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雖然這篇Knots Out鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Knots Out這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 knots產品中有205篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過75萬的網紅The MeatMen,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Share this with your Nasi Lemak kakis 👉 Beautiful Blue Pea Nasi Lemak Marinate your chicken wings using this delicious homemade rempah (spice paste)...

 同時也有68部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過304萬的網紅MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ,也在其Youtube影片中提到,UHA味覚糖「なが〜い さけるグミ 巨峰」をまるまる一本使って、レアチーズケーキをつくりました。 ゼリーに閉じ込めた3つの飾りは水引梅結びにした、さけるグミです。梅結びは、縁起が良いとされ、水引きなどでよく見かける結び方です。梅結びを大量に使って、夏に作っていた娘の工芸作品が かわいかったのに影響さ...

  • knots 在 The MeatMen Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-28 16:00:05
    有 183 人按讚

    Share this with your Nasi Lemak kakis 👉 Beautiful Blue Pea Nasi Lemak

    Marinate your chicken wings using this delicious homemade rempah (spice paste) and reducing it into a thick sauce, every bite of your chicken wing will be bursting with flavour.

    This recipe uses luscious pandan and coconut infused basmati rice as a base for crispy chicken wings, sambal lady's finger and not forgetting the classics, sunny side up and fried ikan bilis.

    ⬇️ Ingredients here ⬇️
    2 cups Basmati rice grains
    250ml Water
    2g dried Blue Pea flowers (green stems removed
    250ml Coconut milk
    4 pieces Pandan leaves (tear each leaf into half and tie them into knots)
    3 slices Galangal (lightly smashed)
    1 stalk Lemongrass (white part only, lightly smashed)

    Spices for marinate:
    8 pieces Large chicken wings
    4 pieces Red chilli
    2 pieces Chilli padis
    2 pieces Candles nuts
    1 piece Lemongrass (white part only)
    1 knob Galangal
    1 knob Turmeric
    2 tsp Gula melaka / raw sugar
    ½ tsp Cumin seeds
    ½ tsp Fennel seeds
    300ml Coconut milk
    4 tbsp Tamarind juice (1 tbsp of tamarind pulp to 6 tbsp hot water)
    Salt to taste

    For frying:
    2 tbsp Cornflour
    8 tbsp Potato starch
    Salt to taste
    ½ tsp Baking soda
    ½ tsp Baking powder

    Sambal Spices:
    300g Lady’s fingers (sliced)
    6 Red chillies
    3 Chilli padis
    3 cloves Garlic
    6 Shallots
    20g Dried shrimps
    10g Belachan
    3g Torch ginger bud
    1 tbsp Light soy sauce
    1 tsp Sugar

    Side Condiments:
    8 slices Cucumbers
    150g Fried ikan billis
    100g Fried peanuts
    4 Fried eggs
    4 sheets of banana leaves for serving
    Full recipe here: https://themeatmen.sg/blue-pea-nasi-lemak/

    Explore the ingredients from different countries and support Singapore’s food diversification efforts. #ExploreOurFoodSG #SGFoodSources.

  • knots 在 RoadShow 路訊網 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-10 12:00:57
    有 122 人按讚

    【🎁 #一路有著數 🎁】一次過送你兩款台灣🇹🇼製熱賣肉紙 風味結 KNOTS TASTE 「薄脆魚虱目魚味🐟+薄脆豬黑椒味🐽」 (價值$216),等大家一嚐脆卜卜嘅惹味體驗,啱晒鍾意食香脆可口嘢嘅大人細路呀🤤!風味結嘅薄脆系列標榜減糖無油、低卡路里及不含澱粉質,絕對係減肥人士嘅福音🤩。


    1. Like 我哋FB 專頁及Follow 我哋IG帳戶;
    2. 留言Tag 3位想同佢分享嘅親友;
    3. 到以下連結填妥基本個人資料及回答一條簡單問題。
    *做齊以上步驟,而最有共鳴嘅回覆就有機會獲得「風味結薄脆魚虱目魚味+薄脆豬黑椒味」價值:$216 (名額:20名)

    - 活動截止日期為9月17日晚上11時59分止,得獎者將會在9月21日或之前收到電郵通知領獎事宜,並需按換領信上之指定日期、時間、地點及換領方法換領。如未獲通知者則視為落選。

    #風味結 #脆卜卜 #RoadShow #路訊通 #送禮 #giveaway #jetso #台灣 #豬肉紙 #薄脆 #好好味

  • knots 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-26 13:33:07
    有 16 人按讚

    前陣子看到Flavor The World推出新產品編織巧克力結,身為巧克力控當然要試試,正打算來訂時,然後我們社區就又發起團購了,哈哈哈,主購有聽到我內心的呼喚。



    Choc-O-Knots 比利時巧克力結 編織巧克力捲 (4 pieces)$275

    Flavor The World的產品定價真的很佛心,四大個巧克力結也才275元,換做別家應該都380~480一盒了!



    因為在168飲控,阿我又是很愛吃麵包的人,所以就訂低GI酸種黑麥麵包來搭配早餐,這條跟金塊一樣大了吧(如果它是金塊多美好 🤣),美籍烘焙師不手軟,整條黑麥麵包內外有滿滿南瓜籽、葵花籽、亞麻籽、黑裸麥,光看就很健康。


    口感就是非常扎實帶點微酸的麵包啦!喜歡的人就會嘎意,不愛的人就會有一種我在吃什麼啦的感覺。啊我個人就是會愛😍😍 越吃_越瘦



    📌Flavor The World

    #新北美食 #新北甜點 #肉桂捲 #肉桂結 #肉桂 #肉桂控 #比利時巧克力結 #巧克力捲 #巧克力控 #flavortheworld #bakery
    #yummy #麵包 #必吃 #必吃麵包 #Breakfast #早餐 #下午茶 #美味しい #afternoontea #cinnamonknots
    #dessert #yummy #instagood #instafood #foodporn #happiness #酸種麵包

  • knots 在 MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-11 18:17:03

    UHA味覚糖「なが〜い さけるグミ 巨峰」をまるまる一本使って、レアチーズケーキをつくりました。
    ゼリーに閉じ込めた3つの飾りは水引梅結びにした、さけるグミです。梅結びは、縁起が良いとされ、水引きなどでよく見かける結び方です。梅結びを大量に使って、夏に作っていた娘の工芸作品が かわいかったのに影響され、ケーキにしてみました。

    *レシピ*(直径 14.5 cmの丸型 1個分)
    1.なが〜い さけるグミを4つに割き、梅結びを作る。

    2.ビスケット 70gを細かく砕く。
    3.溶かした無塩バター 30g(若干崩れやすかったので、35gにしてみてください)を入れ混ぜる。

    5.水 35gに粉ゼラチン 10gを振り入れておく。
    6.室温に戻したクリームチーズ 100gをなめらかになるまで混ぜる。
    7.砂糖 60gを入れ混ぜる。
    8.無糖ヨーグルト 200gを入れ混ぜる。

    17.80℃程度のお湯 150gに粉ゼラチン 6gを入れ溶かす。
    18.砂糖 30gを入れ溶かす。
    19.レモン汁 5gを入れ混ぜる。


    #レアチーズケーキ #水引 #さけるグミ

    I made a no-bake cheese cake using a whole UHA Mikakuto "Nagaai sakeru Gummy Kyoho".
    The three decorations trapped in the jelly are gummies tied in mizuhiki plum knots.
    Plum knots are said to be auspicious and are often seen in mizuhiki. I was inspired by my daughter's cute craftwork that she made during her summer vacation using a lot of plum knots, so I decided to make it into a cake. Thanks to the gummy candies, I made a no-bake cheese cake with a Kyoho flavor. This kind of interesting and tasty snack is really wonderful.

    *Recipe* (for 1 round mold 14.5 cm in diameter)
    1.Divide the gummy candy into four pieces and make a plum knot.

    Make the bottom.
    2.Crush 70g of biscuits into small pieces.
    3.Mix in 30g of melted unsalted butter (it was a little crumbly, so try 35 grams).
    4.Place in a mold and chill in the refrigerator.

    Make the rare cheesecake.
    5.Sprinkle 10g of powdered gelatin into 35g of water.
    6.Mix 100g of cream cheese at room temperature until smooth.
    7.Mix in 60g of sugar.
    8.Mix in 200g of unsweetened yogurt.
    9.Heat (5) in a microwave oven at 600 watts for about 20 seconds to dissolve the gelatin.
    10.Add (9) while mixing (8).
    11.Set aside half the amount (about 200g).
    12.Leave 3 plum knots from (1), put the remaining gummy candies (22g) in a heat-resistant container, and add 10g of water.
    13.Heat in a microwave oven at 600W for 20 seconds to melt the gummy.
    14.Add (13) to one half of (11) and mix. I colored it so that it would be light purple.
    15.Pour into (4), cool in the refrigerator for less than 1 hour, and harden the surface.
    16.Pour the other half of (11) into (15), cool in the refrigerator, and when the surface is about to harden, put three plum knots from (1) and harden the surface.

    Make the top jelly.
    17.Add 6g of powdered gelatin to 150g of hot water at about 80 ° C and dissolve.
    18.Dissolve 30g of sugar in it.
    19.Mix in 5g of lemon juice.

    20.Pour cold (19) into (16)
    21.Refrigerate and harden.
    22.It's done.
    Super Kyoho taste. And I was so grateful that the gummy candies could be cut with a fork.

    #cheesecake #longlongman #gummy #mizuhiki

  • knots 在 cold bear Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-08-05 16:33:47

    #配音#三国志#刘备#张飞#吴亦凡#怒 鞭 牙 签
    司马懿的弱点!👉 https://youtu.be/7OKmyCN6Tcc
    鬼 故 事 ?👉 https://youtu.be/dhPlcKuqPCI
    灯 谜 人!👉 https://youtu.be/DxanBc9a3Us
    【冷淡熊】怒 鞭 牙 签 !


    If the producer or copyright owner finds that there is infringement in this video, please contact me immediately, and I will delete the video containing your content immediately!


  • knots 在 Travel Thirsty Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-07-23 21:03:03

