'll carry on, we'll carry on,
    And though you're dead and gone, believe me,
    Your memory will carry on, we'll carry on,
    And in my heart, I can't contain it,
    The anthem won't explain it,

    And while that sends you reeling,
    From decimated dreams,
    Your misery and hate will kill us all,
    So paint it black and take it back,
    Let's shout out loud and clear,
    Defiant to the end we hear the call,

    To carry on, we'll carry on,
    And though you're dead and gone, believe me,
    Your memory will carry on, we'll carry on,
    And though you're broken and defeated,
    Your weary widow marches,

    On and on we carry through the fears,
    Disappointed faces of your peers,
    Take a look at me,
    'Cause I could not care at all,

    Do or die, you'll never make me,
    Because the world will never take my heart,
    Though you try, you'll never break me,
    We want it all, we wanna play this part,

    Won't explain or say I'm sorry,
    I'm unashamed, I'm gonna show my scar,
    Give a cheer for all the broken,
    Listen here, because it's who we are,

    I'm just a man, I'm not a hero,
    Just a boy who wants to sing his song,
    Just a man, I'm not a hero,
    I don't care,

    We'll carry on, we'll carry on,
    And though you're dead and gone, believe me,
    Your memory will carry on, you'll carry on,
    And though you're broken and defeated,
    Your weary widow marches on,

    Do or die, you'll never make me,
    Because the world will never take my heart,
    Though you try, you'll never break me,
    We want it all, we wanna play this part,
    (We'll carry on)

    Do or die, you'll never make me,
    Because the world will never take my heart,
    Though you try, you'll never break me,
    We want it all, we wanna play this part,
    (We'll carry on)

    *My Cymbal setting:
    14" K custom Session Hi-hat
    17" K Dark Thin Crash
    16" K Dark Thin Crash
    18" K custom Session Crash stack with 14" K mini China
    20" K Ride
    10" K splash
    12" A Special Recording Hi-Hat