[爆卦]Mispronounced words是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Mispronounced words鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Mispronounced words這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 mispronounced產品中有30篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過962的網紅Acadanny - Now Everyone Can Ace It,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [VIDEO YOUTUBE TERBARU‼️] Pada malam ini, jam 8.30 malam, ACADANNY akan mengeluarkan sebuah video terbaru berkaitan, “10 MISPRONOUNCED WORDS MALAYSIA...

 同時也有19部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過21萬的網紅好機車,也在其Youtube影片中提到,這一首音樂的身材很好!孤島梨幫之後變成怎麼樣呢?【中正嘻研社CCU Hip-Hop 2020 Cypher - 欸你過來一Shot】 連結:https://youtu.be/PzY3K5MqtqE Wesley: good style. Nice change ups and really go...

  • mispronounced 在 Acadanny - Now Everyone Can Ace It Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-25 13:00:41
    有 4 人按讚


    Pada malam ini, jam 8.30 malam, ACADANNY akan mengeluarkan sebuah video terbaru berkaitan, “10 MISPRONOUNCED WORDS MALAYSIANS DID!”.

    Ayuh bersama-sama meriahkan Premiere Video tersebut malam ini‼️

    Link : https://youtu.be/UjwJWTC0GoE

    Boleh dapatkan pautan kami di link berikut - https://linktr.ee/acadanny

    Any enquiries, contact Kak Sara on WhatsApp 019-6196121.

    #acadanny #spm #kssm #tuition #zoom #zoomclass #tuisyen #kelas #class #onlineclass #learn #learning #education #malaysia #tiktok #tiktokguru #tiktokmalaysia #telegram #facebook #tuisyenmalaysia

  • mispronounced 在 王家貞服務處專頁 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-08-13 08:36:50
    有 31 人按讚

    他們當權者公然「指鹿為馬」製造「假新聞」,還帶風向拉低台灣人英文水平 ,就很可以囉?!






    陳學聖表示,現在證明府方發言人、大使,一堆人講了「假消息」,怎不見有人出來辦案,也不見有人出來道歉!誰是雞鳴狗盜?誰是淺薄無知?誰在帶風向,「反正,就是硬拗,拗到底,這就是民進黨!不是嗎?」 https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20200812002783-260407?ctrack=pc_main_headl_p03&chdtv

  • mispronounced 在 飛碟晚餐陳揮文時間 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-08-12 17:59:08
    有 625 人按讚

    投蓁=投韓國瑜? 投邁=投蘇震清?


    一,蔡其昌:蘇震清案後 蔡總統都臭臉
    二,縱容蘇? 蔡其昌:不知後面有這事
    三,誠美材案 蘇震清助理201904交保
    四,立委201911提名 蔡真不知蘇涉案?
    五,自由:蔡指示 蘇未宣誓就職中常委
    六,未卜先知? 蔡484早知SOGO弊案
    七,監察院長5機要 菊子弟兵提好提滿
    八,罵韓先鋒陳瓊華 監察院長辦公室主任
    九,陳菊:一切合法 優秀文官不會寂寞
    十,投蓁=投韓國瑜? 投邁=投蘇震清?

    一,聯合報踢爆御用評委 綠正式反擊
    四,監督綠 聯合報有被毀滅心理準備?
    五,聯合報標案合法 李厚慶三立違法
    七,御用評委上三立節目 利益免迴避?
    八,綠委秀公文哪來 總統府?聯合報?
    九,配合演出? 府:總統府沒預算科目
    十,真沒錢? 蔡綠媒網紅經費如何核銷


    Azar認口誤 accidentally mispronounced
    綠營+1450硬凹瞎掰 現在怎麼辦
    台美防疫夥伴聲明 0319簽做了啥
    本就是一場秀 大外宣大內宣一環

  • mispronounced 在 好機車 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-10-20 20:00:10

    這一首音樂的身材很好!孤島梨幫之後變成怎麼樣呢?【中正嘻研社CCU Hip-Hop 2020 Cypher - 欸你過來一Shot】

    Wesley: good style. Nice change ups and really good cadence. Also very strong stage presence, although his outfit looks kind of college nerdy but it works for him. Needs to change up his style so that he stands out more. The dancing needs more work, feels like he’s trying to hard and some shots but that’s OK because they’re college kids.

    羅福公:really good. Strong stage presence and strong emoting. Excellent incorporation of Japanese, Chinese, and English. Although, some of the English pronunciation was way off even in the name of trying to make things rhyme. Aside from that his style is cool and not much to really improve. Dresses like a deep-sea fisherman from the movie life aquatic with Steve Zissou

    Third guy: technically really decent rapper. Although the drunken/lazy Mumble rap tongue rhyme scheme has been done better by 蛋頭. Really liked the HAM part towards the end, but the incorrect incorporation of hip-hop lingo and lines from other popular American rap songs(Migos) was a bit off putting. Also most of the English is mispronounced.

    Gfate: I didn’t get what you were trying to do at all. Are you rapping? Ranting? Mumbling? Nice voice tho.

    Fifth Guy: Really dig his swag. His voice is deep and smooth. LIke the elongation style and his rhyming style just sways. Rapping style is very musical. Sounds like an instrument. Very confident and natural in front of the camera.

    Kerrita: Nice singing voice but sometimes out of tune. Usage of pitch correction is pretty obvious. The English took me out. Also her jazz singing style doesn’t really match the song. Too much vibrato and execution of syncopation wasn’t precise. However, the rap was really good. I’d like to hear her rap more. Score: 3.0

    As a Group: If you’re going to rep your school/present yourself as a crew, then you need to have some overall theme(dress, swag, etc) that presents you as a team. This video feels like random people came together for one project, but they don’t really know each other or have chemistry. Find something that makes your school/group unique and exploit it.

    若侵犯版權或需要我們下架,煩請來信告知~ :D
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/stalksona/
    聯絡信箱: goodbikemob@gmail.com

  • mispronounced 在 Brian2Taiwan Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-07-25 22:26:09

    10 Chinese Words You're Saying Wrong 外國人 最常唸錯的10個中文字

    In this video I explain 10 commonly mispronounced Mandarin Chinese words that English speakers from American and other countries commonly have.

    When native English speakers see Chinese words, it’s common to mispronounce them following the pronunciation rules of English. However, there are many different systems of pinyin which follow different rules than spelling in English.

    Here, in this top 10 list, I take examples from The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, CNN, Financial Times, and even Kung Fu Panda to show so examples of incorrect pronunciation and how those words should be pronounced.





    #Chinese #Mandarin #LearnMandarin

    Don't forget to follow me on Instagram:

    00:00 10 Chinese Words You're Saying Wrong 外國人最常唸錯的10個中文字
    00:49 Prize Drawing 抽獎活動
    01:03 10 Chinese Words English Speakers Most Commonly Mispronounce 外國人最常唸錯的10個中文字
    01:11 Beijing 北京
    01:44 Fengshui 風水
    02:37 Kung Fu 功夫
    03:17 Lao Tzu (Lao Tsu)/Laozi/Lao Tze 老子
    03:55 Sun Tzu (Sun Tsu)/Sunzi/Sun Tze 孫子
    04:26 Yuan 元
    04:59 Chen 陳
    05:28 Zhou/Chou 周
    05:43 Jay Chou 周杰倫
    06:11 Xi Jinping 習近平
    06:53 Taipei 台北
    07:25 Top 10 List Wrap-Up 前十名的結尾

  • mispronounced 在 MONGABONG Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-05-17 19:30:26

    Dropping Part 2 and this time, my girls test me on commonly misspelled and mispronounced English words! ? I challenge you guys to take out a pen and piece of paper and do this along with me! Let me know in the comments box how you fared in this one! ?

    Have you watched Part 1 yet?: https://youtu.be/AlewP52IpzY

    Footage for this video was shot before the Circuit Breaker Measures in Singapore kicked in on the 7th of April. Team Mongabong has been working from home safely since then.

    I hope you guys are well. Stay home, stay safe and enjoy this video! ❤️
    Share with me your video ideas in the comment box down below! Hopefully I’ll be able to use this time and create more interesting content for you guys! ❤️

    Mermaid Hairstyle Tutorial - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDkkBGceEgc

    ► Instagram: http://instagram.com/mongabong
    ► TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@mongabong
    ► Blog: www.mongabong.com
    ► Email: hello@mongabong.com

    Hello! My name is Mong Chin and I'm from sunny Singapore. I am 1.63m and I am Singaporean Chinese. I speak English, Mandarin and am currently learning Korean in my free time. I love all things beauty and fashion, and I also like to share my life here. I hope you guys enjoy watching my videos!

    This video is not sponsored. All content ideas and opinions are my own, and I do not make money out of any purchases.