[爆卦]Mammals meaning是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

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在 mammals產品中有138篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過22萬的網紅SABAH, Malaysian Borneo,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Hands up if what @borneorimbawan said below has inspired you to visit this enchanting rainforest. ✋ #Repost @borneorimbawan 📍 Rainforest Discovery Ce...

 同時也有19部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過160萬的網紅ブライトサイド | Bright Side Japan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,リスの歯ってオレンジ色だって知っていましたか?その色は、特殊なエナメル質によってもたらされています。げっ歯類の歯は絶えず伸び続けるため、リスは堅い食べ物をひたすら食べ続け、そうして歯をすり減らしてゆきます。 今回はそのほかにも色々な動物豆知識をご用意しましたよ!さあ、見ていきましょう! #ブライト...

  • mammals 在 SABAH, Malaysian Borneo Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-04 13:00:24
    有 96 人按讚

    Hands up if what @borneorimbawan said below has inspired you to visit this enchanting rainforest. ✋

    #Repost @borneorimbawan
    📍 Rainforest Discovery Centre, Sepilok

    The stunning sunrise views at Rainforest Skywalk, Sandakan the nature city: is the most popular attraction in the Rainforest Discovery Centre. The longest and solidly built canopy walkway in Sabah. There are three main towers there; Bristlehead, Trogon and Hornbill Towers. Along the skywalk, you can read and learn about the many animals that live high in the trees. If you are lucky, you will see a wide variety of mammals and birds in their natural habitat. The Rainforest Skywalk will surely be the best place to relax yourself, being away from the bustle of the city.
    If you are a nature lover, this place should be on your #bucketlist. Hopefully, we will recover from #HapusCovid19 and get to Embrace the Nature like before.

    #sabah #borneo #malaysia #tourism #photooftheday #nature #fun #photography #beautiful #enchantingsabah #travellater #traveltomorrow

  • mammals 在 孫怡琳 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-20 16:13:22
    有 1,964 人按讚

    跟著怡琳看世界 32

    Why sharks matter to ocean ecosystems: an expert explains

    tactical 策略性/戰略性
    astute 精明的
    box office 票房
    ecosystem 生態系統
    phytoplankton 浮游植物
    ray 鰩魚
    excrete 排泄
    dwell 居住

    In 1975, the fictional beach town of Amity and cinema audiences the world over were terrorized by a tactically astute great white shark. While films like JAWS often do well at the box office, their legacy is to cast the planet's shark species as dangerous predators that prey on humans. This image is highly misleading , says Andy Cornish, leader of the World Wildlife Fund’s ‘Sharks: Restoring the Balance’ conservation programme.
    在1975年,虛構的濱海小鎮Amity和全世界的電影觀眾,都被謀略敏銳的大白鯊嚇壞了。雖然像《大白鯊》這樣的電影,票房通常都不錯,但它們要留給觀眾的印象,是將地球上的鯊魚塑造成捕食人類的危險掠食者。不過這樣的形象有高度誤導性,世界自然基金會全球鯊魚項目總策劃Andy Cornish說。

    Sharks evolved more than 400 million years ago and continue to thrive. These ancient creatures have outlived the dinosaurs and play a key role in maintaining marine ecosystems. Human activity poses a much greater danger to sharks than they do to us, and it is pushing more species towards the endangered list - or extinction.

    Around 507 species of sharks are recorded, and only 11 of those are known to have ever caused human fatalities – less than 2% of the total. Even when fatalities do happen, generally it’s a case of mistaken identity. Sharks very rarely eat their human prey, instead they typically swim away.

    “The ocean’s upper surface receives the most sunlight, which enables phytoplankton – the engines of marine ecosystems – to thrive, but these shallow waters are nutrient poor,” says Cornish. “When sharks, rays and marine mammals like whales dive to feed on animals in deeper waters, they return carrying essential nutrients, which they excrete and help make shallower waters more productive.” With 500 plus species, sharks don’t just dwell in the ocean, they help shape it.
    「海洋的上層表面接收到最多陽光,使得浮游植物-也就是海洋生態系統的引擎-能夠成長茁壯,但這些淺水區營養匱乏,」Andy Cornish說。 「當鯊魚、鰩魚和海洋哺乳類動物如鯨魚,潛入更深的水域捕食動物時,牠們會攜帶必要的營養物質返回,把營養物質排泄出來,幫助較淺的水域更有生產力。」鯊魚有500多種物種,牠們不僅生活在海洋中,還幫忙塑造海洋。


  • mammals 在 &dear Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-16 17:05:20
    有 26 人按讚


    British and Danish research groups discovered a way to detect DNA from the air and tested it in a zoo. They were able to found DNA of different animals including mammals, birds, reptiles and even fish in the pond. Even though they are not able to detect the releasing time of the DNA, and not able to know how long it survives in the air, but this discover will help to detect animal presence in a more flexible and less disturbing way.

