

在 midwives產品中有41篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【澳洲生活】什麼?!啤酒與嬰兒(Beer and Bubs)?? 這兩個字看似搭不上邊,但卻巧妙地被連起來了😆🍺👶 懷孕倒數四十幾天,上個禮拜 York 去上了一堂男人專屬的「爸爸生產教育課」😬 由助產士在酒吧授課三小時,讓男生們可以互相交流😆 不然國外這邊流行的「產前教育課程」主要都是講...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過23萬的網紅Japanese YOGA,也在其Youtube影片中提到,自宅出産時の様子は9:56からです。13:18からが産まれる(出産)シーンです! 2019年4月1日。実家の自宅で自然分娩をしました。 臨月までヨガをしていたおかげで、陣痛はありましたがスーパー安産と言われました。(私自身は安産と思えないほど辛かったです…) ヨガの呼吸法が出産時でも役立ちました。 ...

midwives 在 和嶋真以 Mai Wajima Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-05-29 02:53:04

Today I volunteered to teach body exercises for pregnant women to the midwives at JAPAN Heart Cambodia Hospital. The theme of the workshop was exercis...

  • midwives 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-11 18:59:03
    有 214 人按讚

    【澳洲生活】什麼?!啤酒與嬰兒(Beer and Bubs)?? 這兩個字看似搭不上邊,但卻巧妙地被連起來了😆🍺👶

    懷孕倒數四十幾天,上個禮拜 York 去上了一堂男人專屬的「爸爸生產教育課」😬 由助產士在酒吧授課三小時,讓男生們可以互相交流😆

    不然國外這邊流行的「產前教育課程」主要都是講孕婦跟新生兒🤰爸爸在旁邊常常還是搞不懂要幹麻。 所以官網上說不準女性參加,因為是屬於男人的「安全空間」,讓準爸爸們可以放心提問😌


    York 說這堂課最棒的地方不是學習新知識(畢竟網路上/書籍都有教學)而是能夠跟其他爸爸們聊天,他懂他們、他們也懂他,回到家感覺沒有之前那麼緊張了😺

    根據澳洲的產前/產後憂鬱症組織的統計,1/20的男人會有產前憂鬱症、1/10 則會有產後憂鬱。這邊不是只先於心情低落,而是不再是原本的自我😔

    我覺得 York 這堂課的經驗很有趣,於是寫了這篇「準爸爸陪產 :男人專屬的爸爸教室,生產教育課後心得」➡️ https://www.travelwithwinny.com/zh/準爸爸陪產-生產教育課 給有興趣的人簡單了解一下 😊


    Ps. 住澳洲的朋友們,也可以參考 Beer and Bubs: childbirth education for dads at the pub 的網頁以及官網 http://www.beerandbubs.com.au 唷~😀

    Pss. 因為 York 上課太專心了,都忘了拍照。 只好放一張婚禮的吧台照片跟朋友送的懷孕教科書來當貼圖 😆

    #澳洲生產 #產前教育課 #準爸爸陪產 #一堂三小時才約台幣一千四含晚餐

    Beers and bubs? These two words doesn't seem to go together 😆

    Well, it usually doesn't! Unless you attend a childbirth education course that's specifically tailored for men, held by midwives in a pub 🍻👶

    While there are many birth classes on the market, most concentrate on the mom & the baby, which leaves men not having enough knowledge in the delivery room😅

    This course is a "safe space for men", only men can attend, no women allowed. It's great as York came back saying he felt like there's people who understood him😌

    Otherwise the statistics for perinatal depression for men are surprisingly high😲

    If you live in Australia and is expecting a baby, I highly recommend dads to attend Beer and Bubs: childbirth education for dads at the pub 🍻 That 3 hours is definitely worth it😀

    Website➡️ http://www.beerandbubs.com.au 😊

    📚《跟著Winny勇闖中美洲》2019 → http://goo.gl/RYPSTp

    📚《地心引力抓不住的冒險家》2018 → https://bit.ly/2kYdpgt

    📸 歡迎跟蹤 IG 👉 https://www.instagram.com/travelwithwinny

    🎧 Podcast ➡️ https://anchor.fm/travelwithwinny

  • midwives 在 A Happy Mum Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-02-23 23:54:02
    有 305 人按讚


    The doctor, midwives and nurses have always been amazed by how the hubby and I make a good pair when it comes to birthing, ever since our firstborn to our lastborn.

    He lets me squeeze his hand, reminds me to breathe, tells me to persevere when all I wanna do is roll eyes and give up, when I start chanting that I can't hold on and when I am on the verge of tears because it is just so tough.

    In fact, he was the one who told me to pretend that epidural does not exist when we had our firstborn in Sweden (it was free actually) and told me not to even give myself that option. I wanted to prove to him that I could do it and I eventually did after a long ordeal, showing that my stubbornness jolly well matches his. Haha.

    Tonight, we fought our fourth battle and it was extremely tough (for me!) but we emerged triumphant because we held onto each other, never gave up and crossed the finishing line together. I could never have accomplished this alone and without his support, I bet I would have thrown in the towel long ago.

    So thanks dear, for just being here, giving me your hand and letting me know how strong I can be. ❤

    #ahappymum #wedidit #together #hubbyandwifey #givingbirth #thankfulforyou #icandoitbecauseofyou

  • midwives 在 A Happy Mum Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-23 15:31:18
    有 212 人按讚

    Look who came to visit! "It's like we are having a staycation right, Mama? Woohoo!"

    The first birth experience usually affects the subsequent ones, doesn't it? For me, I gave birth to the big girl in a small town called Karlskrona in Sweden, where the hubby was posted for naval training. We didn't have to pay for the stay other than a small admin fee, we had a huge private ward with two beds - one for me, one for the hubby, the nurses and midwives were friendly and traditional - they used wooden pinard stethoscopes and measuring tapes, I sat on a gym ball instead of lying down, they asked me if I wanted ice cream to relieve the pain instead of mentioning the word epidural, and there was no such thing as a nursery which means our baby girl was with us 24/7 once she came into this world.

    All these were precious memories and learning experiences for me, and I cherished that opportunity to witness a different culture that I might not have able to otherwise. So for my subsequent births in Singapore, I requested for my baby to room-in with me every single time, I had the courage and confidence to say no to epidural and I appreciate the comfort and calmness of my ward.

    Yup, this is indeed the only 'staycation' we have willingly paid for (our occasional family hotel staycays are sponsored but you do know I work hard for every one of them in return, right?) and I love it because when the baby rooms in with me, it's just me and him/her and that bond we build right from the start is invaluable and irreplaceable.

    Sure, the nurses tell me I should just sleep and let them take care of my baby, or that they can supplement with formula so I don't need to breastfeed exclusively, or that I don't need to change soiled diapers and can leave it to them. But, didn't you just say this is my baby? I was taught to be an strong mum with my firstborn - we had to feed, change, burp and even bathe her ourselves at the hospital too, under the guidance of the nurse - and that's how I want it to be for all my kids right from the start.

    Treasuring the close bond I have with each of my kids, especially so today. You are my motivation to persevere. Love you, my babies! ❤

    P.S. These two were also born right here 8 and 5 years ago. How time flies!

    #ahappymum #pregnancy

  • midwives 在 Japanese YOGA Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-06-30 21:55:44



    The state of childbirth at home is from 9:56.
    The birth scene starts at 13:18!
    April 1, 2019.
    I gave birth naturally at my parents' home.
    I was doing yoga until the end of the month, so it was a super easy delivery. (I myself was so painful that I couldn't think it was an easy delivery ...)
    Yoga breathing helped me even during childbirth.
    I am very grateful to have had a wonderful birth thanks to the dependable midwives and my family.




    ■毎日の自宅ヨガを習慣にできるYouTubeカレンダー2021年版 【ジャパニーズヨガ動画プログラム】


    ■JapaneseYoga夏未 プロフィール


    ■書籍 片脚立ちの秘密





    #自宅出産 #自宅分娩 #自然分娩 #homebirth #Naturalbirth

  • midwives 在 noxxx710 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-05-03 11:36:51



    [パレード 出場グループ]
    (by 東京レインボープライド)
    2. #地元に届けこの思い
    (by 全国プライドネットワーク)
    3A. 親子で歩こう!家族と歩こう!
    (by NPO法人LGBTの家族と友人をつなぐ会&NPO法人ハートをつなごう学校
    3B. 日本で活動するGEグループの従業員とその家族・友人等関係者
    (by GEジャパングループ&Friends)
    4. Spindle
    (by Spindle)
    5. ライフガード アライズ
    (by 株式会社チェリオコーポレーション)
    6A. デロイト トーマツ グループ
    (by デロイト トーマツ グループ)
    6B. 誰かのアライになろう!
    (by ギャップジャパン)
    7A. 台湾伴侶権益推動連盟&台湾レッドリボン基金会
    (by 台湾伴侶権益推動連盟&台湾レッドリボン基金会)
    7B. European Ambassadors 4 LGBT
    (by 駐日欧州連合代表部)
    8. “みんな”で、ブラス!
    (by 東京レインボープライド)
    9. 9monsters × G-BOT × AiSOTOPE LOUNGE
    (by 9monsters × G-BOT × AiSOTOPE LOUNGE)
    10. Let's MAZEKOZE!Get in touch
    (by 一般社団法人Get in touch)
    11. 丸井グループ
    (by 丸井グループ)
    12. Deliver LOVE 世界中に愛を届けよう glamazon
    (by glamazon Japan)
    13. Love&Aid MIDWIVES' Pride
    (by (公社)東京都助産師会)
    14. 結婚の自由をすべての人に
    (by 結婚の自由をすべての人に)
    15. プライドハウス東京
    (by プライドハウス東京)
    16. NTTグループ
    (by NTTグループ)
    (by EAGLE TOKYO)
    18A. すべての大学に多様なセクシュアリティを
    (by すべての大学に多様なセクシュアリティを)
    18B. 西町インターナショナルスクール
    (by 西町インターナショナルスクール)
    18C. バイセクシュアルとパンセクシュアルのフロート
    (by バイセクシュアルの交流会)
    19. Equal Wedding
    (by ジャスマック/ジュエリアス/アンダーグラウド)
    20. This is Gay!
    (by Gapan Cafe)
    21A. Alfa Romeo - Be yourself.
    (by アルファ ロメオ)
    21B. "Be yourself. Be different" PwC Japanグループ
    (by PwC Japanグループ)
    21C. Diversity and Inclusion
    (by KDDI株式会社)
    22. クィア & セックスワーカー
    (by SWASH)
    23A. Love Beyond Genders
    (by 公益社団法人アムネスティ・インターナショナル日本)
    23B. PRIDE@KPMGジャパン
    (by KPMGジャパン)
    24. LGBT-Ally プロジェクト
    (by 株式会社アウト・ジャパン)
    25A. Salesforceは、いつもLGBTQコミュニティとともに。
    (by 株式会社セールスフォース・ドットコム)
    25B. AXA Pride Japan LGBTQIA & Allies
    (by アクサ生命保険株式会社)
    (by 公益財団法人 エイズ予防財団)
    27. AIG Japan: Diversity Is Strength
    (by AIGジャパン・ホールディングス株式会社)
    28A. アマランス カーニバル ワゴン
    (by アマランスラウンジ)
    28B. エンワールド・ジャパン
    (by エンワールド・ジャパン株式会社)
    29. nijit - IT業界のLGBT交流会
    (by nijit)
    30. 日本IBM
    (by 日本アイ・ビー・エム株式会社)
    31. Google
    (by Google 合同会社)
    32A. lgbtS~わたしたちもいるよ!~
    (by NPO法人にじいろ学校)
    32B. WATASHI × KAWAII=Claire’s
    (by クレアーズ日本株式会社)
    33. BLEND is beautiful
    (by TOKYO NO HATE)
    34A. #WeBelieveinLove
    (by 株式会社 ラッシュジャパン)
    34B. 楽天株式会社 Believe in the future - 未来を信じ、よりよい明日を創っていく -
    (by 楽天株式会社)
    35. ウーマンオンリー・ラウンジイベント【EROS】
    (by EROS)
    36. LGBTファイナンス
    (by LGBTファイナンス)
    37. EY Japan ~Building a better working world~
    (by EY Japan)
    38. WE ARE PVH
    (by PVH JAPAN)
    40. らしく、たのしく、ほこらしく
    (by 東京レインボープライド)

    - - - - - - - - - -


    機材:SONY HDR-PJ790V、TASCAM TM-2X、Hague Mini Motion-Cam


  • midwives 在 Bubzvlogz Youtube 的最佳解答

    2017-07-26 22:58:51

    Dearest Youtube Family,

    Meet the newest member of our little family, our lovely daughter, Ayla Ng! I finally had a chance to edit the live birth vlog of our baby girl. What an incredible experience!! (although I NEVER want to do it again haha). On the evening of 19th July, I went into labour. I had been feeling “funny” during lunch with friends but I didm’ want to think so much since I had been dealing with false labour for days before hand but it’s true what they say, when you’re in labour, you KNOW you’re in labour.

    I am so thankful I was able to have a successful VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean) despite the long hard labour. The entire experience has brought my husband and I closer together. He was the best pushing coach and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without him making inappropriate jokes to keep me giggling through it all. Against the odds, I feel truly blessed that it was such a smooth delivery. It goes to show how much positive thinking can truly impact for a successful birth.

    Thanking everyone for your lovely well wishes. Even though this time round, recovery seems much more difficult, we are all doing very well and settling wonderfully. Isaac adores his baby sister and if anything, he is getting even more attention from everyone. We are in awe everyday with our daughter and she has been such a little delight. She’s feeding and sleeping pretty well (fingers crossed) and seems to be changing each day. When she was born, we thought she was a splitting image of Isaac but as the days have gone by, it seems like she looks more like me. We’re just taking it easy right now so I hope you all understand while we take some time to settle as a family of four. We will see you all very soon!!

    To the amazing midwives and consultants from Royal maternity Hospital, thank you so much for your amazing care of Ayla and I. I could not have asked for a better team.

    Love, the Bubz family xo

    Pps. Yes guys, we will definitely have a new intro eventually but it's not our top priority right now so for now, please enjoy the current intro if that's okay.

    Subscribe to my Vlog channel for daily doses of HAPPINESS!

    Subscribe to my Beauty Channel here:

    Connect with me:
    MY WEBSITE: http://www.bubzbeauty.com
    TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/bubzbeauty
    INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/itsbubz
    TIM'S INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/bubzhubz
    FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/itsbubz
    BUY MY EYESHADOW PALETTE HERE: http://bit.ly/BUBZpalette

