[爆卦]Naively synonym是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Naively synonym鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Naively synonym這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 naively產品中有22篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,460的網紅Taipei Ethereum Meetup,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 📜 [專欄新文章] Using MPC to Help Achieve Blockchain Privacy ✍️ Yahsin Huang 📥 歡迎投稿: https://medium.com/taipei-ethereum-meetup #徵技術分享文 #使用心得 #教學文 #medium ...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過38萬的網紅CH Music Channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《SPARK-AGAIN》 悲しみの向こう側 / Kanashimi no Mukougawa / 在悲傷的另一端等著你 / On the other side of Sorrow 作詞 / Lyricist:aimerrhythm・矢田亨 作曲 / Composer:矢田亨 編曲 / Arrang...

naively 在 ミカエラ | Fukuoka Japan Travel Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-03 15:21:43

Girl is getting heavy. 😌😌😌 Something I always thought I'd write about eventually was the weight gain during this process, and how hard it has been in...

naively 在 Jason Chen 陳以桐 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-03-30 04:07:54

My mom believed America was the land of equal opportunity and meritocracy, so dedicated her life to providing me with the best education. She didn’t t...

  • naively 在 Taipei Ethereum Meetup Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-05-10 02:57:47
    有 3 人按讚

    📜 [專欄新文章] Using MPC to Help Achieve Blockchain Privacy

    ✍️ Yahsin Huang

    📥 歡迎投稿: https://medium.com/taipei-ethereum-meetup #徵技術分享文 #使用心得 #教學文 #medium

    This post answers some of the most commonly asked questions about using multi-party computation (MPC) in blockchains.

    What is MPC?

    Multi-party computation (MPC) is a cryptographic protocol that does a joint computation involving multiple parties over their inputs while keeping those inputs private.

    A famous example of MPC is Yao’s Millionaires Problem. Two millionaires want to know who is richer without finding out information about each other’s actual wealth. Naively they can simply tell their wealth to a third party. Then the third party compares their wealth and lets them know who is richer. But then this option is undesirable because the third party learns the information of their wealth.

    The challenge of Yao’s Millionaires Problem is the computation wouldn’t be able to have a result without the two parties’ private information. To get the end result, you need those information involved in the computation. But at the same time, you are not allowed to reveal those private information to the party who performs the computation. That’s the main problem that MPC wants to solve.

    Why it matters in blockchain?

    In the real world, not everyone’s a millionaire. Not everybody wishes to compare their assets and wealth with others. In the blockchain space, there’s a need to ensure the inputs are shielded from multiple parties for privacy purposes; hence, the need for MPC protocols.

    If we look at the current landscape of the blockchain world, notice there are blockchains doing great for programmability, such as Ethereum blockchain, allowing developers to build great tools and applications on top of them. There are also blockchains doing great for privacy, such as ZCash blockchain, allowing users to send transactions in a privacy-preserving way.

    However, there’s a lack of blockchains that are designed for maximum programmability with maximum privacy. That’s why a lot of folks are pushing forward the work on incorporating MPC protocols into blockchain designs.

    Why ZK is not enough?

    Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) is great at shielding private information that involves only one party. ZKP alone cannot be applied to provide privacy in multiple-party settings, such as auctions or in the case of Yao’s Millionaires Problem. In those settings, computations would involve private inputs from multiple parties, and so ZKP wouldn’t be enough. We would need to turn to MPC to achieve that.

    Recent developments in MPC

    In his presentation “MPC as a Blockchain Confidentiality Layer,” Miller gave a high-level overview of how MPC can be viewed as a confidentiality layer for blockchains as illustrated in the slide. Credit: https://youtu.be/0VuBELYfChM

    How does MPC work with blockchains?

    HoneyBadgerMPC builds a sidechain that performs MPC protocol computation. The sidechain acts as a confidentiality layer to the public blockchain, where secret data is stored.

    How can developers build MPC applications?

    Developers are able to develop MPC applications with Ratel language. Writing Ratel feels very similar to writing Solidity contracts. The compiler compiles Ratel code into two parts: the Ethereum part, and the MPC as a sidechain part.

    Ratel code looks like this: https://github.com/initc3/HoneyBadgerSwap/blob/coconut/ratel/trade.rl

    Learn more about MPC as a sidechain

    One of the biggest news this past month was you could now play with HoneyBadgerSwap’s demo website. HoneyBadgerSwap is basically a dark pool version of Uniswap using MPC. You will need some Kovan ETH to test it out. Yunqi Li (UIUC, IC3) made a great Medium story about HoneyBadgerSwap. Read it here: “HoneyBadgerSwap: Making MPC as a Sidechain,” published on April 22, 2021.

    Watch a really great talk by Andrew Miller “MPC as a Blockchain Confidentiality Layer,” presented at the IC3 Blockchain Camp 2020, to understand the HoneyBadgerMPC protocol more.

    If you are someone who would like to delve into the topic with textbooks, be sure to add the book “A Pragmatic Introduction to Secure Multi-Party Computation” to your reading list. The content is available in PDF.

    Using MPC to Help Achieve Blockchain Privacy was originally published in Taipei Ethereum Meetup on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

    👏 歡迎轉載分享鼓掌

  • naively 在 The Art of Bonnie Pang Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-03-16 17:43:18
    有 315 人按讚

    Soul was finally available in Hong Kong last month, and it was sooo good! Yes I’m late to the party but here’s a comic inspired by the movie 🎷

    *slight spoilers*
    I especially relate to the scene where the barber said he originally wanted to be a vet, but ends up loving his current job. I used to naively believe that working for animation features is the *only* way to make my future worthwhile. Now I couldn’t be happier making comics and illustrating books. I’m not the type of passionate artist that can’t get away from the drawing table - I really enjoy taking time off and do other things, even as mundane as taking a walk.

    What’s your spark? Did it become an important part of your life, or you took on a different path?

  • naively 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-04 04:30:27
    有 15 人按讚

    #Editorial AppleDailyTW|"It is a shame and confusing that when KMT was in power, it naively believed politics and economy could be dealt with separately. As a result, #Taiwan’s trade and economy came to heavily depend on #China’s market."

    Read more: https://bit.ly/3e44Yta
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  • naively 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-09 05:23:02

    悲しみの向こう側 / Kanashimi no Mukougawa / 在悲傷的另一端等著你 / On the other side of Sorrow
    作詞 / Lyricist:aimerrhythm・矢田亨
    作曲 / Composer:矢田亨
    編曲 / Arranger:玉井健二、百田留衣
    歌 / Singer:Aimer
    翻譯:澄野(CH Music Channel)
    意譯:CH(CH Music Channel)
    English Translation: CH(CH Music Channel)

    背景 / Background - 光の奥に - 前田ミック:


    Copyright Info:
    Be aware this channel is for promotion purposes only without any illegal profit. All music's ownership belongs to the original creators.
    Please support the original creator.


    If you like my videos, please click like and subscribe! Thx :)

    Check my Facebook page for more information!

    中文翻譯 / Chinese Translation :

    日文歌詞 / Japanese Lyrics :
    曇った窓の向こう側 今はきっと晴れてるけど
    僕の心の中からは 消えやしない 笑顔

    鮮やかな思い出はいつも あたたかくて
    照れくさい言葉も 目を見て言えた
    ただ会いたくて 声も出せずに

    振り向いてみても 遠く届かない
    過ぎ去ってく 夕日のように
    二人歩く あの帰り道も
    この歌はきっと 空へ舞い上がる
    ほら まだここで色あせずに 信じてるんだ

    雨上がりの街並みは 無邪気なほどきらめくけど
    照らし出されたその先に こぼれ落ちた 涙

    まだ誰も知らない約束 あたたかくて
    間違いだとしても 捨てずにいるよ
    カタチすらない 夢は消えない

    叶わなくていい 願いもあるよって
    繰り返し 言い聞かせて
    ついた嘘も 塗りつぶせたから
    この声はきっと 夜空に舞い散る
    ねえ 今もまだそこにいると 信じてるんだ

    あやふやな言葉達が いまもまだ凍えている
    曖昧なあなたの笑顔が 刻むこの時を焦がす

    振り向いてみても 遠く届かない
    過ぎ去ってく 足早に
    二人歩く あの帰り道も
    この歌はきっと 空へ舞い上がる
    ほら まだここで色あせずに 信じてるんだ

    中文歌詞 / Chinese Lyrics :








    英文歌詞 / English Lyrics :
    The sky must be cleared after rain, yet I still look towards the other side of the dew-dropped window.
    There's a smile that would never fade away deep in my heart.

    The vivid memories I can recall make me warm.
    I can watch you and say something that makes you shy.
    I just want to meet you, yet I can't make any voice.

    However I turn and look back, I just can't reach the faraway past.
    Fading away, as if the setting sun.
    The road back home we two once walked together,
    feels more lonesome and monotonous than usual.
    This song will definitely soar through this sky.
    It can be conveyed to you, right?
    See, I'm still here believing you without fading any color.
    On the other side of sorrow, I'll wait for you.

    The town after rain is naively sparkling brilliance.
    The reflection of those lights is overflowing tears.

    The promise nobody knows makes me warm.
    Even if it's wrong, I won't throw it away.
    Even it has no shape, this dream won't just fade away.

    "There're dreams that don't need to be fulfilled."
    You keep telling me this repeatedly.
    "Just paint those lies we make up black and discard them."
    You keep telling me there's nothing to worry about, smilingly.
    This voice will definitely flutter down through the night sky,
    It will flutter down and reach you, right?
    Hey, I'm still believing that you're at that place,
    on the other side of sorrow, waiting for me.

    Ambiguous words are still making me frozen.
    Your smile once engraved in my heart is becoming vague, making me anxious.

    However I turn and look back, I just can't reach the faraway past.
    Fading away at a quickened pace.
    The road back home we two once walked together,
    feels more lonesome and monotonous than usual.
    This song will definitely soar through this sky.
    It can be conveyed to you, right?
    See, I'm still here believing you without fading any color.
    On the other side of sorrow, I'll wait for you.

