[爆卦]Mentally weak是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Mentally weak鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Mentally weak這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 mentally產品中有1436篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過741萬的網紅Culture Trip,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Escape the urban noise on a four-day outdoor adventure in Hudson, NYC. You’ll learn the basics of meditation with an expert instructor. No need to be ...

 同時也有130部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過371的網紅starringsarahchang,也在其Youtube影片中提到,As a athlete, I have definitely seen my fair share of both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture doctors. It was so refreshing to speak with C...

mentally 在 Nisha Ezzati Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-24 10:49:41

Watch me mentally deteriorating watch me nae nae...

  • mentally 在 Culture Trip Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-29 03:00:06
    有 50 人按讚

    Escape the urban noise on a four-day outdoor adventure in Hudson, NYC. You’ll learn the basics of meditation with an expert instructor. No need to be a regular practitioner, this TRIPS by Culture Trip getaway is for complete beginners 🧘

  • mentally 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-28 13:03:20
    有 2,245 人按讚

    Baru selesai Google Meet dengan ibu kanak-kanak yang menjadi mangsa liwat guru tahfiz. Kami merasai kegeraman, kemarahan, kekesalan serta kesedihan beliau.

    Bukan sahaja anak beliau menjadi mangsa tetapi rakan-rakannya juga telah menjadi mangsa kepada 'ustaz' di tahfiz tersebut.

    LAPORAN POLIS TELAH DIBUAT oleh mereka setahun lebih tetapi masih tiada sebarang tindakan dan 'update' perkembangan kes.

    Mereka meminta bantuan kami. In Sha Allah kami akan membantu anak-anak mereka keluar dari trauma dengan menawarkan khidmat kaunselor bertauliah secara PERCUMA selain sokongan kepada keluarga yang juga trauma dari kejadian.

    Antara kata-kata ibunya kepada kami tadi;

    "Niat saya menghantar anak saya ke tahfiz supaya dia belajar agama tetapi tak sangka dia pula diliwat. Saya menyesal sangat. Saya sekarang ini phobia bila lihat orang berjubah, berserban atau berkopiah ini. Saya jadi benci. Saya 'scroll' Facebook bro dan saya tergerak untuk mencuba nasib harap bro & team boleh membantu kami mendapatkan keadilan."

    Kami memberitahu kepada beliau,

    "Niat & keputusan buat menghantar anak ke pusat tahfiz adalah betul. Semoga Allah kurniakan ganjaran kepada puan dan keluarga. Apa yang berlaku di luar jangkaan kita. Puan tampil membuat report kerana mahukan keadilan. Kita tak nak sesiapa gunakan agama untuk kepentingan hawa nafsu mereka yang bercanggah dengan agama. Kami bukan polis tetapi In Sha Allah kami akan bekerjasama dengan mereka untuk membantu puan dan mangsa-mangsa lain."

    Hampir setiap hari, ya hampir setiap hari kami akan mengadakan minima 2-3 Google Meet berkaitan kes-kes gangguan seksual, predator seksual, serangan seksual dan majoriti mangsa & ahli keluarga adalah keluarga biasa sedangkan pemangsa terdiri dari mereka yang mempunyai kedudukan dalam masyarakat.

    Semua kes ini kami akan serahkan & kerjasama dengan pihak berkuasa. Sinergi NGO & pihak berkuasa untuk masyarakat.

    Saya juga meminta maaf kepada ramai sahabat yang menghubungi saya menerusi call & Whatsapp tetapi tidak berbalas kerana akhirnya, setelah mendengar puluhan rintihan, aduan, tangisan mangsa-mangsa & ahli keluarga, mentally tired.

    No worry, saya ok. Selepas berehat saya ok and up and running as usual today. Bagi wanita di luar yang memerlukan sokongan & bantuan, boleh hubungi Sayap Wanita MRM di wasap.my/60103735596 & In Sha Allah kami akan aturkan Google Meet secepat mungkin .

  • mentally 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-26 13:56:15
    有 139 人按讚

    Did an interview the other day and I was asked if I still got nervous on stage these days since it’s been quite awhile since I’ve started performing and my reply was an honest yes. I was never one who’ve got that kind of exuberant self-confidence and I struggled and still struggles with the fear of not being able to deliver or to live up to expectations each time on set and on stage. I can feel myself affected by the rolling comments with my confidence diminishing with each negative comment, drop in viewers, and that affects the performance and ya it spirals. Learning to stand firm and to self-assure that I’d work to do better the next time has been an ongoing progress in life.

    I remember how years ago when I first started out in Getai, and was made to be the last singer on the list. I’d always end up crying on the way home after singing cause most audiences would tend to start packing up and leaving in order to catch the bus and I took that on myself really harshly. I’m never the pretty one nor the most talented. Growing up, there was never a “yes you can do it!” but loads of “who do you think you are.. you cannot one lah!” I wish people can see the difference when there’s a support system and when there isn’t.

    If there’s any one of you who always feels out of place and that lack in you, who’s had your fire “being poured over with cold water” every time, let’s just strive together to constantly improve, mentally and also in terms of skills. When there’s negative comments flooding in, don’t forget those who took the time to give you a positive one, who showed you some love and those who believed in you enough to give you a spot wherever you are today. #workonrunon #storyofmylife 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻