

在 involuntarily產品中有24篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過39萬的網紅換日線 Crossing,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【致非自願獨身者們】#請別放棄尋找適合的愛情花園 involuntarily celibate,簡稱 incel,指非自願獨身者。後來慢慢演變成「一群其實很想要有男女關係但是卻事與願違的男性,將自己的處境怪罪於女性,衍生出各種仇女的言行」。 Incel 議題因廂型車殺人事件的判決定讞,而再次...

 同時也有9部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過231的網紅Juno Lin,也在其Youtube影片中提到,The M.E. Series (The Millennial Experience). Created all on Mobile with #iPhone12ProMax Weekend. Raining. Work had been hectic. Needed to take some t...

involuntarily 在 tess Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-02 09:42:23

[Eulogy] Grieving is a difficult process. Grieving in a pandemic is excruciating. I grieve not as a niece, but as a daughter. My mama treated my s...

  • involuntarily 在 換日線 Crossing Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-16 11:30:00
    有 34 人按讚

    involuntarily celibate,簡稱 incel,指非自願獨身者。後來慢慢演變成「一群其實很想要有男女關係但是卻事與願違的男性,將自己的處境怪罪於女性,衍生出各種仇女的言行」。
    Incel 議題因廂型車殺人事件的判決定讞,而再次於多倫多社會引發廣泛的討論。當年字詞的創造人 Alana 並沒有想到,定義自己的孤獨感,將來會成為仇女的代名詞。
    ▍春季刊《世界人才在台灣》>> bit.ly/3pQtPE7
    ▍2021 全年份季刊一次訂 >> bit.ly/3bfZJEW

  • involuntarily 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-04-01 12:00:19
    有 10 人按讚

    Pro-democracy detainee Andy Li appears to have been involuntarily assigned to a defense lawyer not of his own choosing, as indicated by his family.

    Read more: https://bit.ly/3fzFTax

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  • involuntarily 在 Sherrybyw Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-12-31 11:05:31
    有 43 人按讚

    I ran a 21.1KM half marathon. I did it.
    This run basically summed up my year. I cried twice during the half marathon.

    1ꜱᴛ ᴛɪᴍᴇ: I started the run at 5AM and when I got to around the halfway mark, the sun was just rising. At that time, I coincidentally just got to the most beautiful part of the route that oversaw the Singapore skyline and iconic Marina Bay Sands building. It was beautiful and life just felt right. I breezed through the first 11KM and felt like I was on top of the world. It felt like all those times I ran because I was crying from my breakup was worth it.

    2ɴᴅ ᴛɪᴍᴇ: At the 19KM mark, I collapsed on the ground from a very bad charley horse/muscle spasm. I was involuntarily crying and screaming in pain as my calf tensed up. At this point, it was around 7AM and there were tons of people running and biking. Strangers did not hesitate to help me hold onto my leg, massage it, and stretch it out. I honestly wouldn’t have been able to get back up and continue if these kind strangers hadn’t literally lifted me back up. This was symbolic to me. Earlier this year, I was going through my breakup and felt like absolute garbage. I had the good fortune of meeting some of the kindest people here in Singapore who were there for me to listen, give advice, and be a shoulder to cry on. Without them, I would not have been able to piece myself back together as well or quickly as I did. I’m forever grateful for these people whom I now call my chosen family.

    There were other unexpected, but amazing, things that happened during my run. Watch all the highs/lows in my new video on my youtube channel! https://youtu.be/r3H4xeu_3e0

  • involuntarily 在 Juno Lin Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-28 13:45:48

    The M.E. Series (The Millennial Experience). Created all on Mobile with #iPhone12ProMax

    Weekend. Raining. Work had been hectic. Needed to take some time off to recharge. Covid. WFH. Blurred lines between work and personal time. No time to shut off from work completely. Found myself working from screens to screen. Laptop to phone. Even leisure is watching videos online.

    In need of time for a digital detox.

    Found a bookstore that was opened in Feb this year, in the heart of Orchard Road, Wheelock Place. Where the Borders flagship used to be. If you know what I’m talking about, you’re from my time. I recall the times when I was still in secondary school, hanging at Borders with my friends who love reading, and I will be there checking out the CDs.

    Heard that it has a 2 storey space with a cafe and gallery as well. Heard that the ones in China open 24hours, although it’s not happening in SG yet


    Zall Bookstore, an outlet with more than 30,000 books mostly in Chinese, also has a cafe and art gallery


    “Ms Laura Yan Ge, 24, who is general manager of the Singapore store, said at a media preview on Friday that while the company did not anticipate the coronavirus outbreak erupting amid its expansion, it believes bookstores are especially vital during a pandemic.

    ‘Because of Covid-19, there is a lot of distance between people nowadays," she said in Mandarin. "We believe books will help to close this gap. They provide food for thought and people can use them to widen their worlds.’”

    As a creator myself, I need to constantly find inspiration.

    While I can readily find all sorts of information online, sometimes I found my mind being constantly overloaded instead. We read. Socialise. We basically live most parts of our lives in the virtual world, and now we have lesser and lesser reasons to get out there anymore.

    So, why a new book store? When was the last time you visited a book store?

    Being here made me realised that it’s not about the books. It’s about the space. It’s about the experience. It’s about being here and being present. And what happens when you unplug from the internet and be present in the moment? You’ll get involuntarily intrigued by the surroundings, the people, the architecture, the noise, the beauty of it all. You’ll find headspace. You’ll find your inspiration. You’ll even find a new you.

    When was the last time you stepped outside, set aside time just for yourself, and experience life beyond the screen?

  • involuntarily 在 ロイドごはん Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-12-05 18:01:00

    華麗な職人技、久しぶりの訪問です!東京都西東京市『ラーメン二郎 ひばりヶ丘駅前店』にお邪魔して、調理の様子を撮影させて頂きました!その華麗な職人技を拝見したく、久しぶりの訪問となります。見ているだけで魅了されてしまう技の数々、ご覧下さい!

    This craftsmanship is a must! We visited “Ramen Jiro Hibarigaoka Equine Store” in Nishi-Tokyo, Tokyo and photographed the cooking process! The splendid craftsmanship, the service spirit that keeps smiling, and the professional response are worthy of being called "God response", and have the charm that you can watch involuntarily! I want to see that figure again. The shop was as busy as ever and still popular, but the owner who kept making ramen calmly in the hustle and bustle was outstanding. It's also convinced that there are many shopkeeper fans! Then, please see the splendid technique!
    * When shooting, we take the shop and the customers around us into consideration.

    いつもありがとうございます!( ´ ▽ ` )

    #ラーメン #ラーメン二郎 #職人技 #ロイドごはん #フラメンコロイド

    —————《ロイド のサブチャンネル》—————————————

    【フラメンコロイド のサブチャンネルもよろしくお願いします!】




    『ラーメン二郎 ひばりヶ丘駅前店』






    ★フラメンコロイド 《フラメンコロイドの神話と伝説》


    神回【ラーメン二郎の貴重映像】全増しが出来るまで一部始終を大公開!【ラーメン二郎 ひばりヶ丘店】ramen



    屋台でラーメンが出来上がるまでの職人技をお見せします【ボギー亭 虎ちゃん】味噌ニンニクラーメン【飯テロ】

    神技!いつもびっくりするよ!【がんちゃん】お好み焼きの名店に感動!【飯テロ】× フラメンコロイド 広島県


  • involuntarily 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-05-21 18:00:27

    大家好,歡迎回來賓狗時事英語。平日每天更新,每集 5 個時事英文單字,讓你學英文、聽新聞。



    我來為你化解這些困擾與尷尬!每天通勤時,打開賓狗時事英語,只要 5 分鐘,就讓你多學 5 個單字、掌握國際大事,悠哉自信地見同學與同事!想在通勤路上,直接完成當天的英文學習及國際新聞嗎?趕快按下訂閱鍵~

    第一個單字是 inauguration、i-n-a-u-g-u-r-a-t-i-o-n、inauguration 就職典禮,例句是:The presidential inauguration was unelaborate due to COVID-19.

    昨天 520,蔡英文總統宣誓就職。因為武漢肺炎,要避免大型聚會,所以這個就職典禮小小的,有點溫馨。重要官員或是領導人物就職時,舉辦的典禮就是 inauguration。


    第二個單字是 malaria、m-a-l-a-r-i-a、malaria 瘧疾,例句是:
    President Trump said he has been taking an anti-malaria drug to prevent infection from the coronavirus.

    川普說,他為了預防得到武漢肺炎,每天都吃抗瘧疾的藥,而且已經持續超過一個禮拜了喔。可是這個抗瘧疾的藥其實很危險耶!是可能吃出人命的!美國食品藥物管理局還警告大家,不要隨便吃抗瘧疾的藥。但川普說,他問過白宮的醫生了喔,醫生說「利大於弊」喔,我現在不也好好的嗎?抗瘧疾的藥,這個瘧疾,就是 malaria。


    第三個單字是 incel、i-n-c-e-l、incel 非自願單身,例句是:

    Incel is short for "involuntarily celibate”.老實說,我覺得 incel 有一點恐怖、也有一點哀傷。incel 是一種網路次文化,這個次文化基本上就是,一群男性聚在一起辱罵女性。為什麼這些男性仇視女性呢?因為,沒有女性愛他們,或是跟他們發生性關係。他們覺得很孤單很孤單,然後哀傷轉變為仇恨,於是聚在一起,痛罵女性,說這都是女人的錯!這就是 incel 次文化。

    更可怕的是啊,現在 incel 不是在網路上罵一罵就算了喔,已經有人在真實世界殺人洩憤。比如最近,多倫多就有一位 17 歲的少年,他刺殺一位女性及兩位路人,現在警方已經認定了,這是個 incel 恐怖攻擊。這樣的發展真的很可怕,大家要注意安全,然後呢,不要取笑單身的人,什麼「魯蛇」之類的嘲笑,真的不要,關懷一下別人的心情吧~


    第四個單字是 grant、g-r-a-n-t、grant 補助金,例句是:
    The European Commission is to propose a recovery fund of more than a trillion euro, including a mix of grants and loans.

    武漢肺炎大肆虐,很多歐盟國家經濟慘兮兮。所以歐盟委員會提議,撥個 1 兆歐元幫助他們。這筆錢,有些是補助金,不用還、有些是貸款,還是要還錢。1 兆歐元是將近新台幣 33 兆元喔,超多的!不用還的補助金,就是 grant。

    最後一個單字是 move lectures online,其中的 lecture 是講課 l-e-c-t-u-r-e,move lectures online 線上教學 Cambridge University moves all lectures online until summer 2021.



    這集,要來跟大家示愛。我錄音這天是 520,特別適合表達感謝~自從上週開始,我們平日每天更新,結果聽眾人數也持續增加,真是太感謝你了 ❤️ 希望你把我們推薦出去,選一個你關心的人,情人、朋友、家人都可以,讓他跟你一起聽賓狗時事英語,一起在這個世界前進!今天的節目就到這邊,謝謝收聽,下次通勤見 ❤️

