#1Obstruent - Wikipedia
An obstruent is a speech sound such as [k], [d͡ʒ], or [f] that is formed by obstructing airflow. Obstruents contrast with sonorants, which have no such ...
#2obstruent | 例句
Cambridge Dictionary Labs中如何使用“obstruent”的例句. ... A violation is assessed for any obstruent that is voiced, whether the voice is ...
#3Obstruent - Glottopedia
An obstruent is a plosive, a fricative, or an affricate, that is, any consonant where airflow through the vocal tract is obstructed either ...
#4Obstruent Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
Obstruent definition, (of a substance) producing an obstruction. See more.
#5What does obstruent mean? - Definitions.net
Obstruent adjective. causing obstruction; blocking up; hindering; as, an obstruent medicine. Etymology: [L. · Obstruentnoun. anything that obstructs or closes a ...
#6obstruent - 阻(塞)音 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
阻(塞)音. obstruent. 以obstruent 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 物理學名詞-聲學, obstruent, 阻(塞)音 ...
#7obstruent - Wiktionary
Causing obstruction; blocking up. Synonym: hindering. an obstruent medicine. Related termsEdit.
#8Obstruent - The Free Dictionary
adj. Obstructing or closing natural openings or passages of the body. n. ... 1. An obstruent medicine or agent. 2. Linguistics A sound, such as a stop, fricative, ...
#9obstruent - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
obstruent · adj. 【醫】阻塞的;阻塞體內管道的 · n. 【醫】阻塞物(如腎結石);收斂藥 ...
#10obstruent中文 - 查查綫上辭典
obstruent 中文::梗阻的;阻塞的;阻礙的…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋obstruent的中文翻譯,obstruent的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#11Obstruent definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Obstruent definition: causing obstruction , esp of the intestinal tract | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.
#12About: Obstruent - DBpedia
An obstruent (/ˈɒbstruːənt/) is a speech sound such as [k], [d͡ʒ], or [f] that is formed by obstructing airflow. Obstruents contrast with sonorants, ...
#13Sonorants Obstruents
Obstruents. Consonant and Vowel Features (for Broad SAE). Ling201, Jan. 25. Consonants. [ p ] : voiceless bilabial stop. [ b ] : voiced bilabial stop.
#14obstruent - WordReference.com Dictionary of English
obstruent · Medicinea medicine that closes the natural passages of the body. · Phoneticsan obstruent speech sound; a stop, fricative, or affricate. Cf. sonorant ( ...
#15(PDF) Obstruent voicing before sonorants. The case of West ...
PDF | This article reports on an acoustic study of voicing in obstruents followed by a sonorant across a word boundary in two dialects of Dutch: East-.
#16Effects of obstruent consonants on fundamental frequency at ...
由 HM Hanson 著作 · 2009 · 被引用 107 次 — When a vowel follows an obstruent, the fundamental frequency in the first few tens of milliseconds of the vowel is known to be influenced by the voicing ...
#17Effects of obstruent voicing on vowel F0: Evidence from “true ...
This study investigates consonant-related F0 perturbations (“CF0”) in French and Italian by comparing the effects of voiced and voiceless obstruents on F0 ...
#18Obstruent Voicing in English and Polish. A ... - Dialnet
'Voicing' in English voiced obstruents has been defined in terms of 'full' vs. ... KEYWORDS: acoustic phonetics, spectrographic analysis, obstruent voicing, ...
#19glottalic obstruents in gitksan - jstor
#20obstruent | phonology | Britannica
Other articles where obstruent is discussed: Dravidian languages: Proto-Dravidian Phonology: …Proto-Dravidian sound system has six obstruents, or stops (/p/ ...
#21obstruent - 詞典釋義與在線翻譯 - 海词词典
#22The Perception of Obstruent Clusters - De Gruyter
#23Obstruent - Oxford Reference
A consonant involving substantial obstruction of the airstream through the vocal tract. All plosives, fricatives, and affricates are obstruents; ...
#241 Synonyms & Antonyms for OBSTRUENT | Thesaurus.com
Find 1 ways to say OBSTRUENT, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
#25Effects of obstruent consonants on the F0 contour - NASA/ADS
When a vowel follows an obstruent consonant, the fundamental frequency in the first few tens of milliseconds of the vowel is influenced by the voicing ...
#26Obstruent Clusters in Optimality Theory - 博客來
書名:Obstruent Clusters in Optimality Theory,語言:英文,ISBN:9783639708813,頁數:240,作者:Morelli Frida,出版日期:2014/02/11,類別:語言學習.
#27Lexical effects and perceptual cues. - 西洋語文學系- 國立高雄 ...
Chang, Chao-chun, & Lai, Yi-hsiu* (2019). Perception of obstruent ordering for EFL learners: Lexical effects and perceptual cues.
#28Effects of obstruent voicing on vowel F0: Evidence from "true ...
Effects of obstruent consonants on fundamental frequency at vowel onset ... relative to sonorants, during the closure for voiced obstruents, ...
#29obstruent voicing in english and polish. a pedagogical ...
Keywords: acoustic phonetics, spectrographic analysis, obstruent voicing, ... 'Voicing' in English voiced obstruents has been defined in terms of 'full' vs.
While it has long been established that f0 and F1 are lowered after voiced obstruents [14, 15, 27-29, 33, 34], the relationship between voiced stops and voice ...
#31Page Header - AIAC Journals
Simplification Strategies in the Production of English Word-final Obstruent Clusters by Iraqi EFL College Students from A Markedness Theory Perspective.
Obstruent. 一个障碍物是辅音,例如,或由阻塞气流形成的声音,导致声带中的气压强烈梯度。 与没有这种障碍的声音对比。 阻塞被细分为停止,例如完全闭塞声带,经常 ...
#33Obstruent Consonants | Acoustic Phonetics | Books Gateway
8: Obstruent Consonants ... This content is PDF only. Please click on the PDF icon to access. PDF LinkChapter PDF ...
#34A detailed explanation of Sonorants, Obstruents - All Things ...
A detailed explanation of Sonorants, Obstruents, and Sonority Sonority is a way of classifying sounds in language based on how they're ...
#35Obstruent - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com
Definitions of obstruent. noun. a consonant that is produced with a partial or complete blockage of the airflow from the lungs through the nose or mouth.
#36Obstruent by Suncoke on Amazon Music
Check out Obstruent by Suncoke on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Amazon.com.
#37Is [ə] an Epenthetic Vowel or a Vocalised Yer? - Taylor ...
This article proposes two tests that allow us to determine, first, whether the root-final [ə] in obstruent–sonorant clusters is alternating ...
#38Project MUSE - Final obstruent voicing in Lakota
In languages with active final obstruent devoicing, voiced obstruents like /b/, /d/, and /g/ are pronounced as voiceless [p], [t], and [k] in ...
#39Compiling sonority scales with obstruent vowels - eScholarship
introduce obstruent vowels, phonetic obstruents that behave ... fricatives, I will transcribe obstruent vowels as if they were voiced fricatives (e.g. [v.
#40obstruent - Wikidata
obstruent. speech sound formed by obstructing airflow. In more languages. Spanish. consonante obstruyente. No description defined. obstruyente.
This study investigated pronunciation variants of word-final obstruent-liquid-schwa (OLS) clusters in casual French and the variables predicting the.
#42Obstruent classification using modulation spectrogram based ...
The reduced feature vector is then applied to a classifier, which classify the obstruent in three broad classes, viz., stop, affricate and fricative. Four-fold ...
#44Obstruent - Google Arts & Culture
An obstruent is a speech sound such as, or that is formed by obstructing airflow. Obstruents contrast with sonorants, which have no such obstruction and so ...
#45SAMPA for English - UCL Phonetics and Linguistics
The standard English consonant system is traditionally considered to comprise 17 obstruents (6 plosives, 2 affricates and 9 fricatives) and 7 sonorants (3 ...
#46The Phonology of Nasal-Obstruent Sequences by Samuel ...
Adjacent ~ ",saIs and obstruents appear in two structures: 1. prenasalized consonants and 2. nasal-obstruent c1usters. AlI of the phenomena to be investigated ...
#47Laidler | Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature
Ukrainian obstruent + sonorant and sonorant + obstruent consonant clusters in online adaptation by native speakers of English.
#48Obstruent - Wikipedia - BME
An obstruent is a speech sound such as [k], [d͡ʒ], or [f] that is formed by obstructing airflow. Obstruents contrast with sonorants, ...
Obstruent. L220. The first major division of phones includes obstruents; and sonorants. Obstruents include all sounds that are obstructed by one or more of ...
#50Obstruent Meaning | Best 9 Definitions of ... - YourDictionary
Obstructing or closing natural openings or passages of the body. · An obstruent medicine or agent. · (linguistics) A sound, such as a stop, fricative, or ...
#51Obstruent Voicing and Glottalic Obstruents in Gitksan - The ...
Obstruent Voicing and Glottalic Obstruents in Gitksan · Bruce Rigsby, and · John Ingram.
#52German obstruent sequences by French L2 learners - Hal-Inria
We analyze voicing in sequences of obstruents with French as L1 and German as L2, languages characterized by strong differences in the voicing dimension, ...
#53obstruent - Deutsch-Italienisch Übersetzung | PONS
Übersetzung Deutsch-Italienisch für obstruent im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion.
#54Heritage Language Obstruent Phonetics and Phonology
The study reports work on acoustic differences in obstruents spoken by heritage speakers whose L1 and L2 are both 'aspiration' languages, namely Norwegian ...
#55Voicing of word-final obstruent in English connected speech
ABSTRACT. Implementation of the voicing of English word-final obstruents constitutes a serious problem for foreign speakers of English whose native ...
#56Dialectal differences in Spanish voiced obstruent allophony
The Spanish voiced obstruents /b d g/ are traditionally described as having each two allophones: stop and fricative (approximant) in complementary ...
#57Effects of obstruent voicing on vowel fundamental frequency in ...
In particular, F0 following voiceless obstruents tends to be significantly higher than F0 following voiced obstruents (e.g., House and Fairbanks, 1953; Hombert ...
#58obstruent的意思- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
obstruent 中文的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 阻塞物(例如腎結石等);止瀉劑adj. 阻塞體內管道的;閉塞的;阻礙的。英漢詞典提供【obstruent】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句 ...
#59OBSTRUENT | Meaning & Definition for UK English | Lexico.com
Mid 17th century (denoting an obstruction): from Latin obstruent- 'blocking up', from the verb obstruere. Word ...
#60Reduction of word-final obstruent-liquid-schwa clusters in ...
This corpus study investigated pronunciation variants of word-final obstruent-liquid-schwa (OLS) clusters in nouns in casual Parisian French.
#61Effects of obstruent voicing on vowel F0 - Sciendo
found to raise F0, while F0 following (pre)voiced obstruents patterns together ... ent+obstruent sequences in German and Dutch: German shows evidence of.
#62Features Of An Obstruent - 1061 Words | 123 Help Me
An obstruent is a consonant sound which is formed by obstructing the airflow and causing air pressure in the vocal tract. This is articulated either with a.
#63obstruent: Meaning and Definition of | Infoplease
an obstruent speech sound; a stop, fricative, or affricate. Cf.(def. 2). Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc ...
#64The Phonotactics and Phonology of Obstruent Clusters in ...
I call this strategy the Subset Strategy. Modern Greek and Nisqually provide evidence for my proposal, as does a cross-linguistic survey of obstruent cluster ...
#65Final Obstruent Voicing in Lakota: Phonetic Evidence and ...
Final obstruent devoicing is common in the world's languages and constitutes a clear case of parallel phonological evolution. Final obstruent voicing ...
#66obstruent - Translation into German - examples English
Translations in context of "obstruent" in English-German from Reverso Context: The method for determining an acoustical contour of claim 12 wherein said ...
#67The Phonological Spectrum: Segmental structure
obstruents are produced as voiced or voiceless . ... Glottal vibration is continuously present if the neutral obstruent is acoustically short , follows a ...
#68Proceedings of the 9th West Coast Conference on Formal ...
But this will cause sonorants and aspirated obstruents , as well as lax ... Assuming Contrastive Specification , on the other hand , Post - Obstruent ...
#69The Timing of Voicing in British English Obstruents
CHAPTER 1 Articulatory and Acoustic Studies of the Timing of Voicing in Obstruents 1.1 INTRODUCTION The aim of this chapter is to establish a context for ...
#70Voicing profile of Polish sonorants: [r] in obstruent clusters
languages are examined in terms of their obstruent voicing profile, while in Polish not only obstruents but also sonorants.
#71Two types of obstruent
voiceless sonorantsSonorant consonants (nasals — m n ŋ — and approximants — l r j w ) differ from obstruents in that the air coming from the lungs can flow ...
#72EJ817253 - Reviewing Sonority for Word-Final ... - ERIC
The purpose of this study is to investigate the acquisition patterns of sonorant+obstruent coda clusters in Turkish to determine whether Turkish data ...
#73Obstruent | Psychology Wiki | Fandom
In phonetics, an obstruent is a consonant sound formed by obstructing the airway, causing turbulence. Obstruents are subdivided into plosives, fricatives, ...
#74Category:Obstruent consonants - Wikimedia Commons
See also categories: Obstruent consonants, Sonorant consonants, Liquid consonants, Occlusive consonants and Continuant consonants.
#75OBSTRUENT - Translation in Polish - bab.la
The obstruent consonants are voiced to between sonorants and vowels, but remain voiceless at the end of a syllable. more_vert.
#76Why are English Voiced Obstruent Codas Difficult for Mandarin
That is, due to the fact that Mandarin does not have a voicing contrast, Mandarin speakers may find it difficult to perceive voiced obstruents in coda position.
to what extent the general tendency towards obstruent devoicing is overridden by voicing retention triggered by adjacent voiced segments both within words ...
#78obstruent 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
超過400 萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube 影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和 ...
divided into obstruents and sonorants (Rice, 1993). This article attempts to elucidate the differences between obstruent and sonorant consonants.
#80The organization of sound inventories: A study on obstruent ...
The organization of sound inventories: A study on obstruent gaps · Sheng-Fu Wang. Anthology ID: W19-0120; Volume: Proceedings of the Society for Computation ...
#81Translate "obstruent" from French to English - Interglot Mobile
obstruer Verb (obstrue; obstrues; obstruons; obstruez; obstruent; obstruais; obstruait; obstruions; obstruiez; obstruaient; obstruai; obstruas; obstrua; ...
#82Interarticulator Programming in Obstruent Production - Abstract
The present paper examines the nature of laryngeal-oral coordination in voiceless obstruent production in different languages using the ...
#83obstruent - Meaning in Hindi - आब्स्ट्रूअन्ट मतलब हिंदी में
An obstruent is a speech sound such as, , or that is formed by obstructing airflow. Obstruents contrast with sonorants, which have no such obstruction and ...
#84Feature 8A: Lateral Consonants - WALS Online
Language Value Reference Abipón /l/, no obstruent laterals Najlis 1966 Abkhaz /l/, no obstruent laterals Hewitt 1979 Aché Laterals, but no /l/, no obstruent laterals Susnik 1974
#85The Phonology and Phonetics of Nasal Obstruent Sequences
This dissertation explores the relationship between the phonological patterning of nasal-obstruent sequences (NC sequences) and their ...
#86obstruent 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
adj. 形容詞 〈罕用語〉閉塞的,阻礙的。 n. 名詞 〈罕用語〉【解剖學】(體內通道的)堵塞物〈例如腎石〉。 obstruent 例句. 目前還沒有obstruent例句。
#87The contribution of obstruent consonants and acoustic ...
The obstruent consonants (e.g., stops) are more susceptible to noise than vowels, raising the question whether the degradation of speech intelligibility in ...
#88Obstruent meaning in Hindi - ओब्सटरेन्ट मतलब हिंदी में - Hinkhoj
Obstruent meaning in Hindi : Get meaning and translation of Obstruent in Hindi language with grammar,antonyms,synonyms and sentence usages.
#89laryngeal adjustments in the production of voiceless obstruent ...
ABSTRACT: Laryngeal adjustment in voiceless obstruent clusters was examined by means of simultaneous transillumination, fiberoptic films and acoustic ...
#90Obstruents and sonorants with pronunciation and examples
Obstruent. An obstruent is a plosive, a fricative, or an affricate, that is, any consonant where airflow through the vocal tract is ...
#91What is the plural of obstruent? - WordHippo
More generally, voiceless obstruents are more frequent in onset position than voiced obstruents. Clusters of obstruents always agree in voicing, ...
#92Obstruent voicing and devoicing in the English of Cantonese ...
Focusing on stem-final voiced obstruents in distinct structural environments, we find that the rates of voicing and devoicing vary with the ...
#931 Phrase-level obstruent voicing in Polish: a Derivational OT ...
In Polish, three processes are involved in the phonology of voiced and voiceless pairs of obstruents: final devoicing, voice assimilation and presonorant ...
#94Reduction of word-final obstruent-liquid ... - Ingenta Connect
This corpus study investigated pronunciation variants of word-final obstruent-liquid-schwa (OLS) clusters in nouns in casual Parisian French ...
#95Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXVI: Papers from the ...
The comparison of the two children suggests that RG was further along in her acquisition of final clusters and that Nasal + Obstruent clusters are acquired ...
#96Phonological Structure and Phonetic Form - 第 150 頁 - Google 圖書結果
port [p08] “harbor,” pale [pal] “pale,” paye [psj] “pay” (2) Two consonants liquid + nasal/obstruent/liquid: arme [ai4m(o)] “weapon,” Marne [maim(o)] ...
#97Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Romance ...
As such , laterals are phonetically less similar to obstruents than rhotics ... First , obstruent - lateral clusters evolved differently from Latin vis - à ...
#98The Sonority Controversy - 第 36 頁 - Google 圖書結果
ing an obstruent, but will surface as a singleton onset when a non-high vowel follows. Our discussion has been framedin optimality theoretic terms and is ...
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