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雖然這篇Ordeal synonym鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Ordeal synonym這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 ordeal產品中有143篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【著名法國哲學家Jean-Luc Nancy逝世】 當代歐洲最著名的哲學家之一、法國思想家讓-呂克‧南希(Jean-Luc Nancy),日前在法國史特拉斯堡逝世,享年81歲。 生於法國波爾多的南希,畢業於巴黎索邦大學哲學系,1988年開始擔任斯特拉斯堡大學哲學系教授,直至2002年退休,期間也...

 同時也有40部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅王大喜,也在其Youtube影片中提到,2021/04/08生命紀實及音樂創作 「運火下行」中 「海底輪全癒」; 「Bring the fire to the ground」、 「Root cleansing sound track」 /原始紀實.王大喜(Rasta Wang) *this audio release after we ...

  • ordeal 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-25 11:59:53
    有 55 人按讚

    【著名法國哲學家Jean-Luc Nancy逝世】

    當代歐洲最著名的哲學家之一、法國思想家讓-呂克‧南希(Jean-Luc Nancy),日前在法國史特拉斯堡逝世,享年81歲。

    生於法國波爾多的南希,畢業於巴黎索邦大學哲學系,1988年開始擔任斯特拉斯堡大學哲學系教授,直至2002年退休,期間也曾任法國國際哲學學院課程總監。師從著名哲學家Paul Ricoeur的南希,思想也深受解構主義大師Jacques Derrida的影響,並在對方逝世後,延續其解構思想,擴展這方面的領域。


    生平著作甚豐的他,撰寫過的題材相當廣泛,其中包括文學、政治、哲學史、宗教等,歷年來著作亦曾被翻譯成多國語言。在《Hegel: The Restlessness Of The Negative》裡,南希曾經提到,「這個世界需要的是真相,而非安慰」,也成為南希最常被引用的金句之一,全句英文節錄如下:

    "What this world needs is truth, not consolation. It must find itself in its ordeal and by way of its restlessness, not in the solace of edifying discourses that do nothing but pile on more testimony to its misery."

    對於肆虐至今的肺炎疫情,南希也有深入觀察,去年更曾以疫症為題,發表長達一百頁的著作《Un trop humain virus》,探討肺炎對西方政治與財產分配等影響,雖然人類需要各自隔離,但病毒卻「共有化」彼此,是真正可讓人類感受共同體的時刻。

  • ordeal 在 Cheekiemonkies Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-02 20:53:01
    有 259 人按讚

    When I first told the wifey I wanted to run a Full Marathon, she was worried. But mostly pissed. 😆 Cos she was afraid I push myself too hard, and something bad might happen. Well, that was totally understandable.

    But truth is, this is the fittest I have ever felt in all my 40+ years. Yes, even fitter when I was in TAF Club in Sec Sch, even fitter when I had to serve NS earlier because I failed my NAPFA test, even fitter when I was close to 100kg when I got married. So it’s really all or nothing NOW, in case it goes downhill from here. 😅

    And that was why I ran 42.36km. Erm, I overshot the distance by a bit because towards the end, my tired mind couldn’t function at all and I wasn’t sure if the distance was 42.195km or more. So I just ran more to be sure. Lol.

    The whole ordeal took me about 2.5 days to recover but the experience was worth it. Towards the end, it was basically sheer mental strength that pulled me over the finish line. Oh, and mental stress too… because I feared I had to do it all over again if I gave up.

    And yes, once is enough for me. Just click through the pics to see how my energy levels slowly dip and you will understand why. 🤣

  • ordeal 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-23 22:14:36
    有 655 人按讚

    Happy Birthday, dearest Mummy! Look at you, on the cover of a magazine - how many other women could dream of being a covergirl at 64? 😍

    This is the woman who would outdance all the young girls in her church, who would be in the front line in performances with her ribbons and tamborine.
    Who insisted she was fit enough to travel all over the world whilst fighting Stage 4 Cancer.
    Who helped babysit my very active kids, whilst I was busy trying to be an entrepreneur-actress-mum-politician’s wife for years.

    When I won my first Best Actress award, Mum said to me, ”You worked damn hard to deserve this, and you did this on your own. I’m so proud of you.” That made EVERYTHING worth it.
    At the 2004 Malaysian Fim Festival, Puteri Gunung Ledang got snubbed BIG TIME, and the jury made it clear that they didn’t welcome a RM20m movie that tried to compete with other RM3m movies. And Mum said, “Forget the film industry. They don’t deserve your hard-earned money. Save the rest for your kids’ future.”

    My Mummy was tough as nails, so I don’t blame her - she had a hard life, escaping by boat from Medan during the Malaysia-Indonesia confrontation in 1963. She became a widow at 39 and had to bring up 3 kids on a tiny salary. She had the highest tolerance for pain, and never moaned even once, through her 15-year ordeal with Cancer, until her very last breath in 2011.

    And she would smile through every challenge. That smile, that covergirl smile 💜

    You would have been 79 today, and there isn’t a day that passes when I don’t think of you and miss you being with me. Trust me Mum, your spirit lives on in every one of us you’ve left behind. And God has a smiley dancing angel in Heaven😇. I love you always and forever Mummy, rest in peace. And Happy Birthday!!!!

    #mymother #mymom #mymothermyhero

  • ordeal 在 王大喜 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-09 01:21:05

    「Bring the fire to the ground」、
    「Root cleansing sound track」
    /原始紀實.王大喜(Rasta Wang)

    *this audio release after we do “Root cleansing” work for common client. /.Nicole Marks x Rasta Wang

    /.原著 王大喜(Rasta Wang)


    親愛的 弟兄 啊,有火煉的試驗臨到你們,不要以為奇怪(似乎是遭遇非常的事),
    因為時候到了,審判要從神的家起首。若是先從我們起首,那不信從神福音的人將有何等的結局呢? 若是義人僅僅得救,那不虔敬和犯罪的人將有何地可站呢? 所以,那照神旨意受苦的人要一心為善,將自己靈魂交與那信實的造化之主。」
    ‭‭彼得前書‬ ‭4:10, 12, 15, 17-19‬ ‭CUNP-神‬‬

    「Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin.
    They are surprised that you do not join them in their reckless, wild living, and they heap abuse on you.
    For this is the reason the gospel was preached even to those who are now dead, so that they might be judged according to human standards in regard to the body, but live according to God in regard to the spirit.
    Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.
    So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.」
    ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭4:1, 4, 6, 9-12, 19‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    Dream Walker™: RastaWang.com

  • ordeal 在 capcomasia Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-01-22 06:19:41

    Official Website:
    Resident Evil Village

    Release Date: 7 May 2021
    Platforms: PlayStation®5, Xbox Series X, PlayStation®4, Xbox One, Steam
    Genre: Survival Horror
    Players: 1

    Resident Evil is back with the eigth installment in the mainline series. Resident Evil Village aims to realize survival horror as it's never been seen before.
    Years after a nightmarish ordeal, Ethan Winters had regained some semblance of a normal life for his family.
    That life was stolen by a seasoned soldier, Chris Redfield, a hero no more.

  • ordeal 在 translation Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-01-17 14:00:01




    Manufacturer: 1993.12.22 Hudson
    computer: PC Engine + Super CD-ROM2 / TurboGrafx CD
    Hardware: CD-DA、HuC6280、ADPCM
    Sound Engineering: Masaaki Inoue
    Sound Effect: Joedown Studio,Shoji Tomii,Takuji Takahashi,Hiromi Fukuoka
    Music Supervisors: Makoto Suzuki,Toshiyuki Sasagawa,Toshiaki Takimoto
    Mixer: Shigeru Matsumura
    Composer & Arranger: Ryo Yonemitsu
    00:00 01.Termination (プロローグ/ダーム/起動時ビジュアルシーン *cd-da)
    01:45 02.Fountain of Love '93 (*「FOUNTAIN OF LOVE」/街 Ys)
    04:27 03.The Syonin (エステリアの店 *「店」/Ys)
    06:10 04.Tears of Sylph (サラの店,ジェバの家 *「家の中」/Ys)
    07:38 05.Lilia (リリア *「オープニング」/Ys II リリアの曲)
    09:29 06.Resurrection Ceremony (復活の儀式/オープニング *cd-da)
    10:51 07.The Dawn of Ys (オープニング *cd-da)
    12:36 08.Promaroc (プロマロック/プロマロックの港等)
    15:36 09.The Syobainin (武器・防具屋)
    18:03 10.Young Swordsman in Tears (涙の少年剣士/道具屋・酒場)
    20:56 11.Karna (カーナ/カーナ関連イベント等)
    24:04 12.Romun Empire (ロムン帝国/ロムン帝国関連イベント)
    26:28 13 Field (フィールド/幾つかのフィールド *cd-da)
    28:29 14.Tenderness (優しくなりたい/村 *盗用を指摘されている曲)
    31:00 15.Broken Hourglass (壊れた砂時計/宿屋・病院)
    33:30 16.Dungeon (ダンジョン *cd-da)
    35:33 17.Battle #58 (バトル#58/ボス戦 *cd-da)
    38:30 18.Lava Zone (A Kiss From Eldeel) (溶岩地帯~エルディールにくちづけを/聖地ネルガル *cd-da)
    40:22 19.Five Loyal Retainers (五忠臣/五忠臣の墓等)
    42:36 20.Great Ordeal (偉大なる試練 *盗用を指摘されている曲)
    45:28 21.People of Darkness (闇の一族/闇の一族関連イベント)
    47:18 22.Celceta Forest (セルセタの樹海 *cd-da)
    49:17 23.Other Side of Recollection (追憶の彼方に/幾つかの村)
    51:42 24.Burning Sword (燃ゆる剣/大樹の村ユペル~賢者の祠・墓間のフィールド *cd-da)
    53:37 25.The Kenzya (賢者/賢者関連のイベント等)
    55:52 26.Ancient Legend (古代の伝承/古代伝承)
    01:03:48 27.Leeza (リーザ/リーザ関連イベント)
    01:06:01 28.Next Step Towards Fame (伝説へ続く道/フィールド *cd-da)
    01:07:43 29.Leeza (The Secret Sentiment in Her Heart) (リーザ~胸に秘めた想い/リーザ関連イベント)
    01:11:31 30.Sacred Castle (聖域/聖域の城 *cd-da)
    01:13:37 31.Eldeel (エルディール/エルディール関連イベント)
    01:17:05 32.Valley of Quicksand (流砂の渓谷 *cd-da)
    01:19:03 33.Tension (不安)
    01:21:26 34.Crimson Wings (紅の翼/氷の山・いかだに乗るシーン等 *cd-da)
    01:23:20 35.Rest in Peace (聖なる泉/エステリアの廃坑/ガディス戦後の塔 *「最終戦後」/Ys)
    01:25:13 36.Theme of Adol '93 (「THEME OF ADOLL」/Ys *cd-da)
    01:27:13 37.Tower of the Shadow of Death (「ダームの塔」 /Ys *cd-da)
    01:29:19 38.Residence (お家/カーナ家等の家の中)
    01:31:50 39.Temptation of the Fool (道化師の誘い/ラディーの墓 *cd-da)
    01:33:49 40.Hallucination (幻覚/精神世界 *cd-da)
    01:35:57 41.Sorrow (悲しくて/月の村の地下室)
    01:38:11 42.Lefance (レファンス/レファンス廟 *cd-da)
    01:40:11 43.Shaking of the Ancient City (古代都市胎動/古代都市復活シーン *cd-da)
    01:41:29 44.Rising of the Ancient City (古代都市浮上/古代都市復活シーン *cd-da)
    01:42:34 45.Bronze District (青銅の街区/青銅の街区等 *cd-da)
    01:44:42 46.Poem of the Blue Moon (蒼い月の詩/家の中)
    01:47:11 47.Sanctuary of the Sun (太陽の神殿/太陽の神殿等 *cd-da)
    01:49:15 48.Alem (アレム/アレム戦前 *cd-da)
    01:50:14 49.Inside the Scorching Blaze (灼熱の炎の中で/アレム戦 *CD-DA)
    01:53:21 50.Last Battle (最終決戦/アレム最終形態戦 *cd-da)
    01:56:20 51.A New Beginning 1 (新たなる始まり1/エンディング *cd-da)
    01:58:11 52.A New Beginning 2 (新たなる始まり2/エンディング *cd-da)
    02:00:52 53.Fantasy Horizon (スタッフロール *CD-DA)
    02:06:10 54.Game Over (ゲームオーバー)
    02:06:38 55.Treasure Box (LUCKY宝箱/アイテム入手)
    02:06:47 56.Flute of Wind (風の笛)

    2021-01-17 「偉大なる試練」等2曲を追加した. (情報協力: takezo427 様)
    2020-09-08 initial upload

    備考:これでもADPCM曲に数曲欠落曲があります。MUSIC MODEがあるのですが一度EDを迎えないと出現しない鬼仕様だったので

