

在 inept產品中有16篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過16萬的網紅Goodbye HK, Hello UK,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 再一次駁唔到 (都洗譯咁簡單嘅殘酷英文) Donald Trump係無出席911二十周年嘅前總統,不過就發表電視講話。 “For the great people of our country, this is a very sad day. September 11th represents ...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過244萬的網紅メンタリスト DaiGo,也在其Youtube影片中提到,▶️現金を配るレベルで好かれる 【ホメ殺しの14の技法】 ▶️波風立たないマウンティング対策【共感プロンプト】 の動画は… 知識のNetflix【Dラボ】で 今なら20日間無料→https://daigovideolab.jp/ 📗通常3000円が今なら無料📗 メンタリストDaiGoのオー...

inept 在 Phương Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-02-17 17:31:18

"A tranquil voyage of good fortune." Watercolor and pearl pigment on tea-dyed Fabirano artistico paper A painting made specially for Tết 🧧🎊 ______ ...

  • inept 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-11 22:44:19
    有 4,797 人按讚


    Donald Trump係無出席911二十周年嘅前總統,不過就發表電視講話。

    “For the great people of our country, this is a very sad day. September 11th represents great sorrow for our country. Many things were displayed that day, including, most importantly, the bravery of our police, fire and first responders of every kind.”


    "This is the 20th year of this war and should have been a year of victory and honor and strength. Instead, Joe Biden and his inept administration surrendered in defeat."

    "We will live on, but sadly, our country will be wounded for a long period of time, we will struggle to recover from the embarrassment this incompetence has caused."


    Photo Source: Fox News

    Trump says he WILL visit Ground Zero to mark 20th anniversary of 9/11



  • inept 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-04-15 19:50:56
    有 166 人按讚

    Activate God’s Creative Power in your Life

    Many people are good at describing their situation, but are inept at activating the power to change it.

    If a parent has a child who is sick says, “Oh no, it’s getting worse,” what do you think will happen?

    There is creative power in our spoken words. We give consent for things to happen a certain way from now on, depending on our words.

    “Wait do you mean I should say that my child is well even if he is coughing up blood? Won’t that be an obvious lie?”

    A declaration is not a lie. It is how we activate the power to shape our circumstances.

    There is also no power in speaking positive things that you do not believe. Baseless wishful thinking is not effective.

    Thankfully, God has given us the Scriptures which contain His promises to us. God does not lie and He backs up the Word with His power.

    When you see an undesirable situation in your life, instead of just describing what is happening which only serves to continue your captivity, choose to meditate on God’s promises and confess them.

    When you believe and speak God’s word, you allow the Holy Spirit to use your faith as a basis to work His power in your situation.

    The sons of Adam (unbelievers) only have their arms of flesh to depend on, but the children of God (born-again believers) have speaking power and authority. The tongue is our mighty flaming sword. Learn to use this weapon for good, and not for self-sabotage.

    Learn the way of faith and the power of believing and speaking according to God’s word: https://bit.ly/messiahs-miracles

  • inept 在 讀書e誌 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-06-22 23:48:56
    有 325 人按讚

    我在2019年的加碼推薦10本書籍,其中一本 “Talking to Strangers" 終於有中文版了!而且中文版很有誠意的設計了一個很特別的機密文件包裝袋,中文版也翻譯得還不錯。

    不同於過去Malcolm Gladwell 其他的暢銷書,這一本處理的是一個棘手的議題 -- 人與人之間的信任。


    “We have no choice but to talk to strangers, especially in our modern boarderless world, ….yet at this most necessary of tasks, we are inept. ….what is required of us is restraint and humility, ….there are clues to making sense of a stranger, but attending to them requires care and attention”



    #TalkingtoStrangers #MalcomGladwell #解密陌生人 #麥爾坎 #葛拉威爾

  • inept 在 メンタリスト DaiGo Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-02-04 20:00:17

    ▶️現金を配るレベルで好かれる 【ホメ殺しの14の技法】

    メンタリストDaiGoのオーディオブックはこちら→https://amzn.to/2UBuD1j ※Audible無料体験

    【無料】自分を操り、不安をなくす 究極のマインドフルネス を Amazon でチェック! https://amzn.to/2WY2jHN

    人に頼む技術コロンビア大学の嫌な顔されずに人を動かす科学 を Amazon でチェック! https://amzn.to/3fIeiS3

    Janina Steinmetz et al. (2017) Impression mismanagement: People as inept self-presenters

    Researched by http://ch.nicovideo.jp/paleo #今なら

  • inept 在 メンタリスト DaiGo Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-02-24 21:00:16


    コミュ障でも5分で増やせる超人脈術 https://amzn.to/2SuSzmN

    権力を握る人の法則 https://amzn.to/2vFdHOA

    ▶︎References Supported by Yu Suzuki http://ch.nicovideo.jp/paleo

    Janina Steinmetz et al. (2017) Impression mismanagement: People as inept self-presenters

    Ithai Stern, James D. Westphal (2010)Stealthy Footsteps to the Boardroom: Executives' Backgrounds, Sophisticated Interpersonal Influence Behavior, and Board Appointments

    この動画は、ReferencesおよびArchivesから考察したもので、あくまで一説であり、真偽を確定するものではありません。 #今なら

  • inept 在 Kento Bento Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2016-03-16 06:49:03

    Our merch store: https://standard.tv/kentobento​
    Our patreon: https://patreon.com/kentobento

    ★ Has McDonald's Conquered Asia?: https://youtu.be/pgHiRsk2UjY
    ★ How Would You Escape North Korea? (The 7 Choices): https://youtu.be/6A0ZOkMDLw0
    ★ 10 Things You Didn’t Know About HIROSHIMA ATOMIC BOMBING: https://youtu.be/wETSBaFwzu0
    ★ 10 Things You Didn’t Know About THE JAPANESE EMPEROR: https://youtu.be/h--roytkH3Q
    ★ 10 Things You Didn’t Know About THE 2011 JAPANESE TSUNAMI & TOHOKU EARTHQUAKE: https://youtu.be/VuWTETyzR9Y
    ★ 10 Things You Didn't Know About JAPANESE RAMEN: https://youtu.be/p4TEixig6Vw



    The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster was caused by the massive tsunami triggered by the Tohoku Earthquake on March 11th, 2011. This was a Level 7 nuclear event, comparable only to Chernobyl.

    1. Unheeded Warning

    Before the disaster even happened, there were industry experts who warned of mega tsunami-generating earthquakes hitting the area every 800 to 1100 years, with the next one being overdue. But those in charge dismissed such warnings.

    2. No Good Robots

    During the crisis at Fukushima, high radiation levels at the plant made it desperately hard for human workers to do what they needed to do.

    Back in 2001, the Japanese had actually developed extremely capable robots that were deemed technical successes, but then a government task force concluded that a Chernobyl-scale disaster was never going to happen in Japan .

    The program was shut down and the robots were dismantled or donated.

    3. Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant

    The Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant was the closest power plant to the earthquake epicentre, yet it successfully withstood the barrage.

    While the Fukushima Plant had sea walls up to 5.7 meters, Onagawa had it up to 14 meters.

    4. Wrongful Evacuation

    Due to miscommunication between the evacuation authorities and the experts who were analysing the fallout, many residents were evacuated from pretty safe areas right INTO the radioactive plume.

    5. Evacuation Deaths

    More people were killed by the evacuation process in Fukushima
    than by the actual earthquake and tsunami, the disaster itself.

    People died of fatigue, exhaustion, illness, suicides - losing their homes, not knowing where they would end up, cramped evacuation centres; the whole ordeal was taxing.

    6. Geiger-Counter Hobby

    After the Fukushima disaster, random radiation hot spots were discovered in unexpected locations.

    Radiation levels as high as those in the no-go zone were detected as far as some Tokyo suburbs. This prompted many Japanese residents to take up a new hobby - walking with Geiger-counters through their city or village in search for random radiation levels to report.

    7. Animal Guardian

    55 year old Naoto Matsumura is the only man brave enough to live in Fukushima’s no-go zone. After the initial evacuation, he returned back
    to take care of the animals that were left behind. Not just his animals, but everyone’s.

    8. Mutations

    There were a few small scale Fukushima discoveries.

    9. Human Radiation Effects

    No one died from radiation exposure in Fukushima.

    And contrary to a well-publicised, yet poorly-executed, study
    that made the rounds in 2015, thyroid cancer rates in Fukushima children were actually lower than the national average.

    10. Disobedient Hero

    Masao Yoshida was the manager of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant and on March 15th 2011, he lead a brave group, now dubbed ‘The Fukushima 50’ into the radioactive trenches.

    With cooling systems crippled and having run out of fresh water, Yoshida decided they would pump seawater straight from the ocean into the damaged reactors.

    Then corporate headquarters (TEPCO) ordered him to stop the seawater injection. They didn’t want the corrosive seawater to permanently damage their reactors.

    Feeling his superiors were inept for risking a colossal radioactive fallout, Yoshida disobeyed the direct order and continued with the seawater injection.

    Many experts now agree that his actions on that day
    arguably prevented a much greater catastrophe.


    We do videos on interesting 'Asiany' topics - Asian stereotypes, Asian pop culture, Asian issues, Asian history, AMWF, and things you just didn't know about Asia!

    ► Script, Narration & Editing by Kento Bento
    ► Artwork by Nina Bento
    ► Interested in working with us? Get in touch now!

    *** If you're interesting in being a contributor for Kento Bento, let us know what you would like to do (research, script writing, video editing, channel director/manager) and we can figure something out together!

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