[爆卦]MayFit 衣服是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇MayFit 衣服鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在MayFit 衣服這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者lelu (樂路)看板MuscleBeach標題[閒聊] 健身房的討厭鬼時間Thu Nov 13...





(Life by DailyBurn) -- You've made the honorable effort of getting your butt
to the gym. Little do you know, the battle has only just begun.

Claiming your space for high-intensity intervals, handstands and heavy lifts
isn't easy -- and during peak hours, there's a real art to getting fit in
close quarters. But on the road to slimming down, leaning out, or getting
swole, are you leaving behind a trail of destruction (alongside a pool of
sweat on the bench)?

DailyBurn: 5 CrossFit workouts that will kick your butt
According to a survey conducted by Nuffield Health, a U.K.-based health firm,
the answer may be yes. Of the 2,000 people polled, 74% said fellow gym goers
were guilty of bad gym etiquette, and many implicated themselves as well: 49%
admitted to having used water bottles and towels that weren't actually
theirs; 33% revealed they exercise without deodorant; 18% fessed up to
working out despite coughing, sneezing and being sick; and 16% flat-out said
they don't wash their clothes between workouts.

Skeeved out?Us too.
But don't throw in the towel just yet. In an effort to make your box, studio
or sports club a friendlier, safer and all-around-more-awesome place to be,
we called in some of the top trainers in the country to weigh in on proper
workout decorum.
While this list is by no means exhaustive, it hits on some of the deadliest
sins in sweatsville. So who are the worst offenders?

The gym's most wanted list

1. The Hoarder
Need one of everything, in every size, shape and color? Health club hoarders
aren't unlike the ones you see on reality TV. "They stand in the same spot in
front of the mirror with a collection of dumbbells in every weight around
them and swear they're using them all -- while doing 10 different exercises,"
says Max Tapper, personal trainer at The Sports Center at Chelsea Piers. How
to avoid stockpiling? "Make circuits small and only take the weights you will
need immediately," Tapper says.
DailyBurn: 5 intermittent fasting methods: Which one is right for you?
Chelsea Piers的私人教練Max Taper如是說。

2. The Not-So-Supersetter
Supersetting (i.e. alternating between two or more exercises at a time) is a
fantastic way to maximize your time, and your burn. It's also a fantastic way
to make some gynemies during peak lifting hours. Claiming "dibs" on multiple
areas of the gym not only ties up two pieces of real estate at once, it
forces others to wait and ask around if someone's still there. "If you're
using more than one piece of equipment, make sure you're close to them at all
times," says fitness coach JC Deen of JCD Fitness. Walk away for more than 15
to 30 seconds, and most people will assume you're done, Deen says.
"Supersetting is a luxury, not a necessity," adds strength coach and author
Bret Contreras. Bottom line: "If the gym is busy, don't superset!"
JCD Fitness的體適能教練JC Deen如是說。
健身教練及作家Brent Contreras補充。

3. The Spoiled Brat
Blame growing up with nannies, butlers and maids. For some, cleaning up after
themselves isn't second nature, which means stray kettlebells, plates and
other gym essentials not in their proper place. "It's pretty
self-explanatory, but it sucks when you're rushing to get in a workout and
you spend half the time looking for the dumbbell or medicine ball you need,"
says Dan Trink, C.S.C.S., strength coach and owner of Trink Fitness. Avoid
timeout by returning your equipment back where it belongs.
C.S.C.S.,Trink Fitness的老闆兼健身教練Dan Trink說:

4. The Exhibitionist
When you're pushing through that last round of v-ups or sled sprints,
distractions can be a very good thing. But people-watch at your own risk.
According to Jordan Syatt, five-time world record powerlifter, strength coach
and owner of SyattFitness.com, overexposure (including "working out sans
underwear") is more common than you'd think. "I'm all for giving yourself
some extra breathing room, but for your sake -- and everyone around you --
make sure you strap on a decent pair of undies."
The same goes for shirts at certain boxes and gyms. "We have a shirts-on
policy for men and women," says Kelly Starrett, coach and founder of San
Francisco CrossFit. "As a practical matter, it keeps people's sweat from
dripping all over our gym. More importantly, the gym should be a place that
feels welcoming and inclusive, and not a place the few super jacked people
can show off their six-packs."
當你在做最後一組v-ups或sled sprints,時,腳可以再開一點,
曾創下五次世界舉重紀錄的Jordan Syatt表示,
"不論男女,我們規定必須穿著上衣"Kelly Starrett如是說。

5. The Miley
We're just minding our own business at the pull-up bar, and in comes the
wrecking ball -- music blaring from their over-ear headphones, singing
full-voice for all to hear. Is it Miley, just being Miley? Unlikely. "Singing
in the gym it is not only distracting to gym members, it's flat-out
annoying!" says Michelle Lovitt, celebrity trainer and fitness expert. "Sing
in your head or in the shower so the only person you're distracting is


6. The Pick-Up Artist
Want to gawk? Swipe right. For all other inquiries, keep it respectable.
Leering men aren't just creepy, they're "one of the biggest reasons women
tell me they're intimidated by the weight room," says Adam Rosante, fitness
and wellness coach, and author of The 30-Second Body. "If you see someone who
really catches your attention, try to make eye contact at an appropriate time
-- not mid back squat -- and smile. If she smiles back, wait until she's done
crushing it to say hello. If she blows you off, move on. You can go run 10
minutes of intervals to alleviate the sting."

7. The Talker
Up to 32 percent of gym rats admit to regularly interrupting their session to
chat it up with friends. Sure, that's OK for a recovery day, but most
workouts should involve some amount of work. "If you're able to carry on a
full conversation while on the treadmill, you aren't doing it right!" says
Anja Garcia, DailyBurn and Equinox trainer. Gossip can wait -- and for the
24/7 gabbers, cell phone calls should never take place on a moving conveyor
belt (trust us). "It's important to dedicate time to yourself, your fitness
and your health." Garcia says. Leaving distractions behind can be the
difference between a phenomenal workout, and a face plant.

8. The Texter
Emojis can't type themselves -- at least not yet. And mid-workout, those
minutes scouring your smart phone can really add up, taking a toll on focus,
productivity and intensity (read: calorie burn). According to a survey
conducted by Harpers Fitness, a typical gym-goer wastes up to 35 percent of
each sweat session on non-fitness activities including texting, checking
email, and scrolling through apps. To avoid shortchanging yourself, put your
mobile into airplane mode and plug back in once you have that post-workout
shake in hand.

9. The Drama Queen
Drop it like it's hot? That depends. If Olympic weightlifting (on an Olympic
platform) is your thing, by all means, go for it. But at most commercial gyms
that aren't properly equipped, dropping your weights can be deemed dangerous,
disruptive and downright unnecessary. "At the end of a very heavy set [it's]
sometimes unavoidable," says Sean Hyson, C.S.C.S., Training Director for
Men's Fitness magazine and author of The Truth About Strength Training. "But
if you see a guy doing it repeatedly, he's either desperate for attention or
very careless. Dropping dumbbells can damage them, as well as the floor
beneath, and abruptly dropping a barbell can warp the bar, causing it to
bend. Bent bars make loads unstable to lift and can cause injuries." We're
all for lifting heavy, but be aware of your gym's policy (Planet Fitness, we
know where you stand), and avoid unleashing the beast with every. single. rep.

10. The Know-It-All
Dole out unsolicited advice and you're bound to push buttons. "I see it
happen a lot at various gyms I train at, and have yet to witness anyone who
appreciates a total stranger giving them advice that they didn't even ask
for," says Tony Gentilcore, CSCS, co-founder of Cressey Sports Performance in
Hudson, MA.
"There are a million reasons why a trainer — or non-trainer — might be
doing something, and presuming that you know why they're doing it is
condescending," says Jessi Kneeland [http://jessikneeland.com/], strength
coach and creator of Remodel Fitness. "If you must get involved, simply ask
them why they're doing it that way. They may be clueless and actually ask for
help — in which case go for it! But they may also have a special-case reason
for doing something unusual, that you might never have thought of," she says.
DailyBurn: Get the full list of the 20 worst people at the gym


11. The Body Double
Imitation can be the sincerest form of flattery, unless of course that
involves attempting a 375-pound deadlift having never learned proper form. A
“monkey see, monkey do” deadlift (or any other exercise you may find poorly
executed on YouTube) won’t be deadly, but it can result in a strained
muscle, herniated disc, or worse. “It’s a recipe for disaster,” says Jason
D’Amelio, certified athletic trainer and owner of Total Athletic PT, and one
that can land you on YouTube yourself, but as a #gymfail. “Read up on new
exercises before attempting to execute them, and make sure you have good form
and technique before you start adding weight,” he says.

12. The Grunter
There’s beast mode, and then there’s beast mode. If you’re performing a
near-max set, grunting is an acceptable practice that’s often impossible to
control, Hyson says. “It’s a byproduct of the pressure that builds up in
the abdomen from holding your breath during a lift.” Research suggests it
may also be the result of proper breathing, which can reinforce stability in
the core to help generate more power. It’s when those grunts begin to
resemble wounded animal noises that there may be a problem. D’Amelio adds, “
If you’re using 10-pound dumbbells for bicep curls and it’s a struggle to
lift them properly without making a prehistoric sound, consider dropping to a
lighter weight where you can perform the exercise with full range of motion
and full control.”


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MuscleBeach/M.1415878229.A.4E6.html
RWebster: 推 討厭摔器材跟無病呻吟! 11/13 19:41
heyopp: 回去看表特版XD 還自己加 11/13 19:58
JohnnyWalker: 關於第5點...我真的看過有人在組間休息時唱歌... 11/13 20:02
Carmelo: 健身hater: 你太油,你太吵,你太慢,你太久,你太臭,你太弱 11/13 20:19
Carmelo: 我是資優生 hater有理? 11/13 20:20
minoru04: 滑手機的問題真是越來越嚴重了 11/13 20:20
Carmelo: 真正持續在練的天天in & out 練完就閃 才沒那麼多毛 11/13 20:21
Carmelo: 覺得運動看誰都不爽的可以開個 gym_hate 11/13 20:22
drcula: 2.微-超組??我看不懂意思,是指一次做多種器材但是都佔著?? 11/13 21:04
drcula: 我也是會一次做多種,但是就是輪著做,找有空的器材做 11/13 21:04
drcula: 假設做12345,做完1要做2,結果2有人,就去做3 or 4,這樣 11/13 21:05
liberating: 推第六點 11/13 22:29
elvanpenz: the Miley XDDDD 11/13 22:42
acegikmp: 大學的健身房3跟4最多 然後地區健身房是一大堆78 11/13 23:04
amarni333: 兄台練功尚餘幾炷香? 11/13 23:07
※ 編輯: lelu (, 11/13/2014 23:26:10
cosy: 8超多的.....10個去練的 有5~6個都在那滑 組間休息滑個3分鐘 11/13 23:44
truthchaser: 我組間休息會滑但會設倒數一分半,不然真不知道幹嘛 11/14 00:05
Spartan117: 喘氣阿 11/14 00:21
DLCSEA: 推長知識 沒去過健身房XD 11/14 00:46
ji3g4linda: 其實沒那麼喘or心跳沒那麼快 就應該繼續做了 11/14 00:56
ji3g4linda: 定時間通常是怕不小心休息太久 11/14 00:57
firefoxriko: 所以在家練不是挺好的嗎~我組間休息還能上ptt推文。 11/14 00:57
truthchaser: 除非練核心不然一組做完也沒喘那麼久吧@@ 11/14 01:07
wepahoo: 每個都遇過,二的話做的快就算了,還同時滑手機是怎樣 11/14 02:12
ming0128: 我還邊練邊看IPAD耶 QQ 11/14 02:19
uwmtsa: 好在我都龜在家 11/14 04:21
flybearliang: 我都在 5RM的最後一下 不小心吼一聲 11/14 05:11
popstarkirby: 現在在美國,學校健身房有禁止脫衣服..會被警告 11/14 08:06
ashin1069: 我要看手機都會離開器材看,教練還說你真有禮貌-"- 11/14 08:25
td770715: a大真有禮貌,昨天就是遇到一個邊練邊用手機LINE的 11/14 08:39
zmimoboy: 划手機的看了就不爽 11/14 09:19
zmimoboy: 沒看過練得不錯的邊練邊划 幾乎都是來亂的 11/14 09:21
jackie1023: 超討厭12...吼一次還好 每次都吼且超大聲有無言到 11/14 09:32
gaymuscle: 梅川內酷是哪個日本人? 11/14 10:01
fukyou: 看囚徒健身 好久沒去了 11/14 10:10
doroarien: 在對方深蹲做一半時獻殷勤XDDDD 11/14 12:46
linchangray: 我第四組就在叫了XD 11/14 13:04
acegikmp: 休息3~5分鐘臭了嗎~~~~ 11/14 17:58
sylviehsiang: 我討厭在更衣室不穿衣服的 11/14 18:44
sylviehsiang: e04! 我是來健身 不是來看你們遛鳥 11/14 18:44
ashin1069: 遛鳥的99%都很胖 不然就老人 (個人所見 11/14 18:55
ashin1069: 應該是說 教練虧我說 : 你也太有禮貌了吧 11/14 18:56
ashin1069: 我只是將心比心很討厭在旁邊等人家滑手機滑完才擺 11/14 18:56
ashin1069: 一副晚娘面孔說:我還要練 (e04),也不想被人家嫌說 11/14 18:57
ashin1069: 又不是練得多壯滑手機滑屁啊之類的 =_= 11/14 18:57
Jsin: 吼~~~~~ 11/14 20:44
HIHINO: 我今天在更衣室看到有阿伯洗完澡用吹風機再吹覽趴....... 11/14 21:55
HIHINO: 而且還吹超久的,想到下一個用它來吹頭髮的人我就......... 11/14 21:55
HIHINO: 我暫時大概都會練完回家再洗了 11/14 21:56
asos82333: 我也是超討厭更衣室溜鳥的,大家都穿衣服他就光溜溜在 11/15 01:03
asos82333: 那吹頭髮不會怪嗎 11/15 01:03
※ 編輯: lelu (, 11/15/2014 11:19:44
jones86723: 上次看到在更衣室剪腳皮,還直接丟地上差點踩到 11/15 13:30
firefoxriko: 三到五分鐘組間休息,ptt推文都不知道可以推幾篇了, 11/15 16:01
firefoxriko: 而且組間休五分鐘是可行的 11/15 16:01
firefoxriko: 這時後不滑手機要幹嘛,跟旁邊人聊天嗎,問題跟旁邊 11/15 16:04
firefoxriko: 人聊天一樣是受討厭的項目之一,事實上組間休息除非 11/15 16:04
firefoxriko: 很短,不然就算什麼事也不作發呆,一樣會被後面等的 11/15 16:04
firefoxriko: 人討厭 11/15 16:05
DLCSEA: 組間休五分鐘 走完操場一圈剛好XD 11/15 16:42
ji3g4linda: “滑手機”這件事本身其實還好啦 11/15 21:21
ji3g4linda: 會被討厭多半是那種一坐下來就開始滑 11/15 21:22
ji3g4linda: 做沒幾下又繼續滑 或是一滑就滑很久 11/15 21:22
ji3g4linda: 到底是趁空檔滑 還是上述那種 11/15 21:23
ji3g4linda: 大概20分鐘內就現形了啦 明眼人都看的出來 11/15 21:24
ji3g4linda: 另外組間5min多半是大重量或爆發力練習才要休那麼久 11/15 21:26
ji3g4linda: 可是一般來說很少見啦~~~ 11/15 21:26
lelu: 通常大重量或爆發的組間不是氣喘如牛汗流如雨手無縛雞之力? 11/15 23:23
lelu: 說真的愛滑就滑,反正我都會上前問兄臺練功尚餘幾炷香 11/15 23:24
lelu: 有的就讓開,有的會馬上繼續做,有的就會一起做 11/15 23:24
acegikmp: 其實我不排斥一起做 只是沒人來問過而已(攤手) 11/16 18:03
md9tbagel: 非常討厭槓片亂丟的人,小學沒畢業還是家裡不會教啊 11/19 10:56

