[爆卦]Irrigation system是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇Irrigation system鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在Irrigation system這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 irrigation產品中有83篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, The Way to Good Success “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe to d...

 同時也有20部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過878的網紅時事英文 Podcast by ssyingwen,也在其Youtube影片中提到,美國西部正在面臨 1200 年以來最嚴重的旱災,六月初全美最大水庫 Lake Mead 米德湖水位創下歷史新低。最近極度熱浪也席捲美國西南部,可怕的是這一切都發生在夏天正式來臨之前。 0:00 Intro 0:11 第一遍英文朗讀 (慢) 3:10 新聞單字片語解說 28:20 第二...

  • irrigation 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-10 19:45:12
    有 184 人按讚

    The Way to Good Success

    “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it; for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success.” (Joshua‬ ‭1:8‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Early on in my journey as a believer, the Holy Spirit gave me a revelation from the verse above.

    As I was reading it, He showed me that good success is a type of success that bring good to all areas of your life without any negative side effects.

    For example, if you are single-minded in pursuing wealth, you will end up fatigued, unhealthy, age quickly, and miss out on important moments with family. This type of financial success is not considered “good success” because you gain in one area but lose greatly in other areas.

    “For bodily exercise has some value, but godliness has value in all things, having the promise of the life which is now, and of that which is to come. This saying is faithful and worthy of all acceptance.” (1 Timothy‬ ‭4:8-9‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Receiving God’s word (specifically what is applicable for us under the New Covenant of Grace”) everyday has value in all things. It benefits you in the life now, and in the eternal age that is to come.

    If you want good success, then you must meditate on God’s word and apply it in your life. This is the best use of your time because with one action, you cause all areas of your life to prosper and become fruitful.

    The process is not complete without speaking forth the Word. The best would be if you can pray in tongues. Faith is believing and speaking so meditate and pray.

    Instead of using a watering can to water one plant at a time, it is like you are pouring into an irrigation system that diverts the water to reach the whole garden!

    “There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, and it is heavy on men: a man to whom God gives riches, wealth, and honor, so that he lacks nothing for his soul of all that he desires, yet God gives him no power to eat of it, but an alien eats it. This is vanity, and it is an evil disease.” (Ecclesiastes‬ ‭6:1-2‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    I pray that you be wise so that you have the power to enjoy every good thing in your life. By ensuring that the garden of your life is well-watered with God’s word, you will possess the grace to eat the fruits from the harvest!

    How do you read the four gospels in the light of the New Covenant of Grace? Which parts apply to you directly now, and which are just for your learning? In “Understand the Four Gospels Through the Lens of Grace”, I explain every parable, miracle, speech, and action of Jesus Christ based on the revelations received over the years. It will be an insightful read and I hope you glean many gems from it:

  • irrigation 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-09 07:42:56
    有 72 人按讚

    🌻本周末的估值會議(全程是用中文; 免費), 請有興趣參與的朋友看一下:

    繼上次的年報導讀會議後, 讓我們再做另一個會議! 這次很榮幸邀請到一位對估值很有見解的股友前輩來帶大家了解估值(恩, 這次我會是主持人, 不是主講人).

    主題: 估值(valuation)分享會(Cat: 這不算是基礎的估值會議)

    主講人: 小揚(from安泰價值投資)
    https://www.facebook.com/antaiinvestment (此為小揚的粉絲頁)

    參與者: 具基本估值能力. 若打算參加者, 請事先跟我(請私訊)提出一個關於估值的case study, 到時候可在會議中分享(最好是以投影片形式呈現, 這樣到時候好跟大家分享). 若有估值的問題, 也可以提出.
    Case study可以是美股, 也可以是台股.

    (P.S. 因為主題有點難度, 所以不鼓勵旁聽, 因為吸收效果會不好. 不過若有讀者實在是很有興趣, 請私訊.)

    時間: 台灣時間07/10 (周六)晚間9點. 預計一個小時(不會像上次那樣冗長了😅): 前30分鐘由小揚做分享, 後30分鐘大家分享估值案例&提問

    進行方式: 以Zoom進行(之後會私訊會議資訊給參與者)

    🌻好股介紹(不是推薦): Pool Corporation (POOL)

    美股裡面最會漲的個股, 除了科技股外, 就是民生消費股了.

    今天在整理資料的時候, 發現了一家好公司. 介紹(不是推薦)給有興趣進一步研究的讀者.

    POOL是一家做游泳池的公司. 有競爭優勢(有市佔, 管理層好, 財務管理好). 過去五年漲了4.5倍.

    公司網站: https://www.poolcorp.com/

    Pool Corp. (ticker: POOL) is the nation's largest distributor of swimming pool supplies and parts, with a small irrigation business as well. It is larger than its next 52 competitors combined, but a fragmented industry means it still has a long runway for growth.

    “Pool has everything we look for in terms of a sustainable competitive advantage: good core business, management team and financials," says Tim Holland, portfolio manager at Aston/Tamro Funds.


    有人說, 今年科技股像是2010年, 漲不太起來.

    好奇心驅使下, 我去挖了點資料.

    結果發現, 2010那時候Netflix漲很多(226%), 還是當年最會漲的一隻股. 而那時候NFLX還是高成長股, 也有獲利.

    —> 是不是營收成長越高, 股價就會越衝? 值得投資人思考.

    所以原本就投資secular growth的投資人, 若不想換策略, 就還是專注在secular growth的個股. 只是挑股要嚴謹.

    The Best-Performing Stocks of 2010

    Top Performing Stocks of 2010



    曾經有幾位股友問我平常會看甚麼資料, 訂甚麼刊物.

    目前我有訂閱的是: Barron's, IBD(investors.com), WSJ, Seeking Alpha.

    固定看的網站: CNBC

    每季做的事情: 看&整理公司季報結果.

    平常有空會看看公司的新聞(其實若重要的事件, 高層在發表財報的時候也會提).

    Picture: 美國國慶日周末, 與朋友到湖邊烤肉, 順便消暑(熱熱熱!) 過去幾年, 每次去人都很少的湖邊公園, 這次竟然人滿為患! 美國人顯然悶壞了........

  • irrigation 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-05-07 19:25:14
    有 109 人按讚

    #五月八日 14:00 ~ 18:00 #百年圳流─嘉南大圳開工滿百紀念活動
    5/8當天,有許多精彩的活動等著大家,當天有《#紙風車劇團》演出〈蕃薯森林奇遇記〉,還有 #NTSO臺灣青年交響樂團弦樂團 精彩的音樂演出,還有共 #50家特色攤位的市集活動(嘉南平原物產展示會),都是台南在地的知名品牌,絕對讓大家可以開心來玩,滿足回家的精彩~
    記得好久之前曾經寫過一篇關於烏山頭水庫的故事,寫了八田與一先生跟他的夫人 外代樹的淒美故事,也是烏山頭水庫外戀占石的由來


  • irrigation 在 時事英文 Podcast by ssyingwen Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-06-20 20:12:59

    美國西部正在面臨 1200 年以來最嚴重的旱災,六月初全美最大水庫 Lake Mead 米德湖水位創下歷史新低。最近極度熱浪也席捲美國西南部,可怕的是這一切都發生在夏天正式來臨之前。

    0:00 Intro
    0:11 第一遍英文朗讀 (慢)
    3:10 新聞單字片語解說
    28:20 第二遍英文朗讀 (快)

    ⚠️ 本集有額外朗讀全文錄音檔 👉 https://ssyingwen.com/ep29fulldemo
    ❤️ 給我繼續錄製 podcast 的能力 👉 https://bit.ly/zeczec_ssyingwen


    📝 單字筆記:https://ssyingwen.com/ssep29
    🖼️ 單字卡在 IG: https://bit.ly/ssyingwenIG
    💬 我有建議:http://bit.ly/sssurveyform
    📪 ssyingwen@gmail.com


    👉 朗讀內容來自USA Today
    Podcast 裡選讀片段文字在: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ssyingwen/permalink/249399220279658/
    USA Today 完整文章連結在:https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/06/19/us-drought-water-restrictions-west-california-utah-nevada/7719608002/

    Drought 旱災、乾旱
    Megadrought 特大乾旱
    Lake Mead 米德湖
    Reservoir 水庫
    Precipitation 降水量
    Melted snow 融雪
    Heatwave  熱浪
    Fahrenheit 華氏度
    Celsius 攝氏度
    Apocalypse 世界末日
    Blackout risk 停電風險
    Wildfires / bushfires 森林大火
    Agriculture 農業
    Irrigation 灌溉
    Fallow 休耕
    Conservation 節約 / 保育
    Divine intervention 神聖的介入
    No end in sight 看不到盡頭


    #podcast #美西乾旱 #熱浪 #美國新聞 #旱災 #缺水 #學英文 #英文筆記 #英文學習 #英文 #每日英文 #托福 #雅思 #雅思英語 #雅思托福 #多益 #多益單字 #播客 #英文單字卡 #片語 #動詞 #國際新聞 #英文新聞 #英文聽力

  • irrigation 在 Hương Vị Đồng Quê Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-08-29 17:12:49

    @Hương Vị Đồng Quê xin mời Ông Bà Cô Chú Anh Chị cùng theo dõi clip Chạy Đường Ống Bơm Nước Trên Vườn để tưới những cây đã trồng trong những ngày qua cho mau ra rễ và lá.Irrigation System For Garden

  • irrigation 在 隨我行FolloMe Youtube 的最佳解答

    2018-07-05 17:59:13

    Ho Pui Reservoir is located in Yuen Long, near to Pat Heung. It is an irrigation reservoir which belongs to a part of Tai Lam Country Park. The capacity of the reservoir is 500000 cubie metres, there is a dam in S-shaped, which is popular to the hikers. The reservoir has also been ranked one of the most popular scenic countrysides.

    ▼路線分享‧【河背水塘 Ho Pui Reservoir】: https://wp.me/P6CvAS-d8J
    Music: Rising Up by Neil Cross (from AUDIOBLOCKS: https://www.audioblocks.com/)
    ▼FolloMe隨我行 Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/Follo3me
    ▼FolloMe隨我行 Webpage: https://follo3me.com
    #河背水塘 #山野航拍 #Phantom4A #自己垃圾自己帶走

