

在 liberalism產品中有74篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅百工裡的人類學家,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 珍珠奶茶已經不只是臺灣各地手搖店必備品項,而成為國際知名、儼然是代表臺灣文化的飲品。我們也不難注意到,在其他國家,珍珠奶茶成為日常消費文化一部分的在地化過程中,發展出許多反應當地社會文化特色的創意料理方式。珍珠奶茶全球化現象的視角,也提供我們從中進一步看見物與文化認同動態交織過程。讓我們藉由 端傳媒...

 同時也有76部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過244萬的網紅メンタリスト DaiGo,也在其Youtube影片中提到,⬇️今なら20日間無料⬇️ 人を読む①〜インスタントビッグファイブ入門 動画はこちら▶︎https://daigovideolab.jp/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=official&utm_content=EG32U0YP...

liberalism 在 TALEEB MIZAD™ Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-06-16 04:02:58

Kepimpinan kaum lelaki ke atas kaum wanita dlm rumahtangga ada disebut dlm surah An Nisaa' ayat ke 34, الله berfirman : "Kaum lelaki itu adalah pemi...

liberalism 在 陶傑 Chip Tsao Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-02-02 09:02:47

來自中國大陸的中大行政和政治系女助理教授冒用長者咭,被地鐵職員發現,為何不但沒有認罪,而且開口第一句就喧嘩控訴地鐵是「資本家」、職員是「資本家走狗」,並呼籲在場警察以國安法拘捕其同校同系的另一位民主學者馬嶽?此一「邏輯認知」如何建立? 為何左翼「學者」明明犯法在先,小腦條件第一反射就是死抱住期馬克...

  • liberalism 在 百工裡的人類學家 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-23 16:20:57
    有 105 人按讚

    珍珠奶茶已經不只是臺灣各地手搖店必備品項,而成為國際知名、儼然是代表臺灣文化的飲品。我們也不難注意到,在其他國家,珍珠奶茶成為日常消費文化一部分的在地化過程中,發展出許多反應當地社會文化特色的創意料理方式。珍珠奶茶全球化現象的視角,也提供我們從中進一步看見物與文化認同動態交織過程。讓我們藉由 端傳媒 記者 張妍 的這篇報導,了解珍珠奶茶在美國興起與普及的過程,以及這項飲品對於亞裔美國人思考認同的不同意涵。



    美國西海岸的珍珠奶茶被叫做「Boba Tea」,諧音台灣俗語「波霸」,因加州是台灣移民最初聚居的地方,恰印證了張馨瑋指出的路徑之一。在東海岸紐約、波士頓等地,由連鎖品牌做起來的珍珠奶茶叫做「Bubble Tea」,「bubble」源自手搖杯產生的泡沫。
    珍珠奶茶沒有亞裔移民的苦痛形象,而是時髦的、中產式的消費品,吸引了不同背景的亞裔移民向它靠攏。「所謂亞裔美國人(Asian American)包括55個國家移民過來的人,最高收入和最低收入的族群都有。有錢人家的華人小孩,和過來打工的紐約非法移民的小孩,他們的共鳴,變成珍珠奶茶,變成在臉書裏大家都按讚的東西。不牽扯任何政治,不牽扯社會階層。」周成蔭說。


    與此同時,人們製造了一個關於珍珠奶茶的新詞:波霸自由主義(Boba Liberalism)。這個詞是負面的,是對某一種喝著珍奶長大的亞裔年輕人的貶低。這些年輕人會用潮流文化符號來定義自己的身份,但在其他地方又尋求白人主流文化的接納,對於真正的亞裔議題,缺乏清晰的政治立場。

  • liberalism 在 林郁晉- Yu Jun LIN Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-07 21:49:30
    有 10 人按讚

    《 #籠罩下的巨大哀愁 》



    A Dark Cloud of Sorrow Looms Over

    by Yu-Jun LIN

    Late mornings and sleepless nights. Frustration. Anxiety.

    They seem to have infiltrated our consciousness and entered our dreams. We recognize the shape of eaves, the folding line of streets, and return to our dwelling coordinates where we hide and live. We see restless men and women in full feather wandering through the brightly-lit city and then sitting shoulder to shoulder with countless strangers, between countless walls.

    In the 1970s, urbanism started paving its way into Taiwan. Bidding farewell to the landscape of an agricultural society, life thus became crowded and repressive in cities. The meaning of “urbanism” does not merely lie in towering skyscrapers but in altered landscapes, living conditions, isolation and loneliness as well as increasingly complex social issues. Submerged in the capitalist system, every person has been assumed as a tiny component, whose labor force is needed by the whole mechanism, but not with one’s individuality as well.

    However, the construction of liberalism constantly reminds us of our own subjectivity, along with the importance of being viewed as a whole. Such contradictory values leads to extreme unease and confusion that keeps building up and ceaselessly floods our minds with external chaos. As worries that never subside loom over us, we are forced to retreat to our dwellings, where we are perfectly alone, and safe. We can uninhibitedly be ourselves – yet under the lingering dark cloud of sorrows.

    Frustrating questions as “Who am I?” seem to return in lonesome nights, invariably. When night falls, myriads of dazzling lights glisten in innumerous windows at the near distance. Gazing into the dreamlike, transient light, we recall things we hope to seal for good in our troubled mind. We question again and again, about what role we should be playing to integrate into the society but still maintain the integrity of our own subjectivity.

    A Dark Cloud of Sorrow Looms Over features eight selected pieces and delineates the question of how people, as individuals, should coexist with others, a question deriving from urbanites’ perceptual conflicts experiences.

    Zheng Er Qi | People
    “People” mirrors the phenomenon of Taiwan’s transition from being an agricultural society to city since 1970. It precisely portrays everyday urbanity that people nowadays are familiar with: Although millions of people reside on one spot, their recognition of one another fails to grow with urbanization, despite the presumable nearness.

    Chung Chih Ting|I Am by Your Side
    With the explanation by an offscreen sound and the roleplay image, “I Am by Your Side” depicts how urbanites try to be in company, revealing people’s natural urge for social connection. Yet it ends up to be talking to oneself or pointless mumbles, simply a futility of communication.

    Wu Bo Sian | Chimps with Mona Lisa’s Smile
    In the video, the chimpanzees form a spectacle, say, abnormality, in a seemingly normal context. “Chimps with Mona Lisa’s Smile” is a response to conflicts between public administration and individual freedom, zooming in on the contradictions or constraints between all the intervenable and the non-intervenable in everyday scenes.

    Wang Ding Yeh | One-One
    “One-One” depicts how people try to maintain an intact, rational space of survival while sometimes fail to avoid transgressing, under limited resources in a highly competitive society. With much precision, it captures the specific default interpersonal distance, and poses the question: How should each person navigate to find the best living posture at the moment?

    Tsai Jie | When the Dust Settles
    “When the Dust Settles” shows people restlessly beating on a possible exit to get out. However, does such an exit really exist? Or is it simply a delusion stemming from one’s untamable impetuosity? The work reflects the desolation of men and women, who are rumbustious, but aimless.

    Huan Yen Chiao | 1, 2, 3. Are You Already in Hiding, Fish?
    Fish in the bowl resembles people trapped in cities: extravagant outfits, splashing neon lights; sensational visual effects indeed. “1, 2, 3. Are You Already in Hiding, Fish?” presents how people escape from their anxiety and weariness for the time being. The work highlights the entire incompatibility and a sense of solitude after one’s subjectivity is highly developed.

    Wong Shu Lian | I found myself floating and sinking down once in a while
    The work addresses the enduring controversy between liberalism and capitalism that have been engendering people’s inner conflicts. It captures one’s self-doubt and angst in a profound way while, by exploring how to determine one’s best position, raises the ultimate question – Who are we after all?

    Chen Chia Jen | SWEETWATER
    “SWEETWATER” was born under Chen’s reflections during his artistinresidence experience in Southeast Asia. Between people living in urban and rural areas, there is a grand difference of perspectives, regarding how to survive and live a good life. It implies the fact that the widely-recognized future image, constructed by our society, might not be as clear or real as it seems, or perhaps what people accepted is simply a vague, even somehow out-of-focus, prospect.

    展覽日期|2021/08/07(Sat.) ─ 09/12(Sun.)
    展覽地點|台北當代藝術館廣場電視牆 MoCA Plaza LED TV Wall
    播映時間| Mon. ─ Sun. 16:00-21:00

    特別感謝| 贊助單位
    厭世會社 @mis.society

    #王鼎曄 #吳柏賢 #陳嘉壬 #黃彥超 #黃淑蓮 #蔡傑 #鄭爾褀 #鍾知庭 #林郁晉 #A_Dark_Cloud_of_Sorrow_Looms_Over

  • liberalism 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-09 07:46:46
    有 34 人按讚

    Daily advice for HK immigrants to the West:

    Regarding the children’s spiritual needs, dialogue and not monologue is the key. I’m not particularly good at it, but I keep trying. As your kids gain different social and moral values than yours, the best questions to ask them is “Why do you feel that’s a good idea?” Focus on big issues and not on pet peeves such as whether men can wear earrings (i.e. from not wearing to how many to which ear) or whether your teens can color their hair or whether their skirts or shorts are too short etc. From some of your reactions towards my fashion sense (e.g. earring, boots and biker jacket…yes, I see you on social media!), you’re not going to fare well with your own kids. You can choose to insist on your own way and have your own kids hate you or you can choose to hear them out. Asking “Why do you think legalized weed smoking is a good idea?” is way better than proclaiming “your body is the temple of God,” especially some of y'all's bodies look more like a leaky shed than any temple for any religion. As your kids get older and more educated, they’re going to find out that you’re practically hijacking the Bible to support your desire for appearance of respectability rather than real spiritual depth. By then, you may not have a family left. At that point, don't blame Western liberalism. Blame your own lack of desire to listen and have real conversations.

