

在 misogynist產品中有11篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 孔子是厭女、仇女,以至是今人所謂「仇女主義者」(misogynist)?《論語》裡有一句:「唯女人與小人為難養也」,但何福仁認為無需為尊者諱,也勿對孔子之說大驚小怪,內文自有解說。 全文:https://bit.ly/2XTtRSx #孔子 #何福仁 #論語 ◤ 想閱讀更新更多「虛詞」內容,歡...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過24萬的網紅Xiaxue,也在其Youtube影片中提到,This video was uploaded yesterday but it mysteriously got deleted, the error message says deleted by user. My account is not hacked and I have two ste...

misogynist 在 movingwinnie | traveller Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-04-21 13:04:43

【USA 🇺🇸 New York 】Clearly, opposition of USA’s Cheeto Jesus (that’s a term I learnt from my friends) is everywhere in New York city. . Although a call...

  • misogynist 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-27 17:20:36
    有 21 人按讚



    #孔子 #何福仁 #論語

    ◤ ◤
    《無形》於各獨立書店有售,包括(港島)艺鵠ACO、見山書店、銅鑼灣樂文書店、銅鑼灣Desk-one溫室、glue咕嚕館、PMQ Humming Books;(九龍)序言書室、油麻地Kubrick、旺角樂文書店、合舍、貳叄書房、旺角Desk-one溫室、榆林書店、博勢力書店(尖沙咀)、夕拾x閒社(觀塘);(新界)神話書店、荃灣Desk-one溫室;(澳門)邊度有書,售價港幣20元正。
    ◤ ◤ ◤

  • misogynist 在 張國耀 Chong Kok Yew Photography Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-11-27 14:08:05
    有 6 人按讚



    著名時尚攝影師 #HelmutNewton 紀錄片《情攝大師》將於12月初在台灣上映, #前景娛樂 聯同本專頁向身處 台灣的讀者帶來有獎活動,送出免費特映場電影門票!(#詳情參看文末)

    今年是德國猶太籍攝影師 #漢姆特紐頓 100歲冥誕紀念,這位充滿爭議性的時尚攝影師,60多年攝影生涯中,曾為多本國際時尚雜誌拍攝,帶領時裝攝影的潮流,亦引來女性主義和性別平權運動者的猛烈抨擊。


    在今天政治正確和 #MeToo 的年代,我們該如何看待Newton的照片?導演 #GeroVonBoehm 在紀錄片中邀請了多位與他共事過的女星、模特兒和時尚圈重要人物現身說法。



    受訪人物包括:《 #穿Prada的惡魔 》小說和電影角色藍本、美國版《VOGUE》總編輯Anna Wintour,80年代名模、歌手、演員、《 #007雷霆殺機 》龐德女郎Grace Jones,有「 #真人芭比娃娃 」之稱、由老佛爺Karl Lagerfeld提拔名模Claudia Schiffer。

    由模特兒轉型成演員、拍攝 #DavidLynch 經典電影《藍絲絨》(Blue Velvet)的女星Isabella Rossellini,以及曾拍攝《星塵往事》、《池畔謀殺案》等過100部電影的女星Charlotte Rampling等,逐一回應種種爭議,訴說照片背後故事。

    導演 Von Boehm曾奪得紐約國際電影電視節「世界金牌獎」,本身是一位作家、記者,也是Newton相交多年的好友,他取得Helmut Newton Foundation授權使用從未公開過的影片、錄音和獨家素材,還有Newton妻子攝他的家庭錄像,來紀念這位攝影師傳奇的一生。



    「一堆厭女的男人都會這樣說。」著名的作家、評論人、女性主義者 #蘇珊桑塔格 ( #SusanSontag )反駁指:「主人都會愛慕他的奴隸。」雖然,她沒有在著名的評論集《 #論攝影》( #OnPhotography )談及Newton的照片,但她在法國一個談話節目中指,儘管Newton是個友善的人,可是「作為一位女性,你的照片讓我感到非常 #貶抑女性 ( #misogynist )。」


    有別於從前廣告攝影,著力拍攝貌美的女性穿上漂亮的時裝,Newton打破了這個規舉,照片更進一步在顯示出財富、慾望和一種令旁人稱羨的生活方式,開創出新的廣告攝影潮流。70年代起,他的拍攝主題更經常加入戀物、暴力、SM等禁忌的元素,作品經常受到社運團體及時尚圈的批評,更令他獲得「 #怪癖之王」( #KingofKink )的稱號。


    例如他會讓女性與一隻看來具侵略性的狗隻一起拍攝、在女孩旁邊加上利刀等危險用品,相反,在他的照片中,男性「就像帽子或鞋一樣的配件」,常常成為可有可無的元素。其中一張照片,一位手上帶有 Bulgari 鑽石的女士用力把烤雞撕開,照片惹怒了這家奢華珠寶品牌,威脅要停止在法國版《Vogue》登廣告。另一張為《Stern》雜誌拍攝女星Grace Jones封面廣告照片,Jones赤裸對鏡頭微笑,雙腳被鎖起,則被在Alice Schwarzer等女權份子告上法庭。

    另一邊廂,他鏡下的女性卻對照片有自己的見解,德國名模Sylvia Gobbel說:「Helmut給我的感受是強大的能量,我控制整個場面,我不再是隻鹿,而是與獵人平起平坐。」Newton在古典場景拍攝他拍攝女星Charlotte Rampling側身全裸入鏡的照片,也被倫敦 #國家肖像館 ( National Portrait Gallery )收藏,足見其作品的藝術水平。



    1920年,Helmut Newton生於德國柏林猶太家庭,父親是鈕扣廠總經理,他在12歲擁有自己的第一部相機 #KodakBrownie ,經常深夜進行實驗性的夜景拍攝。16歲起成為傳奇女攝影師 #Yva 的攝影學徒,開始接觸時裝、肖像和人體攝影,學習了扎實的佈光、攝影技巧和黑房技術,為將來的創作打好了基礎。

    那時候Newton喜愛剪報收集報章上的新聞或狗仔隊拍攝的照片,也喜歡翻揭母親購買的時尚雜誌,為女友拍攝肖像。「在我13歲的時候,希特勒掌握了權力,不久之後,我完全被納粹的美學所包圍。」他瘋狂地愛上攝影和電影,經常溜進電影院觀看電影,例如是蘭妮萊芬斯坦( Leni Riefenstahl )的納粹政治宣傳片《 #意志的勝利 》便令他留下深刻印象,令Newton的照片至今仍會被指控受到納粹美學影響。

    「我成長的時候,如果你在紅燈時過馬路,納粹黨可以把你捉走來到集中營。」1938年,Yva的工作室在納粹壓力下關閉。那年冬天,德國發生 #水晶之夜 ( #Kristallnacht ),納粹黨員襲擊德國全境的猶太人,事件被認為是納粹有組織地屠殺猶太人的開端。後來Yva死於集中營內。


    其後,Newton來到澳洲定居,遇到後來的太太、同樣是攝影師的 June Brown(又稱: Alice Springs ),受到妻子鼓勵,兩人一起創作,Newton開始在攝影事業上展露鋒芒。兩人在澳洲生活了10多年,並取得公民身份。1956年,來到倫敦一年後轉到巴黎居住,開始在歐洲的創作生涯,成為《 Vogue 》、《 Elle 》、 《 Playboy 》等刊物的攝影師。



    撰文: #難分




    電影票有限定場次:12/01(二)21:00 @長春國賓廳《情攝大師》特映會

    #時尚攝影 #情色攝影 #HelmutNewtonTheBadandtheBeautiful

  • misogynist 在 Sam Tsang 曾思瀚 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-09-13 03:17:05
    有 6 人按讚

    I blame Jacques Derrida.

    I blame Derrida for President Trump and QAnon.

    Let me explain myself. Derrida is one of the leading thinkers whose writings helped develop postmodernism. He is often considered the founder of deconstruction.

    To simplify, deconstruction (and post-modernism) denies that there is an absolute signifier that allows for a connection between a sign and its referent. To put it in other terms, there is no truth out there to be found and language is insufficient to describe it.

    But rather than despairing about this state of things (like the existentialists of the 60’s did-remember Sartre’s book Nausea), postmodern thinkers like Derrida, Foucault, and others relished the idea because meaning could not be imposed on them by others, but rather meaning could be constructed by themselves.
    Now it is interesting that those in the lines of Derrida and Foucault often constructed meaning in a progressive direction, resisting forces that sought to impose authority structures on them. But critics of deconstruction warned that it would be equally possible to construct meaning in a different direction, say a misogynist or racist direction.

    Some of my academic friends might remember that probably twenty years ago, a leading deconstructionist, Paul de Man (who was at Yale when I was doing my doctoral work), was outed as a Fascist in his youth, thus in the minds of many confirming the problem with this post-modern mindset.

    So what does this have to do with our President or QAnon? Well, I think most reasonable people recognize that he constructs the facts in whatever direction pleases him. I think it was KellyAnn Conway who spoke of “alternative facts.” These alternative facts often have absolutely no evidence and even have abundant evidence against it, but that does not deter people from believing him. I suspect because they want to believe him.

    As for QAnon, the same is abundantly true. Biden is a pedophile? Please. There is no evidence for this (and remember PizzaGate). And don’t post memes of Biden giving grandfatherly kisses to his friends’ children.

    Well, then, why is it so many Christians support our first post-modern president and give QAnon the time of day? It’s actually mind-blowing because we Christians do think there is an absolute signifier out there (God). Yes, getting at the truth is difficult and everyone has their ideological lenses, but even so that does not mean we get to construct our reality in the way we want to against the evidence. We don’t have to lock ourselves into our ideological biases but we need to expose ourselves to other interpretations and then consider which is the true understanding. If you listen to CNN turn to Fox once in a while and vice versa. When it comes to evaluating our president, listen to what he says in his speeches and on twitter.

    I worry that many evangelical Christians have been conditioned against evidence and the truth when it seems to butt up against how they prefer to view reality. We can see this for instance in say those who affirm that the cosmos is only a few thousand years old. The evidence is overwhelming against this conclusion. But many people wrongly think that the Bible teaches otherwise, so they need to ignore or make up explanations of the evidence that are preposterous or, and here we are back to the mindset that accepts Trump’s misconstruals of the evidence or the conspiracy theories of QAnon.

    I am not saying that everyone who supports Trump over against Biden are guilty of this kind of post-modern thinking, but I worry that many are (particularly based on some of the responses I receive on Facebook). I can think of no good reason though why anyone who is a Christian would turn to a source like QAnon to support their views.

