lexĭdĭum, i, n., = λεξίδιον,. Ia little word: lexidia colligere, Gell. 18, 7, 3. Consult Μορφώ · About Logeion · Report a Problem. History. lexidium ...
#2Logeion - Wikipedia
Logeion is an open-access database of Latin and Ancient Greek dictionaries. ... Developed by Josh Goldenberg and Matt Shanahan in 2011, it is hosted by the ...
#3LOGEION/ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ | Department of the Classics
LOGEION /ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ. Provides simultaneous lookup of entries in the many reference works that make up the Perseus Classical collection.
#4在App Store 上的「Logeion」
Use one app to look up any Greek or Latin word: Logeion was developed at the University of Chicago to provide simultaneous lookup of entries ...
#5Logeion - Databases - The University Library
Logeion provides simultaneous lookup of entries in a number of dictionaries and reference works from the Perseus Classical collection and other sources. These ...
#6Logeion - The Digital Classicist Wiki
Logeion (literally, a place for words; in particular, a speaker's platform, or an archive) was developed after the example of dvlf.uchicago.edu, ...
#7New App: Logeion | Society for Classical Studies
From the iTunes App Store: Use one app to look up any Greek or Latin word: Logeion was developed at the University of Chicago to provide simultaneous lookup ...
#8AWOL - The Ancient World Online: ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ - Logeion
Update September 2018: Welcome to the beta release of Logeion 2, built by Philip Posner, Ethan Della Rocca and Josh Day. Enjoy!
#9Logeion: Latin and Greek Dictionary (FREE!), Online and App
From the Logeion site you can search for either a Latin or Greek term in the same search. AND, it's also now available as an app…
#10Logeion (@logeion.nl) • Instagram photos and videos
880 Followers, 202 Following, 247 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Logeion (@logeion.nl)
#11Logeion - Oxford Reference
A rare term, meaning 'talking place' in Greek, referring to the high stage (c.2.5 m or 8 feet) of Hellenistic times, roughly equivalent to the ...
#12Logeion Greek-Latin (@LogeionGkLat) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from Logeion Greek-Latin (@LogeionGkLat). Greek & Latin linguistics, philology, gadgetry; check out Attikos & Logeion (stress -ei-) in App ...
#13Logeion, de Nederlandse beroepsorganisatie voor... - Facebook
Logeion brengt vakgenoten werkzaam bij overheid, bedrijfsleven, onderwijs en consultancy op één platform bijeen. De vereniging telt inmiddels 3150 leden. See ...
#14Logeion - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Logeion is a non-profit organization that specializes in professional services, public affairs, communications, media relations, etc.
#15Logeion: Filosofia da Informação | Publons
In accordance with Logeion: Filosofia da Informação's editorial policy, review content is not publicly displayed on Publons.
#16Perseus Encyclopedia, Labax, Lixus, Logeion
Logeion. The part of the stage occupied by the speakers. Description: The usual name for the stage in the Greek theater was logeion, "a speaking place.
#17Logeion: Periodiko gia to Archaio Theatro (Online) - The ISSN ...
Title proper: Logeion: Periodiko gia to Archaio Theatro. Λογείον: Περιοδικό για το Αρχαίο Θέατρο. Parallel title: Logeion: A Journal of Ancient Theatre.
#18logeion - definition and meaning - Wordnik
logeion : The speaking-place or stage of the ancient Greek theater. ... Help support Wordnik (and make this page ad-free) by adopting the word logeion.
#19Logeion: Home
Logeion is de Nederlandse beroepsorganisatie voor communicatieprofessionals en onmisbaar voor het vak en de ontwikkeling van communicatieprofessionals.
#20Λογεῖον, περιοδικό για το Αρχαίο Θέατρο. Logeion, A Journal ...
Logeion is a peer-reviewed journal, which publishes original scholarly articles in modern Greek, English, French, German, and Italian on every aspect of ...
#21Logeion - Redib
Logeion. Brasil. A Revista Filosofia da Informação é uma publicação vinculada ao Grupo de Pesquisa Filosofia e Política de Informação do Instituto ...
#22Logeion. | 標準期刊縮寫(ISO4)
Logeion. 的ISO4標準期刊縮寫為「Logeion」。 ISO 4(信息及文檔——標題字詞及出版物標題的縮寫規則)(英語:Information and documentation – Rules for the ...
#23Logeion: Filosofia da Informação - Revista IBICT
Edição Atual. v. 8 n. 1 (2021). Visualizar v. 8 n. 1 (2021). Publicado: 13/09/2021. Editorial. Apresentação. Clóvis Ricardo Montenegro de Lima.
#24What does logeion mean? - Definitions.net
Logeion is an open-access database of Latin and Ancient Greek dictionaries. Developed by Josh Goldenberg and Matt Shanahan in 2011, it is hosted by the ...
#25Logeion - YouTube
Logeion. Het hart van het vak.Logeion is de Nederlandse beroepsorganisatie voor communicatieprofessionals. Een bloeiende vereniging met ruim 4.000 leden.
#26Logeion - HandWiki
Logeion is an open-access database of Latin and Ancient Greek dictionaries. Developed by Josh Goldenberg and Matt Shanahan in 2011, ...
#27Cunliffe now in Logeion - Textkit Greek and Latin Forums
This may be old news, but It appears Cunliffe has been incorporated into the Logeion app: https://logeion.uchicago.edu/%E1%BC%91% .
#28Logeion, de Nederlandse beroepsorganisatie voor ... - LinkedIn
Logeion, de Nederlandse beroepsorganisatie voor communicatieprofessionals | 11.873 volgers op LinkedIn. Logeion. Het hart van het vak.
#29Logeion: Filosofia da Informação - Governo Federal
Esta revista tem como foco artigos, resenhas e ensaios sobre Filosofia da Informação, especialmente questões de filosofia prática como ética ...
#30Logeion - Latin Teaching Tools
The user can then select one of the suggested words to see dictionary definitions for it. · Note that the app version of Logeion cannot detect inflected forms ...
#31Logeion Filosofia da Informacao - Publisher - Scilit
Logeion Filosofia da Informacao. View all articles. Publisher information. Total number of journals: 1. Number of active journals in 2020: 1.
#32Logeion - Encyclopedia
Looking for logeion? Find out information about logeion. The raised platform for the actors in the Hellenistic theater, corresponding to the modern stage.
#33Template:R:Logeion - Wiktionary
A user suggests that this Translingual template page be cleaned up, giving the reason: “This template and its text are misleading: Logeion is not an ...
#34Logeion - DOAJ
Logeion Logeion : Filosofia da Informação. 2358-7806 (Online). Website · ISSN Portal. About; Articles. About. Publishing with this journal.
#35logeion nell'Enciclopedia Treccani
logeion Lo stretto e lungo palcoscenico dell'antico teatro greco su cui gli attori recitavano (gr. λογεῖον «parlatoio»). ... palcoscenico Il settore del teatro ...
#36diogenes/mk.lexica-logeion at master - GitHub
Get LSJ lexicon from Logeion and and L-S from Perseus .DEFAULT_GOAL := all. include mk.common. all: $(LOGEIONLEXICA)/LSJLogeion/.git/HEAD ...
#37Dr. Dörpfeld's Theory about the Logeion in Greek Theatres - jstor
THE LOGEION IN GREEK. THEATRES. IT is well known that for some years past. Dr. D6rpfeld, the distinguished archaeologist,.
#38Logeion and pr.co welcome city councils to tech hub.
AMSTERDAM - Last week, at the 'Enter-the-firm' event organised by Logeion with pr.co, TQ housed a more unusual audience to the familiar ...
#39Logeion - WUR
Internship. Logeion. De Adviesraad Positionering Vak en Beroepsgroep van Logeion, onder voorzitterschap van Bartho Boer (directeur communicatie NS) zoekt ...
#40How to pronounce logeion | HowToPronounce.com
How to say logeion in English? Pronunciation of logeion with 1 audio pronunciation, 1 meaning, 1 translation and more for logeion.
#41Over Logeion - C-week
Logeion is een bloeiende vereniging met ruim 4.500 leden en wereldwijd de op één na oudste beroepsorganisatie voor communicatie met een rijke traditie van bijna ...
#42Logeion - Lime Networks | Verfrissend in IT!
Logeion is een beroepsvereniging voor communicatieprofessionals, gericht op Nederland. Het is een nationale organisatie die ruim 4.000 leden telt.
#43Logeion - Délégation académique au numérique éducatif
Logeion. Qu'est-ce que c'est ? Meta dictionnaire assemblé par l'université de Chicago, qui rassemble ...
#44Help with Research: Perseus under PhiloLogic and Logeion
But be careful: the Logeion search box isn't a parsing tool. If you type in an oblique case, you won't get the results you were looking for!
#45Logeion: filosofia da informação #Brapci2.1
LIMA, Clovis Ricardo Montenegro de. Preface. Logeion: filosofia da informação, n. 1, v. 5, p. 3-4, 2018. (pt-BR) ...
#46Logeion | Digital Humanities at Dickinson College
The Logeion app. The University of Chicago, 2013. iTunes. Free. Reviewed by Daniel Plekhov, Dickinson College ([email protected]).
#47logeion - [kunstwerk] krastal
the term logeion means a collection of scripts, texts and scrolls, and additonally the spot on the stage where a speaker stands.
#48Logeion - Adformatie
Logeion is de Nederlandse beroepsorganisatie voor communicatieprofessionals. Een bloeiende verenig Lees meerLees minder. Marnix Eysink Smeets.
#49Logeion | memoirandremains
This is a very cool lexical device. The internet has brought a thousand ills: this is one of the delightful goods. http://logeion.uchicago.
#50Logeion 2.0 iOS App 參考工具免費下載
使用一個應用程式查找任何希臘語或拉丁語單詞:Logeion 是在芝加哥大學開發的,以提供同時查找許多字典和參考作品中的條目,這些條目是Perseus古典收藏。
#51PRCA signs agreement with Netherlands-based Logeion
The PRCA has signed a Memorandum of Understanding for mutual cooperation with Logeion, the Netherlands association for communications ...
#52Logeion - ervaringen van opleidingen, trainingen en cursussen
0 opleidingen, trainingen en cursussen van Logeion. Logeion is dé beroepsvereniging voor communicatie en onmisbaar voor het vak en de ontwikkeling van de ...
#53Logeion - Pubcom
Logeion is een bloeiende vereniging met ruim 4.000 leden en wereldwijd de op één na oudste beroepsorganisatie voor communicatie met een rijke traditie van bijna ...
#54logeion | lex.dk
Logeion, (gr., afledt af logos), taleplads, i det hellenistiske teater foran prosceniet, hvor den skuespiller, som talte, stod. Se Grækenland i oldtiden ...
Logeion 是一个开放式数据库拉丁 和古希腊 字典。该网站由Josh Goldenberg和Matt Shanahan于2011年开发,并由芝加哥大学。除了跨不同词典和参考书目的同时搜索功能 ...
#56LOGEION. - languagehat.com
LOGEION. March 26, 2013 by languagehat 6 Comments. A correspondent wrote (apropos of this post) wondering if I knew about “Logeion, an online Greek & Latin ...
#57Logeion - FFZG
ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ. Učestalost. Udžbenik. Kolokacije. Na vrh. Novo pretraživanje. Perseus@Chicago Što je Logeion? Prijavite problem.
#58Logeion 2 (2012), 2013 - Archaeology Wiki
Logeion : A Journal of Ancient Theatre publishes original scholarly articles on every aspect of ancient Greek and Roman theatre and drama, ...
#59idtv + Logeion
Logeion is de Nederlandse beroepsorganisatie voor communicatieprofessionals: wereldwijd de op één na oudste beroepsorganisatie voor communicatie met een ...
#60LOGEION ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ Chicago - Filología Clásica USAL
LOGEION ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ. Da acceso simultáneamente a diccionarios de latín y griego (el griego se puede teclear en caracteres latinos en beta code o en caracteres ...
#61Definizione e significato di logeion - Garzanti Linguistica
logeion : palcoscenico, di forma stretta e allungata, dell'antico teatro greco... Definizione e significato del termine logeion.
#62about λογειον
Update September 2018: Welcome to the beta release of Logeion 2, built by Philip Posner, Ethan Della Rocca and Josh Day. Enjoy! Do go for a ride on the inverse ...
#63Personal Growth : Logeion en SchaalX starten samenwerking
SchaalX en Logeion zijn het nieuwe jaar goed gestart door een samenwerking met elkaar aan te gaan. Logeion, de Nederlandse ...
#64Logeion - The Live House
Logeion wil een inspirerend platform zijn voor álle communicatieprofessionals in Nederland. Een netwerk en thuishaven, voor vakgenoten die werken aan hun ...
#65Back to the future: IPRA reaches out to Dutch Logeion
IPRA, the International Public Relations Association, has signed a co-operation agreement with Logeion, the Dutch association for communications ...
#66The Making of Theatre History - 第 23 頁 - Google 圖書結果
The logeion grew deeper until it reached a depth of almost twenty feet . Performance Development If tragedy began when bardic singers completed the ...
#67DMLBS online on Logeion
The Logeion interface, which does not require a subscription of any kind, allows searching of all its many dictionaries by headword.
#68Wieneke Buurman voorzitter Logeion - MarketingTribune
Wieneke Buurman (53) is gekozen tot nieuwe voorzitter van Logeion. De algemene ledenvergadering van de Nederlandse beroepsorganisatie voor ...
#69Skene, Proskenion, Logeion | Theatre History Online
Skene, Proskenion, Logeion. « Back to Gallery. Image navigation. « Previous Next ». Search. View Full Site · Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com.
#70Supporter | Logeion | Het CommunicatieCongres 2021
Logeion is de Nederlandse beroepsorganisatie voor communicatieprofessionals. Een bloeiende vereniging met ruim 4.000 leden. Logeion is wereldwijd de op één ...
#71Logeion - Spant!
Search for: 035 6933 254 · Home · Voorstellingen · Kaartverkoop 2021-2022 · Theaterbrochure 2021-2022 · informatie start kaartverkoop · Online reserveren ...
#72logeion - Theatrum
Literatur. Jean-Charles Moretti – Christine Maduit, The Greek Vocabulary of theatrical Architecture, in: Rune Frederiksen, Elizabeth R. Gebhard and ...
#73Hellenistic Tragedy: Texts, Translations and a Critical Survey
buildings of the Hellenistic period required the following: proskenion, skene, logeion and episkenion. The proskenion or the frontage of the ground floor ...
#74The Attic Theatre - 第 164 頁 - Google 圖書結果
If the proscenium was the background, and not the stage, why should it have been called ' logeion ' or the speaking-place ? DSrpfeld gives the following ...
#75Clement of Alexandria and his Use of Philo in the ...
In VM II 130 Philo deals with the meaning of the logeion or breastpiece; he makes the obvious link between logeion and logos (cf. VM II 125ff.; Leg.
#76The Context of Ancient Drama - 第 87 頁 - Google 圖書結果
an inscription records the gift of the logeion and the proskenion ( i.e. , stage front ) and its decoration . Further major construction over several years ...
#77The Canon: An Exposition of the Pagan Mystery Perpetuated in ...
The twelve stones on the breastplate, called the Logeion by Philo, were set in four rows, to distinguish the four seasons of the year.
logeion.net verwendet technisch notwendige Cookies sowie "Google Analytics". Sie haben aber die Wahl, das zu akzeptieren; siehe die entsprechende ...
#79Logeion: Communicatieman en -talent van 2020 - Bex ...
Noud Bex - Founder, senior expert. Met meer dan 30-jaar ervaring in het communicatievak, heb ik me ontwikkeld tot crisisspecialist.
#80The Global DEI Census - World Federation of Advertisers
Logeion https://www.logeion.nl/. MAA http://www.malaysiaadvertisers.com.my. Marketing Tribune https://www.marketingtribune.nl/.
#81Communicatieadviseur (32-40) - AcademicTransfer
... door ervaring - aangevuld met een afgeronde opleiding op het gebied van communicatie (Logeion BNP 4/5 niveau) en aantoonbaar WO werk- en denkniveau; ...
#82Kree Alphabet - Pizza ForFora
Simon Templar added to blackwashing. 3 Untranslated 2. In Hellenistic theatres such as Priene, the proskēnion included the theatre's high stage (logeion), the ...
#83home_port - Rafael Capurro
In: Logeion: Filosofia da Informação, V. 1, n.1, 2014, 108-133. Desafíos teóricos y prácticos de la ética intercultural de la información.
#84Communicatieadviseur - Nederlandse Organisatie voor ...
... aangevuld met een afgeronde opleiding op het gebied van communicatie (Logeion BNP 4/5 niveau) en aantoonbaar WO werk- en denkniveau;
#85Agenda | ANPOF
16/07/2021 Lançamentos e Chamadas de Revistas · Novo número da Revista Logeion - Filosofia da Informação e chamada para próximo ...
#86Estado del arte de la Archivística Iberoamericana a través de ...
Silva, Eliezer Pires da. “A dimensão informacional do fenômeno arquivístico”. En: Logeion: Filosofia da informação, Rio de Janeiro, vol. 2, no. 1, 2016, pp.
#87Noveloj - Henryk Sienkiewicz | PDF - Scribd
Kamjonka pro paremo ne luis apartan logeion kaj dorrn- Lia pieco ne devenis eble el profunda kaj trankvila kredo, adis en Ia laborejo.
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