[爆卦]Likelihood wtaps是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Likelihood wtaps鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Likelihood wtaps這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 likelihood產品中有93篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, According to the World Health Organization, 34 million children worldwide have disabling hearing loss. If children with hearing loss do not receive he...

 同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過14萬的網紅Hiếu Phương - Official,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Jay Williams: What is the likelihood the Eagles draft QB with No.6 pick?...

  • likelihood 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-22 20:45:09
    有 122 人按讚

    According to the World Health Organization, 34 million children worldwide have disabling hearing loss. If children with hearing loss do not receive hearing healthcare and support early on, they often experience lower school performance, higher risk of dropping out of school, and less likelihood of accessing higher education. Ultimately, this can impact their lifelong career prospects. This problem is exacerbated in many parts of the world where children — especially girls — already face significant barriers to education. Hearing loss does not have to be a barrier to life’s opportunities. Malala Fund and Cochlear Foundation have partnered to raise awareness about the barriers keeping millions of children and young people with hearing loss from accessing a quality education and early access to hearing healthcare and support. Follow Alana supports this call for equal access to education and early hearing healthcare. Share this video to show all children with hearing loss that they can achieve anything they set their minds to.

  • likelihood 在 說說能源 Talk That Energy Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-05-30 19:30:12
    有 44 人按讚

    #巴黎協定要達成真的很難 #數字仍不斷突破天際


    日前,NOAA報告大氣中CO2濃度自有觀測紀錄以來,首次超過420ppm,即CO2質量大於大氣總質量的萬分之4.2,達360萬年來的最高點;去年CO2年均值412.5ppm,比起2019年增加2.6 ppm,#原先由於疫情而預期全球碳排有下降趨勢,但觀測結果顯示,雖然排放的 #增幅 較前一年減少,但年度排放量還是上升。NOAA的科學家Pieter Tans估計,若不是因為疫情,2020年將是CO2 增幅破紀錄的一年。


    PS:421.21 ppm的CO2含量是目前有紀錄以來的最高數字,360萬年前的CO2估計含量類似,但非觀測紀錄,是從南極冰芯中捕捉的氣泡獲得的資訊推算而得。

    NOAA還發現,大氣中甲烷的含量在2020年也急劇增加,年增加量為14.7ppb(parts per billion,10億分之1濃度),是自1983年開始測量以來最大年度增幅。。英國南極調查機構(British Antarctic Survey)分析,甲烷暴增的主因來自農業與濕地,例如牲畜和肥料使用的高速成長,這意味:當各國政府在意識到減碳迫切之際,#大部分注意力仍集中能源轉型與二氧化碳,對於農業領域的減碳與甲烷排放問題,目前尚無具體有效的可行規劃,只能說,減碳之路路迢迢。






    █ 未來五年升溫及可能超過1.5度C
    從上述各種研究與觀察出爐後,聯合國的氣象組織WMO也於近日發表了報告,報告內指出,接下來5年內,將有40%的機率我們的升溫會超過工業革命前的1.5度C - 巴黎協定的最佳目標,儘管這僅單年度的短暫突破,但也是一項警訊。根據該報告的評估,接下來五年內台灣周邊也仍然會出現乾旱的情況,似乎得提前部屬我們的用水了QQ。



    ★氣候資料庫小科普:美國國家海洋暨大氣總署(NOAA)是全球最重要的氣候監測資料庫之一,除定期提供趨勢分析、氣候圖譜、極端事件等統計資訊,NOAA在夏威夷大島上的莫納羅亞天文台(Mauna Loa Observatory)也會紀錄每日大氣中的溫室氣體含量,該氣象天文台坐落於海拔4000多公尺高的莫納羅亞火山頂,能採樣最純淨不受雜質干擾的空氣,故自1950年代以來,便一直監測氣候以及大氣中的化學變化。


  • likelihood 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-29 22:17:27
    有 10 人按讚

    We will be in a nationwide total lockdown on 1st June for 2 weeks to halt the rising COVID-19 infections in Malaysia. We have gone through the state of emergency, movement controls, partial lockdown and total lockdown.

    Stay home and stay safe. Adhere to strict SOP if you are outside. Stay active and healthy at home. Keep in touch with your loved ones. Look out for your well-being and mental health. If you need someone to talk to, please send me a message, and hope to support what I can.

    This pandemic has caused many disruptions, impacted many livelihoods, and lives nationwide and worldwide. The frontliners are also battling every day without fail and we need to highly appreciate their sacrifices and hard work by being more responsible.

    We have been living with COVID-19 for the last 1+ year and COVID-19 may be here to stay for long as more new infectious variants of concern may drive a new wave of cases. This is the new norm and we need to live with it.

    We need to try and do all we could to protect ourselves, loved ones and everyone in general and that start with us. One of the most crucial things we can do is to take the available vaccines that are offered.

    There is vast scientific growing evidence that vaccines are effective and likely to reduce transmission considerably. Just remember that there are viruses that exist before and still exist now but the likelihood for us to get them is low because we have been vaccinated before.

    It is nerve-racking for some when we talk about vaccinations because of the unknown, impacts and effects they might occur. It is fair to think a lot and think ahead. However, conduct your analysis and always obtain facts from credible sources, don't listen to hearsay. Understand the advantages it can bring and help to save yourself and the people around you.

    We are born to die. Scary as it may sound but this is a fact. Talk about death, if we afraid that we might die because of the vaccine, we might die because of COVID-19 too. If we survive this pandemic, we might die because of something else, death is still the unknown for us.

    The vaccine is to help keep you from getting seriously ill even if you get COVID-19. Getting vaccinated may also protect people around you. Let's not just think about ourselves and start to think about others too as vaccination will be an important tool to help stop the pandemic.

    Be a hero to yourself and your loved ones. Even if there's a possibility of dying, we die as a hero. Death is certain. Be courageous in doing something meaningful for the greater good.

    Take care, stay safe. ❤

    #COVID19 #COVID19malaysia #TotalLockdown #covid19awareness #covid19vaccine #covid19vaccineawareness

  • likelihood 在 Hiếu Phương - Official Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-02-24 20:54:29

    Jay Williams: What is the likelihood the Eagles draft QB with No.6 pick?

  • likelihood 在 Adele Chow Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-07-13 11:41:11

    I have been receiving a lot of questions ? asking me about how I stay positive and motivated all the time. .
    In this video, I am going to share my tips and tricks on finding motivation and positivity within yourself ✨?.
    Tip1️⃣: Establish daily practices in which you remind yourself of the things you have in your life.
    Tip 2️⃣: Compete with yourself, demand your mind and body to challenge yourself, so the likelihood of feeling positive and motivated will increase!
    Tip 3️⃣: Always search for good energy and reject the bad. .
    However, staying positive and motivated is easier said than done✅ .
    I hope these tips bring you some relief on days where you are feeling down and demotivated. Wishing you a positive week ahead!
    Leave me a ?? if you are ready to slay the week ahead! ⤵️ ✨

  • likelihood 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-06-01 18:00:33

    第一個單字是 extramarital affair、e-x-t-r-a-m-a-r-i-t-a-l 空格 a-f-f-a-i-r、 extramarital affair 婚外情,例句是:Adultery decriminalization does not mean that people are encouraged to have extramarital affairs.

    通姦除罪化,以後要告,用民法吧!很多人聽到通姦除罪化,嚇瘋,覺得全台灣都要瘋狂搞婚外情了!遇到這種嚇壞的人,記得輕聲跟他說:「親愛的,我們還有民法啊~」 婚外情就是 extramarital affair。


    第二個單字是 signal、s-i-g-n-a-l、signal 表示,例句是:Trump signals US exit from the WHO.

    美國是 WHO 的最大金主,結果「真心換絕情」,WHO 跟中國兩相好,所以說,川普十分北宋,要退出 WHO!川普「表示」美國將退出組織,這個「表示」就是 signal。


    第三個單字是 pertain to、p-e-r-t-a-i-n 空格 t-o、pertain to 直接相關,例句是:These actions pertain to the troubling situations in Hong Kong.


    你想想,國安法一通過,香港完完全全就是中國的一部分。跟香港相處,就是跟中國互動,必須小心謹慎。所以,美國覺得,要提高香港關稅、增加旅遊限制等等。美國這些措施,跟國安法直接相關,而直接相關就是 pertain to。


    第四個單字是 soil、s-o-i-l、soil 國土,例句是:For the first time in history, NASA astronauts have launched from American soil in a commercially built and operated American crew spacecraft.

    美國太空總署第一次跟民營企業合作,把太空人送上外太空~而且還是在美國國土上發射火箭喔!美國過去幾年發射火箭,其實非常依賴俄羅斯,很意外吧!所以,這次的成功,代表美國可以獨立一點了,靠自己在國土上發射火箭,國土就是 soil。


    最後一個單字是 in all likelihood、i-n 空格 a-l-l 空格 l-i-k-e-l-i-h-o-o-d、in all likelihood,很有可能,例句是:In all likelihood, New Zealand‘s population has reached 5 million because of the pandemic.

    紐西蘭人口增加到 5 百萬,「很有可能」是因為,他們的防疫好成績哦!紐西蘭現在很安全嘛,沒什麼病毒,很多國民就逃回紐西蘭避難,還有啊,待在紐西蘭的外國人,也不會想乾淨安全的紐西蘭,人口就這樣增加了。「很有可能」,就是 in all likelihood。


    簡單複習:extramartial affair 婚外情、signal 表示、pertain to 直接相關、soil 國土、in all likelihood 很有可能。

    恭喜你!今天學了 5 個新單字,還聽了 5 則國際大事!如果喜歡我們的 podcast,希望你可以訂閱,然後為我們留 5 顆星的評價。如果有什麼意見,歡迎留言,也可以到 IG 搜尋賓狗單字,私訊我聊聊喔~謝謝收聽,下次通勤見 ❤️

