

在 kriti產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 電影分享。Mimi 剛在Netflix看到這部印度電影Mimi 敘述代理孕母的故事 是部喜劇片 其實在幾天前就看到AR Rahman分享這部電影 才知道該電影的音樂是他製作的 讓小妞更期待看這部電影 因小妞前天剛打完疫苗 這幾天正在休息因為第二劑疫苗副作用滿明顯的~慘 (發燒,全身痛,腋...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過100萬的網紅MrYang楊家成,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Please subscribe my channel=) Special Appearance: @Kriti Gupta 記得要關注, 點讚,和評論哦! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MrYangEnglish/ Instagram: mryangen...

kriti 在 BusinessFocus | 商業、投資、創科平台 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-08-22 04:20:56

【@businessfocus.io】到FB等科網企業面試係咩體驗?女工程師分享三大求職貼士! . 不少求職人士都希望進入一間大企業上班,因為大企業可以提供一個較為穩定的職業路徑。Facebook 也是職場人士夢寐以求進入的公司,而首要條件莫過於面試時的表現,能否給予別人一個優秀的第一印象。如果你也...

  • kriti 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-30 11:04:02
    有 4 人按讚

    敘述代理孕母的故事 是部喜劇片
    其實在幾天前就看到AR Rahman分享這部電影


    Ps. 電影好像只有英文字幕,可是預告片有中文字幕,不知道台灣的Netflix 是否有上映🤔


  • kriti 在 ลงทุนแมน Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-05-28 10:49:00
    有 11,120 人按讚

    สรุปเรื่อง Japan Airlines ฟื้นหลังล้มละลาย ได้อย่างไร? แบบเข้าใจง่ายๆ /โดย ลงทุนแมน
    ถ้าบริษัทเรามีหนี้สินกว่า 690,000 ล้านบาท และกำลังจะล้มละลาย
    เราคงถูกมองว่าบ้า ถ้าไปเอาคนที่ไม่มีประสบการณ์ในธุรกิจนั้นมาแก้ปัญหา

    แต่เมื่อ 10 ปีก่อน ตอนที่สายการบิน Japan Airlines ใกล้จะล้มละลาย...
    Continue ReadingHow does Japan Airlines revive after bankruptcy? Easy to understand / Invest manly
    If our company has more than 690,000 million baht debt and is going bankrupt.
    We would be considered crazy if we went to get someone who hasn't experienced in business to solve the problem.

    But 10 years ago when Japan Airlines were going bankrupt.
    Japanese government invites people who have no experience in aviation business to become CEO.
    Why would the Japanese government make that decision?
    And who was the one who solved the problem for Japan Airlines that day
    Invest. Man will tell you about it
    Blockdit. Analytical source.
    Deep content penetration
    Recently, there is a podcast feature.
    First let's meet Japan Airlines first
    Japan Airlines was founded in 1951 by the Japanese government to build Japan's airplane travel network after WWI ended.

    First 3 years after Japan Airlines serving only in Japan.

    Before 1954, Japan Airlines began to serve first international flights in Tokyo-Honolulu-San Francisco

    Year 1961 Japan Airlines is listed on the Stock Exchange of Japan.

    Year 1987 Japan Airlines was privatized from cuddle state enterprises into private companies to provide more agility and profitable capacity.

    Japan Airlines has an advantage of many rival airlines as companies have lower loan costs than other airlines. The company not only loans to expand businesses easily, but also to sell tickets below many airlines to attract passengers to service.

    But easy access to Japan Airlines funding source is like a double-edged sword because the company started to invest in hotel, resort, or mother, but tour company which is not about the core business of the company.

    Japan Airlines employees say that one of the hotels in the USA that the company bought has full customers every year for 30 years. This hotel is not profitable for Japan Airlines..

    And it seems that business risk distribution is not working on this airline.

    As passengers start to decrease in economic conditions, as the competition in the airline business gradually increases disaster with companies.

    Year 2009, the company experienced a financial crisis that it must go into a plan to restore bankruptcy. At that time, this airline has a total debt of 690,000 million baht more than Thai Airways debt. At the moment, it's almost 3 times more until the company's shares are taken Leaving the Japanese Stock Exchange in 2010

    Of course, with this burden of debt, there will be no agency except government to help this airline from falling in front of the Japanese government. However, one of the caveats of the Japanese government after putting money is the top executive to run Japan Airlines must be the one who chooses the government. Come by myself only

    For the reason the government said at that time, ′′ We must choose the right one first because it is very necessary to fix this airline's problem

    Many people predict who is the one who will come to Kriti this time?
    Finally, the minister of Japan's Ministry of Transport in those days invited was Mr. Kazuo Inamori, a 78 year old man at that time.

    So who is this guy?
    Mr. Kazuo Inamori is the founder of Kyocera, currently a multi-business company, electronic parts, office equipment, car parts, electric devices.

    Interestingly, this is a profitable company every year since it was founded in 1959, so it's not strange that this guy is recognized as the ′′ father of corporate management

    Many questions come back from this decision of Japanese government and few people believe that inexperienced men in airline business can solve the heavy problems of this airline.

    Other than that, your people around Kazuo Inamori tell him not to throw away his reputation with Japan Airlines. At this age, he better get some rest in peace.

    But for Mr. Kazuo Inamori, he thinks that he needs to help this airline. If he let Japan Airlines fall, it will not only affect the country's economy, but also the appearance, confidence, including nearly 5 thousand companies employees who lose their jobs.

    Many people may think that Kazuo Inamori must earn a very high salary to work as CEO to solve this airline crisis.

    But actually his condition in getting this job is that he doesn't claim a single salary from Japan Airlines..

    Problem he encounters after coming in is that there is a party divided by corporations. There is an internal political system.

    Importantly, when he talks to the executives, the shocking number of people don't know how much money each flight department makes for the company.

    So the first thing he does is to make everyone in the company know that in 1 years Japan Airlines will go bankrupt if everyone doesn't help each other and have to adjust the idea. Everyone is Japan Airlines. It's the highest service business not just the aviation business.

    The one who will impress customers is the company employee.

    So he has to make all levels of staff understand what he thinks by talking to the staff himself. Since the ticket salesman, the purse staff is not just the flight attendant.

    He also uses Amoeba management system. That's a system that helps determine how much each department makes and how much it costs to work in each department.

    When he knows something unnecessary, he cuts all those expenses, including non-profit flight routes.

    In addition, the price tags of every product that the company bought so the deployed people will know how much the cost of each company is.

    From your hard work, Kazuo Inamori made this airline from a loss of 19,000 million Baht in 2009 Japan Airlines began to profit in 2012 and made the company's shares back to be registered on the Japanese Stock Exchange again this year.

    So what is the latest Japan Airlines performance?
    Year 2017 Income 415,000 million baht. Profit 40,600 million baht.
    Year 2018 Income 446,100 million baht. Profit 45,200 million baht.

    Even this year, Japan Airlines should also be affected by the COVID-19 plague.
    But going through obstacles and restoration of the organization in the past should help the company go through this crisis again.

    And today Japan Airlines has a profit of accumulated over 247,000 million baht.
    Currently, the value of Japan Airlines is equal to 191,000 million Baht. Our Thai Airways is about 19 times more..
    Blockdit. Analytical source.
    Deep content penetration
    Recently, there is a podcast feature.
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  • kriti 在 印度『趣』 Namaste India Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-11-07 11:56:52
    有 52 人按讚


    Panipat 是一部歷史電影 劇長達3個多小時
    故事有關在1761年Maratha帝國和Durrani 帝國在Panipat第三次的戰爭 電影中主要演員為Arjun Kapoor, Sanjay Dutt 跟Kriti Sanon

    剛看了Panipat的預告片 太喜歡電影裡面華麗擺飾跟女眷們的宮廷風穿著😍


    1. Panipat是一個位於北部哈里亞納(Haryana)省的一個城市
    2. Durrian 帝國是一個蒙兀兒的帝國
    3. Maratha 帝國是印度在英國殖民前的最後一個帝國 那時的首都即是 Pune(普內)

  • kriti 在 MrYang楊家成 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-03-17 20:18:36

    Please subscribe my channel=)

    Special Appearance: @Kriti Gupta

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