

在 liability產品中有209篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 梧:話說,有網友喺下面問過在下,debt可以點樣off balance sheet,而在下都應承咗會就呢個topic寫小小嘢。咁當然啦,在下都係會用返小小內房嘅perspective寫,畢竟喺香港人嘅認知當中,內房股係玩最多off balance sheet debt嘅sector,沒有之一。不過,...

 同時也有524部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過61萬的網紅Ryan Long Fitness,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Mua KHÓA HỌC ONLINE tại Fanpage https://www.facebook.com/HLVOnlineRyanLongFitness #ryanlongfitness #junie #giamcan ------------------------------...

liability 在 B I Z M I L L A Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-24 11:37:02

Besar tak GRAND BALLROOM BIZMILLA di Eco Sanctuary ni?? Nak tau cerita..Dari pertengahan renovation hingga sekarang saya tak berkesempatan menjejakkan...

liability 在 Keith Yuen | Travel Blogger Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-10 20:37:55

[Police Report Made] In April this year, I already posted on my IG and FB account to beware of this impersonator who named him/herself as Jianhao on ...

  • liability 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-18 17:11:16
    有 282 人按讚

    梧:話說,有網友喺下面問過在下,debt可以點樣off balance sheet,而在下都應承咗會就呢個topic寫小小嘢。咁當然啦,在下都係會用返小小內房嘅perspective寫,畢竟喺香港人嘅認知當中,內房股係玩最多off balance sheet debt嘅sector,沒有之一。不過,在下其實已經離開咗會計同金融行業一段時間,所以大家當呢個係Off Balance Sheet Debt 101就好,在下亦都希望可以拋磚引玉,引嚟高手留言。

    所謂嘅off balance sheet debt,最basic嘅概念就係將公司嘅一啲負債由liability side抽走,然後放喺第二度(主要係asset side,甚至係跟本喺盤數度trace唔到)。在下最記得嘅一個簡單例子就係當年恆大發行過永續債券,但係因為會計準則嘅關係,呢啲perpetual bonds係被定義為equity而唔係debt。但係呢啲都只係basic嘢,而家亦唔會有人玩。

    同埋,在下因為懶嘅關係,所以啲基本嘅定義同知識就唔徙時間同大家講解,在下當大家對會計同corporate finance都有咗啲基本嘅認識。

    其實呢,玩off balance sheet debt嘅公司唔止內房,香港嘅地產商都有玩過的,主要係透過所謂嘅發展商二按玩的。不過老實講,而家香港嘅地產佬已經唔玩呢啲咁細雞嘅嘢,相反而家有啲財仔就係當年由地產佬度賣出嚟,不過同佢地嘅關係仲係好密切就係。

    就當如教科書咁講解,具體係點玩呢?好簡單,用旗下嘅一啲associate(聯營)財仔公司,然後用嗰啲公司同銀行借錢,以母公司做擔保,然後再以mortgage嘅形式將借返黎嘅錢借俾買家。雖然喺嗰間(財仔)公司盤數度會分別有liability(銀行loan)同埋asset(loans to customers),但係喺會香港嘅計準則入面(HKAS 28),聯營公司係可以用Equity Method(權益法)入賬,所以喺母公司盤數度只需要披露所有聯營公司嘅總資產同總負債,大家就跟本睇唔到啲咩。你見到年報disclose嘅,只會係最大舊嘅associates,細嗰啲你根本連搵都搵唔到呀。

    大家明白以上嘅basic玩法嗎?明明有問銀行借錢即係有負債,但係唔喺liability side反映出嚟,甚至喺investment in associates嗰粒數入面你根本乜柒都睇唔到。

    內房股玩呢樣嘢玩得仲出色啲。大家仲記唔記得影子銀行呢個term?當年內房股就係好撚鍾意拍埋啲信托公司(就係所謂嘅影子銀行)玩off balance sheet debt。點玩?


    大家要明白嘅係,起一個樓盤用一間項目公司,賣完樓之後呢間項目公司就會收皮,所以根本呢一個arrangement就係變相借錢俾母公司,然後所謂嘅以premium價回購價其實就係俾利息。明明係借錢,但係就變咗investment in associates。


    黎到呢個位又講下會計歷史。以前呢,FASB(美國)同IASB(歐洲)其實喺JV嘅會計處理上一直都有分歧——IASB一直要求用Proportionate consolidation,但係under US GAAP JV係用權益法入數。時至今日,IASB跪低咗,所以而家公司係用Equity Method入JV數(IFRS 11),不過,如果大家嘅會計年資夠耐嘅話呢,其實以前IAS 28係可以俾大家二選一的,所以當年內房股係會選擇用Equity Method入JV。

    當然啦,而家大6嘅影子銀行嘅玩法已經俾在下以上講嘅複雜好多倍,但係作為一個入門嘅話,起碼大家都有一個idea何謂off balance sheet debt——其實即係玩會計準則嘅灰色地帶only。

  • liability 在 บัญชีอย่างง่าย เพื่อเจ้าของกิจการ Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-13 19:00:19
    有 662 人按讚

    📍 มาความรู้จักกับ บัญชี 5 หมวด ว่ามีอะไรบ้าง

    1.สินทรัพย์ (Assets)
    👉 สิ่งที่มีตัวตน หรือไม่มีตัวตน ที่มีมูลค่าซึ่งสามารถถือเอาประโยชน์จากกกรรมสิทธิ์ เช่น
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    2.หนี้สิน (Liability)
    👉 ภาระผูกพันที่กิจการต้องจ่ายชำระคืนแก่บุคคลภายนอกในอนาคต เช่น
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    3.ส่วนของเจ้าของ (Owner's equity)
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    4.รายได้ (Incomes)
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    5.ค่าใช้จ่าย (Expenses)
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  • liability 在 Raga Finance Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-15 19:27:08
    有 6 人按讚

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  • liability 在 Ryan Long Fitness Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-06-22 13:55:50

    Mua KHÓA HỌC ONLINE tại Fanpage https://www.facebook.com/HLVOnlineRyanLongFitness

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    that the job use of this information is at your own risk and keep
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    damage due to any and all claims.
    Ryan Long Fitness recommends that you consult your physician's health
    to join and practice according to any video or program
    by Ryan Long Fitness.

  • liability 在 Ryan Long Fitness Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-19 16:15:00

    SERI các bài tập hiệu quả nhất.
    *Tập Bụng trên giường :
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    10 phút THU NHỎ Bắp Đùi To Thành Nhỏ -15cm Bắp Chân - Tập 60 Ngày Tại nhà #ryanlong

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    #ryanlongfitness #junie #giamcan

    BẠN inbox fanpage MUA khóa học online để có được lịch tập lịch ăn bài tập để phù hợp với bản thân nha https://www.facebook.com/HLVOnlineRyanLongFitness
    +Website : http://www.ryanlongfitness.com

    Lưu ý: Tất cả thông tin được cung cấp bởi Ryan Long Fitness đều mang tính chất
    chung và chỉ được cung cấp cho mục đích giáo dục / giải trí. Không có thông tin
    nào được coi là lời khuyên y tế hoặc tư vấn sức khỏe khác liên quan đến bất kỳ
    tình trạng sức khỏe hoặc bệnh lý cụ thể nào của cá nhân. Bạn đồng ý rằng việc
    sử dụng thông tin này là rủi ro của riêng bạn và giữ Ryan Long Fitness vô hại
    trước bất kỳ và tất cả các tổn thất, trách nhiệm pháp lý, thương tích hoặc
    thiệt hại do bất kỳ và tất cả các khiếu nại.
    Ryan Long Fitness khuyến nghị bạn tham khảo ý kiến sức khoẻ bác sĩ của bạn
    để tham gia và tập luyện theo bất kỳ video hoặc chương trình nào
    của Ryan Long Fitness.

    Note: All information provided by Ryan Long Fitness is of a nature nature
    General and provided for educational / recreational purposes only. No information
    are deemed to be medical advice or other health advice related to any
    any specific medical condition or medical condition of the individual. You agree
    that the job use of this information is at your own risk and keep
    Ryan Long Fitness harmless in advance of any and all loss, liability, or injury
    damage due to any and all claims.
    Ryan Long Fitness recommends that you consult your physician's health
    to join and practice according to any video or program
    by Ryan Long Fitness.

  • liability 在 johannes liong Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-17 22:30:11

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