

在 officials產品中有2264篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過22萬的網紅外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan),也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 聯合國大會開議期間, 台、美、日3國呼應大會落實SDGs議題,在9月29日 共同舉辦 #全球合作暨訓練架構 「以科技力建構韌性及加速落實永續發展目標」的線上研討會。 會中首先由3國代表致詞,探討如何 #強化國際科技合作,外交部吳部長則提到,台灣是國際社會不可或缺的成員,願意貢獻科技長才,與全球合作...

 同時也有138部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過878的網紅時事英文 Podcast by ssyingwen,也在其Youtube影片中提到,就在上週,美國情報分析師預測,Taliban 至少還需要幾週時間才會攻下阿富汗首都。事實上,短短幾天後,Taliban 週日火速佔領 Kabul,美國支持的阿富汗政府迅速瓦解,總統倉促逃離該國。 📝 訂閱講義 & 朗讀稿 (只要 $88 /月):https://bit.ly/ssyingwe...

officials 在 Wilson Sim 沈斯涵 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 07:55:02

[Beijing] Built in 1443 during Ming Dynasty, the Fahai Temple (法海寺) is a Buddhist temple located at the foot of Cuiwei Moutain, Beijing’s outskirt. Hi...

  • officials 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-30 21:16:11
    有 389 人按讚

    聯合國大會開議期間, 台、美、日3國呼應大會落實SDGs議題,在9月29日 共同舉辦 #全球合作暨訓練架構 「以科技力建構韌性及加速落實永續發展目標」的線上研討會。

    會中首先由3國代表致詞,探討如何 #強化國際科技合作,外交部吳部長則提到,台灣是國際社會不可或缺的成員,願意貢獻科技長才,與全球合作邁向疫後復甦,並實現聯合國 #2030年永續發展議程 及其各項永續發展目標, #目前正是聯合國採取行動解決台灣被不當排除在聯合國體系外的時刻。

    這次研討會共有來自26個國家、逾80位官員及專家學者參加,「台灣人工智慧實驗室」(Taiwan AI Labs)創辦人杜奕瑾先生也擔任講者,活動圓滿成功。

    #Taiwan, the #US and #Japan recently teamed up to host the Virtual #GCTF on "Building Resilience and Accelerating the SDGs through Technology." The online workshop, which took place during #UNGA76, was aimed at harnessing technology in the recovery from the pandemic and achieving the UN sustainable development goals.

    MOFA Minister Joseph Wu, AIT Deputy Director Jeremy Cornforth, Chief Representative of the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Taipei Izumi Hiroyasu and Deputy US Ambassador to the United Nations Jeffrey Prescott each gave opening remarks at the online event, which was attended by 80 officials and experts from 26 countries.

    Minister Wu stated that Taiwan is an indispensable member of the global community and is willing to contribute with its technological strengths to help the world make a successful recovery in the wake of the pandemic and in the achievement of the UN sustainable development agenda.



    #グローバル協力訓練枠組み #国連の持続可能な開発目標 #台湾は世界に貢献できます

  • officials 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-30 12:23:49
    有 1,366 人按讚

    今天是 #世界海事日,提醒我們海運與海事安全以及海洋環境的重要,也紀念國際海事產業對世界經濟的貢獻。

    你知道 #高雄港 與 #基隆港 是「#美國貨櫃安全計畫」(CSI) 的成員嗎? 「貨櫃安全計劃」負責篩選及預檢運往美國港口的高風險海運貨櫃,高雄港與基隆港海關與美國貨櫃安全計畫小組合作,把關運往美國的海運貨櫃,這也是美台在海運合作的重要一環喔!

    * 圖片來源:交通部

    Today, on #WorldMaritimeDay, we would like to recognize seafarers worldwide who have been among the hardest hit during the COVID-19 pandemic, with many separated from their families for over a year, and celebrate the international maritime industry’s contribution to the global economy, especially in shipping.

    Did you know that through the U.S. Container Security Initiative (CSI), Kaohsiung and Keelung Port Customs Officials work with U.S. Customs and Border Protection Officers to pre-screen maritime cargo containers destined for U.S. ports? The primary purpose of CSI is to protect the global trading system and trade lanes between CSI ports and the United States. This is another good example of U.S.-Taiwan cooperation!

    To know more about CSI, visit: https://www.ait.org.tw/container-security-initiative-csi-fact-sheet/

  • officials 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-29 23:03:05
    有 3,937 人按讚
